Hadoop Installation On Windows 7
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Install Hadoop 2.5.1 on Windows 7 - 64Bit Operating System
Generating Hadoop Build For Windows Platform
Step 1:Install Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1
- In my case, I have used Windows 7 64 bit Operating System. Download Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 from Microsoft Official website and install it.
- While installing Windows SDK,I have faced problem like C++ 2010 Redistribution is already installed. This problem will happen only if we have installed C++ 2010 Redistribution of higher version compared to the Windows SDK.
- We can solve this issue by either not installing the C++ 2010 Redistribution by unchecked the Windows SDK on custom component selection or uninstalling from Control Panel and reinstalling the C++ 2010 Redistribution via Windows SDK again.
- I recommend everybody to download Oracle Java JDK7 and install JDK at C:Java instead of default path C:Programming FilesJava. Since this default path contains invalid space character between “Programming” “Files”.
- Now we need to configure JAVA_HOME Environment Variable with value “C:Javajdk1.7.0_51”. If we have already installed Java at it's default path (C:Programming FilesJava). We need to find its 8.3 pathname with the helpof “dir /X” command from its parent directory. The sample 8.3 pathname will look like 'C:PROGRA~1Javajdk1.7.0_51'.
- Finally we need to add Java bin path to PATH enviroment variable as “%JAVA_HOME%bin”.
- Download latest Apache Maven from its official website and extract to C:maven. Configure the M2_HOME Enviroment Variable with maven home directory path “C:maven”.
- Finally add the maven bin path to PATH Environment variable as “%M2_HOME%bin'.
- Download binary version of Protocol Buffer from it official website and extract it to “C:protobuf” directory and add this path to PATH Environment Variable.
- Download the latest version of Cygwin from its official website and install at 'C:cygwin64' with ssh, sh packages.
- Finally add the cygwin bin path to PATH environment variable.
- Download the latest cmake from its official website and install it normally.
- Add the “Platform” environment variable with the value of either “x64” or “Win32” for buildin on 64-bit or 32-bit system.(Case-sensitive)
- Download the latest stable version of Hadoop source from its official website and extract it to “C:hdc”. Now we can generate Hadoop Windows Build by executing the following command on Windows SDK Command Prompt.
- The above command will run for approx 30 min and output the Hadoop Windows build at C:hdchadoop-disttarget” directory.
Step 1:Extract Hadoop
- Copy the Hadoop Windows Build tar.gz file from “C:hdchadoop-disttarget” and extract at “C:hadoop”.
- Edit the “C:hadoopetchadoophadoop-env.cmd” file and add the following lines at the end of the file. The following lines will configure the Hadoop and Yarn Configuration Directories.
- Edit the “C:hadoopetchadoopcore-site.xml” file and configure the following property.
- Edit the “C:hadoopetchadoophdfs-site.xml” file and configure the following property.
- Edit the “C:hadoopetchadoopmapred-site.xml” file and configure the following property.
- Create a tmp directory as “C:tmp”, where “C:tmp” is the default temperory directory for Hadoop.
- Execute the “C:hadoopetchadoophadoop-env.cmd” file from the Command Prompt to set the Environment Varibales.
- Format the file sytem by executing the following command before first time usage.
- Execute the following command to start the HDFS.
- Open the browser with address http://localhost:50070, this page will display the currently running nodes and we can browse the HDFS also on this portal.