How To Install Honeyd On Kali

 Posted admin
How To Install Honeyd On Kali Rating: 3,8/5 312 reviews

I installed Kali 2.0 and when I try to install anything (ex :software-center) I have this problem:

apt-get install software-center Reading package lists.. Done Building dependency tree Reading state information.. Done Package software-center is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source

E: Package 'software-center' has no installation candidate

this is the first action I did when I installed .

By the way I filled the /etc/apt/source.list by what I find in Kali pagethen I used



the source.list has :

(I deleted 'http' word here cause I haven't the right to post more than two links yet)

there where nothing to upgrade or to update (because I downloaded Kali yesterday from official website?)

Any help please?


2 Answers

I found the solution:

Firstly, I ran:

and then

it is right here :Problem installing tor on Kali Linux

Thank you !


kali-rolling is the current active repository since the release of Kali 2016.1. The following entries should be in sources.list:

The ArchitectThe Architect

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