Please Perform The Release Check By Launching The Arcania.exe

 Posted admin
Please Perform The Release Check By Launching The Arcania.exe Rating: 4,8/5 220 reviews
  • 02/15/13--09:12: How do you make an NPC who hates you like you?
  • The mayor hates my guts. She started the game liking me a wee bit, but went down to total hatred after a failed 1st-tier bribe attempt. Complimenting her seems to have no effect.
    If I offer her more money (3rd tier bribe), is there any chance she'll accept?
    Any chance she'll react well to a poem or cake?
    What about jewelry - how close do I have to be to her for it to have an effect, if any?
    If my spies find any dirt on her, can I use that to make her like me (or at least vote for me!)?

  • 02/16/13--06:10: Bankier
  • Hidihiho,
    hab mich jetzt nach 1,5 jahren pause mal wieder in die gilde 2 ren gewagt und muss sagen das es mit patch 4,17b Beta echt gut läuft auch freut's mich tierisch das die gilde nicht tod ist und dieses forum hier beweist es. nunja aber genug der schönen worte ^^ worauf ich eigentlich hinaus will ist der Banker, im runeboard, das leider etwas still geworden ist habe ich eine mod gefunden die es einem erlaubt zu sehen wie viel man an krediten die man selbst vergeben hat verdient hat. leider gibt es diese mod nicht mehr zum runterladen und hier habe ich im allgemeinen auch nix zum banker gefunden. es wäre mir sehr geholfen wenn jemand da weiter weiß. und achja gruß an gesichter hinter DG viel spaß beim entwickeln von kontor :D
    lg scaty

  • 02/16/13--12:04: indutry giant II gold edition 2012
  • Hey!
    I heard about new IG 2012 and I want to ask you about graphics problem. The old one , unfortunately don't work ;-((
    type : ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 3470 supporting HyperMemory™ technology
    memory amount : 256 MB dedicated VRAM (up to 2,046 MB total available graphics memory using HyperMemory™ technology with 4 GB system memory)
    memory type : GDDR2 (500 MHz) Video RAM (resp. Video RAM and system memory combined)
    connected bus : 16x PCI Express
    I have this card on my Laptop. Should I buy the new IG ? Did It gonna work on my laptop ?

  • 02/19/13--11:39: Dungeon lords MXII lobby not Available
  • I played single player of dd mxii then i went to do multiplayer i put in my cd key and clicked connect and it says lobby service is not available, Is it down?

  • 02/19/13--19:16: Intro won't play - wrong in settings?
  • Hello!
    Got a little problem with my game.
    I just bought a copy of 'The Guild 2', installed it (went very good,
    but I never needed to write in the serial key. Very odd), but when I click to play it - no game intro i shown.
    I can hear the sound, but my screen is black; black as in 'bright black', not 'it's shut off-black'.
    If I left click four times (interrupting the filmsequences, I guess), I end up at the titelmenu,
    seemingly all in place (altough I wouldn't know, since I've never played the game),
    and from there I can change the settings without any problems as far I can see.
    What's wrong with my game? O_o

  • 02/21/13--18:57: 900 meg update?
  • Ok just saw a HUGE update to the game, and of course there is no release info. What was in this update?!

  • 02/22/13--13:43: [NOT SOLVED] Black Portraits
  • So I was sitting here bored the other day and decided to pop in The Guild 2. This is the original disc release, not Steam mind you. After some hiccups on my end, I finally get into the game and low and behold the character portrait and the building portrait screens are blacked out. Everything else runs nice even on max settings. I have tried the following:
    -Splash screen and loading screen set to 0 in config.ini
    -run the game in both admin mode and non admin mode
    -installed patch 1.4 (which turned all of the text in game to code like text)
    -adjust the graphics settings from bare minimum to maximum
    -enable run in compatibility mode windows xp sp2 (I currently use Vista)
    I have exhausted all of the forum/google research I can and still do not have a fix. If anyone has an idea other than what I've stated above, I'd be glad to hear it.

  • 02/23/13--03:28: Lets Play zu Aquanox: Revelation
  • Hallo liebes nordic games Team,
    habe es bereits per Mail versucht, doch leider keine Antwort erhalten.
    Ich würde gern wissen, ob ich ein Let's Play zu Aquanox: Revelation machen darf, und ob ich dieses auch monetarisieren kann.
    Zu meinem Kanal... ich betreibe 2 Kanäle: und und würde das Let's Play gern auf einen dieser hochladen.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

  • 02/23/13--06:34: I can't update the game
  • Hello,
    I've purchased Arcania Gothic 4 from, I successfully installed it and activate my cd key, but I can't update the game: when I run the patches, it says 'please perform the release check by launching the ArcaniA.exe'.
    I tried to uninstall the game and reinstall it, but the second time it didn't required the serial number, I also tried to run the revoke tool but it says that the application is not activated on this PC, but I can run the game and I have activated the license at the first installation.
    How can I patch the game? Or maybe it's already updated?
    Thanks :)
    ps. I've contacted the GetGamesGo support and they said that 'the game should come fully patched as we received it directly from the publishers'.
    How can I verify if the game is truly updated?

  • 02/23/13--22:25: Crash when finishing level / No menu bug
  • This has happened twice now, both when completing a level the game just crashes
    Faulting application name: PKHDGame-Win32-Shipping.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5124b747
    Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0xc5ca3197
    Faulting process id: 0x1158
    Faulting application start time: 0x01ce12553da656e6
    Faulting application path: D:SteamsteamappscommonPainkiller Hell & DamnationBinariesWin32PKHDGame-Win32-Shipping.exe
    Faulting module path: unknown
    Report Id: 5ca847a6-7e49-11e2-a14f-001aee015958
    The two levels are Town & Cathedral, Cemetery didn't crash (so far I've only played 3 levels)
    Also another bug when I loaded the game the menus didn't even show up (twice) I should point out I've redownloaded this game twice now
    Steam won't upload the screenshot of the title bug so it's here instead

  • 02/25/13--02:09: Thoughts on the dlc (Seriously not happy)
  • Ah man, I *really* didn't want this to be the first thing I'd say on here about this game since it was about the only game I wanted to buy last year (Less & less titles seem appealing these days)
    Before I do this, I'd just like to say; When I first saw this game, it's basically never that I instantly think 'I want that!' but this was case & after buying it, I haven't had so much fun on a game in a long time (The soulcatcher is just... Wow, the new music is absolutely sublime from start to finish, the controls feel tighter & more responsive & the upgraded ragdoll physics is probably the most entertaining thing I've seen happen to a corpse in game. Seriously, the original could be amusing like that, but this is something else) So yeah, I absolutely adored this game & blitzed through it on all difficulties (Except for Daydream)
    Unfortuantely though, here's where you guys misstepped so hard your kneecaps may have fired out of your ears by this point.
    Okay, so there are indeed a whole bunch of issues I have with the 'strongest collabaration yet between Nordic Games & Farm 51', a lot of them personal perhaps. I'll skip over that stuff because there's one major issue I'd like to cover;
    The dlc doesn't work. It is literally broken.
    Aside from various other glitches I run into (Hitboxes for bits of scenery being bigger than the actual set piece & leading to frustration as I get caught on an invisible wall or something) It will not let me get into the last level of the 3 available. The game either crashes or throws me back into the main menu like I did nothing. I went through that bridge 3 times on nightmare & had those problems every time.
    I accepted everything I didn't like about the dlc. Y'know, that stuck up 'Oh hark at content that we're just paying to unlock' (Which despite how many may very well disagree, I think that was *disgusting* of you & it's the reason I can't be bothered with so many triple A titles these days) But the fact this stuff won't actually work just makes me feel... Well, just a little more than bitter at you guys. I may have accepted this bullshit if it had worked. Seriously. This is the worst part though; This means the bigger money grubbing companies have an edge over you. At least their stuff doesn't physically stop the game from running or quit back to the menu halfway through playing (Aaaaaand here come the examples from others to counter that. Probably)
    I can't say this without sounding dramatic, but I despise that you've taken this turn. I wanted to believe in this game *so* badly. The 'base' was everything I'd hoped for & more. (The fact you now have to call your game by that description is fucking disgraceful, btw)
    You probably have heard this from some angry fan in their haste to just complain their game doesn't work for them, but seeing as I've had time to think then I'm serious with what I say; You can forget about the rest of the dlc. I'm so fucking sick of having content unlocked that's already in the game. Even more dramatically, I hate to say things like I feel betrayed & just watched something great get essentially destroyed in front of me, but... Yeah.
    I know what I'm about to say is just kinda 'Bwuh?!' But... I'm sorry. I really am. You guys did such a fantastic job with this in the beginning & I could not respect that enough. But this latest move you've pulled is just wrong. Go ahead & justify how it's a necesary evil to actually make some money. The truth is that you *can't* justify it. You just can't. This was something great that got put under the knife for the sake of modern business practice. That's despicable & you should feel ashamed for taking this path (Even though you more than likely won't)
    I doubt there's anything more to say after this since first impressions probably haven't gone down too well for you. A real shame. I'm genuinely sorry I don't have only praise for you. I felt it was so deserved until this happened.

  • 02/26/13--03:06: spellforce
  • HI
    I want to play spellforce goldedition, running windows 7. The game wont load

  • 02/26/13--14:12: Industry Giant 2 Gold
  • I am trying to install IG2 Gold on my computer. It starts the installation but the asks for a second disk. I don't remember a second disk coming with the game.

  • 02/26/13--14:18: Ig2
  • Anyone know where I can get the patch for IG2. The one I have keeps telling me that I need a 32 or 64 bit patch.

  • 02/27/13--06:47: Fernhain verlassen nicht möglich 'Bug'
  • Hallo zusammen,
    ich habe hier leider bisher zu diesem Bug nichts lesen können und brauche euren Rat. In Fernhain soll man mit der Anweisung des Lords das Nest verlassen und ich halte mich an die Anweisungen. Zuvor soll man einen Brief zum Lord bringen, redet mit ihm, der Zofe und der Frau in der Gaststätte... Anschließend muss ich Fernhain verlassen und begebe mich zum Westtor, wie beschrieben. Wenn ich den Befehl der Wache zeige und durchs Tor schreite, komm ich für 2 Sekunden auf der anderen Seite an, sehe wie sich das Gitter anfängt zu öffnen, dann erscheint ein zweiter Ladebildschirm und ich lande in der Kanalisation. Wenn ich von dort aus zum Westtor laufe und es noch einmal verlassen will, dann ist das Gitter geschossen und kann nicht passieren. Ein alter Speicherspielstand hilft in der Situation nicht, da es sich wie beschrieben immer und immer wieder abspielt. Ladebildschirm und Kanalisation. Ich habe bereits 2 mal komplett von vorne begonnen, aber es ändert sich nix. Wenn ich wieder soweit bin spielt es sich genauso ab wie vorher. Da vergeht einem die Laune. Hab nu alles probiert, Foren gelesen, auch den offiziellen Support hab ich angeschrieben, aber noch keine Mitteilung erhalten. Nur zur Info was ich alles gemacht habe: Neuinstallation, Patches, neu angefangen, alte Spielstände geladen... Mein System befindest sich auf dem neusten Stand. Was ich in anderen Foren(nicht hier) gelesen habe, war nicht erbaulich. Da heißt es im Prinzip 'Pech gehabt, dann kannste es halt nicht spielen'.

  • 02/27/13--09:12: [NOT SOLVED] Localization bugs in russian version
  • Greetings! I liked Painkiller HD, but I've found some serious localization bugs in russian version of the game. Whom should I contact with this information?

  • 02/28/13--05:55: Willkommen im Forum zu Deadfall Adventures!
  • Herzlich Willkommen im offiziellen Forum zum neuen First-Person-Action-Adventure Deadfall Adventures! Gerade eben wurde das Spiel angekündigt und hier steht euch nun auch eine Diskussionsplattform zur Verfügung. Haltet ein Auge auf dieses Forum und die weiteren Neuigkeiten!
    Zur Einstimmung hier schon einmal der erste Trailer:
    Für weitere Informationen und Screenshot besucht die offizielle Webseite.

  • 02/28/13--05:58: Welcome to the Deadfall Adventures boards!
  • Welcome to the official boards of the new First-Person-Action-Adventure Deadfall Adventures! The game has just been officially announced and now you also get a plattform for discussions. Keep an eye on this board to be up-to-date with further news.
    To get you in the right mood, here's the first trailer of the game:
    For more information and the first screenshots visit the official website.

  • 03/02/13--04:07: Cannot complete plots in the hansa council
  • I'm in the last chapter of the campaign and I cannot complete it (I am curious if anybody plays this game still). I have tried to google for answers but nothing found..
    I have made Eldric sovereign and made 30000 from offshore trade and I have to destroy pirate fortress of Streger family. Only pirate fortress I have found is near the hamburg Terror of the Seas and if I try to destroy it with a firebomb (or the usual way attacking it) but it is put for sale before it is destroyed. Building suffers only minor damage and attacking stops after it is put for sale. First time I played it it was already put for sale early on, so it didn't belong to anybody anymore. I tried to buy it after that and raze the building, but I cannot complete a mission. Is this a bug? I have tried many times and failed, always the same thing.

  • 03/02/13--07:04: gothic 1 Orc Shamans
  • in Gothic 1 I've found the last shaman and i need to go Xardas so he can identify this weapon, but the teleport rune wont work so how do i get to xardas?? :confused:

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