Cuvinte Care Schimba Minti Pdf Programs

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Is great as a kick-off to NLP. Should be followed up.
Livia Dulceata rated it it was amazing
Sep 20, 2016
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Apr 30, 2017
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Shelle Rose Charvet is a bestselling author and the international expert on Influencing Language. Her first book, “Words That Change Minds” is an international bestseller, available in 15 languages.
Shelle has been researching and teaching for over 35 years and she is known for her advanced techniques used to enhance rapport, trust, credibility, and influence. Her methods enable people to prevent c


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

a = of a = the a(exprima surprinderea) = a(h)! a(asa stau lucrurile) = oh! a(asa stau lucrurile) = I see! a (exprima durerea sau bucuria) = v. ah a (foarte bine) = (very) well a (foarte bine) = all right a (foarte bine) = O.K. a = apiece; each a = has a = hath a (inaintea infinitivului) = to a (comparativ) = like a (comparativ) = of a (in compusi) = v. afund, alaturi etc.; of John; (of) John`s; mine; ours; mother of two children; the second; the woman; big/capital A; small/little a; three lei apiece/each/the pie aba (stofa) = dreadnought aba (cu sens general) = rough wool aba (haina) = frieze coat aba (haina) = rough woollen coat aba (palton) = bearskin overcoat abac = abacus; bead/counting frame abaca = abacus abajur = (lamp) shade; (lamp) screen abajur (de hirtie) = paper shade abandon = abandon abandona (a parasi) = to abandon abandona (a parasi) = to desert abandona (a parasi) = to quit abandona (a renunta la..) = to renounce abandona = to surrender abandona (drepturi, pretentii etc.) = to relinquish abandona (un joc etc.) = to throw up abandona (un joc etc.) = to forsake abandona (un bolnav etc.) = to give over/up abandona = to abandon abandonare = abandonment; abandoning etc. abanos = ebony tree (Diospyros ebenum) abanos (lemn) = ebony; ebony; ebony; jetblack; ebon; to carry one`s age well abataj = coal-face abataj (ca procedeu) = hewing abataj = felling abataj (al vitelor) = slaughter abataj = careening; panel working; normal face abate = abbot; superior abate (din drum) = to turn off/aside/away abate (din drum) = to divert (from smb.`s) course abate (prin forta) = to push/drive away abate (de la o linie dreapta) = to deflect abate (de la o linie dreapta) = to to deflect abate (a distrage) (de la) (a distrage) (de la) = to divert (from) abate (a distrage) (de la) (a distrage) (de la) = to call away (from) abate (a distrage) (de la) (a distrage) (de la) = to draw/turn off abate (a distrage) (de la) (a distrage) (de la) = to distract (from) abate (pe cineva prin sfat) (pe cineva prin sfat) = to dissuade (from) abate (prin motivare) (de la) (prin motivare) (de la) = to reason.. out (of..) abate (prin motivare) (de la) (prin motivare) (de la) = to reason.. out (of..). abate = to steer off abate (a lua o alta directie) = to go out of one`s way abate (a lua o alta directie) = to change the direcTion abate (a lua o alta directie) = to take another direction abate (a lua o alta directie) = to swerve abate (a lua o alta directie) = to bear off abate (din drumul drept) = to stray abate (din drumul drept) = to straggle abate (de la) (de la) = to deviate (from) abate (de la) (de la) = to digress (from) abate (de la) (de la) = to wander (from) abate = to deviate from the right course abate = v. ~; to violate..; to transgress..; to call on..; to call at smb`s house; < (circiuma etc.)>to drop in at..; to strike smb.; to come/get into smb.`s

71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

abatere = turning off; deviation; digression abatere (calcare a legii) = trespass (ing) abatere (calcare a legii) = violation abatere (calcare a legii) = infringement abatere (calcare a legii) = transgression; exception; nonconformity; anomaly; breach of duty; dereliction of one`s duty; exception (to the rule); infraction of discipline; by way of exception 76. abatiza = abattis 77. abator = slaughter house; shambles; butchery; abattoir 78. abator = scene of carnage 79. abatie (manastire) = abbey 80. abatie (functie) = abbacy 81. abatie (functie) = abbotship 82. abatut (deprimat) = depressed 83. abatut (deprimat) = dejected 84. abatut (deprimat) = downcast 85. abatut (deprimat) = (heart-)heavy 86. abatut (deprimat) = downsome 87. abatut (deprimat) = out of sorts 88. abatut (deprimat) = mopish 89. abatut (descurajat) = disheartened 90. abatut (descurajat) = dispirited 91. abatut (descurajat) = low-spirited 92. abatut (melancolic) = melancholy 93. abatut (melancolic) = gloomy 94. abatut (melancolic) = under the weather 95. abatut (melancolic) = in the blues/dumps 96. abces = abcess; boil; aposteme 97. abdica = to abdicate; to resign the crown 98. abdica (a se retrage) = to retire 99. abdica (a se retrage) = to resign; to give up..; to renounce.. 100. abdicare = abdication etc.; abdication etc. v. abdica 101. abdomen = belly 102. abdominal = belly..; abdominal; hypogastric; abdominal/visceral cavity; abdominal complaint 103. abductor = abducent; abducent muscle; abductor (muscle) 104. abductiune = abduction 105. abecedar = primer; (first) spelling book 106. aberant = aberrant 107. aberantgram. etc. = anomalous 108. aberatie = ansanity 109. aberatie (absurditate) = fallacy 110. abia (cu greutate) = hardly 111. abia (nu tocmai) = not quite/wholly 112. abia (d. cantitate) = scarcely 113. abia (nu tot) = hardly 114. abia (numai) = only 115. abia (numai) = but 116. abia (numai) = just 117. abia (numai) = merely 118. abia (numai) = no more than 119. abia (d. timp) = only 120. abia (d. timp) = not later than 121. abia (d. timp) = no longer ago than 122. abia (cu greutate) = with (much) trouble/difficulty 123. abia (cu greutate) = with (much) ado; no longer ago than yesterday; only then; (then and) not till then; not for another two days; scarcely.. when..; no sooner .. than ..; only 124. abil (in sens bun) (indeminatic) = skilful 125. abil (iute) = quick 126. abil (destept) = clever 127. abil (usor de mina) = handy 128. abil (usor de mina) = light-handed 129. abil (intelectualiceste) = versatile 130. abil (cu experienta) (in) = experienced (in) 131. abil (cu experienta) (in) = expert (in) 132. abil (cu experienta) (in) = a dab (at) 133. abil (ager si dibaci) = deft 134. abil (fiziceste si spiritualiceste) = dexterous 135. abil (fiziceste si spiritualiceste) = ready 136. abil (fiziceste si spiritualiceste) = shifty 137. abil (capabil) = able 138. abil (capabil) = capable 139. abil (competent) = fit 140. abil (competent) = competent 141. abil (competent) = qualified

142. abil (ingenios) = ingenious 143. abil (ingenios) = inventive 144. abil (ingenios) = resourceful 145. abil (ingenios) = artistic 146. abil (in sens rau) (subtil) = subtle 147. abil (in sens rau) (subtil) = sharp 148. abil (in sens rau) (subtil) = smart 149. abil (in sens rau) (subtil) = deep 150. abil (viclean) = sly 151. abil (viclean) = artful 152. abil (viclean) = crafty 153. abil (viclean) = cunning 154. abil = skilfully; a good dancer; a ready writer; a clever/neat/pop. clean trick 155. abilitate (pricepere) = ability 156. abilitate (pricepere) = capability 157. abilitate (competenta) = competence 158. abilitate (iscusinta) = ability 159. abilitate (iscusinta) = cleverness 160. abilitate (iscusinta) = talent 161. abilitate (iscusinta) = art 162. abilitate (indeminare) = skill 163. abilitate (indeminare) = address 164. abilitate (indeminare) = adroitness 165. abilitate (indeminare) = facility 166. abilitate (indeminare) = craft 167. abilitate (inventivitate) = ingenuity 168. abilitate (inventivitate) = resourcefulness 169. abilitate (inventivitate) = genius 170. abis = abyss 171. abis (prapastie) = chasm 172. abis (prapastie) = gulf 173. abis = abysm 174. abis (iad) = hell 175. abis (mister) = mystery 176. abis (vagauna) = ravine 177. abis (ripa adinca) = precipice; at the edge of the abyss 178. abisal = abyssal; abyssal zone 179. abisinian = Abyssinian 180. abisinian = Abyssinian 181. abitatie = habitat 182. abitir = more; better; quicker 183. abject (netrebnic) = abject 184. abject (netrebnic) = vile 185. abject (netrebnic) = low 186. abject (netrebnic) = mean 187. abject (servil) = abject 188. abject (servil) = servile 189. abject (servil) = base 190. abject (servil) = cringing 191. abject (servil) = obsequious 192. abject (servil) = onsequious 193. abject (depravat) = (morally) abandoned 194. abject (infam) = infamous 195. abject (infam) = foul 196. abject = abjectly 197. abjectie (ticalosie) = abjection; (piece of) meanness 198. abjectie (injosire) = abjectness 199. abjectie (injosire) = abasement 200. abjectie (injosire) = degradation 201. abjectie (injosire) = humiliation 202. abjura = to deny (by oath) 203. abjura (a renunta la) = to abjure 204. abjura (a renunta la) = to give up 205. abjura (a renunta la) = to renounce 206. abjurare = abjuration etc. v. abjura 207. ablativ = ablative (case); ablative absolute 208. ablatiune = ablation 209. ablaut = vowel gradation 210. abnegatie = self-denial; self-abnegation; self-sacrifice; abnegation; selfless; self-denying; selfsacrificing; spirit of abnegation 211. aboli (a desfiinta) = to abolish 212. abolire (desfiintare) = abolition 213. abolire (desfiintare) = abolishment 214. abolitionism = abolitionism

215. abolitionist = abolitionist 216. abominabil = abominable; dreadful; dire; rank 217. abominabil (dezgustator) = foul 218. abominabil (oribil) = horrible 219. abominabil (oribil) = execrable 220. abominabil (odios) = loathsome 221. abominabil (odios) = hateful 222. abominabil (odios) = detestable 223. abominabil = abominably 224. abona = to enrol in a list of subscribers; to take out a subscription 225. abona (la) = to subscribe (to) 226. abona (la) = to become a subscriber (to) 227. abona (la) = to engage seats (at) 228. abona = in favour of 229. abonament (la un ziar) = subscription 230. abonament (la teatru, tramvai) = season ticket, season 231. abonament (la tren, amer. si) = commutation ticket; annual ticket; by subscription; by season ticket; to subscribe (to a newspaper) 232. abonare = enrolling in a list of subscriber 233. abonat (la un ziar) = subscriber 234. abonat (la tramvai etc.) = season-ticket holder 235. abonat (la tramvai etc.) = regular traveller 236. abonat (la electricitate etc.) = consumer; to be a subscriber to.. 237. aborda = to cast anchor 238. aborda (a urca la bord) (a urca la bord) = to board 239. aborda (un vas) (un vas) = to board 240. aborda (un vas) (un vas) = to close with 241. aborda (a se ciocni de) (a se ciocni de) = to run foul of 242. aborda (a se ciocni de) (a se ciocni de) = to come into collision with 243. aborda (pe cineva) (pe cineva) = to accost 244. aborda (pe cineva) (pe cineva) = to approach 245. aborda (pe cineva) (pe cineva) = to address (oneself to) 246. aborda (pe cineva) (pe cineva) = to speak to 247. aborda (a se apropia de) (a se apropia de) = to approach 248. aborda (o problema etc.) (o problema etc.) = to tackle 249. aborda (un subiect) (un subiect) = to broach 250. aborda (a incepe) (a incepe) = to begin (on/upon) 251. aborda (a incepe) (a incepe) = to enter upon 252. aborda (a incepe) (a incepe) = to come to 253. aborda (a intreprinde) (a intreprinde) = to undertake 254. aborda (a se ocupa de) = to deal with 255. abordabil = approachable 256. abordabil (d. persoane) = affable 257. abordabil (d. persoane) = accostable; difficult of access; easy of access 258. abordaj = collision; board ! 259. abordare = landing 260. aborigen = aboriginal 261. abortiv = abortive 262. abortiv = abortive medicine 263. abracadabra = abracadabra; Mumbo Jumbo 264. abracadabrant = bizarre; fantastic 265. abracadabrant (de neinteles) = incomprehensible 266. abracadabrant (de neinteles) = abstruse 267. abras (d. cai) = vicious 268. abras (d. cineva) = peevish 269. abras (d. cineva) = fractious 270. abras (d. cineva) = crusty 271. abras (rau) = wicked 272. abras (ghinionist) = unlucky 273. abras (de piaza rea) = ill-fated/omened 274. abras (de piaza rea) = ill-fated/ominous 275. abras (de piaza rea) = ill-fated/fatal 276. abras (de piaza rea) = ill-fated/inauspicious; he; he is a croaker; to fail; he is a prophet of evil 277. abraziune = abrasion 278. abrevia = to abbreviate; to abridge; to contract 279. abreviat = abbreviated; abridged; contracted 280. abreviatie = abbreviation 281. abreviere = abbreviation 282. abroga = to abrogate; to annul; to repeal 283. abrogare = abrogation; abolishment; repeal 284. abrudeanca = Transylvanian folk dance 285. abrupt = abrupt; steep; precipitous; craggy 286. abrupt (d. stil) (d. stil) = abrupt

287. abrupt (d. stil) = harsh 288. abrutiza = to brutalize; to brutify; to imbrute 289. abrutiza (mintea sau simtirea) = to stupefy 290. abrutiza (mai ales prin bautura) = to besot 291. abrutiza = to grow brutal; to become brutalized; to sink into a brute/an animal 292. abrutizant = brutalizing 293. abrutizare = brutalization 294. abrutizat = brutalized; brutified 295. abscisa = abscissa 296. absciziune = abscission 297. absent = absent; missing; wanting; not present 298. absent (plecat) = away 299. absent (omis) = omitted 300. absent (pierdut) = lost 301. absent (pierdut) = gone 302. absent = absent-minded 303. absent (neatent) = inattentive 304. absent (cufundat in ginduri) = abstracted 305. absent = wanting ! 306. absent = absently; absent-mindedly; inattentively 307. absent = person absent/missing; absentee; to be absent; < (a nu fi acasa)>to be away from home; < (a nu fi acasa)>to be out; list of absence/absentees 308. absenta = to be absent; to be away; to be absent/wanting/missing 309. absentare = absence; keeping; away 310. absenteist = absentee 311. absenta (lipsa de apel) = absence 312. absenta (lipsa de apel) = non-attendance 313. absenta (lipsa, nevoie) = absence 314. absenta (lipsa, nevoie) = want 315. absenta (lipsa, nevoie) = lack 316. absenta (lipsa, nevoie) = shortage 317. absenta (neatentie) = absence of mind; non-residence; absenteeism; absence without leave; in a fit of absence 318. absida = apse 319. absint = absinth (e); bitters 320. absint = wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) 321. absolut = absolute 322. absolut (perfect) = perfect 323. absolut (perfect) = finished 324. absolut (complet) = complete 325. absolut (complet) = entire 326. absolut (complet) = thorough 327. absolut (sigur) = sure 328. absolut (sigur) = positive 329. absolut (sigur) = unequivocal 330. absolut (sigur) = categorical 331. absolut (sigur) = unmistakable 332. absolut (afirmativ) = emphatic 333. absolut (afirmativ) = broad 334. absolut (nemarginit) = boundless 335. absolut (nemarginit) = unlimited 336. absolut (liber) = unrestricted 337. absolut (autoritar) = peremptory 338. absolut (autoritar) = imperative 339. absolut (sever) = strict 340. absolut (sever) = severe 341. absolut (sever) = imperative 342. absolut (sever) = coercive 343. absolut (pur) = pure 344. absolut (inalienabil) = inalienable 345. absolut (completamente) = absolutely 346. absolut (completamente) = quite 347. absolut (completamente) = utterly 348. absolut (completamente) = completely 349. absolut (completamente) = thoroughly 350. absolut (neaparat) = unfailingly 351. absolut (neaparat) = without fail 352. absolut (neaparat) = by all means 353. absolut (categoric) = absolutely 354. absolut (categoric) = positively 355. absolut (categoric) = categorically 356. absolut (categoric) = unmistakably 357. absolut = there is no doubt about it ! 358. absolut (absolutul) = the absolute

359. absolutist = absolutist 360. absolutitate = absoluteness; absolute nature/character 361. absolutiza = to generalize; to uphold/emphasize as absolute; to render absolute 362. absolvent = graduate 363. absolvent (de scoala si) = schoolleaver 364. absolventa = graduation 365. absolvi = to finish one`s studies at; to graduate (from) 366. absolvi = to release 367. absolvi (a ierta) = to forgive 368. absolvi (a ierta) = to excuse 369. absolvi (a ierta) = to exonerate 370. absolvi = to give absolution to 371. absolvire = enfranchisement 372. absolvire (de obligatii, datorii etc.) = acquittance 373. absolvire (de obligatii, datorii etc.) = exoneration 374. absolvire (iertare) = forgiveness 375. absolvire (iertare) = excuse 376. absolvire = graduation; final/leaving examination 377. absorbant = absorbent 378. absorbant = engrossing 379. absorbant = absorbent 380. absorbi = to absorb; to suck; to drink in/up 381. absorbi (a inhala) = to inhale 382. absorbi (a-si insusi) (a-si insusi) = to imbibe 383. absorbi (a-si insusi) = to drink in 384. absorbire = absorption 385. absorbit = absorbed/engrossed in (one`s) thoughts 386. absorbitor = absorbent; sucking-in 387. absorbitor = engrossing 388. absorbtie = absorption; absorption capacity 389. abstentionist = abstentionist 390. abstentiune = abstention 391. abstinent = abstinent 392. abstinent (la mincare si bautura) = abstemious 393. abstinent (mai ales la bautura) = temperate 394. abstinent (mai ales la bautura) = teetotal 395. abstinent (sexualiceste) = continent 396. abstinent (sexualiceste) = chaste 397. abstinent (la bautura) = abstainer 398. abstinent (la bautura) = teetotal (l)er 399. abstinent (sexualiceste) = chaste person 400. abstinenta (periodica) = abstinence 401. abstinenta (de durata) = abstemiousness 402. abstinenta (la bautura) = temperance 403. abstinenta (la bautura) = teetotalism 404. abstinenta (sexualiceste) = continence 405. abstinenta (post) = fast (ing) 406. abstract = abstract; abstractive 407. abstract (ideal) = abstract 408. abstract (ideal) = ideal 409. abstract (ideal) = not practical 410. abstract (ideal) = remote 411. abstract (de neinteles) = abstract 412. abstract (de neinteles) = abstruse 413. abstract = abstractiv; in an abstract way 414. abstract = abstract (ness); abstract idea; abstraction; abstract noun; in the abstract; in abstracto 415. abstractiza = to abstract 416. abstractiza = to abstract 417. abstractizare = abstracting 418. abstractie = abstraction; leaving.. aside; apart from..; barring..; ..excepted; to say nothing of..; to leave.. aside; to exclude.. 419. abstractionism = abstractionism 420. abstractionist = abstractionist (painter) 421. abstractiune = abstraction 422. abstrage = to abstract 423. abstragere = abstraction 424. abstrus = abstruse; obscure 425. absurd (irational) = irrational 426. absurd (contrar naturii) = preposterous 427. absurd (scos din minti) = infatuated 428. absurd (fara judecata, nejudecat) = unreasonable 429. absurd (prostesc) = foolish 430. absurd (prostesc) = silly

431. absurd (ridicol) = ridiculous 432. absurd (fara sens) = nonsensical 433. absurd (nelogic) = illogical 434. absurd (nelogic) = incongruous 435. absurd = absurdity 436. absurd = the absurd; contrary to all reason; against all reason; reductio ad absurdum; to fall into the absurd; to drive smth.; to absurdity; to show the absurdity of 437. absurditate = absurdity; irrationality; preposterousness; unreasonableness; foolishness; nonsense; incongruity 438. absurditate (aberatie) = fallacy 439. absurditate (ca act) = piece of folly 440. absurditate (ca act) = foolysh notion 441. absurditate (ca act) = nonsense 442. absurditate (ca act) = foolish thing; it`s an absurdity !; it`s perfectly ridiculous !; stuff and nonsense ! 443. abtibild = transfer (picture) 444. abtibild = trifles 445. abtine (de la) = to abstain (from) 446. abtine (de la) = to refrain (from) 447. abtine (de la) = to forbear (from) 448. abtine (de la) = to stay one`s hand 449. abtine (a refuza) = to decline 450. abtine (a refuza) = to refuse 451. abtine (a-si stapini pasiunile) = to subdue/control 452. abtine (a-si stapini pasiunile) = master one`s passions; to abstain from drinking; to abstain from voting; to stay away from the polls; I could not help weeping; tell to it the marines!; tell it t 453. abtinere = abstention 454. abtinere (refuz) = refusal 455. abulic = ab (o)ulic 456. abulic = ab (o)ulic person 457. abulie = ab (o)ulia 458. abunda = to abound; to be plentiful; to abound in/with..; to be rich in..; to teem/swarm/bristle with.. 459. abundent = abundant; plentiful; exuberant 460. abundent (bogat) = rich 461. abundent (copios) = copious 462. abundent (luxuriant) = luxurious 463. abundent (amplu) = ample 464. abundent (implicind si ideea de risipa) = profuse 465. abundent (implicind si ideea de risipa) = lavish 466. abundent = abundantly; bumper crop; ample harvest 467. abundenta = abundance; plenty; exuberance 468. abundenta (bogatie) = richness 469. abundenta (in sens rau) = diffuseness 470. abundenta (in sens rau) = lavishness; the horn of plenty; cornucopia; in abundance/plenty 471. abur (de apa) = steam 472. abur (lichid sau solid vaporizat) = vapour 473. abur (apos) = fume 474. abur (fum) = smoke 475. abur (exalare) = reek 476. abur (exalare) = exhalation 477. abur (exalare) = fume 478. abur (ceata umeda) = damp 479. abur (al pamintului) = damp 480. abur (al pamintului) = exhalation of the earth 481. abur (al pamintului) = haze 482. abur (suflu) = breath of air/wind 483. abur (suflu) = puff 484. abur (suflu) = breeze 485. abur (rasuflare) = breath 486. abur (rasuflare) = breathing 487. abur = mere phantom/phantasm; steam/vapour bath; steamship; steam vessel; steam engine; to steam; to exhale/emit vapours; to emit/throw out smoke; to smoke, 488. aburca = to lift up 489. aburca (a se catara) = to clamber (up) 490. aburca (a se ridica in zbor) = to take wing 491. aburca (a se ridica in zbor) = to fly up 492. aburca (a se ridica in zbor) = to soar 493. abureala (exalare) = exhalation 494. abureala (produsa de lichide) = steam 495. abureala (produsa de lichide) = vapour 496. abureala (produsa de lichide) = fume 497. abureala (miasma) = miasm (a)

498. abureala (mai ales mirositoare) = reek 499. abureala (care se depune pe lucruri) = damp 500. abureala (care se depune pe lucruri) = vapour 501. abureala (adiere) = gentle/mild/soft wind/breeze 502. abureala = gale 503. aburi (a expune la aburi) = to steam 504. aburi (a expune la aburi) = to apply steam to 505. aburi (a expune la fum) = to expose to smoke 506. aburi (a umple cu aburi) = to disinfect by fumes/vapours 507. aburi (a curati cu fum) = to fumigate 508. aburi (a curati cu fum) = to disinfect/purify by smoke 509. aburi (a umple cu parfumuri) = to fill with a sweet odour 510. aburi (a exala) = to exhale 511. aburi (a exala) = to give out 512. aburi (a se acoperi cu aburi) = to (be covered with) steam 513. aburi (a se umezi) = to sweat 514. aburi (a se umezi) = to become damp 515. aburi (a se intuneca a deveni neclar = to dim 516. aburi (a se infierbinta) = to become heated 517. aburi (a se infierbinta) = to become/get/grow hot 518. aburi (la fata) = to flush 519. aburi (a umple cu parfumuri) = perfume; there is a gentle breeze (on); the air/breeze is very soft 520. aburire = steaming 521. aburit (acoperit cu aburi) = covered with steam 522. aburit (acoperit cu aburi) = reeky 523. aburit (acoperit cu aburi) = smoky 524. aburit (aprins la fata) = glowing 525. aburit (aprins la fata) = red in the face 526. aburit (de emotie) = flushing 527. aburit (beat) = boozy 528. aburos (plin de aburi) = steamy 529. aburos (plin de aburi) = reeky 530. aburos (producind aburi) = vapoury 531. aburos (producind aburi) = steam-engendering 532. aburos (vaporos) = vapoury 533. aburos (cetos) = foggy 534. aburos (cetos) = hazy 535. aburos = vaporous 536. abuz (exces) = abuse 537. abuz (exces) = intemperance 538. abuz (intrebuintare gresita) = abuse 539. abuz (intrebuintare gresita) = misuse 540. abuz (intrebuintare gresita) = perversion 541. abuz (obicei rau) = abuse 542. abuz (obicei raU) = corrupt practice 543. abuz (inselaciune) = abuse 544. abuz (inselaciune) = deceit 545. abuz (inselaciune) = fraud 546. abuz (incalcare) = encroachment 547. abuz (incalcare) = transgression; abuse of authority; breach of trust; abuse of smb.`s trust/confidence; con (fidence) game; abuse of power; abuse of terms 548. abuza = to abuse 549. abuza (a intrebuinta gresit) = to abuse.., to misuse.. 550. abuza (a intrebuinta gresit) = to misapply.. 551. abuza (a intrebuinta gresit) = to pervert.. 552. abuza (a insela) = to abuse.. 553. abuza (a insela) = to deceive.. 554. abuza (a insela) = to delude.. 555. abuza (a aduce prejudicii) = to encroach upon/of.. 556. abuza (a aduce prejudicii) = to prejudice.. 557. abuza (a aduce prejudicii) = to molest.. 558. abuza (a aduce prejudicii) = to intrude upon..; to presume upon smb.`s kindness; to trespass/intrude upon smb.'s good nature; to take an unfair advantage of smb.; to make fun/sport/game of smb. 559. abuziv = abusive; founded on abuse; improper 560. abuziv = abusively; improperly 561. ac = needle 562. ac (cu gamalie) = pin 563. ac (frunza aciculara) (frunza aciculara) = needle (leaf) 564. ac (frunza aciculara) (frunza aciculara) = pointed/acicular leaf 565. ac (ghimpe) (ghimpe) = prickle 566. ac (ghimpe) (ghimpe) = thorn 567. ac (ghimpe) (ghimpe) = spike 568. ac (de arici) (de arici) = spine

569. ac (de porc spinos) (de porc spinos) = quill 570. ac (de macaz) (de macaz) = switch blade 571. ac (stimulent) (stimulent) = sting 572. ac (stimulent) (stimulent) = sting 573. ac (stimulent) (stimulent) = spur 574. ac (durere) (durere) = pang 575. ac (impunsatura) (impunsatura) = hit 576. ac (impunsatura) (impunsatura) = dig (at smb) 577. ac (impunsatura) (impunsatura) = dig (at smb.) 578. ac (provocare ironica) (provocare ironica) = taunt 579. ac (al constiintei) (al constiintei) = prick 580. ac = acus; sting of a bee; compass needle; hair pin/needle; scarf pin; crotchet (needle); (sewing) needle; knitting needle; switch blade; needle fish 581. acadea = caramel; lozenge 582. academic = academic (al) 583. academic = Academic 584. academic = academically; quarter of an hour`s allowance (previous to a lecture); pardonable unpunctuality; having received a university education; to confer a degree on smb.; to obtain/recei 585. academician = academician 586. academie = academy 587. academie = Academe; Agricultural Academy; Academy of Fine Arts; Commercial School; Medical College; Academy of Music; Academy of Sciences; Military Academy; Naval Col 588. academism = academ (ic)ism; formalism 589. academist = academician 590. acaju = cashew 591. acaju (lemn) = mahogany wood 592. acalmie = calm at sea 593. acalmie (liniste) = abeyance 594. acalmie (liniste) = lull 595. acalmie (liniste) = quiet 596. acalmie (pauza) = pause 597. acalmie (pauza) = rest 598. acalmie (armistitiu) = armistice 599. acalmie (armistitiu) = truce 600. acalmie (armistitiu) = respite 601. acanta = acanthus 602. acapara = to buy up 603. acapara (pentru a urca preturile) = to forestall 604. acapara (pentru a urca preturile) = to corner 605. acapara (a monopoliza) = to monopolize 606. acapara (a absorbi) (a absorbi) = to absorb 607. acapara (a absorbi) (a absorbi) = to swallow up 608. acapara (a pune stapinire pe) (a pune stapinire pe) = to seize 609. acapara (a lua) = to take (hold of) 610. acaparant = absorbing; engrossing 611. acaparant (lacom) = grasping 612. acaparant (lacom) = greedy 613. acaparare = buying up 614. acaparator = forestalling 615. acaparator (lacom) = grasping 616. acaparator (lacom) = greedy 617. acaparator (lacom) = eager 618. acaparator (absorbant) = engrossing 619. acaparator (absorbant) = absorbing 620. acaparator = forestaller 621. acaparator (monopolizator) = monopolizer 622. acaparator (de alimente) = food hoarder 623. acaparator = monopolizer 624. acar = needler; needle maker; pinner; pinmaker 625. acar = signalman 626. acar (cutie) = needle/pin box/case 627. acar (pernita) = pin cushion 628. acaret = annex; extension; outhouse; dependencies 629. acaret (cladire) = building 630. acaret (cladire) = construction 631. acarnita = v. acar 632. acasa (static) = at home 633. acasa (static) = within 634. acasa (static) = in (doors) 635. acasa (spre casa) = home

636. acasa (spre casa) = homewards; to be wool-gathering; to be in the clouds; to twing; to tumble; that's better; one`s family; one`s relations/parentage/people; < 637. acatarii (d. lucruri) = proper 638. acatarii (d. lucruri) = decent 639. acatarii (d. lucruri) = becoming 640. acatarii (d. lucruri) = good 641. acatarii (d. lucruri) = beautiful 642. acatarii (d. cineva) = sensible 643. acatarii (d. cineva) = wise 644. acata = v. agata 645. accelera = to accelerate 646. accelera (a grabi) = to hasten 647. accelera (a grabi) = to quicken 648. accelera (a iuti) = to speed (up) 649. accelera (a iuti) = to hurry 650. accelera (a urgenta) = to dispatch 651. accelera (a urgenta) = to expedite 652. accelera = be accelerated; accelerate 653. accelera = to step on the gas 654. accelerare = acceleration etc. v. accelera 655. accelerat = accelerated; fast 656. accelerat = fast/express train 657. accelerator = accelerating; accelerative 658. accelerator = accelerator 659. accelerator = throttle 660. acceleratie = acceleration 661. accent = accent 662. accent (tonic) = stress 663. accent (tonic) = accent 664. accent (particularitate lingvistica) = accent 665. accent (pronuntare) = pronunciation 666. accent (ton) = accent 667. accent (ton) = tone 668. accent = accent 669. accent (subliniere) = emphasis 670. accent (subliniere) = stress 671. accent (subliniere) = accent (uation); acute/sharp accent; circumflex accent; grave accent; bad pronunciation; primary/principal accent; he has a very broad accent; to speak without any 672. accentua (vocale) = to accent 673. accentua (vocale) = to lay stress upon 674. accentua (cuvinte) = to emphasize 675. accentua (cuvinte) = to lay emphasis on 676. accentua (a pune semne pe) = to mark with an accent 677. accentua (a sublinia) (a sublinia) = to emphasize 678. accentua (a sublinia) (a sublinia) = to lay stress (up)on 679. accentua (a sublinia) (a sublinia) = to underline 680. accentua (a intari) (a intari) = to strengthen 681. accentua (a scoate in relief) (a scoate in relief) = to point out 682. accentua (a scoate in relief) (a scoate in relief) = to render conspicuous 683. accentua (a scoate in relief) = to bring into prominence 684. accentua = to be accentuated; to become more prominent; to conspicuous 685. accentua (a se agrava) = to grow for the worse 686. accentua (a spori) = to increase 687. accentua (vocale) = to accentuate 688. accentuare = accentuation 689. accentuat (d. vocale) = accented 690. accentuat (d. vocale) = accentuated 691. accentuat (d. cuvinte) = emphasized 692. accentuat (d. cuvinte) = stressed 693. accentuat = pronounced 694. accept = acceptance 695. accepta = to accept 696. accepta (a primi) = to receive 697. accepta (a lua) = to take 698. accepta (a adopta) = to adopt 699. accepta (a imbratisa) = to embrace 700. accepta (o cerere, o rugaminte) = to agree to; to consent to 701. accepta (o oferta) = to accept 702. accepta (o oferta) = to agree to 703. accepta (o oferta) = to embrace 704. accepta (o oferta) = to close with 705. accepta (o provocare) = to accept

706. accepta (o provocare) = to take up 707. accepta (un ramasag) = to accept 708. accepta (un ramasag) = to hold 709. accepta (o scuza) = to accept 710. accepta (o scuza) = to receive 711. accepta (un sfat) = to take 712. accepta (un proiect de lege) = to pass 713. accepta (un proiect de lege) = to adopt 714. accepta (a presupune) = to assume 715. accepta (a presupune) = to admit 716. accepta = to honour 717. accepta = to agree; to acquiesce; to accept; to (nod) assent; to okay; to find acceptance with smb. 718. acceptabil = acceptable 719. acceptabil (admisibil) = admissible 720. acceptabil (pasabil) = passable 721. acceptabil (d. mincare) = palatable 722. acceptabil (plauzibil) = plausible 723. acceptabil (rezonabil) = reasonable 724. acceptabil (d. preturi etc.) = reasonable 725. acceptabil (d. preturi etc.) = fair 726. acceptabil = acceptably; passably (well) 727. acceptant = acceptor 728. acceptare = accepting etc. v. accepta 729. accepti (un)e = acceptation; acception 730. accepti (un)e (sens) = sense 731. accepti (un)e (inteles) = meaning 732. accepti (un)e (semnificatie) = signification 733. acces (la) = access (to) 734. acces = attack 735. acces (la) = admittance (to) 736. acces = touch 737. acces (brusc) = (sudden) seizure 738. acces (brusc si violent) = outburst 739. acces (brusc si violent) = fit 740. acces (izbucnire a unei boli) = outbreak 741. acces (revenire) = relapse 742. acces (impuls) = impulse 743. acces (impuls) = fit 744. acces (impuls) = outburst; to have the run/entree of smb.'s house; chill; attack/fit of fever; ague fit,cold; fit of jealousy; to be seized with an attack/ a fit of 745. accesibil = accessible; approachable 746. accesibil (d. cineva) = affable; come-at-able; get-at-able; difficult of access; easy of access 747. accesibilitate = accessibility; accessibleness 748. accesiune = accession 749. accesoriu = accessory 750. accesoriu (incidental) = incidental 751. accesoriu (incidental) = accidental 752. accesoriu (incidental) = adventitious 753. accesoriu (secundar) = secondary 754. accesoriu (secundar) = subsidiary 755. accesoriu (secundar) = subordinate 756. accesoriu = accessory; secondary; secondary consideration 757. accesoriu (dependinte) (dependinte) = premises 758. accesoriu (dependinte) (dependinte) = outhouses 759. accesoriu (dependinte) (dependinte) = offices 760. accesoriu (dichisuri) (dichisuri) = accessories 761. accesoriu = parts; incidental expenses 762. accident = accident 763. accident (intimplare neprevazuta) = casual event 764. accident (intimplare nenorocita) = mishap 765. accident (intimplare nenorocita) = mischance 766. accident (nenorocire) = misfortune 767. accident (dezastru) = disaster 768. accident (catastrofa) = catastrophe 769. accident (moarte, avarie) = casualty 770. accident (cu un vehicul) = breakdown 771. accident (fenomen trecator) = accident 772. accident (fenomen trecator) = happening 773. accident (fenomen trecator) = event 774. accident = accidence 775. accident = accident; accident of the ground; inequality of the soil; rise and fall of the ground; undulations of the ground; unevenness; train/railway accident; to meet with an ac 776. accidenta = to suffer an accident; to be wounded/hurt in an accident; to be the victim of an accident; to hurt oneself

777. accidenta = to wound (in an/by accident); to hurt; to cause an accident to (smb.) 778. accidental = accidental 779. accidental (neprevazut) = casual 780. accidental (neprevazut) = chance.. 781. accidental (fortuit) = fortuitous 782. accidental (intimplator) = incidental 783. accidental (intimplator) = chance.. 784. accidental (intimplator) = random.. 785. accidental (posibil) = contingent 786. accidental = adventitious 787. accidental = accidentally 788. accidental (din intimplare) = by (a mere) accident/chance 789. accidental (fortuit) = fortuitously 790. accidentat (ranit) = injured 791. accidentat (ranit) = wounded 792. accidentat (d. teren) = broken 793. accidentat (d. teren) = uneven 794. accidentat (d. teren) = not level 795. accidentat (d. teren) = troubled 796. accidentat (d. teren) = undulating 797. accidentat (d. teren) = rough 798. accidentat (d. un drum) = rugged 799. accidentat (cu coline) = hilly 800. accidentat = injured/wounded person; casualty; victim of an accident 801. accidente = display/jab work 802. accizar = exciseman 803. acea = v. aceea 804. aceasta = v. aceasta 805. aceasta = this; that 806. aceasta (mai slab demonstrativ) = it 807. aceasta (acest fapt) = this fact 808. aceasta (acest lucru) = this thing 809. aceasta (subliniindu-se constrastul) = this one; for this, for it; hereat, hereto; with this; herewith; of this; hereof; after this; here (up)on; to this; < (pentru a face ~)>in order to do it; < (in acest scop)>for this pu 810. aceasta = this 811. aceea = that 812. aceea (subliniindu-se contrastul = that one 813. aceea = that 814. aceea = that; she who/that; therefore; that is why; for that reason; consequently; accordingly; whereupon; after that; next; then; afterwards 815. aceeasi = the same; the very same; the self-same 816. aceeasi (identica) = identical; that same 817. aceeasi = the same (one); the same.. as; in the same month; that same month 818. acefal = acephalous; headless 819. aceia = those 820. aceia = those; those.. there; those that/who.. 821. aceiasi = the self-same 822. aceiasi (identici) = identical 823. aceiasi = the same (ones) 824. acel = v. acela 825. acela = that 826. acela = that; he who..; the one who..; he that..; that of my friend; was it you ? 827. acelasi = the same; that same; the very same; the self-same 828. acelasi (identic) = identical 829. acelasi = the same (one); of the same kind as..; < (inrudit cu)>akin to..; < (asemanator cu)>similar to.. 830. acelea = those 831. acelea = those; those that/who 832. acerb = bitter 833. acerb (aspru) = harsh 834. acerb (intepator) = biting 835. acerb (intepator) = poignant 836. acerb (intepator) = sharp 837. acerb (intepator) = cutting 838. acerbitate = acerbity 839. acest = v. acesta 840. acesta = this.. here 841. acesta = this 842. acesta (subliniindu-se constrastul) = this one 843. acesta (acesta din urma) = the latter 844. acesta (el) = he 845. acesta = this 846. acesta = that; is that (person) your father ?

847. aceste = v. acestea 848. acestea = these.. here 849. acestea (subliniindu-se contrastul) (subliniindu-se contrastul) = these/those ones 850. acestea (acestea din urma) = the latter 851. acestea (acestea din urma) (acestea din urma) = the latter 852. acestea (ele) = they 853. acestea = those; all this; the other day; a few days ago; in the next few days (or so); notwithstanding this; however; yet; for all that; but 854. acesti = v. acestia 855. acestia = these.. here 856. acestia = these 857. acestia = those 858. acestia (subliniindu-se contrastul) = these ones 859. acestia (acestia din urma) = the latter 860. acestia (ei) = they 861. acestia = these 862. acestia = those 863. acetat = acetate; silver acetate; acetate of copper; acetate of lead; salts of Saturn; polyvinyl acetate 864. acetic = acetic; acetic acid 865. acetilena = acetylene; acetylene lamp 866. acetona = acetone 867. achena = achene 868. achita (mai ales d. un judecator) (mai ales d. un judecator) = to discharge 869. achita (a plati) (a plati) = to pay 870. achita (a ucide) (a ucide) = to do (the job) for 871. achita (a ucide) (a ucide) = to settle smb.`s account 872. achita (a ucide) = to do smb. in 873. achita (de) = to acquit oneself (of) 874. achita = to pay off 875. achita (a plati) = to pay 876. achita (a plati) = to come down (with the ready) 877. achita = to acquit; to fulfil..; to carry out; to carry out..; to perform..; to execute..; to acquit oneself 878. achitare (prin jurati) (prin jurati) = deliverance 879. achitare (de catre un judecator) (de catre un judecator) = discharge 880. achitare = paying off 881. achiu (tac) = (billiard) cue 882. achiu = (turnip-rooted) celery 883. achizitor = acquirer 884. achizitor (cumparator) = buyer; purchaser 885. achizitor (colector) = collector 886. achizitie (prin efort) (prin efort) = acquisition 887. achizitie (descoperire) = finding 888. achizitie (descoperire) = discovery 889. achizitie (lucru dobindit) = acquirement; to make an acquisition; it`s quite an acquisition ! 890. achizitiona (prin efort) = to acquire 891. achizitiona (a obtine, a procura) = to obtain 892. achizitiona (a obtine ceva dificil) = to secure 893. achizitiona (a deveni posesorul) = to become possessor of 894. achizitiona (a aduna) = to collect 895. achizitiona (a aduna) = to gather 896. achizitiona (a obtine, a procura) = to get 897. achizitiona (a obtine, a procura) = to procure 898. achizitiona (a cumpara) = to buy 899. achizitiona (a cumpara) = to purchase 900. achizitionare = acqusition etc. v. achizitiona 901. aci = v. aici 902. aciclic = acyclic 903. acicular = acicular 904. acid = acid 905. acid (acru) = sour 906. acid = acid 907. aciditate = acidity; (an) acid stomach; acid value 908. acidula = to acidulate; to acidify 909. acidulare = acidulation 910. acidulat = acidulated; acidulated water 911. acilea = v. aici 912. acioaie (clopot de ~) = bronze bell 913. aciola = v. aciua 914. aciua (a adaposti) = to shelter 915. aciua (a adaposti) = to give shelter to 916. aciua (a adaposti) = to protect 917. aciua (a adaposti) = to cover

918. aciua = to shield 919. aciua (a pune la adapost) = to put under shelter 920. aciua (a gazdui) = to roof 921. aciua (a gazdui) = to harbour 922. aciua (a gazdui) = to put up 923. aciua (a ascunde) = to hide 924. aciua (a se adaposti) = to shelter oneself 925. aciua (a gasi adapost) = to take refuge/shelter 926. aciua (a cauta adapost) = to seek (a) shelter 927. aciua (a se ascunde) = to hide (oneself) 928. aciua (a se odihni) = to rest (oneself) 929. aciua (a gazdui) = to house 930. aciuare = sheltering etc. v. aciua 931. aciuat = refuge 932. aciuat (chiulangiu) = shirker 933. aciuat (chiulangiu) = slacker 934. aciuat = Cuthbert 935. aciuat = sheltered; protected 936. aciuat = snug 937. aciui = v. aciua 938. aclama = to acclaim; to cheer; to shout; to hail; to hurrah; to welcome (with acclamations) 939. aclama = to cheer; to welcome; to shout for joy 940. aclamare = acclamation etc. v. aclama 941. aclamatie = cheer; acclamation 942. aclimata = v. aclimatiza 943. aclimatiza = to acclimate; to acclimatize 944. aclimatiza (a se deprinde) = to inure oneself 945. aclimatiza (a se adapta) = to adapt oneself 946. aclimatiza = to acclimate; to acclimatize 947. aclimatiza (a deprinde) = to inure 948. aclimatiza (a adapta) = to adapt (to) 949. aclimatizare = acclimation; acclimatization 950. acnee = acne 951. acolada = brace 952. acolea = over there 953. acolit = acolyte 954. acolo = there 955. acolo (in locul acela) = at that place 956. acolo = yonder 957. acolo (intr-~) = there 958. acolo (intr-~) = to that place 959. acolo = thitherward (s) 960. acolo = over there 961. acolo (din acestea) (din acestea) = thence 962. acolo (din acestea) (din acestea) = from that 963. acolo (din locul acela) = from there 964. acolo (din locul acela) = from/of/in that place 965. acolo (din acestea) (din acestea) = thence 966. acolo (din acestea) = from that; of that place, from there; there, thereabouts; in those parts; that way; out there; down there; up there; to the very same place; 967. acomoda = to accommodate; to adapt; to conform; to suit 968. acomoda (cu) = to accommodate oneself (to) 969. acomoda (cu) = to adapt oneself (to) 970. acomoda (cu) = to conform oneself (to) 971. acomodabil = adaptable 972. acomodabil = accommodable 973. acomodare = accommodation; adaptation; conformation 974. acompania (a insoti) = to accompany 975. acompania (a tine compania) = to keep smb. company 976. acompania (o doamna) = to attend 977. acompania (o doamna) = to escort 978. acompania (servind) = to wait on 979. acompania (a conduce pina intr-un loc) = to conduct 980. acompania (a conduce pina intr-un loc) = to see/bring smb. (home etc.) 981. acompania (a fi concomitent cu) = to be concomitant with 982. acompania = to accompany 983. acompaniament = accompaniment 984. acompaniator (insotitor) = companion 985. acompaniator = accompanist 986. acompaniere = accompaniment 987. acompaniere (si slujire) = attendance 988. acompaniere (concomitenta) = concomitance 989. acompaniere (concomitenta) = concomitancy

990. acont (plata partiala) (plata partiala) = payment on account 991. acont (plata partiala) (plata partiala) = partial payment 992. acont (rata) = instalment 993. acont (rata) = down/cash payment 994. acont (arvuna) = earnest money 995. acont (avans) = advance (money) 996. aconta = to pay an instalment on 997. aconta (a arvuni) = to pay earnest money for 998. acoperamint (invelis, invelitoare) = cover 999. acoperamint (strat acoperitor) = layer 1000. acoperamint (val) = veil 1001. acoperamint (capac) = lid 1002. acoperamint (acoperis) = roof 1003. acoperamint (adapost) = shelter 1004. acoperamint (adapost) = refuge 1005. acoperi = to cover 1006. acoperi (cu un strat, a pune deasupra) = to coat 1007. acoperi (in virf) = to (cover on the) top 1008. acoperi (in virf) = to tip 1009. acoperi (a umple) = to fill (up) 1010. acoperi (cu o plapuma) = to cover with a blanket 1011. acoperi (cu o foaie de cort) = to tilt 1012. acoperi (cu fier) = to iron 1013. acoperi (cu vopsea) = to paint 1014. acoperi (cu vopsea) = to overlay 1015. acoperi (cu pete) = to spot 1016. acoperi (cu pete) = to speckle 1017. acoperi (cu lac) = to varnish 1018. acoperi (cu iarba) = to cover with turf/sod 1019. acoperi (cu paie) = to straw 1020. acoperi (cu pamint) = to earth/land up 1021. acoperi (cu un ingrasamint) = to dress with manure 1022. acoperi (a imbraca) = to dress 1023. acoperi (a impodobi) = to (be)deck 1024. acoperi (a impodobi) = to adorn 1025. acoperi (a raspindi peste) = to spread over 1026. acoperi (a risipi peste) = to scatter over 1027. acoperi (a presara) = to strew (over) 1028. acoperi = to pay off 1029. acoperi (a adaposti) = to shelter 1030. acoperi (a ascunde ceva) (a ascunde ceva) = to hide 1031. acoperi (a ascunde ceva) (a ascunde ceva) = to conceal 1032. acoperi (a ascunde ceva) (a ascunde ceva) = to cloak 1033. acoperi (a ascunde ceva) (a ascunde ceva) = to veil 1034. acoperi (a masca) (a masca) = to mask 1035. acoperi (a pune bine) (a pune bine) = to secure 1036. acoperi (a tainui) (a tainui) = to keep 1037. acoperi (a tainui) (a tainui) = to keep smth. (a) secret 1038. acoperi (a tainui) (a tainui) = to keep back 1039. acoperi = to draw a veil over 1040. acoperi (prin tacere) = to hush up 1041. acoperi (a tine ascuns) = to keep concealed 1042. acoperi (a ascunde sub aparente false) = to disguise 1043. acoperi (a ascunde sub aparente false) = to dissemble 1044. acoperi (a ascunde pe cineva) = to conceal 1045. acoperi (a ascunde pe cineva) = to harbour 1046. acoperi = to protect 1047. acoperi = to be covered; to cover oneself 1048. acoperi (a-si pune palaria) = to put on one`s hat; to crust; to scum; to cover oneself with glory; to cover oneself with shame (and infamy); the sky is beginning to lower; (pray) be covered ! p 1049. acoperire = covering etc. v. acoperi 1050. acoperire = obfuscation; to hold security; to be covered; to be uncovered; to be without funds (in hand); to lack security 1051. acoperis = roof 1052. acoperis (mic) = rooflet; double-sloping/ridged/pent roof; mansard (roof); shed (-roof), simple (roof); tiled roof; thatched roof; plank roof; shingle ro 1053. acoperit = covered etc. v. acoperi 1054. acoperit (ascuns vederii) = protected from wiew 1055. acoperit (ascuns vederii) = out of sight 1056. acoperit (innorat) = overcast 1057. acoperit (tainic) = secret 1058. acoperit (tainic) = hidden

1059. acoperitoare = v. acoperamint 1060. acord = chord 1061. acord (armonie) = harmony 1062. acord (armonie) = concord 1063. acord (sunete placute) (sunete placute) = strains 1064. acord (intelegere) (intelegere) = agreement 1065. acord (aranjament) (aranjament) = arrangement 1066. acord (contract) (contract) = contract 1067. acord (unitate) (unitate) = unity 1068. acord (unitate) (unitate) = uniformity 1069. acord (armonie) (armonie) = harmony 1070. acord (armonie) (armonie) = unison 1071. acord (armonie) (armonie) = congeniality 1072. acord (unanimitate) (unanimitate) = accord 1073. acord (unanimitate) (unanimitate) = union 1074. acord (potrivire) (potrivire) = consistency 1075. acord (potrivire) (potrivire) = congruity 1076. acord (potrivire) (potrivire) = correspondence 1077. acord (conformitate) (conformitate) = conformity 1078. acord (coincidenta) (coincidenta) = coincidence 1079. acord (solidaritate) (solidaritate) = solidarity 1080. acord (solidaritate) (solidaritate) = accordance 1081. acord (solidaritate) = concordance 1082. acord (mai ales in planuri) (mai ales in planuri) = concert 1083. acord (mai ales in planuri) (mai ales in planuri) = concurrence 1084. acord = piecework; to come to terms; bilateral agreement; agreed !; granted !; all right !; fair enough !; fair enough!; with one accord/consent; by mutual agreement; dissona 1085. acorda (dupa diapazon) (dupa diapazon) = to put to concert pitch 1086. acorda (a pune de acord) (a pune de acord) = to bring into accord 1087. acorda (a pune de acord) (a pune de acord) = to adjust 1088. acorda (a pune de acord) (a pune de acord) = to accommodate 1089. acorda (a pune de acord) (a pune de acord) = to reconcile 1090. acorda (a face sa se potriveasca) (a face sa se potriveasca) = to fit 1091. acorda (a face sa se potriveasca) (a face sa se potriveasca) = to dovetail 1092. acorda (a face sa se potriveasca) (a face sa se potriveasca) = to make agree 1093. acorda (a da) = to give 1094. acorda (a da) (a da) = to give 1095. acorda (a da) = to grant 1096. acorda (a da) (a da) = to grant 1097. acorda (a da) = to confer 1098. acorda (a da) (a da) = to confer 1099. acorda (a da) = to afford 1100. acorda (a da) (a da) = to afford 1101. acorda (a da) (a da) = to accord 1102. acorda (a binevoi sa dea) = to vouchsafe 1103. acorda (a binevoi sa dea) (a binevoi sa dea) = to vouchsafe 1104. acorda (a atasa) = to attach 1105. acorda (a permite) = to allow 1106. acorda (a permite) = to permit 1107. acorda (drepturi si privilegii) = to license 1108. acorda = to put in concord 1109. acorda (a se potrivi) (a se potrivi) = to agree 1110. acorda (a se potrivi) (a se potrivi) = to tally 1111. acorda (a se potrivi) (a se potrivi) = to be in keeping 1112. acorda (a se potrivi) (a se potrivi) = to fit together 1113. acorda (a se potrivi) (a se potrivi) = to dovetail 1114. acorda = to be in concord; to lend assistance; to grant/give smb. a hearing; to grant/concede rights; to lower the pitch of an instrument; to raise the pitch of an instrum 1115. acordant = piece worker 1116. acordare = adjustment etc. v. acorda 1117. acordat = pitched 1118. acordeon = accordion 1119. acordeonist = accordionist 1120. acordor = tuner 1121. acosta = to accost 1122. acosta = to moor; to land; to come alongside of a quay 1123. acostament = footway 1124. acostare = accosting; mooring etc.; gangway 1125. acotiledonat = acotyledonous 1126. acreala = v. acrime; acidity of stomach 1127. acredita = to bring into credit 1128. acredita (in diplomatie) = to accredit

1129. acredita (a da crezare) = to accredit 1130. acredita (a da crezare) = to credit 1131. acredita (a da crezare) = to give credit to 1132. acredita (a da crezare) = to believe 1133. acredita (a imputernici) = to accredit 1134. acredita (a imputernici) = to authorize 1135. acredita (a imputernici) = to empower 1136. acredita = to get accredited 1137. acreditare (crezare) = credit 1138. acreditare (crezare) = credibility 1139. acreditare (crezare) = accreditation 1140. acreditare = opening of a credit; letters of credit; letters of accreditation, credential letters; credentials 1141. acreditat = accredited diplomat 1142. acreditat = accredited etc. v. acredita 1143. acreditiv = letter of credit 1144. acreditiv (imputernicire) pol. = credentials 1145. acreditiv (imputernicire) = credentials 1146. acri = to (make) sour; to acidify 1147. acri (putin) = to flavour with an acid 1148. acri = to grow/go/get/turn sour; to sour 1149. acri (d. bere) = to fox 1150. acri (d. bere) = to prick 1151. acri (d. lapte) = to change 1152. acri (d. lapte) = to be changed 1153. acri = to acetify; to be fed up; to have smth. up to one`s throat; to get sick of smth.; to be fed to the teeth with smth.; to be downright surfeited with smth. 1154. acrida = grasshopper 1155. acrime = sourness; acidness 1156. acrime (caracter stringent) = tartness 1157. acrime = petulance; acidity 1158. acrire = souring 1159. acrisor = tartish; sourish; acidulous; subacid; acidulent 1160. acrit = acidulated 1161. acrit (acru) = turned sour 1162. acrit = cantankerous 1163. acrit = v. acrire 1164. acritura (acrime) = sourness 1165. acritura (acrime) = acidity 1166. acritura = pickles 1167. acriu = v. acrisor 1168. acrobat = rope dancer; acrobat 1169. acrobatic = acrobatic 1170. acrobatic = neckbreaking 1171. acrobatie = acrobatics; (art of) rope dancing/walking; aerobatics; air circus; to perform acrobatic tricks/stunts/feats; to do parlour tricks/stunts 1172. acromatic = achromatic 1173. acromatism = achromatism 1174. acromegalie = acromegaly 1175. acropola = acropolis 1176. acrostih = acrostic 1177. acroter = acroterion 1178. acru = sour 1179. acru (stifos) = tart 1180. acru (stifos) = acid 1181. acru (stifos) = testy 1182. acru (stifos) = touchy 1183. acru (taios) = acrid 1184. acru (taios) = sharp 1185. acru (ca otetul) = vinegar (ish) 1186. acru = acetous 1187. acru (acrisor) = acidulous 1188. acru (necopt) = unripe 1189. acru (necopt) = green 1190. acru (suparacios) (suparacios) = morose 1191. acru (suparacios) (suparacios) = surly 1192. acru (suparacios) (suparacios) = sulky 1193. acru (suparacios) (suparacios) = acrimonious 1194. acru (suparacios) (suparacios) = sour 1195. acru (suparacios) (suparacios) = cross 1196. acru (suparacios) (suparacios) = peevish 1197. acru (suparacios) (suparacios) = crabbed 1198. acru (greu) (greu) = painful 1199. acru (amar) = bitter

1200. acru = acre ( = 0.4 ha ) 1201. acru = sourly; morosely; peevishly; sour - sweet; sharp - tasted; carbonic/acid water; foxy/pricked beer; pickled cucumbers; sour-/vinegar-faced; sour/harsh/acrid taste; sour milk; in-law; the Holy Alliance; the Triple Alliance; to conclude a treaty of alliance; to draw up a deed of alliance 3272. aliat = allied 3273. aliat = ally 3274. alibi = alibi; to prove an alibi 3275. alica (pietris) (pietris) = pebble 3276. alica (pietris) = flint/gravel stone 3277. alicota = aliquot part 3278. alidada = alidad (e) 3279. aliena = to alienate 3280. alienabil = alienable 3281. alienare = alienation 3282. alienat = mentally alienated 3283. alienat = lunatic; psychopath (ic); lunatic asylum 3284. alienatie = alienation of mind/nature 3285. alienist = alienist; psychiater; psychiatrist; mad doctor 3286. alifie = balm 3287. aligator = alligator 3288. aliment = food; nutriment; aliment 3289. aliment = allowance; slops; spoonmeat 3290. alimenta = to feed; to nourish 3291. alimenta (riuri, masini) = to supply 3292. alimenta (focul) = to feed 3293. alimenta (piata) = to supply 3294. alimenta = to feed 3295. alimenta (o persoana, a intretine) = to support 3296. alimenta (o persoana, a intretine) = to maintain 3297. alimenta (ura etc.) = to keep alive/up 3298. alimenta = to feed 3299. alimenta = to be fed

3300. alimentar = food ..; alimentary; alimentary canal; alimony; alimentary allowance; dietary; alimentary regimen; alimentary/alimental substances 3301. alimentara = provision/food store 3302. alimentare = feeding, etc. v. alimenta 3303. alimentator = feeder 3304. alimentatie = food; nourishment 3305. alina (a potoli) = to temper 3306. alina (a potoli) = to mitigate 3307. alina (a potoli) = to quiet 3308. alina (a usura) = to lighten 3309. alina (a usura) = to relieve 3310. alina (a indulci) = to appease 3311. alina (a indulci) = to dulcify 3312. alina (a micsora) = to lessen 3313. alina = to ease 3314. alina (setea) = to quench 3315. alina (durerea morala) = to soothe 3316. alina (suferinta) = to alleviate 3317. alina (suferinta) = to allay 3318. alina (a consola) = to comfort 3319. alina (a consola) = to solace 3320. alina = to calm down 3321. alina (d. furtuna) = to abate 3322. alina (a se opri) = to stop 3323. alinare = tempering, etc. v. alina 3324. alinare (usurare) = relief 3325. alinare (mingiiere) = comfort 3326. alinare (mingiiere) = consolation 3327. alinator = solacing etc. v. alina 3328. alineat = v. aliniat 3329. alinia = to arrange in a line; to range; to line 3330. alinia = to range 3331. alinia = to be in line 3332. alinia = to be arranged in a line 3333. aliniament = alignment 3334. aliniament = disposition; line 3335. aliniat = indented line 3336. aliniat (paragraf) = paragraph 3337. aliniat = aligned; (fallen) in line 3338. aliniere = setting in a straight line 3339. aliniere = ranging 3340. alint = caress; endearment 3341. alinta (a dezmierda) = to caress 3342. alinta (a dezmierda) = to fondle 3343. alinta (in joaca) = to cajole 3344. alinta (a rasfata) = to spoil 3345. alinta (a fi prea indulgent cu) = to coddle 3346. alinta (a fi prea indulgent cu) = to pamper 3347. alinta (a se rasfata) = to frolic 3348. alinta (a se rasfata) = to gambol 3349. alinta (a se legana) = to swing 3350. alinta (a se legana) = to rock 3351. alinta (d. indragostiti) = to bill and coo 3352. alinta (a se preface) = to simper 3353. alintare = caressing etc. v. alinta 3354. alintare (ca act) = caress 3355. alintare (ca vorba) = (term of) endearment 3356. alintat = spoilt 3357. alintator = caressing etc. v. a alinta 3358. alintatura = spoilt child; v. alintare 3359. alior = v. laptele cucului 3360. alipi = to join; to unite 3361. alipi (a apropia) = to draw near 3362. alipi (a apropia) = to approach 3363. alipi (un teritoriu) = to annex; to join ..; to cling to ..; to adhere to .. 3364. alipire = joining etc. v. a lipi 3365. alisveris (vinzare) = sale 3366. alisveris (negot) = business; to buy from smb. 3367. alitera = to alliterate 3368. aliteratie = alliteration 3369. alivanca = cream burn 3370. alivanta = head over heels; to turn a somerset/somersault; to topple over 3371. alizarina = alizarine

3372. alizee = trade winds 3373. allegretto = allegretto 3374. allegro = lively 3375. almanah = alman 3376. alo (la telefon) = hullo ! hallo ! 3377. alo (hei) = halloa ! hallo ! hullo ! 3378. aloca = to assign; to allocate; to allot 3379. aloca (a destina) = to ear-mark 3380. alocare = allocation etc. v. aloca 3381. alocatie = allocation; allotment; assignment 3382. alocatie (ajutor banesc) = grant-in-aid 3383. alocatie (ajutor banesc) = gratuity 3384. alocatie (ajutor banesc) = allowance 3385. alocatie (de somaj) = dole; v. alocare 3386. alocuri = here and there 3387. alocutiune = allocution; address 3388. alodial = freehold .. 3389. alodiu = freehold estate 3390. aloe (s) = aloe 3391. alogen = allogeneous 3392. alonja = lengthening/eking piece; extension 3393. alonja (la box) = reach 3394. alopat = allopathic; allopathist 3395. alopatie = allopathy 3396. alotropic = allotropic 3397. agrimensura = (land) surveying; survey; geodesy 3398. agris = gooseberry (bush); barberry (bush) (Berberis vulgare); black currant (Ribes nigrum) 3399. agrisa = barberry 3400. agrobiolog = agrobiologist 3401. agrobiologic = agrobiological 3402. agrobiologie = agrobiology 3403. agrochimie = agrochemistry 3404. agrogeologie = agrogeology 3405. agrologie = agrology 3406. agrominim = essential agronomical rules 3407. agronom = agronome; agronomist; agricultural/farming engineer/expert 3408. agronomic = agronomic (al); Institute for Agronomical Research; agronomical science 3409. agronomie = agronomy 3410. agrosilvic = agrosylvicultural 3411. agrotehnic = agrotechnical 3412. agrotehnica = agrotechnics 3413. agrotehnician = agricultural technician 3414. agrozootehnica = agricultural zootechny 3415. agrozootehnician = zootechny expert 3416. agrozootehnie = agricultural and zootechnic 3417. agud = mulberry tree (Morus) 3418. aguda = mulberry 3419. aguridar = ivy (Hedera) 3420. agurida (fruct necopt) = green/unripe fruit; they have patched/made it up; time and straw make medlars ripe; patience and time make all things chime 3421. agurijoara = rose moss 3422. agurizar = v. aguridar 3423. ah (exprimind emotie, in general) = ah ! 3424. ah (exprimind mirare) = oh ! ha (h) ! 3425. ah (exprimind lamentatie) = oh ! alas ! ah me ! oh dear ! 3426. ah (exprimind lamentatie) = oh heavens ! good (ness) gracious! 3427. ah (exprimind satisfactie) = oh ! 3428. ah (foarte bine) = (very) well ! all right ! 3429. ah (exprimind lamentatie) = my gooness ! 3430. ah (exprimind lamentatie) = goodness me ! good lack ! 3431. ah = sigh; moan; complaint 3432. aha (inteleg) (oh) = I see ! oh ! 3433. aha (da) = yes 3434. aho (pt. a opri boii) = ho ! 3435. aho (pt. a opri boii) = who (a) ! 3436. aho (pt. a opri boii) = geewho (a) ! 3437. aho (destul) = enough ! 3438. aho (destul) = that will do ! 3439. aho (opreste) = hoy ! ho ! 3440. ahtia = to be keen/nuts on ..; to be extremely fond of; to hanker after; to covet; to crave for 3441. ahtiat = craving/hankering after .. 3442. ai = of 3443. ai (cum ?) = what ? eh ?

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3444. ai (ei ?) = well ? v. si nu-i asa ?, v. ah 3445. ai (hai) = come (on) ! 3446. ai = clown's treacle (Allium sativum); theirs; of theirs; mine; my family/people; cabbage garlic; sand leek; viper's garlic; wild/bear's garlic; clove of garlic 3447. aia = v. aceea; that's it !; that's the ticket !; that's the truth !; there's the rub ! 3448. aialalta = v. cealalta 3449. aiasta = v. aceasta 3450. aiasta = v. aceasta 3451. aice (a) = v. aici 3452. aici = here 3453. aici (incoace) = here 3454. aici (in acest loc) = at this place 3455. aici (in acest loc) = in/on this place 3456. aici (acolo) = there 3457. aici (in acest punct) = at this point 3458. aici (in acest punct) = in this quarter 3459. aici (in acest punct) = in town 3460. aici (in acest punct) = in this region 3461. aici (aici jos, pe pamint) = here below 3462. aici (la noi) = with us 3463. aici (la noi) = in this/our country 3464. aici (prezent) = present 3465. aici (la aceste cuvinte) = at these words 3466. aici (unui ciine) (unui ciine) = (to) heel ! 3467. aici = hither 3468. aici (in acest punct) = in this city 3469. aici (in acest punct) = in this country 3470. aici (in acest punct) = (on) this side 3471. aici (la noi) = (on) this side (of) the ocean; henceforwards; that here man; hitherto; now .., now ..; alternately; by turns; out here; here below; above here; the like (s of it); < (de) ~ tine>people like you; < (de) ~ tine>people of your stamp 3941. aldehida = aldehyd (e); formaldehyde 3942. aldin = black (type) 3943. aldoza = aldose 3944. alea = those; falling sickness; epilepsy 3945. alean (dor) = longing 3946. alean (dor) = yearning 3947. alean (suferinta) = suffering 3948. alean (suferinta) = grief 3949. alean (suferinta) = sorrow 3950. aleasa = the girl of one's choice; one's lady love 3951. aleatoriu = aleatory; aleatory contract 3952. alebard = v. halebard .. 3953. alee = walk; avenue; alley 3954. alee (pt. trasuri etc.) = drive 3955. alega = to allege 3956. alegatie = allegation 3957. alegator = chooser; one who chooses/selects 3958. alegator = elector; voting card/ticket/paper; franchise 3959. alege = to choose; to make choice of 3960. alege (a selecta) = to select 3961. alege (a selecta) = to pick (out) 3962. alege (a selecta) = to single (out) 3963. alege (a selecta) = to screen 3964. alege (intimplator) = to pitch upon 3965. alege = to vote for 3966. alege (pt. presedinte) = to vote into the chair 3967. alege (a cerne) (a cerne) = to sift 3968. alege (a cerne) (a cerne) = to winnow 3969. alege (a se hotari pentru) = to fix upon 3970. alege (a se hotari pentru) = to decide in favour of 3971. alege (a lua partea) = to side with 3972. alege (a lua partea) = to take sides with 3973. alege (a desparti) = to separate 3974. alege (a desparti) = to sever 3975. alege (a desparti) = to part 3976. alege (a desparti) = to sunder 3977. alege (a asorta) = to sort 3978. alege (a distinge) = to distinguish 3979. alege (a distinge) = to discriminate 3980. alotropie = allotropy 3981. alpaca = alpaca (Lama pacos) 3982. alpaca (stofa) = alpaca 3983. alpestru = alpine 3984. alpin = alpine 3985. alpinism = mountaineering; mountain/alpine climbing; to go in for mountaineering 3986. alpinist = mountaineer; alpinist; (mountain) climber; rock climber 3987. alsacian = Alsatian 3988. alt (diferit) = other 3989. alt (inca) = another 3990. alt (suplimentar) = further 3991. alt (suplimentar) = supplementary 3992. alt (suplimentar) = additional 3993. alt = others; falling sickness; epilepsy; other people; in a bate; like mad/a maniac; like nothing on earth; a perfect sight 3994. altaic = Altaic; Altaian 3995. altar = communion table

3996. altar (ca parte a bisericii) = apse 3997. altar (ca parte a bisericii) = chancel 3998. altar (ca parte a bisericii) = sanctuary 3999. altar = sanctuary; to lead to the (hymeneal) altar 4000. altadata (odinioara) = once 4001. altadata (odinioara) = formerly 4002. altadata (odinioara) = in former days 4003. altadata (odinioara) = in the past 4004. altadata (odinioara) = in times past 4005. altadata (in alte rinduri) = at other times 4006. altadata (in viitor) = some other time 4007. altadata (in viitor) = some day 4008. altadata (in viitor) = one of these days 4009. altadata (in viitor) = some time or other; of yore; former 4010. altcareva = v. altcineva 4011. altceva = something else/different 4012. altceva (in propozitii negative) = anything else 4013. altceva (in propozitii interogative) = anything else; it's (as) different as chalk from cheese; haven't you (got) anything better to show me ?; that's quite different; he was literally/actually going to swa 4014. altcineva = somebody else 4015. altcineva (in propozitii negative) = anybody else 4016. altcineva (un altul) = another 4017. altcineva (in propozitii interogative) = anybody else 4018. altcindva = some other time 4019. altcum = otherwise; else; differently; in a different way/manner; or 4020. alteori = (at) other times; (now) .. now .. 4021. altera = to alter; to modify; to change 4022. altera (a strica) = to spoil 4023. altera (a strica) = to falsify 4024. altera (alimente) = to adulterate 4025. altera (carnea) = to taint 4026. altera (un text) = to corrupt; to deprave; to distort; to misrepresent 4027. altera = to counterfeit 4028. altera = to alter; to change 4029. altera (d. alimente) = to go bad 4030. altera (d. alimente) = to be tainted 4031. alterabil = alterable; changeable 4032. alterare = alteration etc. v. altera 4033. alterat = adulterated etc. v. altera 4034. altercatie = altercation; wrangle 4035. altern = rotating 4036. alterna = to alternate 4037. alternant = alternating 4038. alternant = rotating 4039. alternanta = alternation 4040. alternanta (~ vocalica) lingv. = vowel gradation 4041. alternanta (~ vocalica) lingv. = ablaut 4042. alternare = alternation 4043. alternativ = alternative 4044. alternativ = alternatively; alternating current 4045. alternativa = alternative 4046. alternator = alternating-current machine 4047. alteta = Highness; His Highness 4048. altfel (in alt chip) = differently 4049. altfel (in alt chip) = in a different way/manner 4050. altfel (in alt chip) = otherwise 4051. altfel (daca nu, atunci) = or, otherwise 4052. altfel (de altminteri) = otherwise 4053. altfel (de altminteri) = in other respects 4054. altfel (de altminteri) = as for the rest ..; other ..; different ..; quite differently; as a matter of fact; moreover; besides; further; in addition to which; otherwis 4055. altimetrie = altimetry 4056. altimetru = altimeter 4057. altist = alto 4058. altitudine = altitude; height 4059. altita (camasa) = shirt 4060. altminteri = v. altfel 4061. alto (voce) (voce) = alto 4062. alto (vioara) (vioara) = tenor violin 4063. alto (vioara) = alto viola 4064. altoi (mladita) = cutting 4065. altoi (mladita) = graft

4066. altoi (mladita) = scion 4067. altoi (planta altoita) = stock 4068. altoi (planta altoita) = parent (plant) 4069. altoi (altoire) = grafting 4070. altoi (altoire) = ingraftment 4071. altoi = vaccine (matter) 4072. altoi = to vaccinate with 4073. altoi (a bate) = to to dust smb.'s jacket for him. 4074. altoi = to be (en)grafted 4075. altoi (a se imbata) = to get tight/tipsy 4076. altoire = garfting, etc. v. altoi 4077. altoit = grafting 4078. altoit = grafted 4079. altruism = altruism; selflessness 4080. altruist = altruistic; unselfish 4081. altul = v. alt 4082. altundeva = somewhere else; elsewhere 4083. altii = v. alt 4084. aluat = dough; paste; of the same kind/sort; much of a muchness; that ilk; they are all tarred with the same brush 4085. alumina = alumine 4086. aluminiu = aluminium 4087. aluminos = aluminous 4088. aluminotermie = aluminothermics; aluminothermic process 4089. alun = hazel/nut tree; pea/ground/earth/monkey nut; filbert (tree) 4090. alunar = hazel-nut seller 4091. alunar (spargator de alune) = nut cracker 4092. alunar = nutpecker 4093. aluna = hazel (-nut); filbert 4094. aluna (americana) = pea/ground/earth nut 4095. aluneca = to slide 4096. aluneca (cu piciorul) = to slip 4097. aluneca (cu piciorul) = to miss one's footing 4098. aluneca (a se misca liber) = to shift 4099. aluneca (a se misca liber) = to slide 4100. aluneca (a se misca liber) = to glide, to slither 4101. aluneca = to err; the boat glided (along) on the water; mind you do not make a slip; it slipped out of my hands; money runs between his fingers; fables; < (fantezii)>cock-and-bull stories; white/greyish horse; laughing 11217. calabalic (catrafuse) = belongings 11218. calabalic (catrafuse) = things; goods and chattels; (one's) traps/sticks 11219. calabalic (bagaj) = luggage 11220. calabalic (gloata) = crowd 11221. calabalic (gloata) = mob; with bag and baggage 11222. calabrez = Calabrian 11223. calafat = tow 11224. calafat (din funii despletite) = oakum 11225. calaican = green vitriol 11226. calambur = pun; quibble 11227. calamitate = calamity; disaster; natural calamity 11228. calandru = calender (roll) 11229. calapod (al cizmarului) = (shoemaker's) last 11230. calapod (ptr. marit) = boot tree/block 11231. calapod = cliche; in the same way; they are of a kidney, they are tarred with the same brush 11232. cala (pt. incarcaturi) (pt. incarcaturi) = (cargo) hold 11233. cala (platforma) (platforma) = slip 11234. cala (pt.constructii) = building slip/hold 11235. cala (pt.constructii) = stocks, ships 11236. cala = wedge; slipway; hauling-up slip 11237. calc (hirtie de ~) = tracing paper

11238. calc (copie) = copy 11239. calc (lingvistic) = loan translation 11240. calc = decal (comania) 11241. calcan = turbot (Scophthalmus maloticus) 11242. calcan (zid) = fire wall; brill (Rhombus laevis) 11243. calcar = chalky/calcareous stone 11244. calcaros = calcareous; limy 11245. calcavura (a cizmarului) = knee strap 11246. calcavura (bataie) = drubbing 11247. calcavura (bataie) = thrashing 11248. calcavura (bataie) = hiding 11249. calcavura (bataie) = jacketing; to give a (good) drubbing etc. 11250. calcedonie = calcedony 11251. calchia = to trace (thru transparent paper); to calk 11252. calchia = to copy 11253. calchiat = tracing paper 11254. calchiere = de cal (comania) 11255. calcifia = to calcify 11256. calcifica = to calcify 11257. calcificare = calcification 11258. calcifiere = calcification 11259. calcina = to calcine 11260. calcina (var) = to burn 11261. calcina (minereu) = to roast 11262. calcina = to calcine; to become calcined 11263. calcinare = calcination 11264. calcinatie = v. calcinare 11265. calciu = calcium; calcium/calcic carbonate; calcium hydroxine/hydrate; calcium/calcic oxide/lime 11266. calcografie = chalcography 11267. calcopirita = chalcopyrites 11268. calcul = gravel 11269. calcul = calculus 11270. calcul (evaluare) si fig. = estimate 11271. calcul (planuri) (planuri) = calculations 11272. calcul (planuri) (planuri) = reckonings 11273. calcul (planuri) = plans; biliary calculus; gall stone; rough estimate; differential calculus; miscalculation; false reckoning; infinitesimal calculus; integral calculus; ca 11274. calcula = to compute 11275. calcula (a aduna) = to sum/cast/total up 11276. calcula (a numara) = to count 11277. calcula = to reckon 11278. calcula (a chibzui) = to consider 11279. calcula (a estima) = to estimate 11280. calcula (a estima) = to rate 11281. calcula (a aprecia) = to appreciate 11282. calcula = to be calculated/reckoned/counted 11283. calcula (a fi determinat) = to be determined; to make a wrong calculation; to calculate ill; to miscalculate; to be out in one's reckoning 11284. calculabil = calculable; computable 11285. calculare = calculation; reckoning etc. v. calcula 11286. calculat (prudent) (prudent) = prudent 11287. calculat (prudent) (prudent) = calculating 11288. calculat (prudent) (prudent) = well-balanced 11289. calculat (econom) = economical 11290. calculat = v. calculare; arithmometer; calculating machine 11291. calculator = calculator; computer; reckoner 11292. calculator = calculator; calculating machine 11293. calculator = computing; reckoning; calculating 11294. calculatie = v. calculare 11295. cald (ant. rece) = warm 11296. cald (fierbinte) = hot 11297. cald (caldut) = lukewarm 11298. cald (caldut) = warmish 11299. cald (caldut) = tepid 11300. cald (proaspat) = fresh 11301. cald (proaspat) = new 11302. cald = warm 11303. cald (afectuos) = affectionate; kindly 11304. cald (inflacarat) = zealous 11305. cald (inflacarat) = ardent 11306. cald (proaspat) (proaspat) = fresh 11307. cald (proaspat) (proaspat) = new

11308. cald (proaspat) = recent 11309. cald = warmly 11310. cald = warmth 11311. cald = heat; warm water; warm bath; warm-/soft-hearted; warm-blooded; kindly/warm words; warm clothes; a warm heart; hot/thermal springs; neither hot, nor cold; which .. 13003. cefalic = cephalic 13004. cefalopode = cephalopoda 13005. cefalorachidian = cerebrospinal fluid 13006. ceferist = Rumanian railwayman/railwayworker 13007. cega = sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) 13008. ceh = Czech 13009. ceh = Czech; the Czech language; Czech 13010. ceha = Czech (woman sau girl); the Czech language; Czech 13011. cehoslovac = Czecho-Slovak 13012. cei = the; the rich; those who; those which .. 13013. cel = the; the best; he who/that ..; the one which ..; the last (one); < (cel de-al 2-lea)>the latter; God (in Heaven above); the second; at the mo 13014. celar = pantry; larder 13015. celar (pt. unelte) = lumber room

13016. celalalt = the other 13017. celalalt (de colt, capat) = far (thest) 13018. celalalt = the other (one) 13019. cele = the; those which ..; < (lucruri care)>the things which ..; < (lucruri care)>all that .. 13020. celebra (a sarbatori, a oficia) = to celeebrate 13021. celebra (a sarbatori, a oficia) = to solemnize 13022. celebra (a sarbatori, a oficia) = to keep (up) 13023. celebra (a comemora) = to commemorate 13024. celebra (a comemora) = to celebrate 13025. celebra = to be celebrated etc.; to celebrate/solemnize a marriage 13026. celebrare = celebration etc. 13027. celebrare (solemnitate) = solemnity 13028. celebrare (solemnitate) = ceremony; marriage ceremony/service; < (nunta)>wedding; < (nunta)>nuptial feast 13029. celebritate = renown; fame; (great/world-wide) reputation; celebrity; illustrious/eminent person; famous man; (great) star; lion of the day 13030. celebru = renowned; celebrated; famous; illustrious; to become famous in a day; to awake to find oneself famous 13031. celenterate = coelentera 13032. celest = celestial heavenly 13033. celest = divine 13034. celesta = celesta 13035. celibat = celibacy; single blessedness 13036. celibatar = unmarried; single 13037. celibatar = bachelor; single man; he lives/is single; his hat covers his family 13038. celibatara = spinster 13039. celofan = cellophane 13040. celofibra = staple fibre; rayon 13041. celt = Celt 13042. celt = Kelt 13043. celta = Celtic; the Celtic language 13044. celtic = Celtic 13045. celular = cellular; cell ..; solitary confinement (in cells); cellular tissue; parenchyme 13046. celula = celli 13047. celula (globula) = blood corpuscle 13048. celula = cubicle; white blood corpuscle; red blood corpuscle 13049. celuloid = celluloid 13050. celuloza = cellulose 13051. celuloza (pasta) = pulp 13052. cenaclu = literary circle/club 13053. cenotaf = cenotaph 13054. cens (la romani) (la romani) = census 13055. cens (in orinduirea feudala) (in orinduirea feudala) = quit rent 13056. cens = right; property qualification; educational qualification; electoral qualification 13057. cent (moneda americana) = cent; penny 13058. cascat (intredeschis) = slightly open 13059. cascat (d. usa) = ajar 13060. cascat (d. o prapastie etc.) = gaping 13061. cascat (d. o prapastie etc.) = yawning 13062. cascat = open-mouthed 13063. cascat (nataflet) = foolish 13064. cascat (nataflet) = stupid 13065. cascat (distrat) = absent-minded 13066. cascat (distrat) = moony 13067. cascat = yawning; oscitation 13068. cascat (ca act) = yawn 13069. cascat (ca act) = gape 13070. cascatglumet = the gapes; to be dumbfounded; to be struck with amazement; te be agog for.. 13071. cascatura = crevice; v. cascat 13072. cascaun (d) = booby; gaper; simpleton 13073. cascioara = little house 13074. cascioara = houselet 13075. casnicie = married/wedded life; wedlock; family life 13076. casoaie (camara) = larder 13077. casoaie (camara) = pantry 13078. casoaie (pt. unelte) = lumber room 13079. casuta = little house 13080. casuta = houselet 13081. casuta (firida) = pigeonhole; post-office box; POB 13082. casarie = cheese dairy 13083. casuna (a pricinui) = to cause 13084. casuna (a pricinui) = to bring about

13085. casuna (a determina) = to determine; to dawn upon..; to occur to..; to begin/come to hate..; to conceive a hatred for..; to pass the hat round 13899. chezas (garant) (garant) = guarantee 13900. chezas (garant) (garant) = guarantor

13901. chezas (garant) (garant) = bail 13902. chezas (garant) (garant) = security 13903. chezas (ostatec) = hostage; to stand bail for smb.; to be security/surety for smb. 13904. chezasie = security 13905. chezasui = to answer/vouch for 13906. chezasuire = warranting etc. 13907. chiabur = rich; well-to-do; well-off 13908. chiabur = kulak 13909. chiaburesc = (characteristic) of a kulak 13910. chiaburi = to become a kulak 13911. chiaburime = kulaks 13912. chiaburoaica = kulak woman; kulak's wife 13913. chiar (pina si) = even 13914. chiar (insusi) = oneself 13915. chiar (insusi) = myself 13916. chiar (insusi) = yourself etc. 13917. chiar (tocmai) = just 13918. chiar (exact) = exactly 13919. chiar (nu altul decit) = the very ..; just now; this (very) moment/minute; even so; exactly; just like this; < (asta e)>that'sit; < (asta-i cuvintul)>that's the word for it; < (te cred)>right 13920. chiasm = chiasmus 13921. chibit = kibitzer; kiebitz 13922. chibita = to (be a) kiebitz 13923. chibrit = (friction) match 13924. chibrit = lucifer (match) 13925. chibrit (suedez) = safety match; match; box of matches; match box; to strike/light a match 13926. chibritelnita = match pot 13927. chibzui (a judeca) = to consider 13928. chibzui (a judeca) = to ponder (over) 13929. chibzui (a gindi bine) = to think over 13930. chibzui (a cumpani) = to weigh 13931. chibzui (a cumpani) = to balance (in one's mind) 13932. chibzui (a se gindi la) = to think of 13933. chibzui (a se gindi la) = to reflect upon 13934. chibzui (a pune la cale) = to plan 13935. chibzui (a pune la cale) = to arrange 13936. chibzui (in sens rau) = to plot 13937. chibzui (cu cineva) = to deliberate/consult with smb. 13938. chibzui = to think; to ponder; to reflect; to meditate 13939. chibzuiala = thinking; consideration; reflexion; meditation etc.; deliberately; < (intelept)>wisely; < (ordonat)>in an orderly fashion; < (treptat)>gradually; after mature/careful consideration; to hesitate; to hesitate; t 13940. chibzuit (gindit) = (well) thought-out 13941. chibzuit (precaut) = cautious 13942. chibzuit (precaut) = prudent 13943. chibzuit (circumspect) = deliberate 13944. chibzuit (circumspect) = wary 13945. chibzuit (circumspect) = circumspect 13946. chibzuit (intelept) = wise 13947. chibzuit (echilibrat) = balanced 13948. chibzuit (atent, grijuliu) = careful 13949. chibzuit (econom) = thrifty 13950. chica (par) = hair 13951. chica (par netuns) = fringe 13952. chica (smoc) = tuft of hair 13953. chica (plete) = loose-flowing hair; fennel flower (Nigella damascena); to catch hold of smb. by the hair 13954. chichineata = hovel; hole (of a place) 13955. chichirez = sense; dull; flat; stale; poor; tame; it's dull etc.; it has neither rhyme nor reason; it's absurd/senseless; < (e ridicol)>it's (perfectly) rid 13956. chichita (pretext) = pretext 13957. chichita (scuza) = excuse 13958. chichita (subterfugiu) = pretence 13959. chichita (subterfugiu) = subterfuge 13960. chichita (subterfugiu) = dodge 13961. chichita (subterfugiu) = evasion 13962. chichita (subterfugiu) = shift 13963. chichita (subterfugiu) = knick 13964. chichita (subterfugiu) = knack 13965. chichita (urzeala) = device

13966. chichita (urzeala) = contrivance 13967. chichita (urzeala) = stratagem 13968. chichita = sly manoeuvres/intrigues; underhand work; artful dodges 13969. chichita (secret) = knack 13970. chichita (secret) = secret; to fiind fault with smb.; to cavil at smb.; you must learn all the knacks of the trade 13971. chicineta = little kitchen 13972. chiciura = hoar frost; white frost 13973. chiciura = rime 13974. chicot (ris infundat) = snigger 13975. chicot (ris infundat) = giggle 13976. chicot (ris infundat) = titter 13977. chicot (ris infundat) = chuckle 13978. chicot (hohot) = burst of laughter 13979. chicoti (a ride infundat) = to snigger 13980. chicoti (a ride infundat) = to giggle 13981. chicoti (a ride infundat) = to titter 13982. chicoti (a ride infundat) = to chuckle 13983. chicoti (cu hohote) = to laugh out loud 13984. chicoti (cu hohote) = to roar with laughter 13985. chicotit = sniggering etc. 13986. chifla = (French) roll 13987. chifla = Parker House roll 13988. chiftea = minced-/hash-meat ball 13989. chihai = to tease; to pester 13990. chihlimbar = amber; jet 13991. chihlimbariu = amber-coloured 13992. chil = kilo 13993. chil = chyle 13994. chila = former dry measure (=500 kg) 13995. chilie (de manastire etc.) = cell 13996. chilie (de schimnic) = hermitage 13997. chilie (pestera) = cave 13998. chilie (odaita) = little/small room 13999. chilifer = chyliferous 14000. chilipir (cumparatura ieftina) = chance purchase/bargain 14001. chilipir (cumparatura ieftina) = job lot 14002. chilipir (cumparatura ieftina) = (lucky) bargain 14003. chilipir (noroc neasteptat) = godsend 14004. chilipir (noroc neasteptat) = windfall; lucky find; to make a lucky find; to find smth. of value; to hunt for bargains; to be on the look-out for bargains; it's a real bargain 14005. chilipirgiu = hunter for bargains 14006. chiloti (de baie) = (bathing) trunks 14007. chiloti (de baie) = slips 14008. chiloti (de baie) = bathing drawers; swimbriefs; swimsuit 14009. chiloti (ca rufarie) = drawers 14010. chiloti (ca rufarie) = knickers 14011. chiloti (ca rufarie) = bloomers 14012. chiloti (ca rufarie) = pants 14013. chimen = caraway (Carun carvi); pepper/meadow saxifrage (Silaus pratensis); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); fennel flower (Nigella damascena); hog fennel; sulphur wort (Peucedanum officinale) 14014. chimic = chemical 14015. chimic = chemically; chemical compound; (chemical) element 14016. chimicale = chemicals 14017. chimie = chemistry; inorganic chemistry; applied/practical chemistry; biochemistry; organic chemistry 14018. chimion = cumin (Cuminum Cyminum) 14019. chimir (briu) = peasant (waist) belt 14020. chimir (briu) = girdle 14021. chimir (serpar) = money belt/pouch 14022. chimir (punga) = purse; to make money; to make a fortune; < (a pune bani la o parte)>to lay money by; < (a fi zgircit)>to be stingy/niggardly 14023. chimist = scientific chemist; chemical investigator 14024. chimiza = to chemify 14025. chimizare = chemification 14026. chimono = kimono 14027. chimval = cymbal 14028. chin (tortura) = torture 14029. chin (tortura) = torment 14030. chin (suferinta grozava) = agony 14031. chin (suferinta grozava) = excruciating pain 14032. chin (numai sufletesc) = great affliction/distress 14033. chin (truda) = pains

14034. chin (truda) = effort (s); (birth) throes; birth struggle; travail; anguish of soul; mental agony; vexations of spirit; to put to the rack 14035. chinchina = bark tree (Cinchona) 14036. chindie (dupa amiaza) = afternoon (between two and five 14037. chindie (asfintit) = sunset; Rumanian folk dance 14038. chinez = Chinese 14039. chinez = Chinaman 14040. chineza = Chinese; the Chinese language 14041. chinezesc = Chinese; shadow theaatre; galanty show; the Great Wall of China 14042. chinezeste = like the Chinese 14043. chinezeste (ca limba) = Chinese 14044. chinezoaica = Chinese woman 14045. chinga (la cai) = belly band 14046. chinga (la cai) = girth 14047. chinga (de sa) = saddle girth 14048. chinga = tie band; folding bed (stand); to loosen the saddle girth (s) of; to loosen one's grip on; to loosen smb.'s bonds; to girth (up); < (a nu slabi)>to give smb. no quarter; < (a o 14049. chinina = quinine; Peruvian bark 14050. chinovar = mercuric sulphide 14051. chintal = quintal (= 100 kg) 14052. chinta = quint 14053. chinta (de tuse) = fit (of coughing) 14054. chinta (la pocher) = straight (flush); royal flush 14055. chintesenta = quinteseence 14056. chinui = to put to the rack; to torture; to torment; to martyr 14057. chinui (a produce suferinte) (a produce suferinte) = to torture 14058. chinui (a produce suferinte) (a produce suferinte) = to torment; to tantalize 14059. chinui (a nu da pace) = to harass 14060. chinui (a nu da pace) = to worry 14061. chinui (a nu da pace) = to trouble 14062. chinui (a fi o pacoste pentru) = to plague 14063. chinui (a fi o pacoste pentru) = to pester 14064. chinui (a fi o pacoste pentru) = to harry 14065. chinui (a fi o pacoste pentru) = to bait 14066. chinui (a plictisi) = to bore 14067. chinui (a trudi) = to moil and toil 14068. chinui (a trudi) = to labour 14069. chinui (facind munca de corvoada) = to drudge 14070. chinui (facind munca de corvoada) = to slave 14071. chinui (facind munca de corvoada) (facind munca de corvoada) = to fag (away) 14072. chinui (a-si stoarce creierii) = to rack/cudget one's brains 14073. chinui (singur) = to torment oneself 14074. chinui (a fi nelinistit) = to be uneasy 14075. chinui (a fi nelinistit) = to fret 14076. chinui (a fi nelinistit) = to worry; to slave/drudge one's life out over smth; he has toiled to no purpose; he laboured in vain; to rack/cudgel one's brains 14077. chinuire = tormenting etc. 14078. chinuit = tortured etc. 14079. chinuit (nenorocit) = miserable 14080. chinuit (nenorocit) = wretched 14081. chinuit (nenorocit) = unfortunate 14082. chinuit (nelinistit) = uneasy 14083. chinuit (nelinistit) = fretful 14084. chinuit (nelinistit) = agitated 14085. chinuit (nelinistit) = worried 14086. chinuit (furtunos) = stormy 14087. chinuit (nefiresc) = overdone 14088. chinuit (nefiresc) = unnatural 14089. chinuit (nefiresc) = exaggerated 14090. chinuit (d. stil) = over-elaborate 14091. chinuitor = tormenting etc. 14092. chinuitor = tormentingly etc. 14093. chinuitor = tormentor; torturer 14094. chioara; < = de-a ~ (orbeste)>blindly; < (bijbiind)>gropingly 14095. chiolhan = spree; booze; blow-out 14096. chiolhanos = vile; loathsome; abject 14097. chiolhanos = villain; scoundrel 14098. chiomp = purblind; dull; stupid 14099. chior = blind in/of one eye; one-eyed; boss-eyed 14100. chior (orb) = blind 14101. chior (miop) (miop) = short-sighted 14102. chior (cu lumina slaba) = dim 14103. chior = one-eyed person

14104. chior = single peeper; Adam's ale; fish broth; wish-wash; wish-wash; talkee-talkee; idle talk; hobbledehoyhood; (not) the tiniest little bit 14120. chioris = askance; askew; asquint; awry 14121. chioris = squinting; to squint; to look awry; to look both ways for Sunday; ; < to look nine ways; to look askance/awry 14122. chiosc (intr-un parc public) = kiosk 14123. chiosc (ghereta) = booth 14124. chiosc (pt. vinzari) = stall 14125. chiosc (de ziare) = news stall/stand 14126. chiosc (tutungerie) = tobacconist's 14127. chiosc (pt. muzica) = bandstand 14128. chiosc (foisor) = summer house 14129. chiosc (frunzar) = arbour 14130. chiosc (frunzar) = pergola 14131. chioscar = seller in a kiosk etc. 14132. chioscar (tutungiu) = tobacconist 14133. chiot (strigat) = cry 14134. chiot (strigat) = shout 14135. chiot (ascutit) = yell (ing) 14136. chiot (ascutit) = shriek 14137. chiot (de bucurie) = exultant shout/yell 14138. chiot (de bucurie) = lusty cheer; to shout/yell (exultantly) 14139. chip (imagine) = image 14140. chip (portret) = portrait 14141. chip (pe monede) = effigy 14142. chip (poza) = picture 14143. chip (imagine identica) = (exact) likeness 14144. chip (imagine identica) = image 14145. chip (fata) = face 14146. chip (infatisare) = appearance 14147. chip (infatisare) = air 14148. chip (infatisare) = aspect 14149. chip (infatisare) = look 14150. chip (forma) = form 14151. chip (forma) = shape 14152. chip (fel) = manner 14153. chip (fel) = way 14154. chip (fel) = mode 14155. chip (fel) = line 14156. chip (mijloc) = means 14157. chip (posibilitate) = possibility; graven image; idol; under/in the guise of ..; (in order) to ..; at any price/sacrifice; at all costs; by appearance; after the manner/style of ..; gabbler; < (flecar)>c 14688. ciorchine = bunch of grapes 14689. ciorchine = cluster 14690. ciordeala = pinching; scrounging; boning 14691. ciordi (a fura) = to scrounge 14692. ciordi (a fura) = to nick 14693. ciordi (a fura) = to sneak 14694. ciordi (a fura) = to pinch 14695. ciordi = to make 14696. cioresc = crow ('s)..; corvine 14697. ciorna = rough copy; (rough) draft/sketch/outline 14698. cioroi = crow (Corvus) 14699. ciortan (scale) = carp (weighing 1-2 kg) 14700. ciot (nod in lemn) = knot (in wood) 14701. ciot (nod in lemn) = knag 14702. ciot (nod in lemn) = gnarl 14703. ciot (nod in lemn) = snag 14704. ciot (nod in lemn) = boss 14705. ciot (trunchi ramas dupa taiere) = stump 14706. ciot (trunchi ramas dupa taiere) = stub 14707. ciot (parte ramasa dupa ciuntire) = stump 14708. ciot (stirpitura) = runt 14709. ciot (pitic) = dwarf 14710. ciot (pitic) = midget 14711. cioturos (noduros) = knotted 14712. cioturos (noduros) = gnarled 14713. cioturos (noduros) = knobby 14714. cioturos (noduros) = knaggy 14715. ciovica = sparrow owl (Glaucidium passerinu 14716. ciozvirta = quarter (of a slaughtered animal) 14717. ciozvirta (halca) = hunk 14718. ciozvirta (halca) = chunk 14719. cipici (papuci) = slippers 14720. cipilica = kiss-me-quick 14721. cirac (discipol) = disciple 14722. cirac (discipol) = apprentice 14723. cirac (aderent) = hanger-on 14724. cirac (aderent) = adherent 14725. cirac (aderent) = follower 14726. cirac = lackey

14727. cirac (sicofant) = sycophant 14728. cirac (sicofant) = toady 14729. cirac (favorit) = favourite 14730. circ = circus 14731. circ = basin; amphitheatre (of mountains) 14732. circa (cam) = about 14733. circa (cam) = approximately 14734. circa (cam) = .. or so 14735. circa = militia station/office 14736. circuit = (channel of) circulation 14737. circuit (fiduciar) = money circulation; turnover; close circuit; commodity circulation; short circuit 14738. circula (d. fiinte, vehicule) = to circulate 14739. circula (d. fiinte, vehicule) = to move about 14740. circula (d. autobuze etc.) = to ply 14741. circula (d. autobuze etc.) = to run 14742. circula (d. autobuze etc.) = to flow 14743. circula = to circulate 14744. circula (d. bani) = to be in circulation 14745. circula (d. zvonuri) = to be afloat/going about 14746. circula (d. noutati) = to go the round (of the town) 14747. circula (d. noutati) = to be bruited about; move on!; keep moving!; pass along! 14748. circulant = circulating 14749. circular = circular; tourist ticket; circular motion 14750. circulara = circular (letter) 14751. circulara (administrative) = memorandum 14752. circulator = the circulatory system 14753. circulatie (circulare) = circulation 14754. circulatie (pe o strada) = (street) traffic 14755. circulatie (a aerului, singelui etc.) = circulation 14756. circulatie (raspindire) = diffusion 14757. circulatie (folosinta) = use; circulation of the blood; one-way traffic; widely circulated/used; interruption of traffic; traffic block; traffic management; to open .. (for tr 14758. circumferinta = circumference 14759. circumferinta (suprafata exterioara) = outer surface 14760. circumferinta (a unui pom) = girth 14761. circumferinta (a unui oras) = perimeter 14762. circumferinta (a unui oras) = boundaries 14763. circumflex = circumflex 14764. circumlocutie = circumlocution 14765. circumnaviga = to circumnavigate; to sail round 14766. circumnavigatie = circumnavigation 14767. circumscrie = to describe a circle round 14768. circumscrie (a limita) = to circumscribe 14769. circumscrie (a limita) = to limit 14770. circumscrie (a limita) = to bound 14771. circumscriere = circumscription; circumscribing 14772. circumscriptie (administrativa) = district 14773. circumscriptie (administrativa) = division 14774. circumscriptie (administrativa) = area; militia office/station; constituency; electoral district/ward; urban district; country district 14775. circumscris = circumscribed 14776. circumscris (restrins) = limited 14777. circumscris (restrins) = restricted; circle circumscribed to/about a polygon 14778. circumspect = circumspect; cautious; prudent 14779. circumspectie = circumspection; caution; wariness 14780. circumstanta (imprejurare) = circumstance 14781. circumstanta (imprejurare) = case 14782. circumstanta (imprejurare) = occasion 14783. circumstanta (imprejurare) = event; aggravating circumstances; extenuating circumstances; occasional; improvized; for the occasion; as befits the occasion; temporary 14784. circumstantial = circumstantial; adverbial of place; adverbial of manner 14785. circumvoluti (une) = circumvolution 14786. circumvolutiune = convolution of the cerebrum 14787. cireada = herd/drove (of cattle) 14788. cireasa = sweet cherry; wild cherry 14789. cires = sweet cherry (tree); wild cherry (tree); gean (Prunus avium); St. Julian's (tree) (Prunus Juliana); sweet cherry (tree) (Prunus duracina); ground cherry (tree) (Prunus Chamaec 14790. ciresar = June 14791. ciresiu = cherry-coloured; cerise 14792. cirip (-cirip) = whit!

14793. ciripi = to twitter; to chirp 14794. ciripi (a cinta) = to warble 14795. ciripi (a cinta) = to carol 14796. ciripi = to warble 14797. ciripit = twitter (ing) etc. 14798. ciripitor = twittering; chirping; warbling 14799. ciroza = cirrhosis 14800. cisalpin = Cisalpine 14801. cisterna = cistern; tank; reservoir; tank car 14802. cistic = cystic 14803. cisticere = bladder worm 14804. cistita = cystitis 14805. cistoscop = cystoscope 14806. cistoscopie = cystoscopy 14807. cismea (instalatie) = pump 14808. cismea (instalatie) = drinking fountain 14809. cismea (hidrant) = hydrant 14810. cismea (izvor) = spring 14811. cismea (izvor) = fountain 14812. cit = cotton (print) 14813. cita = to cite 14814. cita (martori) = to subpoena 14815. cita (un autor etc.) = to quote 14816. cita (cifre etc.) = to cite 14817. cita (a mentiona) = to mention 14818. cita = to be quoted; to be mentioned; to mention smb. in dispatches 14819. citadela = citadel 14820. citadin = urban; town .. 14821. citadin = townsman 14822. citadina = townswoman 14823. citare = summoning etc.; quotation marks 14824. citat = quotation; quoted passage 14825. citati (un)e = summons 14826. citet = legible 14827. citet = legibly 14828. citi = to read 14829. citi (cu grija) = to peruse 14830. citi (cu greutate, silabisind) = to spell 14831. citi (superficial) = to skim over 14832. citi (pina la capat) = to read through/out 14833. citi (dintr-o data) = to read off 14834. citi (a descifra) = to decipher 14835. citi (ginduri etc.) (ginduri etc.) = to read 14836. citi (a studia) = to read up 14837. citi (a studia) = to study 14838. citi (a studia) = to learn 14839. citi = to be read 14840. citi (d. o carte etc.) = to read 14841. citi = to read 14842. citi (cu grija) = to peruse 14843. citi (cu greutate, silabisind) = to spell; to read out aloud; to re-read; to read again; to read wrong (ly); to misread; to read in a low voice; to read softly; < (fara graba)>to read slowly; to read in 14844. citire = reading 14845. citire (descifrare) = deciphering; loud reading; reading book; reader 14846. citit = read 14847. citit (avind multa lectura) = well-read 14848. citit (avind multa lectura) = < of wide reading 14849. cititor = reader; star gazer; astrologer 14850. citrat = citrate 14851. citric = citric; citric/lemon acid 14852. citrice = citric/cedrate fruits 14853. citronada = lemonade; * 14854. ciubar = (two-handled) tub 14855. ciubotar = shoemaker 14856. ciubota = (high) boot 14857. ciubotaresc = shoemaker's .. 14858. ciubotarie (meserie) = shoemaker's trade 14859. ciubotarie (atelier) = shoemaker's (workshop) 14860. ciubotica (gheata) = boot (ee); primrose; cowslip (Primula officinalis) 14861. ciubuc = chibouk; hookah 14862. ciubuc = cornice 14863. ciubuc (cistig) = gain 14864. ciubuc (cistig) = profit

14865. ciubuc (bacsis) = tip 14866. ciubuc (spert) = boodle 14867. ciubuc (spert) = grease oil 14868. ciubucar = pipe maker; scrounger; profiteer; racketeer 14869. ciubucar (persoana care umbla dupa bacs = tip hunter 14870. ciubucar (spertar) = bribe taker 14871. ciubucar = moulding/cornice plane 14872. ciubucarie (cistiguri) = gains 14873. ciubucarie (cistiguri) = profits 14874. ciubucarie = moulding 14875. ciuciulete (cocolos) = ball 14876. ciuciulete = (wet) to the skin/bone 14877. ciucure = tassel; icicles 14878. ciudat (straniu) = strange 14879. ciudat (straniu) = curious 14880. ciudat (neobisnuit) = singular 14881. ciudat (neobisnuit) = unusual 14882. ciudat (aparte) = peculiar 14883. ciudat (aparte) = singular 14884. ciudat (aparte) = quaint 14885. ciudat (bizar) = odd 14886. ciudat (bizar) = queer 14887. ciudat (bizar) = rum 14888. ciudat (caraghios) = droll 14889. ciudat (excentric) = eccentric 14890. ciudat (excentric) = whimsical 14891. ciudat = strangely etc.; I think it strange of him to .. 14892. ciuda (pica) = spite 14893. ciuda (pica) = grudge 14894. ciuda (pica) = malice 14895. ciuda (ranchiuna) = rancour 14896. ciuda (ranchiuna) = resentment 14897. ciuda (invidie) = envy 14898. ciuda (minie) = rage 14899. ciuda (minie) = fury; annoyed; vexed; irritated; in spite of ..; despite ..; < (cu toate)>for all ..; < (infruntind)>in the teeth of ..; in defiance/spite of smb.; in/from spite; < (dinadins)>purposely; < (dinadi 14900. ciudatenie = singular/strange/curious thing 14901. ciudatenie (raritate) = curio 14902. ciudatenie (purtare ciudata) = strange etc. 14903. ciudatenie (purtare ciudata) = behaviour 14904. ciudatenie (intimplare ciudata) = strange occurrence 14905. ciudatenie (aspect neobisnuit) = singularity 14906. ciudatenie (aspect neobisnuit) = peculiarity 14907. ciudatenie (aspect straniu) = strangeness 14908. ciudatenie (aspect straniu) = oddity 14909. ciudatenie (excentricitate) = eccentricity 14910. ciudatenie (excentricitate) = whimsicality 14911. ciudatenie (capriciu) = whim 14912. ciudatenie (capriciu) = freak 14913. ciudatenie (capriciu) = caprice 14914. ciudos (suparat) = angry 14915. ciudos (furios) = furious 14916. ciudos (plin de ciuda) = spiteful 14917. ciuf = mop head 14918. ciuf (barbat neingrijit) = sloven 14919. ciuf (smoc de par) = tuft (of hair) 14920. ciuf (smoc de par) = shock 14921. ciuf (care atirna) = bob 14922. ciuf (la pasari) = aigret (te) 14923. ciuf (la pasari) = crest 14924. ciuf (parul capului) = hair (of the head) 14925. ciufuli (parul) = to tousle 14926. ciufuli (parul) = to rumple 14927. ciufuli (parul) = to dishevel 14928. ciufuli (parul) = to ruffle 14929. ciufuli (a trage de par) = to seize by the hair 14930. ciufuli = to snap one's fingers at 14931. ciufuli (d. par) = to be/get dishevelled 14932. ciufuli (d. par) = to straggle 14933. ciufuli (reciproc) = to have a set-to 14934. ciufulit (d. par) = dishevelled 14935. ciufulit (d. par) = ruffled 14936. ciufulit (d. par) = rumpled

14937. ciufulit (d. par) = tousled 14938. ciufulit (d. pene) = ruffled 14939. ciufulit (d. oameni) = dishevelled 14940. ciufulit (d. oameni) = with dishevelled/tousled hair 14941. ciufulit (d. oameni) = with a shock of dishevelled/tousl 14942. ciufut (zgircit) (zgircit) = niggardly 14943. ciufut (zgircit) (zgircit) = mean 14944. ciufut (zgircit) (zgircit) = tight-fisted 14945. ciufut (zgircit) (zgircit) = skinny 14946. ciufut (capricios) = capricious 14947. ciufut (capricios) = whimsical 14948. ciufut (prost dispus) = low-spirited 14949. ciufut (zgircit) = miser 14950. ciufut (zgircit) = skinflint 14951. ciufut (zgircit) = screw 14952. ciufut (zgircit) = save-all 14953. ciuguleala = pecking etc. 14954. ciuguli (d. pasari) = to peck 14955. ciuguli (d. pasari) = to pick 14956. ciuguli (din mincare) = to pick at 14957. ciuguli (din mincare) = to toy with 14958. ciuguli (a musca din) = to nibble (at) 14959. ciuguli = to bill and coo 14960. ciuguli (a se saruta) = to bill 14961. ciugulire = pecking etc. 14962. ciugulit = pecking etc. 14963. ciulama = chicken; mushrooms cooked in (white) sauce 14964. ciuleandra = Kindof Rumanian dance 14965. ciuli = to prick up one's ears 14966. ciulin = thistle (Carduus); water caltrop/nut (Trapa nutans); wild teasel; wood broom (Dipsacus silvestris); Scotch/cotton/thistle; musk thistle (Carduus nutans) 14967. ciumat = plague-stricken; infected with the plague 14968. ciumat = plague-stricken person 14969. ciuma (femeie rea) (femeie rea) = fury 14970. ciuma (femeie rea) (femeie rea) = dragon 14971. ciuma (femeie rea) (femeie rea) = shrew 14972. ciuma (femeie rea) (femeie rea) = wixen 14973. ciuma (femeie rea) (femeie rea) = termagant 14974. ciuma (femeie urita) = fright 14975. ciuma (femeie urita) = scarecrow 14976. ciuma (femeie batrina si rea) = old hag/crone; bubonic plague; plague; plaguy/pestilential epidemic; pestilence weed/wort (Petasites) 14977. ciumafaie = stramony (Datura stramonium) 14978. ciung (cu un brat) = one-armed/-handed 14979. ciung (schilod) = crippled 14980. ciung (schilod) = mutilated 14981. ciung (d. pomi, fara craci) = branchless 14982. ciung (caruia i s-au taiat cracile) = lopped 14983. ciung (caruia i s-au taiat cracile) = pruned 14984. ciung = one-armed/-handed person 14985. ciung (arbore pitic) = dwarf 14986. ciung (arbore pitic) = dwarfish tree 14987. ciung (pom fara craci) = branchless tree 14988. ciung (arbore caruia i s-au taiat cr = lopped/pruned tree 14989. ciungi (a face ciung) = to deprive of an arm 14990. ciungi (a face ciung) = to cut smb.'s arm 14991. ciungi (a schilodi) = to cripple 14992. ciungi (a schilodi) = to maim 14993. ciungi (pomi) = to lop off 14994. ciungi (pomi) = to prune 14995. ciunt (ciung i, 1) = ine-armed 14996. ciunt (cu un corn) = single-horned 14997. ciunt (cu un corn) = unicornous 14998. ciunt (d. urechi) = crop-eared 14999. ciunt (d. coada) = docked 15000. ciunt (cu coada taiata) = dock-tailed 15001. ciunti (a amputa) = to amputate 15002. ciunti (a scurta) = to cut short 15003. ciunti (a amputa) = to cut off 15004. ciunti (a scurta) = to curtail 15005. ciunti (urechile) = to crop 15006. ciunti (a reduce) (a reduce) = to cut down 15007. ciunti (coada) = to dock 15008. ciunti (a reduce) (a reduce) = to reduce

15009. ciunti (aripile) = to clip 15010. ciunti (un discurs) = to truncate 15011. ciunti (pomii) = to prune 15012. ciunti (un discurs) = to mutilate 15013. ciunti (pomii) = to lop 15014. ciunti (un discurs) = to mangle 15015. ciunti (un text) = to curtail 15016. ciunti (virful unui pom) = to top 15017. ciunti (un text) = to cut down 15018. ciunti (virful unui pom) = to poll 15019. ciunti (a strica) = to spoil 15020. ciunti (mustata, barba) = to trim 15021. ciunti (un creion) = to blunt off 15022. ciunti (taisul) = to take the edge (s) off 15023. ciunti (a schilodi) = to cripple 15024. ciunti (a schilodi) = to mutilate 15025. ciunti (a schilodi) = to maim 15026. ciunti = to be/get cut short etc. 15027. ciunti (a se toci) = to grow blunt 15028. ciuntire = cutting short etc. 15029. ciupeala (furt mic) = pilferage 15030. ciupeala (furt mic) = filching 15031. ciupeala (furt mic) = crib 15032. ciupeala (plagiat) = crib 15033. ciupeala (mita) = boodle 15034. ciuperca = fungus 15035. ciuperca (cu palarie) = mushroom 15036. ciuperca (mai mare, mai ales veninoasa) = toadstool 15037. ciuperca (pt. tesut ciorapi) = darner 15038. ciuperca (pt. tesut ciorapi) = darning ball/egg 15039. ciuperca (palarie) = topper 15040. ciuperca (palarie) = chimney pot 15041. ciuperca (palarie) (palarie) = tile 15042. ciuperca (palarie) = roof; fly agaric (Agaricus muscarius); champignon; field agaric (Agaricus campestris); dry-rot fungus (Merulius lacrimans); no matter! never mind!; < (nu-mi pasa)> 15043. ciupi (a fura cite putin) = to crib 15044. ciupi (a pisca) = to pinch 15045. ciupi (a pisca) = to nip 15046. ciupi (dintr-o suma) = to dock smb. off a sum 15047. ciupi (a pisca) = to tweak 15048. ciupi (bani) = to screw money out of smb. 15049. ciupi (a musca) = to nibble 15050. ciupi (de fund) = to goose 15051. ciupi (d. pureci) = to sting 15052. ciupi = to pinch/nip off 15053. ciupi (a fura cite putin) = to pilfer 15054. ciupi (a fura cite putin) = to filch 15055. ciupi (a se imbata) = to have had a cup too much 15056. ciupi (a se imbata) = to have been bitten by a barn mou 15057. ciupire = pinching etc. 15058. ciupit = pinched etc.; pock-marked 15059. ciupitura (piscatura) = pinch 15060. ciupitura (furtisag) = crib 15061. ciupitura (furtisag) = petty pilfering 15062. ciupitura (invectiva) = cut 15063. ciupitura (invectiva) = hit 15064. ciupitura (invectiva) = dig; pock mark 15065. ciur (sita) = sieve 15066. ciur (sita) = tammy 15067. ciur (mai mare) = riddle 15068. ciur (pt. nisip, carbuni) = screen 15069. ciur (pt. zahar etc.) = sifter 15070. ciur (pt. faina) = bolter 15071. ciur (pt. lichide) = strainer 15072. ciur = honeycomb (stomach); to sift; to (pass trough a) sieve; < (carbuni, nisip si)>to screen; < (faina)>to bolt; to pick to pieces; he has been through the mill; to wander; < (a spune prostii)>to digress; < (a spune prostii)>to drift away from a subject; to go/ru 15170. cimpean = lowlander 15171. cimpean (taran) = countryman 15172. cimpean (taran) = rustic 15173. cimpeanca = countrywoman etc. 15174. cimpenesc (de ses) = field .. 15175. cimpenesc (de ses) = plain .. 15176. cimpenesc (de ses) = of the field/plain 15177. cimpenesc (rural) = rural 15178. cimpenesc (rural) = country .. 15179. cimpenesc (rural) = rustic; picnic 15180. cimpie = plain; level (country) 15181. cimpie (tara de jos) = lowland 15182. cind = when 15183. cind (in timp ce) = while 15184. cind (in timp ce) = as 15185. cind (in timp ce) = vhen 15186. cind (oricind) = whenever 15187. cind (deodata) = suddenly 15188. cind (deodata) = all of sudden; here one day; there the next; sometimes this way; sometimes that; now one way; now the other; now .. then; when I was about to ..; to become an outlaw 16389. coechipier = fellow member (of a team) 16390. coeficient = coefficient 16391. coercibil = compressible 16392. coercitiv = coercive; means of coercion; coercive measure 16393. coercitie = coercion 16394. coerent = coherent 16395. coerent = coherently 16396. coerenta = coherence 16397. coexista = to coexist 16398. coexistenta = coexistence; peaceful coexistence 16399. coeziune = unity 16400. cofa = wooden pail; to take smb. in; to sell smb.; < (a lasa mai prejos)>to get the better of smb.; < (a lasa mai prejos)>to have smb.; < (a lasa mai prejos)>to have (got) smb. (stone-)cold 16401. cofetar = confectioner 16402. cofetar (patisier) = pastry cook 16403. cofetarie (magazin) = confectioner's 16404. cofetarie (magazin) = pastry-cook's shop 16405. cofetarie (magazin) = sweetshop 16406. cofetarie (luxoasa) = Italian/Swiss cafe 16407. cofeturi = confectionery; sweet-meats; sweets 16408. cofra = to case 16409. cofraj = shuttering (for concrete work) 16410. cofraj~ glisant = sliding form/shuttering 16411. cofrare = shuttering; casing 16412. cofret = electric switch box 16413. cogeamite (a) = huge; (as) large as life 16414. cognoscibil = cognoscible; cognizable; knowable; the world is knowable 16415. cognoscibilitate = cognoscibility 16416. cohorta = host 16417. coif = casque 16418. coincide (cu) = to coincide (with) 16419. coincide (cu) = to concur (with) 16420. coincide (cu) = to happen at the same moment

16421. coincide (a se potrivi) = to tally 16422. coincide (a se potrivi) = to dovetail 16423. coincident = coincident (al); coinciding 16424. coincident (simultan) = simultaneous 16425. coincidenta = coincidence; concurrence 16426. coincidenta (simultaneitate) = simultaneousness; a happy coincidence; an entirely coincidental occurrence 16427. cointeresa = to give smb. a joint interest in; to draw in .. 16428. cointeresare = drawing in 16429. cointeresare = personal interest; (providing) material incentive 16430. cointeresat = having/sharing a joint interest i 16431. coji (pomi) = to bark 16432. coji (pomi) = to peel off 16433. coji (fructe) = to shell 16434. coji (fructe) = to husk 16435. coji (cartofi si legume) = to peel 16436. coji (cartofi si legume) = to skin 16437. coji (pielea) = to strip off 16438. coji (piinea) = to cut/take the crust off 16439. coji (d. pomi) = to shed the bark 16440. coji (d. piele) = to peel (off) 16441. coji (d. piele) = to scale 16442. coji (d. piele) = to come off 16443. coji = to desquamate 16444. coji (a se desprinde) = to come off 16445. cojire = barking etc. 16446. cojit = barked etc. 16447. cojoc = sheepskin (waist)coat; very cold winter; to change one's mind; < (a schimba tonul)>to change one's tone/tune; < (a se infuria)>to fly into a rage; < (a se infuria)>to fly off the handle; to be content/satisfied with .. 16948. complectamente = absolutely; thoroughly; completely 16949. complement = complement; complement; adverbial; adverbial of place; adverbial of manner; adverbial of time; direct object; indirect object; to do a favour 17231. concesiona = to grant; to license; to patent

17232. concesionar = concession (n)aire; patentee; licensee; grantee 17233. concesionare = granting etc. 17234. concesiune = concession 17235. concesiune (drept de vinzare) = license 17236. concesiune (privilegiu) = patent 17237. concesiune (asupra pamintului) = grant 17238. concesiv = concessive; concessive clause 17239. concetatean (din acelasi oras) = fellow citizen 17240. concetatean (din acelasi oras) = townsman 17241. concetatean (din aceeasi tara) = (fellow) countryman 17242. conchide = to draw the conclusion that ..; to conclude that ..; to infer that ..; < (a deduce)>to deduce that ..; < (din ceva spus)>to gather that .. 17243. conchistador = conquistador 17244. conci = loop (of hair) 17245. concilia = to reconcile; to concilitate 17246. concilia = to be reconciled 17247. concilia (a se potrivi) = to harmonize 17248. concilia (a se potrivi) = to tally 17249. conciliabil = reconcilable 17250. conciliabul = secret meeting/assembly 17251. conciliant = conciliating; conciliatory; conciliative 17252. conciliant (iertator) = forgiving 17253. conciliant (de compromis) = compromising 17254. conciliator = conciliatory; compromising 17255. conciliator = conciliator 17256. conciliere (impacare) = conciliation 17257. concis = concise; brief (ly worded); terse 17258. concis (laconic) = laconical 17259. concizie = concision; conciseness; terseness; brevity 17260. conclav = conclave 17261. concludent (d. un argument) = conclusive 17262. concludent (d. un argument) = clinching 17263. concludent (d. un motiv) = weighty; valid 17264. concludent (d. o dovada) = convincing 17265. concludent (d. o dovada) = cogent 17266. concludent (edificator) = edifying 17267. concluzie = conclusion; inference 17268. concluzie = finding; to draw a conclusion/an inference; to come to the conclusion that ..; < (pripit)>to jump to the conclusion that .. 17269. concomitent = concomitant; attendant; accompanying; accessory 17270. concomitent (simultan) = simultaneous 17271. concomitent (cu) = concomitantly (with) 17272. concomitent (cu) = simultaneously (with); concurrently (with); at the same time (as) 17273. concomitenta = concomitance 17274. concorda (cu) = to harmonize (with) 17275. concorda (cu) = to tally (with) 17276. concorda (cu) = to be in keeping (with) 17277. concorda (d. pareri etc.) = to be in accord with 17278. concorda (a corespunde) = to correspond (to) 17279. concorda = to concord 17280. concordant = concordant; harmonious 17281. concordanta = concordance; agreement; conformity; harmony; consistency; sequence of tenses; to bring in (to) unison with ..; to make agree to .. 17282. concordat = composition 17283. concordie = concord; harmony; agreement; accord 17284. concrescenta = concrescence 17285. concret = concrete 17286. concret (real) = real 17287. concret (real) = actual 17288. concret (material) = material 17289. concret (precis) = definite 17290. concret (precis) = precise 17291. concret = concretely; concrete example; concrete number; concrete noun 17292. concretiza = to concretize; to put in a concrete form; to materialize 17293. concretiza (a realiza) = to effect 17294. concretiza (a realiza) = to carry out 17295. concretiza = to be effected etc. 17296. concretizare = concretization; materialization etc. 17297. concretie = concretion 17298. concubinaj = concubinage; to live in concubinage 17299. concubina = concubine 17300. concura (cu) (a coopera) = to co-operate (with) 17301. concura (a se lua la intrecere) = to vie (with) 17302. concura (a se lua la intrecere) = to compete (with)

17303. concura (a se lua la intrecere) = to emulate (with) 17304. concura = to compete (with) 17305. concura = to compete with 17306. concura = to compete with each other 17307. concurent (cooperind) = co-operative 17308. concurent (rival) = competitive 17309. concurent (rival) = rival 17310. concurent (rival) = competing 17311. concurent (candidat) = candidate 17312. concurent (rival) = rival 17313. concurent (participant la o intrecere et = competitor 17314. concurent (participant la o intrecere) = contestant; concurrent forces 17315. concurenta = competition; rivalry; up to the sum/amount of ..; to vie with smb. 17316. concurs (colaborare) = co-operation 17317. concurs (colaborare) = concurrence 17318. concurs (ajutor, sprijin) = assistance 17319. concurs (ajutor, sprijin) = help 17320. concurs (participare) = participation 17321. concurs (intrecere) = competition 17322. concurs = contest 17323. concurs (examen) = competition 17324. concurs (examen) = competitive examination; juncture; < (fericit)>happy coincidence; musical contest; admitted by competitive examination; through the instrumentality of ..; < (cu ajutorul)>with the aid of ..; Cabinet; war council; firmly; < (cu entuziasm)>with enthusiasm; < (cu entuziasm)>enthusiastically; vaguely; < (fara tragere de inima)>without enthusiasm; by means of persuasion; don't flurry yourself!; < (nu te infierbinta)>take it easy!; to begin to walk upright 18435. copartas = sharer; participator; party 18436. copca (gaura) = hole 18437. copca (sponca) = clasp 18438. copca (in gheata) = ice hole 18439. copca (sponca) = hook 18440. copca (catarama) = buckle 18441. copca = wound clip; belt buckle; to clasp; to go to the dogs to go to pot; to hook (on) 18442. copeica = copeck; kopeck 18443. coperta (de carte) = cover 18444. coperta (plic) = envelope 18445. copia (a transcrie) = to write out 18446. copia (a transcrie) = to copy out 18447. copia (a transcrie) = to transcribe 18448. copia (pe curat) = to make a clean/fair copy of 18449. copia (a imita) = to copy 18450. copia (a imita) = to imitate 18451. copia (a reproduce) = to reproduce 18452. copia (a mima) = to mimic 18453. copia (a plagia) = to plagiarize 18454. copia (a contraface) = to forge 18455. copia (a contraface) = to counterfeit 18456. copia = to crib 18457. copia = to crib; to pony 18458. copiat = writing out etc. 18459. copie (reproducere exacta etc.) = copy 18460. copie (transcriere) = transcript 18461. copie (reproducere) = reproduction 18462. copie (facsimil) = facsimile 18463. copie (imitatie) = imitation 18464. copie = copy; top copy; to make a copy; he's the very image of his father 18465. copier = copying book 18466. copil = child 18467. copil (de usa) = door heing 18468. copil = infant 18469. copil (baiat) = boy 18470. copil (fata) = girl 18471. copil = bairn 18472. copil (mic) = baby 18473. copil (mic) = babe 18474. copil = kids 18475. copil (urmas) = descendant 18476. copil (urmas) = offspring 18477. copil (pici) = brat 18478. copil (pici) = urchin 18479. copil (fiu) = son 18480. copil (fiu) = boy 18481. copil (fiica) = daughter

18482. copil (fiica) = girl 18483. copil = child; page; adopted/foster child; soldier's son; orphan (educated in barracks); baby; infant in arms; < (sugaci)>suckling; problem child; love child; a 18484. copilandra = young girl; flapper 18485. copilandru = juvenile 18486. copilandru (tinar) = youth 18487. copilas = baby; babe; kiddy 18488. copila = child 18489. copila (fata) = girl 18490. copila (fetita) = little girl 18491. copila (fiica) = daughter 18492. copilaresc (de copil) = child's 18493. copilaresc (de copil) = children's 18494. copilaresc (propriu copilului) = childish 18495. copilaresc (infantil) = infantile 18496. copilaresc (nevinovat) = childike 18497. copilaresc (naiv) = naive childish 18498. copilareste = like a child 18499. copilareste = childishly 18500. copilari = to spend one's childhood 18501. copilari = to play the child 18502. copilarie (virsta de copil = si fig.)childhood 18503. copilarie (virsta de copil = si fig.)infancy 18504. copilarie (apucatura de copil) = childish nonsense/trifling 18505. copilarie (apucatura de copil) = childishness 18506. copilarie (prostie) = nonsense; second childhood; childish/youthful days; babyhood; babyship 18507. copilaros = childish; babyish; babified; childish old man; old dotard 18508. copilet = maize runner/tiller 18509. copios = copious; sumptuous; plenteous; rich; square 18510. copios = copiously etc. 18511. copist = copyist; transcriber 18512. copita = hoof; cloven-footed/-hoofed; with a cloven hoof; kick from a (horse's) hoof; horse's kick; hoof mark; to kick (out) 18513. coplesi = to overwhelm; to overpower; to overcome; he's overcome with sleep; to overwhelm with attentions 18514. coplesire = overwhelming etc. 18515. coplesit = overwhelmed; overcome; overloaded with debt; over head and ears in debt; care-worn/-laden; overwhelmed/overburdened with business 18516. coplesitor = overwhelming 18517. copoi = tufter 18518. copoi (prepelicar) = pointer 18519. copoi (prepelicar) = setter 18520. copoi (prepelicar) = retriever 18521. copoi = police spy 18522. copoi (politist) = bobby 18523. copoi (politist) = copper 18524. copoi (politist) = cop 18525. coprina = poet's narcissus (Narcissus poeti; daffodil (Narcissus pseudo-narcis 18526. coprolit = coprolite 18527. coproprietar = co-proprietor; joint proprietor/owner 18528. coproprietate = co-proprietorship; joint possession/property 18529. copt = ripe; mature 18530. copt (d. fructe si) = mellow 18531. copt (pe deplin dezvoltat) = fully developed/grown 18532. copt (la foc) = baked 18533. copt (uscat) = dry 18534. copt (d. bube) = ripe 18535. copt (d. bube) = come to a head 18536. copt = ripe a judgement 18537. copt = ripening etc.; by hook or (by) crook; neck or nothing; half-ripe; to (begin to) ripen; to grow ripe; < (d. o rana)>to gather/draw to a head 18538. coptura (d. buba cu puroi) (d. buba cu puroi) = abscess 18539. coptura (d. buba cu puroi) (d. buba cu puroi) = boil 18540. coptura (puroi) = purulent/festering/supurative mat 18541. coptura (puroi) = pus 18542. copulativ = copulative 18543. copulatie = copulation 18544. copula = link verb 18545. cor = choir 18546. cor (mai ales bisericesc) = quire 18547. cor (cintec in cor) = chorus (singing) 18548. cor (refren) = chorus

18549. cor (refren) = burden 18550. cor = chancel; in chorus; < (toti)>all together 18551. corabie = > craft; Noah's ark; < (parca) i s-au inecat corabiile>he looks down in the mouth 18552. coral = choral 18553. coral (margean) = coral 18554. coral = hymn; choral society; coralline; coral-red; coral reef 18555. coralier = corallium 18556. coralina = coral moss (Corallina) 18557. coran = Koran 18558. coraport = co-report 18559. coraport (conferinta) = co-lecture 18560. coraportor = co-reporter 18561. coraportor (conferentiar) = co-lecturer 18562. corasan = wormseed; semencine; santonica (Semen cinae) 18563. corabier = sailor 18564. corabier (proprietar de corabie) = ship owner 18565. corb = rapacious person; variety of grapes; roller (Coracies garrula); cormorant; sea raven (Phalacrocorax carbo); night heron/crow (Nycticorax europaeus); raven-black; (a 18566. corbiu = raven-black 18567. corci = to cross breeds; to interbreed 18568. corci = to cross; to interbreed 18569. corcire = crossing; interbreeding 18570. corcit = crossed; hybrid 18571. corcitura = cross 18572. corcitura (d. animale, oameni) = mongrel 18573. corcodel = fumitory (Fumaria) 18574. corcodus = mirobolam/mirobolam tree wax cher 18575. corcodusa = mirobolam 18576. cord = heart; heart disease/complaint 18577. cordaj = gear 18578. cordar (de ferastrau) = tongue 18579. cordar (de ferastrau) = gag 18580. cordar = tailpiece 18581. cordea (panglica) = ribbon 18582. cordea = taenia (Taenia solium) 18583. cordial (pornind din inima) = cordial 18584. cordial (pornind din inima) = hearty 18585. cordial (pornind din inima) = heart-felt 18586. cordial (pornind din inima) = whole-hearted 18587. cordial (sincer) = sincere 18588. cordial (sincer) = TRUE 18589. cordial (intaritor) = stimulating 18590. cordial = cordially; with all one's heart; (whole-)heartedly 18591. cordial = restorative; cordial/hearty warm welcome 18592. cordialitate = cordiality; heartiness 18593. cordon (cingatoare) = girdle 18594. cordon (cingatoare) = belt 18595. cordon = zone 18596. cordon (snur) = string 18597. cordon (panglica a unui ordin) = ribbon of an order 18598. cordon (al unei monede) = rim 18599. cordon (al unei monede) = milled edge 18600. cordon = line of posts 18601. cordon (sir) = row 18602. cordon (sir) = line; offshore bar; umbilical cord; horizontal cordon 18603. corect (lipsit de greseli) = correct 18604. corect (lipsit de greseli) = faultless 18605. corect (lipsit de greseli) = flawless 18606. corect (asa cum trebuie sa fie) = proper 18607. corect (exact) = accurate; exact; precise 18608. corect (cinstit) = honest 18609. corect (cinstit) = fair 18610. corect (cinstit) = just 18611. corect = correctly etc. 18612. corecta = to correct; to (a)mend 18613. corecta (a rectifica) = to rectify 18614. corecta (a perfectiona) = to perfect 18615. corecta (a perfectiona) = to improve 18616. corecta = to look over (the proofs) 18617. corecta (a doua oara) = to revise 18618. corecta = to grow better; to improve 18619. corecta (in comportare) = to mend (one's ways) 18620. corecta (in comportare) = to turn over a new leaf

18621. corecta (in vorbire) = to correct oneself 18622. corectare = correction; correcting etc. 18623. corectitudine = correctness 18624. corectitudine (cinste) = honesty 18625. corectiv = corrective; reserve 18626. corector = press corrector 18627. corectura = proof (sheet) 18628. corectura (pentru a 2-a revizie) = revise; to read/correct the proofs; to see a book etc.; through the press 18629. corectie = correction; corporal punishment; thrashing; hiding; house of correction; reformatory 18630. corectional = relative to misdemeanours; minor offence; penalty of less than five years' imprisonment; penalty of more than five days' imprisonment; court of summary jurisdiction 18631. coree = St. Vitus's dance 18632. coreean = Korean 18633. coregraf = choreographer; ballet-master 18634. coregrafic = choreographic 18635. coregrafie = choreography 18636. corelat = correlated 18637. corelativ = correlative 18638. corelatie = correlation 18639. coreligionar = coreligionist 18640. corepetitor = assistant (music) master; chorus master 18641. coresponda = to exchange letters; to write to each other; to correspond/be in correspondence with smb. 18642. corespondent = friend acting in loco parentis; corresponding member; corresponding angles; (newspaper) correspondent; special correspondent 18643. corespondenta = correspondence 18644. corespondenta (posta) = mail 18645. corespondenta (conformitate) = correspondence 18646. corespondenta (conformitate) = agreement of tastes 18647. corespondenta (legatura) (legatura) = connection 18648. corespondenta (bilet) = transfer ticket; tuition by correspondence; by correspondence; to open the mail; to do the correspondence; to correspond with smb.; to be in corre 18649. corespunde (cu dat.) = to correspond (to) 18650. corespunde (cu dat.) = to agree (with) 18651. corespunde (cu dat.) = to tally (with); to meet the case 18652. corespunde (a comunica) (cu) = to communicate (with) 18653. corespunzator (cu sau cu dat.) = corresponding (to) 18654. corespunzator (potrivit) = proper 18655. corespunzator (potrivit) = adequate 18656. corespunzator (potrivit) = suitable 18657. corespunzator = according to; in accordance/keeping with; adequately; < (in conformitate)>accordingly 18658. coriandru = coriander (Coriandrum nativum) 18659. coridor = corridor; passage; hall 18660. coridor = corridor 18661. corifeu = master mind 18662. corigent = who has to go in for a second exa 18663. corigent = pupil who has to go in for a seco 18664. corigenta = second examination (after a nonpa; to go in for a second examination 18665. corigibil = corrigible 18666. corimb = corymb (us) 18667. corindon = corundum 18668. corintic = Corinthian; Corinthian order (of columns) 18669. corist = chorister; member of a chorus 18670. corist (la opera) = chorus singer 18671. coriza = coryza 18672. corla = gallinula (Gallinula chloropus) 18673. cormana = mould/earth board 18674. cormoran = cormorant (Phalacrocorax) 18675. corn = cornel tree (Cornus mascula) 18676. corn (la animale, insecte etc.) = horn 18677. corn (la animale, insecte etc.) = antenna 18678. corn (materie osoasa) = horn (y substance) 18679. corn (de plug) = plough tail/neck/handle 18680. corn = (French) horn 18681. corn (englez) = English horn 18682. corn (englez) = corno inglese 18683. corn (englez) = cor anglais 18684. corn (englez) = tenor oboe 18685. corn (de vinatoare) = bugle 18686. corn (de vinatoare) = hunting horn 18687. corn (pt. praful de pusca) = powder/priming horn 18688. corn (al lunei) = horn; crescent 18689. corn = sickle moon

18690. corn (franzeluta) = horn-shaped roll 18691. corn = crescent; antlers/horns of a stag; St. John's bread (Claviceps purpurea); cornucopia; the horn of plenty; longhorn; horned; corniferous; whopping; be sure not to .. take care not to ..; does he know this? 19903. cuneiform = cuneiform 19904. cunoaste = to know 19905. cunoaste (a-si da seama de) = to be aware of 19906. cunoaste (a-si da seama de) = to be conscious of 19907. cunoaste (a fi familiarizat cu) = to be acquainted/familiar with; to have a knowledge of 19908. cunoaste (pe cineva) = to be acquainted with 19909. cunoaste (a fi versat in) = to be versed in 19910. cunoaste (temeinic) = to be conversant with 19911. cunoaste (o limba, temeinic) = to have a thorough command of 19912. cunoaste (a recunoaste) = to recognize 19913. cunoaste (a se bucura de) = to see; to witness 19914. cunoaste = to be acquainted 19915. cunoaste (a se baga de seama) = to be noticeable/sensible; have you met before?; I am aware of all the circumstances; he is ignorant of the world; to know when to stop; to know no rest; to know by sigh 19916. cunoastere = knowledge; being familiar with etc. 19917. cunoastere = knowledge; theory of knowledge; epistemology 19918. cunoscator (in) = versed (in) 19919. cunoscator (in) = experienced (in) 19920. cunoscator = expert; connoisseur 19921. cunoscut = known 19922. cunoscut (bine ~) = wellknown 19923. cunoscut (renumit) = renowned; acquainted 19924. cunoscut (d. o figura etc.) = familiar 19925. cunoscut = acquaintance 19926. cunostinta (cunoastere) = knowledge 19927. cunostinta (si ca pl.) = cognizance 19928. cunostinta (cunoscut) = acquaintance; unconscious; in a dead faint; to know ..; to be aware of ..; to be acquainted with ..; to be unacquainted with ..; to acquire/store knowledge; briefly; < (pe scurt)>to put it bluntly 19989. cupru = copper 19990. cuptor = oven 19991. cuptor = furnace 19992. cuptor (pt. ars) = kiln 19993. cuptor (cantitate de piine etc.) = batch 19994. cuptor (iulie) = July; brick kiln; blast furnace; to rest upon one's oars; to let the grass grow under one's feet 19995. cuptorar = furnace maker; kilnman; oven (s)man; furnace feeder 19996. curaj = courage; valour; nerve; pluck 19997. curaj = chins up!; to have the courage of one's convictions; to cheer smb. up; to lose courage/heart; to take courage/heart 19998. curajos = courageous; brave; plucky 19999. curajos = courageously etc. 20000. curat = clean 20001. curat (ingrijit) = tidy 20002. curat (ingrijit) = neat 20003. curat (fara amestec) = pure 20004. curat (nediluat) = straight 20005. curat (nediluat) = neat 20006. curat (senin, clar) = clear 20007. curat (proaspat) = fresh 20008. curat (veritabil) = genuine 20009. curat (net) = net 20010. curat (pur etc.) = pure 20011. curat (cinstit) = honest 20012. curat (cinstit) = fair 20013. curat (neprihanit) = immaculate 20014. curat (fara greseala) = faultless 20015. curat = sincere 20016. curat (simplu) = mere 20017. curat (simplu) = pure 20018. curat (d. prostie etc.) = sheer 20019. curat (d. prostie etc.) = downright 20020. curat (deschis) (deschis) = open 20021. curat (lamurit) = distinct

20022. curat = clearly; neatly; purely; openly; frankly; pure/clear air; pure gold; clean hands; clean page; I smell a rat; to make a clear/fair copy of smth.; to write smth. out fair 20023. curatela = guardianship 20024. curativ = curative 20025. cura = (course of) treatment; cure; reducing (cure); antifat treatment; banting 20026. curata = to clean 20027. curata (a spala si) = to scour; to wash; to rinse 20028. curata (cu peria) = to brush 20029. curata (a freca) = to scrub 20030. curata (a draga) = to dredge 20031. curata (a lustrui) = to furbish 20032. curata (pantofii etc.) = to clean 20033. curata (a vacsui) = to black 20034. curata (dintii) = to clean 20035. curata (dintii) = to brush 20036. curata (vesela) = to scrub 20037. curata (vesela) = to scour 20038. curata (un cal) = to rub down 20039. curata (de coaja) = to peel 20040. curata (stomacul) = to open 20041. curata (stomacul) = to evacuate (the bowels) 20042. curata (o sticla) = to wash out 20043. curata (a destupa) = to clear 20044. curata (pomi) = to prune; to trim 20045. curata (peste) = to gip 20046. curata (a elibera) = to clear 20047. curata (de dusmani) (de dusmani) = to mop up 20048. curata (a rafina) = to refine 20049. curata (a rafina) (a rafina) = to purify 20050. curata (a rafina) (a rafina) = to rectify 20051. curata (de bani) = to do out 20052. curata (de bani) = to skin 20053. curata (a omori) = to do for 20054. curata = to clean/brush oneself 20055. curata = to be cleaned etc. 20056. curata (de bani) = to be cleaned out; to get rid of ..; to clear caterpillars 20057. curatat = cleaning etc. v. curATa 20058. curatel = tidy; neat; decent 20059. curatenie (lipsa de murdarie) = cleanliness 20060. curatenie (ingrijire) = neatness 20061. curatenie (lipsa de amestec) = purity 20062. curatenie (a aerului) = clearness 20063. curatenie (a aerului) = clarity 20064. curatenie (a aerului) = purity 20065. curatenie (ca actiune) = cleaning 20066. curatenie = purity 20067. curatenie (castitate) = chastity 20068. curatenie = purgative; v. si curat 20069. curati = v. curata 20070. curatitor = cleaning; purifying 20071. curb = curved 20072. curba = to curve; to bend 20073. curba = curve; contour line 20074. curbiliniu = curviliniar 20075. curbura = curvature 20076. curbura (curba) = curve 20077. curcan = cop (per) 20078. curca = turkey hen; like a dying duck in a thunderstorm; down in the chops; you will be everybody's laughing stock 20079. curcubeu = rainbow 20080. curea = strap; thong 20081. curea (pt. incins) = belt 20082. curea (pt. pusca) = rifle sling; driving belt; to tighten one's belt; to go on short commons; as much/long as he can afford 20083. curechi = v. varza 20084. curelar = strap/harness maker; leather cutter; belt maker 20085. curelarie = strap maker's trade 20086. curelarie (ca atelier) = saddler's 20087. curelusa = small strap 20088. curelusa (pt. ceas) = wristlet 20089. curent (d. vorbire) = fluent 20090. curent (d. an etc.) = present 20091. curent (d. an etc.) = current 20092. curent (d. luna) = instant

20093. curent (zilnic) = daily 20094. curent (d. preturi) = current 20095. curent (d. moneda) = legal 20096. curent (d. cheltuieli) = running 20097. curent (d. expresii) = in current use 20098. curent (obisnuit) = usual 20099. curent = easily; readily 20100. curent (a citi, a vorbi) = fluently 20101. curent (obisnuit) = generally 20102. curent (obisnuit) = usually 20103. curent = current 20104. curent (tendinta) = trend 20105. curent (curs) = course 20106. curent = current; stream; flow 20107. curent (in casa) = draught 20108. curent = spirit; running water; on the 6th inst; alternative current; direct/continuons current; air current; blast; electric current; (electric) po 20109. curenta = to shock; to produce an electrical shock in 20110. curenta = to get a shock 20111. curgator (d. apa) = flowing 20112. curgator (d. apa)) = running 20113. curgator (d. vorbire etc.) = fluent 20114. curgator (d. vorbire etc.) = flowing 20115. curgator = fluently 20116. curge = to flow; to run 20117. curge (d. lacrimi si) = to course down 20118. curge (a pluti) = to float 20119. curge (a picura) = to drip 20120. curged. un recipient, stilouri etc. = to leak 20121. curge (d. nas) = to run 20122. curge (d. sunete etc.) = to flow 20123. curge (d. timp) = to pass (by) 20124. curge (d. timp) = to elapse 20125. curge (repede) = to fly 20126. curge (a-si urma cursul) = to take its course 20127. curge (a atirna) = to hang 20128. curge (d. o multime) = to pour forth/down 20129. curge (d. urechi etc.) = to run 20130. curge (d. urechi etc.) = to suppurate 20131. curge = to rain 20132. curgere = running etc. v. curge 20133. curier = messenger; courier; express; diplomatic courier/messenger 20134. curios = curious; inquisitive 20135. curios (straniu) = curious 20136. curios (straniu) = strange 20137. curios (straniu) = odd 20138. curios (straniu) = peculiar 20139. curios (neobisnuit) = uncommon 20140. curios (rar) = rare 20141. curios (original) = original 20142. curios = curiously etc. 20143. curios = curious person; curiosity-monger; quiz; peeping Tom; to have long ears; the odd part of the business it that .. 20144. curiozitate = curiosity 20145. curiozitate (caracter ciudat) = curiosity; inquisitiveness 20146. curiozitate (caracter ciudat) = oddity 20147. curiozitate (caracter ciudat) = peculiarity 20148. curiozitate (ciudatenie) = curiosity 20149. curiozitate (ciudatenie) = oddity; out of/from curiosity; to be burning with curiosity; to be on tiptoe with curiosity; to satisfy/gratify smb.'s curiosity; to excite/raise smb.'s curiosity; to set smb. 20150. curind = soon; before long 20151. curind (indata) = at once 20152. curind (indata) = immediately 20153. curind (repede) = quickly; as soon as possible; recent; of late; recently; lately; earlier; sooner; rather; sooner or later; until recently 20154. curma = to interrupt; to break off 20155. curma (a inceta) = to cease 20156. curma (a sfirsi) = to end 20157. curma (a opri) = to put a stop to 20158. curma (a opri) = to stop 20159. curma (a fringe) = to break

20160. curma = to come to an end; to stop; to cease; to break; to put an end to one's life; to commit suicide; to break the silence 20161. curmal = date palm/tree 20162. curmala = date 20163. curmare = interruption etc. v. curma 20164. curmatura = gorge; ravine 20165. curmei = (piece of) rope 20166. curmei (de tei) = bast/bark rope; to bind fast; to use shifts/subterfuges 20167. curmezis = across; crosswise 20168. curmezis (piezis) = aslant; across; to set one's face against smth. 20169. curpen = tendril 20170. curpen (lujer) = stem 20171. curpen (nuia) = switch 20172. curs (de riu) = flow 20173. curs (manual) = textbook 20174. curs (prelegere) = lecture 20175. curs (de riu) = course 20176. curs (serie de lectii) = course 20177. curs (curent) = current 20178. curs (curent) = stream 20179. curs (al gindurilor) = train 20180. curs (al gindurilor) = trend 20181. curs (scurgere a timpului) = lapse 20182. curs (durata) = duration 20183. curs (desfasurare) = course 20184. curs (al monedei) = rate of exchange 20185. curs (al monedei) = currency circulation; river/water course; evening classes; waterway; official table of prices; the course of events; the market prices/rates; the current/present year; in.. 20186. cursant = v. cursist 20187. cursa = trap 20188. cursa (a unui vehicul) = drive; snare 20189. cursa (a unui vehicul) = ride 20190. cursa (groapa) = pitfall 20191. cursa = cruise 20192. cursa (de soareci) = mouse trap 20193. cursa = voyage 20194. cursa (cu trasura) = journey 20195. cursa = snare 20196. cursa (cu trasura) = run 20197. cursa = trap; pitfall 20198. cursa (drum, alergatura) = run 20199. cursa (ca insarcinare) = errand 20200. cursa = run 20201. cursa (a pistonului) = stroke 20202. cursa = way train; obstacle race; the arms drive/race; armament (s) race; time trial; steeple chase; hurdle race; long-distance race 20203. cursist = student 20204. cursiv (d. scriere) = cursive 20205. cursiv (d. scriere) = running 20206. cursiv (d. vorbire) = fluent 20207. cursiv = italic 20208. cursiv = cursively; fluently 20209. cursive = italics 20210. cursive (la ziar) = column 20211. cursivitate = cursive character; fluency 20212. cursor = slider; cursor 20213. curta = to court; to pay court to 20214. curtaj = brokerage 20215. curte = court; yard; courtyard 20216. curte (palat de resedinta) = court 20217. curte = tribunal 20218. curte (facuta unei femei) = attention (s) 20219. curte (facuta unei femei) = addresses 20220. curte (facuta unei femei) = courtship (s) 20221. curte (facuta unei femei) = lovemaking; school playground; manor; countrysquire's house/residence; Court of Appeal; Court of Cassation; Supreme Court; to court ..; as if coming out of the bandbox; < (scos) ca din ~ fam.>spick and span; < (scos) ca din ~> (as) bright as a button/a new penn 20266. cutra = double-dealer; weather cock 20267. cutreiera = to travel all over; to knock about 20268. cutreiera (o padure etc.) = to scour 20269. cutremur = earthquake 20270. cutremur = shaking; thrill (ing) 20271. cutremur (groaza) = fright 20272. cutremur (groaza) = terror 20273. cutremura = to shake 20274. cutremura = to quake 20275. cutremura (a tremura) = to tremble 20276. cutremura (a tremura) = to shiver 20277. cutremura (a tremura) = to shudder 20278. cutremurator = awful; terrible 20279. cutremurator (miscator) = touching 20280. cutremurator (miscator) = moving 20281. cutit = knife 20282. cutit (cu doua lame) = two-bladed knife 20283. cutit (cu mai multe lame) = many-bladed knife 20284. cutit (cu teaca) = sheath knife 20285. cutit (pt. peste) = fish knife 20286. cutit (pt. peste) = fish carver 20287. cutit (de masa) = table knife 20288. cutit (briceag) = penknife 20289. cutit (de bucatarie) = kitchen knife 20290. cutit (de cizmar) = shoemaker's knife 20291. cutit (de gradinar) = gardener's knife 20292. cutit (de legator de carti) = bookbinder's knife 20293. cutit (bisturiu) = bistoury 20294. cutit (bisturiu) = lancet 20295. cutit = knife; by the ears; it cut me to the quick; it went to my (very) heart; to have the knife at one's throat; to be at daggers drawn; to be at 20296. cutitar = throat cutter

20297. cutitas (briceag) = penknife 20298. cutitas (briceag) = pocket knife 20299. cutitarie = cutler's (work)shop 20300. cutitarie = cutlery (ware) 20301. cutitoaie = drawing knife 20302. cutitoaie (a dulgherilor) = planisher 20303. cutovlah = Kutso-Vlach 20304. cutu = come on! 20305. cutu = doggie; doggy; I'll eat my boots/hat/head if .. 20306. cuva = tub; vat 20307. cuveni = it is fitting that ..; it is (meet and) proper to/that ..; to be one's due; to deserve; it is right to be so; it is the custom; 20308. cuvenit = proper; adequate 20309. cuvertura = coverlet; counterpane; bed spread 20310. cuviincios = decent 20311. cuviincios (cum se cuvine) = proper 20312. cuviincios (cum se cuvine) = becoming 20313. cuviincios (politicos) = polite 20314. cuviincios (d. vorbe etc.) = decorous 20315. cuviincios = decently etc. 20316. cuviinta = decency; decorum; propriety 20317. cuviinta (politeta) = politeness; v. cum se cuvine; all due respects/homage; to think/deem fit/right 20318. cuvios = pious; devout 20319. cuvios = piously; devoutly 20320. cuviosie (evlavie) = piety 20321. cuviosie (evlavie) = devotion; v. omenie 20322. cuvint = word 20323. cuvint (cuvintare) = speech 20324. cuvint (cuvintare) = address 20325. cuvint (invatatura) = teaching 20326. cuvint (sfat) = advice 20327. cuvint (dispozitie) = order 20328. cuvint (promisiune) = promise 20329. cuvint (parere) = opinion 20330. cuvint (parere) = view 20331. cuvint (punct de vedere) = point of view 20332. cuvint (cearta) = quarrel 20333. cuvint (motiv) = reason 20334. cuvint (motiv) = motive; crosswords; king word; word for word; kind word; word of consolation; endearing words; concluding remarks; countersign; watchwor 20335. cuvinta (a spune) = to say 20336. cuvinta (a rosti) = to utter 20337. cuvinta (a vorbi) = to speak 20338. cuvintare = speech 20339. cuvintare (alocutiune) = address 20340. cuvintare (solemna) = oration 20341. cuvintare (solemna) = harangue; to make/deliver a speech 20342. cuvintator = speaking 20343. cuzinet = bush (ing) 20344. cvadragenar = quadragenarian 20345. cvadrant = quadrant 20346. cvadrat = quadrat 20347. cvadratura = quadrature; squaring of the circle 20348. cvadruman = quadrumanous; four-handed 20349. cvadruplu = quadruple; fourfold 20350. cvarta = fourth 20351. cvarta (la scrima) = quart 20352. cvartet = quartet (te) 20353. cvas = kvass 20354. cvasi = quasi .. 20355. cvinta = quint 20356. cvintet = quintet (te) 20357. D= 20358. da = v. dar 20359. da (a darui) = to present smb. with 20360. da (a pune) = to place 20361. da (a oferi) = to offer 20362. da (cartile de joc) = to deal 20363. da (a acorda) = to bestow/confer upon smb. 20364. da (a arunca) = to throw 20365. da (a acorda) = to grant 20366. da (a furniza) = to afford

20367. da (inapoi) = to give back 20368. da (inapoi) = to return 20369. da (ceva furat) = to restore 20370. da (a livra) = to deliver 20371. da (a inmina) = to hand (over) 20372. da (a vinde) = to sell 20373. da (a produce) = to produce 20374. da (a produce) = to yield 20375. da (a pune) = to put; to give 20376. da = yes 20377. da = oh so ? really ? 20378. da = to yield 20379. da (a bate) = to beat 20380. da (d. zapada, a cadea) = to fall 20381. da (a lovi) = to strike 20382. da (a veni) = to come; to come upon/across..; to run across..; to find..; to meet (with)..; to look out on..; to give a sweep; to bick (cu ac.); great boast; < (e) mai mare ~ua decit ocaua>little roast; < (e) mai mare ~ua decit ocaua>the game is not worth the candle 20524. darabana = drum; to drum one's fingers on the table 20525. darac (carda) = woolcard 20526. darac (carda) = carding tool/comb 20527. darac (scarmanatoare) = ripple 20528. daravera (afacere) = business 20529. daravera (chestiune) = affair 20530. daravera (chestiune) = matter 20531. daravera (belea) = mess 20532. daravera (belea) = scrape 20533. dara = v. dar 20534. daramite = more than that; besides; in addition; to say nothing of..; let alone.. 20535. dare = giving 20536. dare (impozit) = tax 20537. dare (impozit) = impost 20538. dare (prin evaluare) = assessment 20539. dare (ingaduita de parlament) = grant 20540. dare (ingaduita de parlament) = supply 20541. dare (indirecta) = duty; v. da; position; wealth; money; report; (official) returns; minutes; account; 20542. darie = lousewort 20543. darnic (fata de, cu) = open-handed (towards) 20544. darnic (fata de, cu) = liberal (towards) 20545. darnic (generos) = generous (towards); he lavishes his money; he is too lavish with his money; he spends too freely 20546. darvinism = darwinism 20547. darvinist = darwinian 20548. darvinist = darwinist 20549. dascal (profesor) = teacher 20550. dascal (profesor) = master 20551. dascal (invatat) = scholar 20552. dascal = teacher 20553. dascal (de biserica) = (psalm) reader 20554. dat = given etc. v. da 20555. dat = giving etc. v. da 20556. dat (obicei) = custom 20557. dat (obicei) = tradition 20558. dat (al unei probleme) = datum; cute; as..; considering..; seeing that..; forgotten; forsaken; at a given time; in a given case; deal (ing of cards); 20559. data = to date; it is a custom of old standing 20560. datare = dating 20561. datat (si de scrisori) = dated 20562. data (timp precis) = date 20563. data (zi) = day 20564. data (oara) = time 20565. data (notiune fundamentala) = datum 20566. data = information; at once; presently; suddenly; what day of the month is it ?; what date is it today ?; of what date is the letter ?; it is for the first time tha 20567. datina = custom; tradition 20568. dativ = dative (case) 20569. dator (cu dat.) = indebted (to) 20570. dator (cu dat.) = owing money 20571. dator (cu dat.) = (involved) in debt

20572. dator (angajat) (fata de) (angajat) (fata de) = under an obligation (to) 20573. dator (angajat) (fata de) (angajat) (fata de) = obliged (to) 20574. dator (indatorat) (cu dat.) = indebted (to); to be in debt; to be quits/square with smb.; how much do I owe you ?; how much am I in your debt ?; as I ought to (do); as I am in duty bound; maidenlike; < (ca) de ~>maidenly; < (ca) de ~>virginal; < (ca) de ~>immaculate; rupture wort (Herniaria glabra) 28124. fecior (fiu) = son 28125. fecior (baiat) = boy 28126. fecior (flacau) = lad 28127. fecior (de casa) = valet; prince; king's son; bastard; child born under the rose 28128. feciorelnic (rusinos) = bashful 28129. feciorelnic (rusinos) = coy 28130. feciorelnic (de fecioara) = virginal 28131. feciorelnic (de fecioara) = immaculate 28132. feciorelnic (de fecioara) = maidenlike 28133. feciorelnic (de fecioara) = maidenly 28134. feciorelnic = bashfully; virginally 28135. fecioresc = v.feciorelnic 28136. fecioresc (de baiat) = boyish 28137. fecioresc (de baiat) = boylike 28138. fecioresc (pt.baieti) = boy's 28139. fecioresc (pt.baieti) = boys' 28140. fecioresc (de fata) = girlish 28141. fecioresc (de fata) = girl-like 28142. fecioresc (de fata) = maidenly 28143. fecioresc (pt.fete) = girl's 28144. fecioresc (pt.fete) = girls' 28145. fecioresc (tineresc) = youthful 28146. fecioreste = maiden-like 28147. feciorica = rupture wort (Herniaria glabra) 28148. feciorie = virginity; maidenhood; purity; chastity; maidenly modesty 28149. feciorie = purity 28150. feciorie (tinerete) = youth 28151. feciorie (tinerete) = early years of life 28152. feciorie (tinerete) = teens 28153. fecula = starch flour; fecula 28154. fecund (prolific) = fertile 28155. fecund (prolific) = fecund 28156. fecund (prolific) = prolific 28157. fecund (fertil) = fertile 28158. fecund (productiv) = fertile 28159. fecund (productiv) = rich

28160. fecund (productiv) = productive 28161. fecund (productiv) = fruitful 28162. fecund = fruitful; fruitful imagination; fertile land 28163. fecunda = to fecundate; to make fecund/fruitful; to fertilize 28164. fecunda (solul) = to enrich 28165. fecunda = to fecundate 28166. fecundatie = fecundation 28167. fecunditate = fecundity; fruitfulness; fertility; productiveness 28168. fedeles = small cask/barrel; keg; to bind smb. fast/tight 28169. feder = spring 28170. federal = federal 28171. federalism = federalism 28172. federaliza = to federalize 28173. federalizare = federalization 28174. federativ = federative 28175. federatie = federation; Women's international Democratic Federation; the World Federation of Democratic Youth; World Federation of trade Unions 28176. feding = fading 28177. feeric = fairy..; fairy-like 28178. feeric = enchanting 28179. feeric (minunat) = wonderful 28180. feerie = fairy scene; fairy play 28181. fel (mod) = manner 28182. fel (chip) = way; species; order; tribe; race; class 28183. fel (soi) = kind 28184. fel (soi) = sort 28185. fel (soi) = description 28186. fel (de mincare) = dish 28187. fel (ca ordine) = course 28188. fel = disposition 28189. fel (obicei) = custom 28190. fel (obicei) = tradition; all kinds/sorts of..; all sorts and conditions of men; how ?; of many sorts/kinds; in what way/manner ?; manifold; how is that ?; of every description; by stealth; < (pe) ~>on the sly 30216. furisa = to creep/slip along 30217. furisa (a se strecura) = to sneak 30218. furisa (a se strecura) = to skulk 30219. furisa (incet) = to slink (along) 30220. furisa (in intuneric) = to prowl about 30221. furisa (a o sterge) = to sneak/slink/steal away 30222. furisa (a o sterge) = to take French leave; to steal into.. 30223. furlandisi = to do the swell 30224. furnal = (blast) furnace 30225. furnalist = blast-furnace worker 30226. furnica (a misuna) = to swarm; to teem with..; to abound with/in..; to be crammed/crowded with..; to be alive with..; to itch one; to have pins and needles i 30227. furnicar = wood pecker (Picus) 30228. furnicar (musuroi) = ant hill 30229. furnicar (musuroi) = formicary 30230. furnicar (de oameni) (de oameni) = crowd 30231. furnicar (de oameni) (de oameni) = throng 30232. furnicar (de oameni) (de oameni) = host 30233. furnicar (de oameni) (de oameni) = troop 30234. furnicar (de oameni) = multitude 30235. furnica (gidilituri, intepaturi) (gidilituri, intepaturi) = pins and needles 30236. furnica (gidilituri, intepaturi) = tingling; white ant (Termes); horse ant; ant's eggs; I have pins and needles 30237. furnicatura (mincarime) = itch 30238. furnicatura (intepaturi) (intepaturi) = pins and needles 30239. furnicatura (fiori) = creeps 30240. furnir = veneer

30241. furnituri (obiecte furnizate) (obiecte furnizate) = supply of goods 30242. furnituri (obiecte furnizate) (obiecte furnizate) = supplies 30243. furnituri (obiecte furnizate) (obiecte furnizate) = requisites 30244. furnituri (in croitorie) (in croitorie) = trimmings 30245. furnituri (in croitorie) = furnishings 30246. furniza (a livra) = to deliver 30247. furniza (a procura) (a procura) = to supply/provide smb. with 30248. furniza (a procura) = to furnish smb. with 30249. furnizor = purveyor; (wholesale) contractor 30250. furnizor (de alimente) = provider 30251. furnizor (de alimente) = caterer 30252. furnizor (de alimente) = tradesman 30253. furnizor (de mobile) = furnisher 30254. furnizor (de articole de croitorie) = outfitter 30255. furori = P; to make/create a sensation; to cause a stir; to create a furore 30256. fursecuri = fancy cakes/biscuits 30257. furt = theft; robbery; larceny 30258. furt (marunt) = petty larceny 30259. furt (delapidare) = embezzlement 30260. furt (delapidare) = defalcation 30261. furt (cu spargere) = burglary 30262. furt (cu spargere) = burglarious 30263. furt (cu spargere) = robbery 30264. furt (literar) = plagiarism; aggravated theft; to commit a theft/larceny 30265. furtisag = petty theft/larceny; pilfering 30266. furtun = hose; flexible tube (pipe) 30267. furtuna = storm 30268. furtuna = cyclone 30269. furtuna (cu trasnete) = electric storm 30270. furtuna (cu trasnete) = thunderstorm 30271. furtuna (curent de vint) = gust of wind 30272. furtuna (vreme de ~) (vreme de ~) = stormy/dirty weather 30273. furtuna (de aplauze etc.) (de aplauze etc.) = storm 30274. furtuna (zbucium) (zbucium) = agitation, unrest 30275. furtuna (zbucium) (zbucium) = tumult 30276. furtuna (zbucium) (zbucium) = commotion 30277. furtuna (rascoala) (rascoala) = riot 30278. furtuna (rascoala) = mutiny; there is a heavy storm brewing/gathering; the storm broke forth; it is stormy weather, fam. it's blowing great guns; he that sows the wind reaps/shall reap the w 30279. furtunos = stormy, tempestuous 30280. furtunos (d. mare) = rough 30281. furtunos (d. vreme) = stormy 30282. furtunos (d. vreme) (d. vreme) = dirty 30283. furtunos (agitat) (agitat) = agitated, stormy, tempestuous 30284. furtunos (impetuos) = impetuous, passionate, boisterous 30285. furtunos = tempestuously etc.; stormy/tumultuous/loud applause 30286. furuncul = boil 30287. furunculoza = furunculosis 30288. fus (pt. tors) = spindle 30289. fus = shaft/trunk of a column 30290. fus (la moara) = axle, shaft 30291. fus = anchor shank; meantime zone; spindle-shaped; (as) thin as a lath 30292. fusar = species of blenny, v. Tipar 30293. fuscel = crossing/dividing rod 30294. fuscel (de scara) = rung/step of a ladder 30295. fuscel (de scara) = step of a staircase 30296. fuscel = fillet, ledge 30297. fusiform = fusiform, spindle-shaped 30298. fustanela = fustanella, kilt 30299. fusta (purtata sub foi) = petticoat; dirndl; skirt; to be always after a petticoat 30300. futurism = futurism 30301. futurist = futurist 30302. fuzelaj = fuselage 30303. fuzeta = steering swivel 30304. fuzibil = fusible, liquefiable 30305. fuzibilitate = fusibility 30306. fuziona = to (s)melt, to fuse 30307. fuziona = to coalesce 30308. fuziune = fusion, merger, merging 30309. gabara = scour 30310. gabardina = gaberdine; gabardine 30311. gabarit (dimensiuni) (dimensiuni) = size

30312. gabarit (dimensiuni) = dimensions 30313. gabie = top 30314. gabier = topman 30315. gabion = gabion 30316. gadina (fiara salbatica) = wild beast 30317. gadina (monstru) = monster 30318. gafa = blunder 30319. gafa = solecism; to put one`s foot in it; to make a blunder; to drop a brick; to crack the bell 30320. gagist = musician not on the strength 30321. gaibarace (picioare) (picioare) = pegs 30322. gaibarace (picioare) (picioare) = props 30323. gaibarace (picioare) = pins, trotters 30324. gaibe = v. gaibarace 30325. gaica = strap 30326. gaida = bag pipe 30327. gaida = v. gaibarace 30328. gaie = (jack)daw; hawk weed; to look both ways for Sunday; to look nine ways; to hang on smb.`s skirts; from the (very) outset; from the first; right from the start; from the beginning to the end; from start to finish; without a beginning; at first; at/ 36711. incerca = to try; to attempt; to essay 36712. incerca (a se sforta) = to endeavour 36713. incerca (a proba) = to test 36714. incerca (a gusta) = to taste 36715. incerca (a pipai) = to feel 36716. incerca (o senzatie etc.) = to feel 36717. incerca (o senzatie etc.) = to experience 36718. incerca (o haina) = to try on 36719. incerca (pe altul) = to fit 36720. incerca (a suferi) (a suferi) = to undergo 36721. incerca (a ispiti) = to tempt 36722. incerca (a pune la incercare) = to put to the test 36723. incerca = to be tried 36724. incercare = trial; attempt 36725. incercare (efort) = effort 36726. incercare (efort) = endeavour; trial 36727. incercare (proba) = test 36728. incercare (experienta) = experiment 36729. incercare (ispitire) = tempting 36730. incercare (ispitire) = ordeal 36731. incercare (suferinta) = suffering 36732. incercare (greutate) = hardship 36733. incercare (eseu) = essay; fruitless/vain attempt; tentatively; for a trial; by way of experiment; tentative; to put to the test 36734. incercat = tried 36735. incercat (experimentat) = experienced 36736. incercat (priceput) = skilled 36737. incercat (priceput) = skilful 36738. incercat (calit) = hardened 36739. incercat = trying; test (-ing) 36740. incercanat = ringed 36741. incercui = to encircle 36742. incercui (a inconjura) = to surround 36743. incercui = to round up 36744. incercui (a impresura) = to besiege 36745. incercuire = encircling; encirclement 36746. incet = slow 36747. incet (zabovitor,sovaitor) = lingering 36748. incet (zabovitor,sovaitor) = lagging 36749. incet (comod) = leisurely 36750. incet (comod) = soft 36751. incet (comod) = easy 36752. incet (comod) = dawdling 36753. incet (care intirzie) = tardy 36754. incet (care intirzie) = dilatory 36755. incet (adormit) = slow 36756. incet (adormit) = dull 36757. incet (adormit) = leaden-heeled 36758. incet (adormit) = deadalive 36759. incet (adormit) = slack 36760. incet (adormit) = sluggish 36761. incet (lenes) = dull 36762. incet (lenes) = lazy 36763. incet (lenes) = time-taking 36764. incet (prost) = silly 36765. incet (prost) = dull-headed 36766. incet (d. sunete) = low 36767. incet (slab) = faint 36768. incet (slab) = weak 36769. incet (slab) = hardly audible

36770. 36771. 36772. 36773. 36774. 36775. 36776. 36777. 36778. 36779. 36780. 36781. 36782. 36783. 36784. 36785. 36786. 36787. 36788. 36789. 36790. 36791. 36792. 36793. 36794. 36795. 36796. 36797. 36798. 36799. 36800. 36801. 36802. 36803. 36804. 36805. 36806. 36807. 36808. 36809. 36810. 36811. 36812. 36813. 36814. 36815. 36816. 36817. 36818. 36819. 36820. 36821. 36822. 36823. 36824. 36825. 36826. 36827. 36828. 36829. 36830. 36831. 36832. 36833. 36834. 36835. 36836. 36837. 36838. 36839. 36840. 36841. 36842. 36843.

incet (linistit) = still incet (blind,molatic) = soft incet (blind,molatic) = gentle incet (usor) = light incet = easy; slowly; little by little; step by step; gradually inceta = to cease inceta (deodata) = to stop inceta = to cease; to discontinue; to stop inceta (a pune capat) = to put an end to inceta (a suspenda) = to suspend inceta (lucrul) = to cease inceta (lucrul) = to leave off inceta (prietenia etc.) = to break (off) incetare = ceasing; cessation; decease; demise; death; ceaselessly incetateni = to implant incetateni = to be introduced incetateni (a se inradacina) = to take/strike root incetatenire = naturalization incetineala = slowness incetineala = sluggishness; backwardness incetini = to slow down incetini (a intirzia) = to retard incetini (a intirzia) = to delay incetini = to decelerate incetini (ritmul) = to slacken incetini (viteza) = to reduce incetini (viteza) = to slow down incetini = to slow down incetinire = slowing down incetinitor = slow motion incetosa = to grow foggy incetosa = to grow dim incetosat = foggy incetosat = dim inchega (d.singe) = to clog inchega = to curdle; to coagulate inchega (a condensa) = to condense inchega (a ingrosa) = to thicken inchega (a organiza) = to knit together inchegat (a incepe) = to begin incheia (cu nasturi) = to button/do up incheia (a fixa) = to fix incheia (a imbina) = to combine incheia (a sfirsi) = to finish incheia (o cuvintare) = to close incheia (o cuvintare) = to wind up incheia (un imprumut) = to contract incheia (un tratat) = to conclude incheia (o alianta) = to conclude incheia (o alianta) = to enter into incheia (un tirg) = to strike incheia (un tirg) = to contract incheia (pace) = to conclude incheia (o casatorie) = to contract incheia (a redacta) = to indite incheia (la haina) = to button oneself up incheia (a se sfirsi) = to end incheia (a se sfirsi) = to close; to come to an end incheia = to be fixed incheiat = buttoned (up); ended incheiat (d. ore etc.) = full incheiat (d. ore etc.) = solid incheiat (d. ore etc.) = running incheiere = buttoning up incheiere (parte finala) = final part incheiere (sfirsit) = close incheiere (sfirsit) = end incheiere (a unui tratat etc.) = conclusion incheiere (a unui tratat etc.) = settlement incheietura = joint inchiaburi = to become a kulak; to grow rich inchiaburire = becoming a kulak; growing rich inchide (a cuprinde) = to comprise inchide (ceva ce a fost deschis) = to close

36844. inchide (o fereastra, o usa) = to close 36845. inchide (a cuprinde) = to contain 36846. inchide (o fereastra, o usa) = to fasten 36847. inchide (strins) = to shut (up/down) 36848. inchide (a cuprinde) = to include 36849. inchide (cu zavorul) = to bolt 36850. inchide (ochii) = to close 36851. inchide (cu zavorul) = to bar 36852. inchide (lumina) = to switch off 36853. inchide (ochii) = to shut 36854. inchide (apa) = to turn off 36855. inchide (o fereastra, o usa) = to shut 36856. inchide (pe jumatate) = to half-shut 36857. inchide (pe jumatate) = to leave ajar 36858. inchide (radio) = to turn/click off 36859. inchide (cu cheia) = to lock 36860. inchide = to close 36861. inchide (pravalia) = to shut up 36862. inchide (circuitul) = to close 36863. inchide (a pune sub cheie) = to put under lock and key 36864. inchide (intr-o lada) = to chest 36865. inchide (granita) = to close 36866. inchide (pe cineva) = to confine 36867. inchide (a intemnita) = to imprison 36868. inchide (a intemnita) = to put into prison 36869. inchide (oile,in tarc) = to fold 36870. inchide (a imprejmui) = to enclose 36871. inchide (cu un gard) = to fence in 36872. inchide (a bara) = to block 36873. inchide (scoli,uzine etc.) = to close/shut down 36874. inchide = to be closed 36875. inchide (a se sfirsi) = to be over 36876. inchide (a se retrage) = to seclude oneself 36877. inchide (a se retrage) = to lock oneself up 36878. inchide (d. culori,cer etc.) = to darken 36879. inchide (d. o rana) = to heal; to shrink into oneself; to shut oneself up in one`s own cell; to condone..,; to compound.. 36880. inchidere = closing 36881. inchina (a dedica) = to devote 36882. inchina (a dedica) = to dedicate 36883. inchina (a preda) = to surrender 36884. inchina (a preda) = to yield 36885. inchina (a supune) = to subdue 36886. inchina (a supune) = to subjugate 36887. inchina (paharul) = to raise 36888. inchina (a-si face cruce) = to cross oneself 36889. inchina (a se ruga) = to pray 36890. inchina (ca salut etc.) = to bow (down) 36891. inchina (a se prosterna) = to prostrate oneself 36892. inchina (a se supune) = to submit 36893. inchina = to raise the glass; to propose a toast; to drink smb`s health; to worship 36894. inchinaciune = praying 36895. inchinaciune (rugaciune) = prayer 36896. inchinator = worshipper 36897. inchinga = to girth (a horse) 36898. inchipui = to imagine; to fancy 36899. inchipui (a nascoci) = to invent 36900. inchipui (a nascoci) = to fabricate 36901. inchipui (a nascoci) = to concoct 36902. inchipui (a proiecta) = to plan 36903. inchipui (a proiecta) = to scheme 36904. inchipui (a reprezenta) = to represent 36905. inchipui (a reprezenta) = to symbolize 36906. inchipui (a forma) = to form 36907. inchipui = to imagine/fancy oneself; to imagine/think/fancy that.. 36908. inchipuire = imagining; imagination 36909. inchipuire (imaginatie) = imagination 36910. inchipuire (fanteziei) = fancy 36911. inchipuire (iluzie) = illusion 36912. inchipuire (himera) = chimera 36913. inchipuire (idee) = idea 36914. inchipuire (gind) = thought 36915. inchipuire (parere) = opinion 36916. inchipuit = imaginary; unreal; fictitious; false

36917. 36918. 36919. 36920. 36921. 36922. 36923. 36924. 36925. 36926. 36927. 36928. 36929. 36930. 36931. 36932. 36933. 36934. 36935. 36936. 36937. 36938. 36939. 36940. 36941. 36942. 36943. 36944. 36945. 36946. 36947. 36948. 36949. 36950. 36951. 36952. 36953. 36954. 36955. 36956. 36957. 36958. 36959. 36960. 36961. 36962. 36963. 36964. 36965. 36966. 36967. 36968. 36969. 36970. 36971. 36972. 36973. 36974. 36975. 36976. 36977. 36978. 36979. 36980. 36981. 36982. 36983. 36984. 36985. 36986. 36987. 36988. 36989. 36990.

inchipuit (infumurat) = conceited inchipuit = conceited person inchiria (a da cu chirie) = to hire out inchiria (a da cu chirie) = to let inchiria (camere si) = to rent inchiria (a lua cu chirie) = to hire inchiria = to be hired (out) inchiriat = houses to let inchis = closed; shut inchis (d. cineva) (d. cineva) = reserved inchis (d. cineva) (d. cineva) = close inchis (d. cineva) (d. cineva) = buttoned up inchis (d. aer,vreme) = close inchis (d. cer) = cloudy inchis (d. cer) = dull inchis (d. culori) = dark inchis (d. voce) = dull inchis (d. silabe) = closed inchis (de un club etc.) = exclusive inchisa = to isolate/seclude oneself inchisoare = prison; quod; limbo; (stone) jug; to put into prison/F inchista = to isolate/seclude oneself inchistare = seclusion inchizatoare = contrivance for shutting inchizatoare (la fereastra etc.) = fastener inchizator (de pusca,mitraliera) (de pusca,mitraliera) = bolt inchizator (de tun) = breech block incinci = to quintuple; to increase; to multiply by five incinci = to quintuple; to increase fivefold; to multiply by five incinge = to girdle incinge (a inconjura) = to surround incinge (d. foc) = to envelop incinge (a aprinde) = to (en)kindle incinge (a cuprinde, d. sentimente etc = to seize incinge (cu o cingatoare) = to gird oneself incinge (d. foc) = to catch incinge (d. foc) = to take incinge (d. foc) = to flame up incinge (d. soba) = to heat (red-hot) incinge (d. masini) = to run hot incinge (a-i fi cald) = to be hot incinge = to be animated incinge (a se infierbinta) = to take fire incinge (a se infierbinta) = to become inflamed incinge (d. sentimente) = to run high incinge (d. sentimente) (d. sentimente) = to flare up incinge (a incepe) (a incepe) = to begin incinge (a incepe o discutie) = to break out incinge (d. o cearta) = to flare up incinge (d. fata) (d. fata) = to flush (crimson) incinge (d. cer) = to glow incinge (d. cereale) = to mildew incinge (d. cereale) = to go mouldy incins = girded incins (fierbinte) (fierbinte) = hot incins (aprig) = fiery inciuda = to make spiteful/malicious; to vex; to anger inciuda = to be spiteful/malicious; to be irritated; to be in a bad temper inciudat = spiteful; angry; F nettled incilceala = confusion; muddle; jumble incilci (fire etc.) = to tangle incilci = to confuse; to muddle up incilci = to get entangled incilcit = tangled incilcit (d. o problema) (d. o problema) = knotty incilcit (d. o problema) (d. o problema) = intricate incilcit (greu) (greu) = difficult incilcit (necitet) = illegible incinta = to carry away; to delight; to ravish incinta (a fermeca) = to charm incinta (a insela) = to delude incinta (a insela) = to deceive incinta (a insela) = to take in incinta (a seduce) = to seduce

36991. incintare = delight; charm 36992. incintat = delighted; delighted/charmed at/with..; glad to meet you!; to gloat (inwardly); to rejoice 36993. incintator = delightful; charming; ravishing 36994. incintator = delightfully 36995. incirliga = to hook 36996. incirligat = bent; hooked 36997. incit (so) = that 36998. incleia = to glue together; to paste together 36999. incleia = to stick together; to be glued; to pasted together 37000. inclesta (dintii,pumnii) = to clench 37001. inclesta (d. dinti,pumni) = to clench 37002. inclesta (d. lupta) = to become hotter and hotter 37003. inclestare = clenching 37004. inclestare (strinsoare) = grip 37005. inclestare (contractie) = contraction 37006. inclestare (lupta) = fight 37007. inclestare (incaierare) = scuffle 37008. inclina = to incline; to tilt 37009. inclina (capul etc.) = to bend 37010. inclina (capul etc.) = to bow 37011. inclina (a povirni) = to slant 37012. inclina (a povirni) = to slope 37013. inclina (a se povirni) = to slant 37014. inclina (a se povirni) = to slope 37015. inclina = to bank 37016. inclina (d. un tarm) = to shelve 37017. inclina (a se apleca) = to bend 37018. inclina (ca salut etc.) = to bow (down) 37019. inclina (a ceda) = to yield 37020. inclina (a ceda) = to bow; to be/feel inclined to..; to incline to/towards..; to set one`s heart upon.. 37021. inclinare = inclination 37022. inclinare = bent; propensity 37023. inclinare (vocatie) = vocation 37024. inclinat = inclined; sloping; atilt; inclined/disposed to..; in the humour for.. 37025. inclinatie = inclination 37026. incoace = here 37027. incoace = hither; to and fro; up and down; back and forth; to put it bluntly; the long and the short of the matter (is); foe some time past; nearer; to draw near ( 37028. incolaci (picioarele) = to cross 37029. incolaci (o fringhie) = to wind 37030. incolaci = to curl/roll up 37031. incolaci (d. sarpe) = to coil up 37032. incolaci (a se face ghem = to roll oneself up into a ball 37033. incolaci (d. o fringhie) = to coil 37034. incolaci (d. o fringhie) = to wind 37035. incolaci (d. viermi) = to wriggle 37036. incolaci (d. viermi) = to turn 37037. incolaci (d. plante) = to wind; to wind 37038. incolaci (d. un riu si) = to meander; to throw one`s arms round smb`s neck 37039. incolo = away 37040. incolo (la o parte) = aside 37041. incolo (in directia aceea) = in that direction 37042. incolo (in directia aceea) = that way 37043. incolo = thither 37044. incolo (altfel) = otherwise 37045. incolo (totusi) = though 37046. incolo (totusi) = nevertheless; from now on; further on; later on; leave him alone!; go to hell/the deuce!; go away; really?; you don`t mean it! 37047. incolona = to form a/in column; to fall into a column 37048. incolti (d. seminte) (d. seminte) = to spring 37049. incolti (d. seminte) (d. seminte) = to sprout 37050. incolti (a rasari) = to shoot 37051. incolti = to arise 37052. incolti (d. o indoiala) = to germinate 37053. incolti (d. o indoiala) = to spring up 37054. incolti (a musca) = to bite 37055. incolti (a ataca) = to attack 37056. incolti (cu coltii) = to thrust one`s fangs into 37057. incolti = to (drive into a ) corner 37058. incondeia = to dye 37059. incondeia = to run down; to slander; to calumniate

37060. inconjur = roundabout way; detour; plainly; in plain terms; to go round 37061. inconjura = to surround 37062. inconjura (a incercui) = to encircle 37063. inconjura (a merge in jurul) = to go round 37064. inconjura (a imprejmui) = to enclose 37065. inconjura (a impresura) = to besiege 37066. inconjura (a strabate) = to go sau walk; to over 37067. inconjura (a ocoli) = to go round 37068. inconjura = to surround oneself 37069. inconjura = to be surrounded 37070. inconjurator = surrounding 37071. incopcia = to claps 37072. incopcia (hirtii) = to staple 37073. incorda = to strain 37074. incorda (relatiile) = to strain 37075. incorda (relatiile) = to worsen 37076. incorda = to tighten 37077. incorda = to strain/exert oneself; to strain every nerve 37078. incordare = straining; tension; strain 37079. incordare (efort) = effort 37080. incordat = strained 37081. incordat = concentrated 37082. incordat (febril) = feverish 37083. incordat (d. relatii etc.) = tense 37084. incordat = strenuously; hard; feverishly 37085. incornora = to cuckold; to give horns; to wear; to be unfaithful to; to seduce the wife of 37086. incornora (a exagera) = to paint with a big brush 37087. incornorat (d. animale etc.) = horned 37088. incornorat (d. soti) (d. soti) = cuckolded 37089. incornorat (d. o minciuna) = whopping 37090. incornorat = cuckold 37091. incorona = to crown 37092. incorona = to be crowned 37093. incoronare = crowning 37094. incoronare (a unui rege) = coronation 37095. incoronat = crowned; royalty 37096. incorpora = to be incorporated 37097. incorpora (in) = to incorporate (with,into,in) 37098. incorpora = to bring men on to the strength 37099. incorporare = incorporation; conscription 37100. incorporare = draft 37101. incorsetat = corseted 37102. incorsetat = stiff 37103. incotosmana = to wrap/muffle up 37104. incotosmana = to muffle/wrap oneself up; to wrap up 37105. incotro = where; which way 37106. incotro = whither; anywhere; to be driven to the wall; to be driven hard; I couldn`t help it 37107. incotrova = somewhere 37108. incovoia = to bend 37109. incovoiat = bent 37110. incovriga = v. incolaci 37111. increde = to trust..; to confide in..; to rely on.. 37112. incredere = confidence; trust; self-confidence; confidential person; reliable person; vote of confidence; to repose/place confidence in smb.; to swear by; to enjoy smb`s confidenc 37113. incredinta (de) = to make sure (of) 37114. incredinta (pe cineva) (de) = to assure (of) 37115. incredinta (cuiva) = to entrust (to) 37116. incredinta (a preda) = to commit (to) 37117. incredinta (a preda) = to deliver (to) 37118. incredinta (a da) = to give (to) 37119. incredinta (de) = to ascertain (cu ac.) 37120. incredinta (de) = to to make sure (of); to ascertain that..; to make sure that.. 37121. incredintare = entrusting 37122. incredintare (convingere) = conviction 37123. incredintat = convinced/persuaded/sure that.. 37124. incremeni (a sta) = to stand stone-still 37125. incremeni (a fi uluit) = to be dumbfounded/flabbergasted 37126. incremenit = stone-still; dumbfounded; flabbergasted 37127. increngatura = subkingdom 37128. increti (parul) = to wave 37129. increti (parul) = to curl 37130. increti (apa) = to ripple

37131. increti (apa) = to ruffle 37132. increti (o rochie) = to pleat 37133. increti (o rochie) = to fold 37134. increti (fata,fruntea) = to wrinkle 37135. increti (fata,fruntea) = to line 37136. increti (pielea) = to shrivel 37137. increti (d. frunte) = to become lined/wrinkled 37138. increti (d. apa) = to ripple 37139. increti (d. par) = to wave 37140. increti (d. par) = to curl; to knit one`s brows; to frown; it made his flesh creep 37141. incretit = rippled etc. v. IncreTi; wavy; curly 37142. incretitura = wave; wrinkle 37143. increzator (in) = confident (in) 37144. increzator (credul) = credulous 37145. increzator (credul) = easy of belief 37146. increzut = (self-)conceited; self-important; presuming; arrogant; high and mighty; to give oneself airs; to think no small beer of oneself 37147. incrincena = to shudder 37148. incrincena (a se contracta) = to contract 37149. incrincena (a se contracta) = to shrink 37150. incropi = to make tepid/lukewarm 37151. incropi (a incalzi) = to warm 37152. incropi = to scrape up/together (a fortune) 37153. incropit = tepid; lukewarm 37154. incrucisa (in diferite sensuri) = to cross 37155. incrucisa (sabiile si) = to measure 37156. incrucisa = Si to interbreed 37157. incrucisa (bratele si) = to fold 37158. incrucisa (d. limbi) (d. limbi) = to cross 37159. incrucisa (a se intilni) (a se intilni) = to meet 37160. incrucisa = to clash 37161. incrucisa = to cruise 37162. incrucisare = crossing 37163. incrucisat = crossing 37164. incrucisat (d. ochi) = squint (ing) 37165. incrucisat (d. cineva) = squint-/cross-eyed 37166. incrucisat = crossed; to keep hands in pockets 37167. incrunta (sprincene) = to knit 37168. incrunta = to frown; to scowl; to knit one`s brows 37169. incruntat = frowning 37170. incruntat (ursuz) = sullen 37171. incruntat (ursuz) = morose 37172. incruntatura = frown (ing look) 37173. incuia = to lock (up) 37174. incuia (a inchide) = to shut 37175. incuia = to stunt 37176. incuia = to lock; to be locked 37177. incuia (d. cineva) = to lock oneself up 37178. incuia (a se constipa) = to grow costive 37179. incuiat = locked (up) 37180. incuiat (marginit) (marginit) = narrow-minded 37181. incuiat (necomunicativ) = reserved 37182. incuiat = stickler; stick-in-the-mud 37183. incuiba = to strike/take root 37184. incuiba (a se stabili,d. boli etc.) = to settle 37185. incuietoare = bolt 37186. incuietoare (de usa) = door bolt 37187. incuietoare = stunt 37188. incumeta (sa) = to dare 37189. incumeta (sa) (inf. cu sau fara to) = to venture (to) 37190. incunostinta = to inform 37191. incunostinta (oficial) = to notify 37192. incunostintare = informing; notification 37193. incununa = to crown 37194. incununa = to be crowned 37195. incuraja = to encourage 37196. incuraja (a inviora) = to cheer up 37197. incuraja (a sprijini) = to support 37198. incuraja (a stimula) = to stimulate 37199. incuraja (a imboldi) = to urge 37200. incuraja = to encourage one another 37201. incurajare = encouraging; encouragement 37202. incurajator = encouraging; heartening37203. incurca (fire etc.) = to tangle 37204. incurca = to confuse 37205. incurca (hirtiile etc.) = to mix up 37206. incurca (hirtiile etc.) (hirtiile etc.) = to muddle 37207. incurca (impiedica) (impiedica) = to hamper 37208. incurca (impiedica) (impiedica) = to (en)cumber 37209. incurca (impiedica) (impiedica) = to hinder 37210. incurca (a complica) (a complica) = to complicate 37211. incurca (a deranja) (a deranja) = to trouble 37212. incurca (a deranja) (a deranja) = inconvenience 37213. incurca (a jena) (a jena) = to confuse 37214. incurca (a jena) (a jena) = to put to the blush 37215. incurca (a nedumeri) (a nedumeri) = to perplex 37216. incurca (a nedumeri) (a nedumeri) = to nonplus 37217. incurca (a nedumeri) (a nedumeri) = to puzzle 37218. incurca (o chestiune) = to get an affair into a muddle 37219. incurca (d. ata etc.) = to get (en)tangled 37220. incurca (despre doua persoane) = to fall in love with each other 37221. incurca (d. ata etc.) = to get into a tangle 37222. incurca (a se prinde) (in) = to be caught (in) 37223. incurca (d. cineva) = to entangle oneself; to get muddled/confused; to lose the thread of one`s ideas 37224. incurca (la vorba,la examen) = to flounder 37225. incurca (a-si pierde capul) = to lose one`s head 37226. incurca (a da de bucluc) = to get into a muddle 37227. incurca (d. o chestiune) = to be getting intricate 37228. incurca (despre doua persoane) = to start an affair; to be over head and ears in debt; he speaks thickly; he mumbles 37229. incurcat = tangled etc. v. Incurca 37230. incurcat (d. drumuri) = winding 37231. incurcat (d. drumuri) = tortuous 37232. incurcat (d. o chestiune) (d. o chestiune) = knotty 37233. incurcat (d. o chestiune) (d. o chestiune) = intricate 37234. incurcat (greu) = difficult; to leave it at that 37235. incurca-lume = fumbler; muddle-headed person; muddler 37236. incurcatura = confusion 37237. incurcatura (jena) = abashment; muddle; mess; tangle 37238. incurcatura (harababura) = jumble 37239. incurcatura (harababura) = mishmash 37240. incurcatura (bucluc) = trouble 37241. incurcatura (bucluc) = mess 37242. incurcatura (bucluc) = scrape 37243. incurcatura (bucluc) = fix 37244. incurcatura (dificultate) = difficulty 37245. incurcatura (jena) = confusion; to cause smb. embarrassment; to put smb. in a fix; to get out of a difficulty; to extricate smb. from an awkward position; to help smb. o 37246. incuscri (cu) = to become sau be related (with) 37247. incuviinta (a fi de acord cu) = to agree to 37248. incuviinta (a consimti) = to consent to 37249. incuviinta (a permite) = to allow 37250. incuviinta (a permite) = to permit 37251. incuviintare = agreement etc. v. IncuviinTa 37252. indata = immediately; directly; instantly; at once 37253. indata = (I`m) coming!; as soon as..; as soon as..; < (ori de cite ori)>whenever 37254. indatora (in diferite sensuri) = to oblige 37255. indatora (a face datorii) = to get/run into debt 37256. indatora (fata de) = to be obliged (to) 37257. indatorire = duty; obligation 37258. indatoritor = obliging; kind 37259. indarat (inapoi) = back 37260. indaratnic = stubborn; obstinate 37261. indaratnic = stubbornly; obstinately 37262. indaratnici = to be obstinate/stubborn; to persist in.. 37263. indaratnicie = stubbornness; obstinacy 37264. indaratul = behind; at the back of 37265. indatinat = customary; common; usual 37266. indeajuns = enough; suffciently; enough; sufficiently 37267. indeaproape = closely 37268. indeaproape (amanuntit) = thoroughly 37269. indelete = leisurely; gradualy; little by little 37270. indeletnici = to be engaged in..; to be occupied with; < (cu pasiune)>to indulge in.. 37271. indeletnicire = occupation; pursuit 37272. indeletnicire (lucru) = employment 37273. indeletnicire (lucru) = work37274. indeletnicire (lucru) = business 37275. indelung = (for) a long time 37276. indelungat = long 37277. indeminare (abilitate) = skill 37278. indeminare (abilitate) = ability 37279. indeminare (abilitate) = dexterousness 37280. indeminatic (abil) = adroit 37281. indeminatic (abil) = dexterous 37282. indeminatic (abil) = deft 37283. indeminatic (dibaci) = skilful 37284. indeminatic (destept) = clever 37285. indeminatic (maiestrit) = masterly 37286. indeminatic = adroitly 37287. indemina = at hand 37288. indemn = stimulus; incentive; impulse; goad; spur 37289. indemn (pornire) = motive 37290. indemn (pornire) = inducement 37291. indemn (sfat) = advice; prompted by..; at the call of..; at/on smb`s instigation 37292. indemna = to urge (on); to stimulate; to goad; to spur 37293. indemna (in sens rau) = to instigate 37294. indemna (in sens rau) = to incite 37295. indemna (a sfatui) = to advise 37296. indemna = to stimulate each other etc.v.~I 37297. indeobste = as a rule; generally (speaking); usually; universally; well known; universally recognized 37298. indeosebi = particulary; especially 37299. indeparta = to move off/away 37300. indeparta (a face sa plece) = to make leave 37301. indeparta (a face sa plece) = to send away 37302. indeparta (dintr-o sala etc.) = to remove 37303. indeparta (a inlatura) = to remove 37304. indeparta (a concedia) = to dismiss 37305. indeparta (de) = to estrange (from) 37306. indeparta = to move off/away 37307. indeparta (a pleca) = to take oneself off 37308. indeparta (a se retrage) = to retire; to withdraw 37309. indeparta (de) = to estrange oneself (from); to wander from the subject 37310. indepartare = moving off 37311. indepartat = far (off); distant; remote 37312. indepartat (temporal) = far off 37313. indepartat (temporal) = distant 37314. indepartat (temporal) = remote 37315. indepartat = remote 37316. indepartat (d. rude) = distant 37317. indepartat (d.calatorii) = long 37318. indeplini = to carry out; to execute 37319. indeplini (planul, o promisiune etc.) = to fulfil 37320. indeplini (a realiza) = to accomplish 37321. indeplini (a realiza) = to realize 37322. indeplini = to be carried out; to discharge/do one`s duty; to carry out/fulfil smb.`s wishes; to discharge one`s duties; to perform one`s functions; to carry out/obey/execute/fulfil an 37323. indeplinire = carrying out etc.; to carry out; to execute; to fulfil 37324. indesa (cu) = to stuff (with) 37325. indesa (cu) = to pack (with) 37326. indesa (a umple) = to fill (with) 37327. indesa (apasind) = to press in 37328. indesa (a infige) = to thrust 37329. indesa (palaria etc.) = to pull over (one`s eyes) 37330. indesa = to huddle together; to flock; to cluster; to press against..; < (a se lipi de)>to snuggle up to..; < (a se lipi de)>to cling close to.. 37331. indesat (plin) = full 37332. indesat (plin) = well packed 37333. indesat (plin) = stuffed 37334. indesat (de lume) = crowded 37335. indesat (de lume) = congested 37336. indesat (compact) = compact 37337. indesat (compact) = massive 37338. indesat (apasat) = heavy 37339. indesat (d. cineva) = podgy 37340. indesat (d. cineva) = stodgy 37341. indesat (d. cineva) = thickset 37342. indesat (d. cineva) = squat 37343. indesat (d. cineva) = dumpy 37344. indesat (d. cineva) = stocky37345. indesat (d. cineva) = tubby 37346. indesi = to make denser sau thicker; to thicken; to make more frequent; to increase the frequency of 37347. indesi = to become denser sau thicker; to become more frequent 37348. indestula (cu) = to provide (with) 37349. indestula (cu merinde) = to victual 37350. indestula (a satura) = to satisfy 37351. indestula (cu) = to take/lay in a stock/supply (of 37352. indestula (a se multumi) (cu) = to be content/satisfied (with) 37353. indestulare = providing; plenty 37354. indestulare (belsug) = plenty 37355. indestulare (belsug) = abundance; in plenty; plentifully 37356. indestulator = plentiful; ample 37357. indestulator (de ajums) = sufficient 37358. indestulator (de ajums) = enough 37359. indestulator = plentifully 37360. indigui = to embank; to dam (up) 37361. indirji = to irritate; to embitter 37362. indirji (a face sa se incapatineze) = to make stubborn/obstinate 37363. indirji = to become hardened/embittered 37364. indirji (a se incapatina) = to be stubborn/obstinate 37365. indirji (a deveni inflexibil) = to stiffen 37366. indirjire = irritation 37367. indirjit = bitter; fierce; hardened 37368. indirjit (incapatinat) = stubborn 37369. indirjit (incapatinat) = pertinaceous 37370. indirjit (staruitor) = persistent 37371. indirjit (staruitor) = persevering 37372. indobitoci = to (make) dull; to render stupid 37373. indobitoci = to get/grow dull/stupid 37374. indobitocit = stupefied; stultified; brutified 37375. indoctrina = to indoctrinate 37376. indoctrinare = indoctrination 37377. indoi = to bend; to curve 37378. indoi (in doua) = to bend double 37379. indoi (a impaturi) = to fold 37380. indoi (o pagina) = to turn down the corner of 37381. indoi (o pagina) = to dog's-ear 37382. indoi (a dubla) = to double 37383. indoi = to be folded sau doubled 37384. indoi = to bend; to bow; to stoop 37385. indoi (a se impaturi) = to fold 37386. indoi (a se dubla) = to double 37387. indoi (a avea indoiala) (de) = to doubt (cu ac. sau as to) 37388. indoiala = doubt 37389. indoiala (sovaiala) = hesitation 37390. indoiala (sovaiala) = wavering 37391. indoiala (sovaiala) = vacillation; undoubtedly; without/beyond doubt; to have (one`s)doubts; to begin to doubt; to hesitate; to waver; to vacillate; there is no doubt about/that.. 37392. indoielnic = doubtful 37393. indoielnic (echivoc) = ambiguous 37394. indoielnic (suspect) = suspicios 37395. indoielnic (suspect) = doubtful 37396. indoit = bent 37397. indoit = wavering 37398. indoit = doubly 37399. indoitura = bent 37400. indoitura (fald) = fold 37401. indoitura = flexion 37402. indolia = to make mourn 37403. indolia = to grieve 37404. indoliat = mourning 37405. indopa (giste etc.) = to fatten 37406. indopa (pe cineva) = to cram 37407. indopa (pe cineva) = to stuff 37408. indopa (o pipa) = to fill 37409. indopa = to guzzle; to have a good tuck-in 37410. indraci = to become furious; to break into a frenzy; to fret and fume; to become vicious 37411. indracit = possessed (of the devil) 37412. indracit (furios) = furios 37413. indracit (furios) = frenzied 37414. indracit (d. curaj) = devil-may-care 37415. indracit (d. muzica) = wild 37416. indracit (d. muzica) = frenzied37417. indracit (al dracului) = devilish 37418. indracit (afurist) (ac) = cursed 37419. indracit = furiously 37420. indragi = to come to love; to grow fond of 37421. indragi (a se indragosti de) = to fall in love with 37422. indragi (a se indragosti de) = to take a liking to 37423. indragi (a se indragosti de) = to be infatuated with 37424. indragi = to fall in love with each other 37425. indragosti = to fall in love 37426. indragosti (reciproc) = to fall in love with each other; to fall in love with 37427. indragostit (de) = in love (with) 37428. indragostit (de) = enamoured (of) 37429. indragostit (de) = infatuated (with) 37430. indragostit = lover 37431. indrazneala = boldness; courage; daring; audacity 37432. indrazneala (obraznicie) = boldness; impudence 37433. indrazneala (obraznicie) = insolence 37434. indrazneala (obraznicie) = F-cheek 37435. indraznet = bold; courageous; daring; audacious 37436. indraznet (obraznic) = bold 37437. indraznet (obraznic) = impudent 37438. indraznet (obraznic) = insolent; cheeky 37439. indraznet = boldly 37440. indrazni (sa) = to dare ( sau fArA to) 37441. indrepta = to straighten; to make straight 37442. indrepta (a imbunatati) = to improve 37443. indrepta (a repara) = to mend 37444. indrepta (a corija) = to correct 37445. indrepta (a corija) = to set to rights 37446. indrepta (a corija) = to reform 37447. indrepta (a dirija) = to direct 37448. indrepta (a trimite) = to send 37449. indrepta = to aim 37450. indrepta (tunul) = to lay 37451. indrepta (tunul) = to train 37452. indrepta (tunul) = to point 37453. indrepta (a arata drumul) = to show smb. the way 37454. indrepta (a arata drumul) = to guide 37455. indrepta (d. lucruri) = to straighten oneself 37456. indrepta (d. lucruri) = to become straight 37457. indrepta (d. oameni) = to stand erect 37458. indrepta (d. oameni) = to draw oneself up 37459. indrepta (a se imbunatati) = to improve 37460. indrepta (moraliceste) = to reform 37461. indrepta (moraliceste) = to turn over a new leaf 37462. indrepta (a se insanatosi) = to recover 37463. indrepta (a arata mai bine) = to look better 37464. indrepta (a se ingrasa cite putin) = to gather one`s crumbs; to make for..; to make one`s way to/towards..; to direct one`s steps to/towards..; to wend one`s way to.. 37465. indreptar = handbook; guide; directory 37466. indreptati = to justify; to entitle 37467. indruga = sell your ass; what are you talking about? 37468. indruma = to guide; to lead; v. indrepta 37469. indrumare = guidance 37470. indrumare (povata) = advice 37471. indrumator = guiding 37472. indrumator = guide 37473. induiosa = to move; to touch 37474. induiosa = to be moved/touched 37475. induiosare = emotion; tender 37476. induiosator = touching; moving; pathetic 37477. induiosator = touchingly; movingly; pathetically 37478. indulci = to sweeten; to make sweet sau sweeter 37479. indulci (a multumi) = to satisfy 37480. indulci (a desfata) = to delight 37481. indulci (a inmuia) = to soften 37482. indulci (a micsora) = to diminish 37483. indulci (a micsora) = to lessen 37484. indulci (a potoli) = to alleviate 37485. indulci (a imblinzi) = to tame 37486. indulci = to become/be sweet 37487. indulci (d.voce) = to grow softer 37488. indulci (d.voce) = to soften 37489. indulci (d. vreme) = to grow milder37490. indulci (d. vreme) = to soften 37491. indulci (d. ger) = to yield 37492. indulci (d. ger) = to break 37493. indulci (a se micsora) = to grow less 37494. indulci (a se micsora) = to lessen 37495. indulci (a se micsora) = to diminish 37496. indulci (a se domoli) = to calm down 37497. indumnezei = to deify 37498. indupleca = to determine; to make; to cause 37499. indupleca (a convinge) = to persuade 37500. indupleca = to give in; to yield; to cede; to relent 37501. indura = to bear; to endure; to suffer; to experience 37502. indura (a-i fi mila) (de) = to take pity (on); not to have the heart to..; simply could not tear myself away; have a heart! 37503. indurare (mila) = pity 37504. indurare (mila) = compassion 37505. indurare (crutare) = mercy 37506. indurator (milostiv) = gracious 37507. indurator (milostiv) = charitable; capable of great endurance 37508. indurator (rabdator) = patient 37509. indurera = to grieve; to pain 37510. indurera = to grieve; to be pained 37511. indurerat = grieved 37512. indurerat (trist) = sad 37513. inec = drowning 37514. inec (inundatie) = flood 37515. ineca = to drown 37516. ineca (un vas) = to sink 37517. ineca (a inunda) = to flood 37518. ineca (a inunda) = to swamp 37519. ineca (a inunda) = to inundate 37520. ineca (a inunda) = to deluge 37521. ineca = to drown 37522. ineca (lacrimi) = to suffuse 37523. ineca (a coplesi) = to overwhelm 37524. ineca (a inabusi) = to suffocate 37525. ineca (a inabusi) = to stifle 37526. ineca (voit) = to drown oneself 37527. ineca (intimplator) = to get drowned 37528. ineca (d. un vas) = to sink 37529. ineca = to ruin oneself 37530. ineca (lucruri) = to go/fall to ruin 37531. ineca (a se inabusi) = to choke 37532. ineca (a inghiti gresit) = to swallow the wrong way 37533. inecat = drowned 37534. inecat = drowned person 37535. inecacios = choking; stifling 37536. infaptui (a indeplini) = to carry out 37537. infaptui (a se indeplini) = to be carried out 37538. infaptuire = carrying out 37539. infaptuitor = accomplisher 37540. infasa = to swaddle 37541. infasura = to wrap up 37542. infasura = to cover/wrap/muffle oneself up 37543. infasurator = roll 37544. infata = to change (the pillow cases) 37545. infatisa = to present 37546. infatisa (a arata) = to show 37547. infatisa (a reprezenta) = to represent 37548. infatisa (a descrie) = to describe 37549. infatisa ( zugravi) = to depict 37550. infatisa (a aduce) = to bring 37551. infatisa = to present oneself 37552. infatisa (a veni) = to come 37553. infatisa (inaintea) = to appear (before); to imagine.. 37554. infatisare = presentation 37555. infatisare = aspect; looks 37556. infeuda = to enfeoff 37557. infeudare = enfeoffment; infeudation 37558. infia = to adopt (a child) 37559. infiat = adopted 37560. infiera = to stigmatize 37561. infierbinta = to heat; to make hot 37562. infierbinta = to provoke37563. 37564. 37565. 37566. 37567. 37568. 37569. 37570. 37571. 37572. 37573. 37574. 37575. 37576. 37577. 37578. 37579. 37580. 37581. 37582. 37583. 37584. 37585. 37586. 37587. 37588. 37589. 37590. 37591. 37592. 37593. 37594. 37595. 37596. 37597. 37598. 37599. 37600. 37601. 37602. 37603. 37604. 37605. 37606. 37607. 37608. 37609. 37610. 37611. 37612. 37613. 37614. 37615. 37616. 37617. 37618. 37619. 37620. 37621. 37622. 37623. 37624. 37625. 37626. 37627. 37628. 37629. 37630. 37631. 37632. 37633. 37634. 37635. 37636.infierbinta = to get heated; to become/get overheated infierbinta (din cauza vinului etc.) = to get flushed infierbinta (d. masini) = to run hot infierbinta (a se infuria) = to get into a temper infierbintat = heated infierbintat = hectic infiere = adoption (of a child) infigaret = pushful; pushing; insinuating; intruding infige (a baga) = to thrust infige (a se baga) = to interfere infige (a se baga) = to push infige (a se baga) = to insinuate oneself infiinta = to set up; to establish infiinta (a fonda) = to found infiinta (a organiza) = to organize infiinta (a crea) = to create infiinta (a face) = to make infiinta (a alcatui) = to form infiinta (a se infatisa) = to appear infiintare = setting up infinge (a baga) = to thrust infinge (a se baga) = to interfere infinge (a se baga) = to push infinge (a se baga) = to insinuate oneself infiora = to thrill infiora (a speria) = to frighten infiora (a face sa tremure) = to shake infiora = to thrill; to be thrilled infiora (a tremura) = to tremble infiora (a tremura) = to shudder infiora (a tremura) = to shiver infiorare = thrill (ing) infiorator = terrible; awful; dreadful infiorator = terribly; awfully; dreadfully; terribly..; awfully..; dreadfully.. infipt = unflinching; stiff; rigid infipt (indraznet) = F bold infipt (indraznet) = pushing infipt (direct) = straight infipt (direct) = direct infiripa (a se intrema) = to recover inflacara = to fire; to inflame; to inspire/fill with entusiasm inflacara = to take fire; to become inflamed; to be animated; to be inspired/filled with enthus inflacarare = enthusiasm inflacarat (fierbinte) = hot; fiery; red-hot inflacarat = fiery inflora = to adorn/embellish with flowers inflori = to flower inflori (mai ales d. pomi) = to blossom inflori (mai ales d. pomi) = to be in blossom inflori (mai ales d. flori) = to bloom inflori (a prospera) (a prospera) = to flourish inflori (a prospera) (a prospera) = to thrive inflori (a prospera) = to prosper inflorire = flowering inflorire = prosperity inflorit = blooming inflorit (d. stil) = florid infloritor = blooming infloritor = prosperous infloritura = ornament infloritura (de stil etc.) = flourish infocare = ardour; passion; enthusiasm infocat (fierbinte) = hot infocat (fierbinte) = heated infocat (fierbinte) = fiery infocat (fierbinte) = red-hot; incandescent infocat (scinteietor) = bright infocat = enthusiastic infofoli = to wrap/muffle up infofoli = to wrap/muffle oneself up infoia (a umfla) = to swell infoia (obrajii etc.) = to blow out infoia = to swell; to be blown infoia = to give oneself airs37637. infometa = to starve 37638. infometat = starved 37639. infometat (flamind) = hungry 37640. infrati = to unite like brothers; to establish a close friedship be 37641. infrati = to fraternize; to form a close friendship; to become good/close friends 37642. infratire = union 37643. infricat = fearful 37644. infricat (speriat) = frightened 37645. infricosa = to frighten; to scare; to terrify; to awe; to horrify 37646. infricosa = to be frightened 37647. infricosat = frightened 37648. infricosator = frightening; terrifying; herrilying; horrible; awful; dreadful 37649. infrigurare = excitement; feverishness 37650. infrigurat = (trembling with) cold 37651. infrigurat = anxious; eager 37652. infrina (un cal) = to bridle 37653. infrina (a imblinzi) = to tame 37654. infrina = to control 37655. infrina = to restrain/control oneself 37656. infrinare = bridling 37657. infrinare = restraint 37658. infrinare (abtinere) = abstention 37659. infrinare (abtinere) = abstinence 37660. infringe = to defeat; to vanquish 37661. infringe (a inabusi) (a inabusi) = to stifle 37662. infringe (a infrina) = to curb 37663. infringe (o lege) = to infringe 37664. infringere = defeat (ing)etc.; defeat 37665. infringere (a legii) = infringement 37666. infrumuseta = to adorn; to embellish; to beautify; to decorate 37667. infrumuseta (a gati) = to trim up 37668. infrumusetare = adornment; cosmetology; beautification 37669. infrunta = to face; to brave 37670. infrunta (a sfida) = to defy 37671. infruntare = facing 37672. infruntare (lupta) = fight 37673. infruntare (lupta) = conflict 37674. infrunzi = to leaf (out); to come into leaf; to cover with leaves/foliage 37675. infrunzi = to embower 37676. infrupta (din) = to regale oneself (on) 37677. infrupta (din) = to treat oneself (to) 37678. infrupta (a minca) = to eat (cu ac.) 37679. infrupta (lacom) = to gluttonize 37680. infrupta (a minca de dulce) = to break one`s fast 37681. infrupta (din) = to taste (of) 37682. infuleca = to wolf; to swallow (down); to bolt; to slummock 37683. infuleca = to swallow food; to bolt 37684. infumura = to give oneself airs; to ride the high horse; to be (self-) conceited 37685. infumurat = (self-)conceited; haughy; arrogant; bumptious; self-sufficient/satisfied 37686. infunda (un butoi) = to put a bottom to 37687. infunda (un butoi) = to bottom (up) 37688. infunda (un butoi) = to head 37689. infunda (o deschizatura) = to stop up 37690. infunda (o deschizatura) = to plug 37691. infunda (a baga) = to shove 37692. infunda (a baga) = to stick 37693. infunda (la examen) (la examen) = to pluck 37694. infunda (la examen) = to plough 37695. infunda (d. tevi etc.) = to be/become obstructed 37696. infunda (in noroi etc.) = to stick; to be engrossed in..; < (a se ingropa in)>to bury oneself in..; F to be driven into a corner; < (a da de bucluc)>F to get into a scrape/a (nice) fix; < (a da de bucluc)>to go the bad 37697. infundat = bottomed 37698. infundat (d.zgomote) = stifled 37699. infundat (ascuns) = hidden 37700. infundat (izolat) = secluded 37701. infundat (izolat) = isolated 37702. infundat (cufundat) = sunk 37703. infundat (d. o strada) = by.. 37704. infundat (d. o strada) = blind; quietly; on the sly; < (a ride)>in one`s sleeve 37705. infundatura = hollow 37706. infundatura (colt) = nook 37707. infundatura (colt) = recess 37708. infuria = to anger; to lose one`s shirt; to make angry; to exasperate; to infuriate; to goad smb. into fury; to get smb.`s dander/back up37709. infuria = to become/grow/get angry; to grow furious; to fly into a rage/passion; to fly off the handle; to cut up rough/rusty; to lose one's shirt 37710. infuriat = infuriated; furious; in a rage/passion 37711. ingadui = to allow; to permit 37712. ingadui (a tolera) = to tolerate 37713. ingadui (a admite) = to admit (of) 37714. ingadui (a aproba) = to approve (of) 37715. ingadui = to be allowed 37716. ingadui = to wait 37717. ingaduinta (voie) = permission 37718. ingaduinta (voie) = leave 37719. ingaduinta (aprobare) = approval 37720. ingaduinta (indulgenta) = indulgence 37721. ingaduinta (indulgenta) = tolerance 37722. ingaduinta (indulgenta) = leniency 37723. ingaduitor = indulgent; lenient 37724. ingaduitor (bun) = kind 37725. ingaduitor (rabdator) = patient 37726. ingaduitor (rabdator) = tolerant 37727. ingaima = v. biigui 37728. ingalbeni = to make yellow 37729. ingalbeni = to turn yellow 37730. ingalbeni (de) (de) = to turn/grow pale (with) 37731. ingalbeni (de) (de) = to blanch (with) 37732. ingalbeni (a pali) (in fata) = to pale (before) 37733. ingalbenit = (turned) yellow 37734. ingalbenit (vested) = withered 37735. ingemana = to twin; to join; to combine 37736. ingemana (strins) = to blend 37737. ingemanare = joining 37738. ingenunchea = to subjugate; to subdue 37739. ingenunchea = to kneel (down) 37740. ingenunchere = subjugation 37741. inger = angel; flabby; weak-willed; cowardly; sta (u)nch; courageous; brave 37742. ingeresc = angelic (al) 37743. ingereste = angelically; like an angel 37744. inghesui = to press; to crowd; to pack 37745. inghesui = to crowd 37746. inghesui (a se inghionti) = to jostle each other 37747. inghesuiala = crush; squash 37748. inghet = frost; hard frost 37749. ingheta (de) = to freeze (with) 37750. inghetare = freezing; freeze; (the) wage freeze 37751. inghetata = ice (-cream) 37752. inghetata (populara) = halfpenny lick 37753. inghetata (populara) = hokey pokey 37754. inghimpa = to prick 37755. inghimpa = to goad 37756. inghimpa = to prick oneself 37757. inghionti = to push; to shove; to give smb. a push/shove 37758. inghionti (cu cotul) = to nudge 37759. inghionti = to jostle one another 37760. inghirlandat = garlanded 37761. inghiti = to swallow 37762. inghiti (repede) = to bolt 37763. inghiti (lacom) = to gulp down 37764. inghiti (repede si cu zgomot) = to gobble 37765. inghiti (a aspira) = to breathe in 37766. inghiti (a absorbi) (a absorbi) = to absorb 37767. inghiti (a absorbi) (a absorbi) = to suck in 37768. inghiti (o carte etc.) (o carte etc.) = to devour 37769. inghiti (o minciuna,hapul etc.) = to swallow 37770. inghiti (un afront etc.) = to pocket 37771. inghiti = to be swallowed; F they can`t abide one another; F the cat won`t jump! that cock won`t fight!; to check; to curb; to swallow down; F to bottle up; to swallow the 37772. inghititura (de apa etc.) = drink 37773. inghititura (de apa etc.) = mouthful 37774. inghititura (mica) = sip 37775. inghititura (de hrana) = swallow 37776. inghititura (de hrana) = gulp 37777. inghititura (de hrana) = mouthful; at a draught; at one gulp; to take a sip/ mouthful/gulp 37778. ingimfa = to give oneself airs; to put on airs; to ride the high horse37779. ingimfare = haughtiness; arrogance; superciliousness; swelled head 37780. ingimfat = conceited; haughty; arrogant; supercilious; overweening; presumptuous; F bumptious; high and mighty 37781. ingimfat = haughtily 37782. ingimfat = coxcomb; fop; conceited/haughty 37783. ingina = to imitate; to mimic 37784. ingina (a fredona) = to hum 37785. ingina (a murmura) = to murmur 37786. ingina (a insoti) = to accompany 37787. ingina = to imitate/mimic one another 37788. ingina (a se imbina) = to combine 37789. ingina (a se imbina) = to blend 37790. ingina (a se amesteca) = to mix up 37791. ingina (a se impleti) = to interweave 37792. ingina (a se amagi) = to delude oneself; at daybreak/dawn 37793. ingindura = to make smb. fall to thinking; to give/cause smb. anxiety 37794. ingindurare = musing; anxiety 37795. ingindurat = pensive; musing; uneasy; melancholy; plunged in deep thought 37796. ingindurat = pensively; musingly 37797. ingloba = to include 37798. ingloba = to be included 37799. inglobare = inclusion 37800. ingloda = to stick (in the mud); to be involved in debts; to be in debt over head and ears 37801. ingradi = to enclose; to shut in; to fence in; to wall in 37802. ingradi (a bara) = to bar 37803. ingradi (a bara) = to block up 37804. ingradi (a bara) = to obstruct 37805. ingradi = to restrict (smb. in his rights) 37806. ingradire = enclosing 37807. ingradire (concret) = enclosure 37808. ingradire (gard) = fence 37809. ingradire (zid) = wall 37810. ingradire (obstacol) = obstacle 37811. ingradire (limita) = limit 37812. ingraditura = enclosure 37813. ingramadeala (masa) = mass 37814. ingramadeala (masa) = cluster 37815. ingramadeala (masa) = aggregation 37816. ingramadi = to pile/heap up 37817. ingramadi (a aduna) = to assemble 37818. ingramadi (a aduna) = to gather 37819. ingramadi (a presa) = to press 37820. ingramadi (a presa) = to squeeze 37821. ingramadi (d. oameni) = to gather 37822. ingramadi (d. oameni) = to crowd 37823. ingramadi (d. oameni) = to throng 37824. ingramadi (d. marfuri) = to accumulate 37825. ingramadi (d. marfuri) = to pile up 37826. ingramadi (a se presa) = to press 37827. ingramadire = piling/heaping up 37828. ingrasa = to fatten 37829. ingrasa (pamintul) = to fertilize 37830. ingrasa = to put on weight; to gain weight; to run to fat; to fill out; to burst one`s buttons 37831. ingrasa = to be fertilized 37832. ingrasare = fattening; fertilization 37833. ingrasamint = fertilizer 37834. ingretosa = to provoke disgust in; to disgust 37835. ingretosa (de) = to be nauseated/disgusted (at). 37836. ingretosare = nausea; disgust; aversion 37837. ingreuia = to make heavy sau heavier 37838. ingreuia (a impovara) = to burden 37839. ingreuia = to make/render difficult sau more 37840. ingreuia (a agrava) = to aggravate 37841. ingreuia = to be/become heavy sau heavier 37842. ingreuia = to be/become difficult sau more d 37843. ingreuna = v. ingreuia 37844. ingriji = to look after; to see to; to take care of; to tend 37845. ingriji (un bolnav etc.) = to nurse 37846. ingriji = to take care of oneself; to provide oneself with..; to secure; to provide smb. with..; to trouble about; to be/feel anxious about.. 37847. ingrijire = looking after 37848. ingrijire (grija) = care 37849. ingrijire (grija) = solicitude 37850. ingrijire (supraveghere) = supervision 37851. ingrijire (atentie) = attention37852. 37853. 37854. 37855. 37856. 37857. 37858. 37859. 37860. 37861. 37862. 37863. 37864. 37865. 37866. 37867. 37868. 37869. 37870. 37871. 37872. 37873. 37874. 37875. 37876. 37877. 37878. 37879. 37880. 37881. 37882. 37883. 37884. 37885. 37886. 37887. 37888. 37889. 37890. hum 37891. 37892. 37893. 37894. 37895. 37896. 37897. 37898. 37899. 37900. 37901. 37902. 37903. 37904. 37905. 37906. 37907. 37908. 37909. 37910. 37911. 37912. 37913. 37914. 37915. 37916. 37917. 37918. 37919. 37920. 37921. 37922. 37923. 37924.ingrijire (precautie) = caution ingrijire (acuratete) = accuracy; under the care/control of; edited by.. ingrijit (atent) = careful ingrijit (minutios) = elaborate ingrijit (corect) = correct ingrijit (exact) = exact ingrijit (frumos) = beautiful ingrijit (frumos) = fine ingrijit (d. infatisare) = trim ingrijit (d. infatisare) = wellgroomed ingrijit (d. imbracaminte) = neat ingrijit (d. mustata) = neat ingrijit (d. mustata) = trim ingrijit (curat) = clean ingrijit (d. o lucrare) = accurate ingrijit = carefully ingrijitoare (infirmiera etc.) = nurse ingrijitoare (infirmiera etc.) = housekeeper ingrijitoare (servitoare) = servant ingrijitoare (la scoala) = (school) attendant ingrijitor (intendent) = intendant ingrijitor (servitor) = (man-)servant ingrijora = to worry; to disquiet; to make anxious/uneasy ingrijora = to worry; to be anxious/uneasy ingrijorare = worry; anxiety; uneasiness ingrijorare (teama) = fear ingrijorare (teama) = alarm ingrijorat = auxious; alarmed ingrijorat (d. privire etc.) = troubled ingrijorator = disquieting; alarming; upsetting ingrijorator (grav) = serious ingropa (pe cineva) = to put to bed with a shovel ingropa = to live in seclusion; to be absorbed/lost/buried in..; v.ingloda ingropare = burying ingropare (inmormintare) = burial ingropaciune = burial ingrosa = to thicken; to make thick sau thicker ingrosa (a mari) = to increase ingrosa = to exaggerate; F things are getting hot; things are beginning to ingrosare = thickening ingrosator = thickener ingrozi = to frighten; to terrify; to horrify ingrozi = to take fright; to be seized with horror ingrozi (a se cutremura) = to shudder ingrozit = frightened; horrified; terrified ingrozitor = dreadful; awful; terrible; horrible ingrozitor (si ~ de) = dreadfully etc. ingust = narrow ingust (subtire) = thin ingust (zvelt) = slim ingust (zvelt) = slender ingust (strimt) = tight ingust = hide-bound ingusta = to narrow ingusta (a strimta) = to tighten ingusta = to narrow; to get/grow narrow sau narrower ingusta (catre virf) = to taper ingusta = to shrink ingustare = narrowing; shrinking ingustime (~ de vederi) (~ de vederi) = narrow-mindedness ingustime (~ de vederi) = parochialism inhaita = to gang; to band; to associate with low (fellows) inhama = to harness; to harness; to settle down to..; to embark upon.. inhata = to seize inhata (de guler) = to collar inhata (a lua) = to take inhorbotat = laced; decorated with lace inhuma = to bury; to inhume inhumare = burial; inhumation injgheba (a aduna) = to gather injgheba (a aduna) = to collect injgheba (a aduna) = to assemble injgheba (o suma etc.) = to raise37925. 37926. 37927. 37928. 37929. 37930. 37931. 37932. 37933. 37934. 37935. 37936. 37937. 37938. 37939. 37940. 37941. 37942. 37943. 37944. 37945. 37946. 37947. 37948. 37949. 37950. 37951. 37952. 37953. 37954. 37955. 37956. 37957. 37958. 37959. 37960. 37961. 37962. 37963. 37964. 37965. 37966. 37967. 37968. 37969. 37970. 37971. 37972. 37973. 37974. 37975. 37976. 37977. 37978. 37979. 37980. 37981. 37982. 37983. 37984. 37985. 37986. 37987. 37988. 37989. 37990. 37991. 37992. 37993. 37994. 37995. 37996. 37997. 37998.injgheba (a incropi) = to scrape together injgheba (a forma) = to set up injgheba (a forma) = to form; to knock together; to organize injgheba (a intemeia) = to found injgheba = to to be gathered injghebare = gathering injghebare (constructie) = building injghebare (asezare) = settlement injghebare (colonie) = colony injosi = to humble; to humiliate; to abase injosi = to abase oneself injosi (pina la) = to stoop (to) injosire = humbling; humiliation injositor = humiliating; degrading injuga = to yoke injuga = to yoke; to settle down to.. injumatati = to divide into halves; to halve injumatati (a micsora) = to diminish injumatati = to be reduced to a half injumatati (a se micsora) = to diminish injunghia = to stab injunghia (animale) = to kill injunghia = to stab oneself; I have a stitch in my chest injunghietura = v.junghi injura = to abuse; to call smb. names injura = to abuse one another injura = to swear injura (teribil etc.) = to make/turn the air blue; to swear like a trooper/bargee injuratura = oath; abuse; curse inlacrimat = (all) in tears inlantui = to put one`s arms round; to clasp/take/fold in one`s arms inlantui (idei etc.) = to link/connect (up) inlantui (a captiva) = to captivate inlantui (a captiva) = to fascinate inlantui = to hang together; to be linked with one another; to be interdependent; to concatenate inlantui (a se insirui) = to come after one another inlantuire = concatenation inlatura (in diferite sensuri) = to remove inlatura (a elimina) = to eliminate inlatura (obstacole,erori) = to obviate inlatura (obstacole,erori) = to stave off inlatura (obstacole,erori) = to avert inlatura (a concedia) = to dismiss inlatura = to to be removed inlemni = to be dumbfounded inlemnit = dumbfounded inlesni = to facilitate; to make easier; to enable inlesnire = facilitation inlesnire (ajutor) = help inlesnire (ajutor) = aid inlesnire (ajutor) = succour; facilities of payment inlocui (cu) = to replace (by) inlocui (cu) = to use.. inlocui (cu) = to instead of inlocui (cu) = to substitute..for; to do duty for inlocui (a lua locul) = to take the place of; to step into smb.`s shoes inlocui (pe cineva) = to act for; to act as a substitute for; to deputize for inlocui = to be substituted for one another inlocuire = replacement; substitution inlocuitor = substitute; deputy inlocuitor (al unui doctor etc.) = locum tenens inmagazina = to acumulate inmagazina = to be stored inmatricula = to enrol; to enter; to matriculate inmanunchea = to lay/put together inmanunchea (a aduna) = to gather inmanunchea (a concentra) = to concentrate inmanunchea (a imbina) = to combine inmanunchea (a lega) = to link inmanunchea (a lega) = to connect inmanunchea = to assemble inmanusat = gloved; in gloves inmarmuri = to be taken aback; to be dumbfounded/astounded inmarmurit = dumbfounded; astounded; it took his breath away37999. inmii = to increase a thousandfold; to multiply by a thousand 38000. inmiit = thousandfold 38001. inmiresmat = perfumed; scented 38002. inmina (cu dat) = to hand (over) (to); to deliver (to) 38003. inmina = to be handed (over); to be delivered 38004. inminare = handing (over) 38005. inmorminta = to entomb 38006. inmormintare = burial 38007. inmuguri = to burgeon; to put forth buds; to bud (forth/out/up); to burst into buds 38008. inmugurire = burgeoning 38009. inmugurire = beginning 38010. inmuietor = steeping vat 38011. inmulti (cu) (cu) = to multiply (by); to multiply 38012. inmulti (a spori) = to increase 38013. inmulti (a mari) = to augument 38014. inmulti (a imbogati) = to enrich 38015. inmulti = to be multiplied 38016. inmulti (a fi in crestere) = to be on the increase 38017. inmulti = to multiply 38018. inmultire = multiplication 38019. inmultitor = factor 38020. innadi = to patch up 38021. innadi (a lungi) = to lengthen; to get wont/accustomed to..; to acquire the habit of.. 38022. innaditura = patch; extension (piece) 38023. innamoli = to stick in the mud. 38024. innascut = innate; inborn; native 38025. innebuni = to madden 38026. innebuni = to go mad/crazy; to go off one`s chump/bean; to go nuts; to be mad/nuts on; to be crazy/daft about..A; you don`t say so!; you don`t mean it!; good gracious! 38027. innebunit (de) = maddened (with) 38028. innebunit (de) = mad (with) 38029. innebunit (de) = off one`s head (with) 38030. innegri = to blacken 38031. innegri = to blacken; to grow/turn/become black 38032. innegura = to cover with mist; to involve in a fog 38033. innegura = to eclipse 38034. innegura = to become/grow misty; to become enveloped in mist 38035. innegura = to dim 38036. innegura (a se posomori) = to grow gloomy; to darken 38037. innegurat = covered with mist; foggy misty 38038. innegurat = dark 38039. innobila = to ennoble; to raise to the nobility 38040. innobila = to ennoble 38041. innobila (spiritul etc.) = to uplift 38042. innobila (spiritul etc.) = to elevate 38043. innobila = to be ennobled 38044. innoda = to knot 38045. innoda = to knot 38046. innodatura (nod) = knot 38047. innoi = to renovate 38048. innoi (a improspata) = to refresh 38049. innoi (a face ca nou) = to make as good as new 38050. innoi = to be/get renewed 38051. innoi = to put on smth. for the first tim 38052. innoire = renovation 38053. innoitor = innovating 38054. innopta = to pass/spend the night; to put up for the night 38055. innopta (a dormi) = to sleep 38056. innopta (a fi surprins de noapte) = to be overtaken by the night; < (se) innopteaza>night is falling 38057. innoptare = passing the night 38058. innoptare (caderea noptii) = nightfall 38059. innoptat = overtaken by the night 38060. innoptat (d. un calator etc.) = benighted 38061. innoptat = dark 38062. innora = to cloud over 38063. innora = to cloud; to darken; the sky is clouding over 38064. innorat = clouded; cloudy; overcast 38065. innorat = dark 38066. inot = swimming; to swim across 38067. inota = to swim 38068. inota (a pluti) = to float; his eyes were swimming; to have heaps of money; to live in clover 38069. inotatoare = fin38070. 38071. 38072. 38073. 38074. 38075. 38076. 38077. 38078. 38079. 38080. 38081. 38082. 38083. 38084. 38085. 38086. 38087. 38088. 38089. 38090. 38091. 38092. 38093. 38094. 38095. 38096. 38097. 38098. 38099. 38100. 38101. 38102. 38103. 38104. 38105. 38106. 38107. 38108. 38109. 38110. 38111. 38112. 38113. 38114. 38115. 38116. 38117. 38118. 38119. 38120. 38121. 38122. 38123. 38124. 38125. 38126. 38127. 38128. 38129. 38130. 38131. 38132. 38133. 38134. 38135. 38136. 38137. 38138. 38139. 38140. 38141. 38142. 38143.inotator = swimming inotator = swimmer inradacina = to take/strike root inradacinare = striking root inradacinat = rooted; deeply rooted inrai = to embitter; to exasperate inrai = to become wicked inrait = wicked inrait (d. un betiv) = confirmed; inveterate; irreclaimable; hopeless inrama = to (set in a) frame inrautati = to worsen; to make worse; to deteriorate inrautati = to become/grow worse; to deteriorate; to take a turn for the worse inrautatit = worsened; worse inregimenta = to join; to become a member of inregimentare = joining (a party etc.) inregistra = to register; to record inregistra (o comanda) = to book; to enter up inregistra (pe discuri) = to record inregistra (bagaj) = to book inregistra (bagaj) = to register inregistra = to note inregistra (un gol,succese) = to score inregistra = to be registered inregistrare = registering inregistrator = recording; registering inregistrator = recorder; recording apparatus sau instrumen inriuri = to influence inriuri (a actiona asupra) = to act (up)on inriurire = influence inrobi = to enslave; to enthral (l) inrobitor = enslaving inrola = to enrol (l) oneself inrola = to enrol (l); to recruit; to join.. inrosi = to redden; to make red sau redder inrosi (buzele etc.) = to paint inrosi (buzele etc.) = to rouge inrosi = to redden; to grow/become red inrosi (de emotie etc.) = to blush inrosi (a se coace) = to ripen inroura = to be covered with dew inrourat = dewy inrudi (cu) (cu) = to be related (to) inrudi (cu) = to become related (to) inrudire = relationship; kindred; kinship inrudire = affinity; similarity inrudit = related; kindred inrudit = kindred; allied inrudit (d. popoare) = kindred inrudit (d. limbi) = cognate inrudit (d. stiinte) = allied inrudit (d. stiinte) = kindred insa = but insa (totusi) = however insa (totusi) = yet insa (totusi) = nevertheless insa (totusi) = all the same insa (totusi) = nonetheless insa (pe de alta parte) = on the other hand insaila = to tack; to stitch insaila = to improvise insaila (a imagina) = to imagine insaila (a imagina) = to fancy insailat = tacked; stitched insailat = sketchy insaminta = to sow; to impregnate insamintare = sowing; impregnation; insemination; artificial impregnation/insemination insamintat = sown insamintat = sowing insanatosi = to cure insanatosi (a tamadui) = to heal insanatosi = to make healthier insanatosi (atmosfera) = to cleanse insanatosi (atmosfera) = to purify insanatosi (literatura etc.) = to purge38144. insanatosi = to recover; to be cured 38145. insanatosi = to be made healthier 38146. insanatosire = curing 38147. insanatosire (a cuiva) = recovery 38148. insarcina (cu) = to charge (with) 38149. insarcina (cu) = to commission (with) 38150. insarcina (a incredinta cuiva) = to entrust smb. with smth 38151. insarcina (a da instructiuni) = to instruct; to undertake..; to take it upon oneself to.. 38152. insarcinare = charging; errand; commission 38153. insarcinare (sarcina) = task 38154. insarcinare (indatorire) = duty 38155. insarcinare (misiune) = mission 38156. insarcinat = charge d`affaires 38157. insarcinata = pregnant; in the family way 38158. insarcinata (big) = with child; expectant mother 38159. insasi = herself 38160. insasi (neutru) = itself 38161. insasi (masc.) = himself 38162. insati = yourself 38163. inscauna = to (en) throne 38164. inscauna = to establish 38165. inscauna = to be (en-) throned; to mount/ascend the throne 38166. inscauna = to ensconce oneself 38167. inscaunare = enthroning; enthronement 38168. inscena = to stage 38169. inscena = to feign 38170. inscena (un proces) = to frame up 38171. inscenare = staging; frame-up; put-up affair 38172. inscrie (a nota) = to write/put/take down 38173. inscrie (a nota) = to note 38174. inscrie (a inregistra) = to register 38175. inscrie (intr-un proces-verbal) = to put down 38176. inscrie (intr-un proces-verbal) = to register 38177. inscrie = to inscribe 38178. inscrie (pe un epitaf etc.) = to inscribe 38179. inscrie (pe un epitaf etc.) = to engrave 38180. inscrie (pe cineva, pe o lista etc.) = to enter smb.`s name 38181. inscrie (pe cineva, pe o lista etc.) = to book 38182. inscrie (la un curs etc.) = to enrol (l) 38183. inscrie = to register/enter one`s name; to enrol (l) for a course; to join; to be admitted to the membership of (a university); to enter one`s name in; to enrol (l) for; to inquire about/after/for..; < (a se interesa de cineva)>to inquire of..; < (sanatatea cuiva)>to inquire after smb's health; < (a vrea sa vada)>to ask for..; < (a vrea sa vada)>to want to 38584. intrebare = question 38585. intrebare (problema) = matter 38586. intrebare (problema) = question 38587. intrebare (problema) = problem 38588. intrebator = inquiring; questioning 38589. intrebator = inquiringly; questioningly 38590. intrebuinta (a folosi) = to use 38591. intrebuinta (a se folosi) = to be used 38592. intrebuintare = use; utilization 38593. intrebuintat = used 38594. intrebuintat (uzat) = used up 38595. intrebuintat (vechi) = old 38596. intrece = to outstrip 38597. intrece (a lasa in urma) = to leave behind 38598. intrece (a lasa in urma) = to be in advance of 38599. intrece (a fi superior cuiva) = to excel 38600. intrece (a depasi) = to exceed 38601. intrece (a depasi) = to surpass 38602. intrece = to compete; to vie 38603. intrecere = competition; emulation 38604. intrecere = contest; socialist competition/emulation; to challenge to competition/emulation; to compete (with) 38605. intredeschide = to half-open 38606. intredeschide (o usa) = to set ajar 38607. intredeschis = half-open 38608. intredeschis (d. usi si) = ajar 38609. intredeschis (d. usi si) = on the jar 38610. intreg = whole; entire 38611. intreg (complet) = complete 38612. intreg (intact) = intact 38613. intreg (intact) = safe 38614. intreg = whole number; whole numbers; a whole hour 38615. intregi = to make whole/complete; to complete; to supplement 38616. intregi = to be completed; to be supplemented 38617. intregime = wholly; entirely; completely 38618. intregire = completing; completion 38619. intregitor = completing; additional; supplementary 38620. intrei = treble 38621. intreit = threefold 38622. intrema = to recover; to be well again; to pick up again 38623. intremare = recovery 38624. intremat = better; quite oneself again 38625. intremat (sanatos) = well 38626. intremat (sanatos) = in good health 38627. intremator = strengthening; invigorating 38628. intremator (d. aer) = bracing 38629. intremator (d. un medicament) = tonic 38630. intrepatrunde = to interpenetrate; to be interdependent 38631. intrepatrunder = interpenetration 38632. intreprinde = to undertake; to venture 38633. intreprinde (a organiza) = to organize 38634. intreprinde (o ofensiva) = to take 38635. intreprinde (un studiu) = to enter upon 38636. intreprinde (o afacere) = to embark upon 38637. intreprinde (o lucrare) = to address oneself to 38638. intreprinde (a incepe) = to begin 38639. intreprindere = entreprise 38640. intreprindere (industriala) = industry 38641. intreprindere (industriala) = industrial unit 38642. intreprindere (industriala) = factory 38643. intreprindere = undertaking; bank; brokerage firm; shop; store; state enterprise; private enterprise38644. 38645. 38646. 38647. 38648. 38649. 38650. 38651. 38652. 38653. 38654. 38655. 38656. 38657. 38658. 38659. 38660. 38661. 38662. 38663. 38664. 38665. 38666. 38667. 38668. 38669. 38670. 38671. 38672. 38673. 38674. 38675. 38676. 38677. 38678. 38679. 38680. 38681. 38682. 38683. 38684. 38685. 38686. 38687. 38688. 38689. 38690. 38691. 38692. 38693. 38694. 38695. 38696. 38697. 38698. 38699. 38700. 38701. 38702. 38703. 38704. 38705. 38706. 38707. 38708. 38709. 38710. 38711. 38712. 38713. 38714. 38715. 38716. 38717.intreprinzator = enterprising intrerupator = switch intrerupe = to interrupt; to discontinue intrerupe (a opri brusc) = to break off intrerupe (calatoria, tacerea) = to break intrerupe (conversatie) = to break in upon intrerupe (circulatia) = to stop intrerupe (circulatia) = to suspend intrerupe (curentul electric) = to break intrerupe (curentul electric) = to cut/switch off intrerupe = to be interruped; to v. I.; to break off; to stop intrerupere = interruption; v. intrerupe; interruption intrerupere (incetare) = stoppage intrerupere (incetare) = cessation intrerupere (incetare) = break intrerupere (a negocierilor) = breaking off intretaia = to cross; to intersect intretaia (d. linii, raze) = to cut intretaia (a intrerupe) = to interrupt intretaia = to intersect intretaiat = crossed; v. intretaia intretaiat (d. voce) = broken intretaiere = crossing; intersection intretaiere (d. drumuri) = crossroad intretaiere (d. drumuri) = crossing intretese (cu) = to interweave (with) intretese (cu) = to intertwine (with) intretese (a amesteca) = to (inter)mix (with) intretese (a amesteca) = to blend (with) intretese (a amesteca) = to mingle (with) intretese (a presara) = to intersperse (with) intretese (o cuvintare, cu citate) = to interlard (with) intretese = to interlace; to interweave intretine (pe cineva, o familie) = to maintain intretine (pe cineva, o familie) = to support intretine (pe cineva, o familie) = to keep intretine (a pastra) = to keep intretine (in buna stare) = to keep in repair intretine (strazile) = to keep/maintain in good conditio intretine (corespondenta) = to keep up intretine (conversatia) = to keep alive intretine (agitatia) = to foster intretine (a alimenta) = to feed intretine = to support/maintain oneself; to gain/get a livelihood intretine (cu cineva) = to converse with smb. intretine (cu cineva) = to have a talk with smb. intretinere = maintenance; upkeep; v. intretine intretinere (a cuiva) = support intretinere (a cuiva) = maintenance intretinut = fancy man intretinuta = fancy woman; (kept) mistress; gold digger intrevedea = to catch sight/a glimpse of intrevedea (a prevedea) = to foresee intrevedea (a prevedea) = to contemplate intrevedea (a prevedea) = to visualize intrevedea (a prevedea) = to envision intrevedea = to be outlined intrevedea (a se zari) = to loom intrevedea (a se astepta) = to be expected intrevedea (a fi in perspectiva) = to be in prospect; ..can be seen; expected intrevedere = meeting intrezari = to v. Intrevedea intrista = to grieve; to sadden intrista = to grieve; to be sad; to give way to grief/sorrow intristare = grief; sorrow; sadness intristat = sad; grieved; downcast intristator = saddening introna = to (en)throne introna = to establish introna = to be (en)throned intru = in intru (cu verbe de miscare) = into; at that time; thereupon; continually; incessantly intruchipa = to embody intruchipa (a reprezenta) = to represent38718. intruchipa (a personifica) = to personify; to v. Injgheba I. 38719. intruchipa = to be embodied 38720. intruchipare = embodiment; embodiment etc.v. Intruchipa 38721. intrucit = as; since; because; for 38722. intrucit (in masura in care) = as far as 38723. intrucitva = somehow; to a certain extent 38724. intrucitva (inaintea unui adjectiv) = somewhat 38725. intrucitva (destul de) = rather 38726. intruni = to combine 38727. intruni (a cuprinde) = to comprise 38728. intruni (conditii etc.) = to meet 38729. intruni (conditii) = to meet 38730. intruni (conditii etc.) = to correspond to 38731. intruni (conditii) = to correspond to 38732. intruni (a obtine) = to get 38733. intruni = to gather; to assemble 38734. intrunire = meeting 38735. intrupa = to v. Intruchipa; to v.Intruchipa; to arise out of..; to take shape from.. 38736. intrupare = v. intruchipare 38737. intuneca = to darken 38738. intuneca (a innora) = to cloud 38739. intuneca (mintea) = to dull 38740. intuneca = to become darkened/clouded 38741. intuneca (a se insera etc.) = to be getting dark 38742. intuneca (a se insera) = to be getting dark 38743. intuneca (d. minte) = to dull 38744. intuneca (d.minte) = to dull 38745. intunecare = darkening; dusk 38746. intunecare (a minti) = dul (l)ness 38747. intunecare (intuneric) = dark (ness) 38748. intunecare = sombreness 38749. intunecat = dark 38750. intunecat (posomorit) = gloomy 38751. intunecat (posomorit) = gloomv 38752. intunecime = dark (ness); gloom (iness); dusk; obscurity 38753. intunecos = v. intunecat 38754. intuneric = dark 38755. intuneric = darkness 38756. inturna = to v. Inapoia II.; to v. Intoarce I. 38757. inturnare = return; coming; coming back 38758. intarca = to wean 38759. intarca (de) = to wean (from) 38760. intarca = to run dry 38761. intelegator = gentle; kind 38762. intelegator (ingaduitor) = lenient 38763. intelegator (compatimitor) = sympathetic 38764. intelegator = gently 38765. intelege = to grasp; to understand 38766. intelege (a sesiza) = to COMPREHEND 38767. intelege (a sesiza) = to twig; to take the hint 38768. intelege (a-si da seama de) = to be aware/conscious of 38769. intelege (a vedea) = to see 38770. intelege (a se pricepe la) = to bea good jugde in 38771. intelege = to understand each other 38772. intelege (a ajunge la o integlegere) = to come to an agreement/an unders 38773. intelege (a fi deee acord) = to agree 38774. intelege (a fi in termeni buni) = to get on well 38775. intelege (a fi in termeni buni) = to get on (together) 38776. intelege (a complota) = to plot 38777. intelege (a complota) = to scheme 38778. intelege (a fi clar) = to be clear 38779. intelege (a fi citet) = to be legible 38780. intelege = to understand; not to mind..; to take no account/heed of..; he can't take a joke; let us clearly understand each other!; agreed!; F down with you!; it's a go!; pitifully; < (cu mila)>compassionately; (much) to be pitied; < (d. lucruri)>lamentabl 39118. jales = woundwort (Stachys) 39119. jalnic (trist) = sad 39120. jalnic (trist) = mournful 39121. jalnic (trist) = heart-rending 39122. jalnic (trist) = sorrowful 39123. jalnic (trist) = distressing 39124. jalnic (indoliat) = mourning 39125. jalnic (d. voce) = plaintive 39126. jalnic (d. lucruri) = pitiable 39127. jalnic (d. lucruri) = deplorable 39128. jalnic (d. lucruri) = lamentable 39129. jalnic (in mizerie sau nenorocire) = wretched 39130. jalnic = sadly etc. 39131. jalon = beacon; to show the way; to blaze a trail 39132. jalona = to place landmarks in 39133. jaluzea = (window) blind 39134. jambiere = gaiters 39135. jambiere (scurte) = spats 39136. jambiere (de piele) = leggings 39137. jambiere (de piele) = uppers 39138. jambon = ham 39139. jambon (de la picioarele din spate) = gammon of bacon 39140. jambon (de la glezna) = hock of bacon; smoked ham 39141. jandarm = tartar 39142. jandarm (femeie) = virago 39143. jandarm (femeie) = (she-)dragoon 39144. jandarm (femeie) = termagant 39145. jandarm = gendarme 39146. jandarmerie = military police force 39147. jandarmerie (sediu) = military police 39148. jandarmerie (rurala) = country police 39149. janghinos (murdar) (murdar) = filthy 39150. janghinos (paduchios) = lousy 39151. janghinos (riios) = scabbed 39152. janghinos (riios) = mangy39153. janghinos (jigarit) = weedy 39154. janghinos = scrawny 39155. janghinos = tatterdemalion; ragamuffin; lousy/filthy/scurvy fellow/knave 39156. janilie = chenille 39157. janta = rim 39158. jant = cheese butter 39159. jap = smack ! 39160. japca = to seize by force; to snatch away; to snap up 39161. japonez = Japanese 39162. japoneza = Japanese (woman sau girl); Japanese; the Japanese language 39163. japoneza (chifla) = a kind of roll 39164. japsa = backwater 39165. jar = embers v. Si jAratic 39166. jar (dogoare) = glow 39167. jar (dogoare) = heat 39168. jar = fervour; glow; fire; passion 39169. jardiniera = flower stand; ornamental flower pot 39170. jargon = jargon 39171. jargon (al unui anumit grup social) = cant 39172. jargon (al unui anumit grup social) = patter; slang 39173. jargon (limbaj neinteles) = gibberish; journalese; medicalese; officialese; gobbledygook; pedageese; thieves`cant 39174. jart = smack! 39175. jartiera = garter; the Order of the Garter 39176. jasp = jasper 39177. javra (ciine urit) = cur 39178. javra (ciine care latra intr-una) = yelper 39179. javra (ciine care latra intr-una) = yelping dog/cur 39180. javra = cur 39181. jaz = jazz 39182. jazband = jazzband 39183. jacmani = v. jefui 39184. jaratic = red-hot/live coals 39185. jaratic (ultimii carbuni rosii) = embers; < (ca) pe ~> (like a cat) on hot bricks; < (ca) pe ~>on thorns; to be on tenter-hoks 39186. jder = marten (Mustela) 39187. jecmani = v. jefui 39188. jefui = to rob; to plunder 39189. jefui (un calator) = to rob 39190. jefui (un calator) = to strip 39191. jefui (un calator) = to rifle the pockets of 39192. jefui = to bleed 39193. jefuire = robbing etc. 39194. jefuire (jaf) = robbery; pillage 39195. jefuire = bleeding; v. jefui 39196. jefuitor = robbing; plundering 39197. jefuitor = robber; plunderer 39198. jeg = dirt; filth (on the skin) 39199. jegos = dirty; filthy; soiled 39200. jejun = jejunum 39201. jeleu = jelly 39202. jeli = to mourn for; to lament over; to grieve sorely over 39203. jeli (soarta cuiva) = to bewail 39204. jeli (soarta cuiva) = to bemoan 39205. jeli (a compatimi) = to pity 39206. jeli (a compatimi) = to commiserate 39207. jeli (a compatimi) = to sympathize with 39208. jeli (a se tingui) = to lament; to wail; to moan; to groan 39209. jeli (a purta doliu) (dupa) = to be in mourning (for) 39210. jelire = lamentation; commiseration; mourning etc.; v. jeli 39211. jelitoare = hired mourner; woman hired to lament over a dead 39212. jelui = v. jeli 39213. jelui = to lament; to wail; to moan 39214. jelui (a se plinge) (de) = to complain (of) 39215. jelui (cu voce tare) (impotriva) = to cry out (against) 39216. jelui (a adresa o plingere) = to lodge a complaint 39217. jeluire = lamenting etc. 39218. jeluire (plingere) = complaint 39219. jeluire (reclamatie) = petition; v. jelui 39220. jena = to impede 39221. jena (a incomoda) = to incommode 39222. jena (a incomoda) = to hinder 39223. jena (a stringe) = to be too tight for 39224. jena (a stringe) = to pinch39225. jena = to embarrass 39226. jena (a sta in calea) = to be in the way of 39227. jena (a incomoda) = to trouble 39228. jena (a incomoda) = to incommode 39229. jena (a incomoda) = to inconvenience 39230. jena (a incomoda) = to disturb 39231. jena = to stand upon ceremony; to make ceremony; to be timid/bashful 39232. jena (a avea scrupule) = to scruple; not to mind doing a thing; to make no bones about doing a thing; he is too timid to speak to her; don`t stand on ceremony!; make yourself at home!; d 39233. jenant (stinjenitor) = embarrassing 39234. jenant (incomod) = inconvenient 39235. jenant (incomod) = incommodious 39236. jenant (plictisitor) = tedious 39237. jenant (care da bataie de cap) = irksome 39238. jenant (care da bataie de cap) = annoying 39239. jenant (neplacut) = unpleasant 39240. jenant (delicat) = delicate 39241. jenant (delicat) = ticklish 39242. jenant (penibil) = painful 39243. jenant (stinjenitor) = troublesome; it is a delicate/knotty/ticklish affair; it is a delicate situation; < (lucrurile stau prost)>it is an awkward plight; < (lucrurile stau prost)>it is a nasty fix 39244. jenat = embarrassed; ill at ease 39245. jena (incurcatura) = embarrassment 39246. jena (stinghereala) = discomfort 39247. jena (incurcatura) = perplexity 39248. jena (stinghereala) = uneasiness 39249. jena (incurcatura) = dilemma 39250. jena (stinghereala) = uncomfortableness 39251. jena (incurcatura) = trouble 39252. jena (sfiala) = shyness 39253. jena (sfiala) = timidity 39254. jena (sfiala) = reserve 39255. jena (sfiala) = bashfulness 39256. jena (financiara) = want 39257. jena (financiara) = straitened circumstances; unsparingly; < (cu curaj)>without the least fear; < (fara ceremonie)>without any ceremony; not standing on ceremony; unceremonious; making no bones; < (nerusinat)>impudent; < (nerusinat)>c 39258. jep = dwarf mountain fir 39259. jerba (manunchi) = cluster 39260. jerba (snop) = sheaf; wheat-sheaf jet; festoon; garland (of flowers); sheet of fire; fire sheaf 39261. jerfi = to sacrifice; to offer as a victim; to immolate 39262. jerfi (a omori) = to kill 39263. jerfi = to sacrifice oneself; to offer oneself as a victim; to immolate oneself; to lay down one's life for one's country; to give/to sacrifice one`s life for one`s country; the more; especially; as.. as possible; after (wards); all the more..; better; no more..; my dear (boy); mother-in-law; step mother; awfully; mighty; a mother's.; maternal; at Jerich 41958. mamelar = mammary41959. mamela = breast 41960. mamelon = rounded hillock 41961. mameluc = mameluke 41962. mameluc = old rotter/fogey 41963. mamifer = mammalian 41964. mamifer = mammal 41965. mamon = Mammon 41966. mamos = obstetrician 41967. mamut = mammoth 41968. manager = manager 41969. mana = manna 41970. mana = blessing 41971. mana (belsug) = plenty; manna; manna grass 41972. manciurian = Manchurian 41973. manco = want 41974. mandarin = mandarin 41975. mandarina = tangerine 41976. mandat (procura) = mandate; commission 41977. mandat = warrant; order to offender; witness to appear; warrant for arrest; member's (electoral) mandate; money order; Post-Office order; mandated territory 41978. mandata = to pass for payment; to sanction an expenditure 41979. mandatar (al alegatorilor) = mandatory 41980. mandatar (reprezentant) = proxy 41981. mandatar (reprezentant) = representative 41982. mandatar = authorized agent 41983. mandibula = mandible 41984. mandolina = mandolin (e) 41985. mandragora = mandrake 41986. mandra = circular crawl 41987. mandril = mandrill 41988. mandrin = mandrel 41989. mandrina = to chuck (on the lathe) 41990. mandrina = chuck; lathe chuck 41991. manechin (in croitorie) = dummy 41992. manechin (in croitorie) = dummy 41993. manechin (femeie) = (lady) mannequin 41994. manechin (femeie) = cover girl 41995. manechin (arte) = lay figure 41996. manechin (mere) = lay figure 41997. manej = riding school; manege 41998. manej (acoperit) = riding house/hall 41999. manej = horsedriven mill 42000. manela = capstan bar 42001. maneta = hand lever 42002. manevra = to manipulate; to handle 42003. manevra (o masina) = to operate 42004. manevra (o masina) = to run 42005. manevra (pinzele) = to work 42006. manevra (pinzele) = to handle 42007. manevra (vagoane) = to shunt 42008. manevra (vagoane) = to marshal 42009. manevra (un vas) = to manoeuvre 42010. manevra (un vas) = to handle 42011. manevra (bani) = to handle 42012. manevra (bani) = to manipulate 42013. manevra = to plot 42014. manevrabil = manageable; workable 42015. manevra (fringhie) (fringhie) = rope 42016. manevra = intrigue; vote-catching/electioneering manoeuvre 42017. mangafa (prost) = blockhead 42018. mangafa (prost) = duffer 42019. mangafa (prost) = dolt 42020. mangal = charcoal 42021. mangal (vas) = brazier 42022. mangalita = Mangalitza swine 42023. mangan = manganese 42024. manganat = manganate 42025. manganic = manganic 42026. manganit = manganite 42027. mangusta (Herpestes nyula) (Herpestes nyula) = mongoose 42028. mangusta (Herpestes nyula) = mungoose 42029. maniabil = manageable; easy to handle 42030. maniac = (mono)maniac; atomaniac42031. manichiura = manicure 42032. manichiurista = manicurist 42033. manie = mania; craze; hobby; mannerism 42034. manierat = well-mannered 42035. manierat (curtenitor) = courteous 42036. manierat = finical 42037. manierat (d. ton) = genteel 42038. manierat (d. ton) = mincing; courteously 42039. maniera = manners 42040. maniera (fel) = manner 42041. maniera (fel) = way 42042. maniera = manner; in such a manner/way that..; lest.. 42043. manierism = mannerism 42044. manierism (afectare) = affectedness 42045. manifest = manifest; evident; obvious; clear 42046. manifest (program) = manifesto 42047. manifest (program) = proclamation 42048. manifest (aruncat, distribuit) = leaflet 42049. manifest = manifestly; the Communist Manifesto 42050. manifesta = to manifest 42051. manifesta (a arata) = to show 42052. manifesta (a da glas) = to voice 42053. manifesta (a exprima) = to express 42054. manifesta (bucuria etc.) = to give vent to 42055. manifesta (bucuria etc.) = to show 42056. manifesta = to appear 42057. manifesta (a se arata) = to show oneself 42058. manifesta = to demonstrate; to make a public demonstration; to manifest 42059. manifestant = demonstrant 42060. manifestare = manifestation 42061. manifestatie = demonstration 42062. manila = Manil (l)a hemp 42063. manioc (Menihot utilissima) = cassava 42064. manipula = to manipulate; to handle 42065. manipulant = manipulator 42066. manipulant (al banilor) = handler 42067. manipulant (la tramvai) = tram driver 42068. manipulator = manipulator 42069. manipulator = v. manipulant; key 42070. manivela = crank 42071. manometric = manometric (al) 42072. manometru = pressure gauge 42073. manopera = manual labour 42074. manopera = v. manevra 42075. mansardat = mansard-roofed 42076. mansarda = attic; garret 42077. manta = mantle; cloak; wrap 42078. mantamil. = great-coat 42079. manta = casing 42080. manta (val) = veil; Jack-at-a-pinch; rain coat; mack (intosh); waterproof 42081. mantie = cloak; mantle 42082. mantie (roba) = robe 42083. mantie = mantle 42084. mantie (val) = veil 42085. mantila = mantila 42086. mantisa = mantissa 42087. mantou = (lady's) cloak 42088. manual = manual; hand.. 42089. manual (scolar) = textbook 42090. manual (ghid = indicator)handbook 42091. manual (ghid = indicator)manual 42092. manual (ghid = indicator)guide 42093. manual (elementar) = primer 42094. manual = manually; manual training 42095. manufactura = to manufacture 42096. manufactura = manufacture 42097. manufactura (fabrica) = manufactory 42098. manufactura (textile) = textiles 42099. manufactura (textile) = drapery; draper's; dry goods (store) 42100. manufacturier = manufacturing.. 42101. manuscript = manuscript 42102. manuscris = manuscript, MS 42103. manutanta = bakery42104. manutanta (magazie) = storehouse 42105. mapamond = map of the world in two hemispher 42106. mapa = paper case 42107. mapa (servieta) = folio case 42108. mapa (servieta) = portfolio 42109. marabu (Leptoptilus argala) = marabou (t) (stork); marabout 42110. marafet (formalism) = fuss 42111. marafet (chichita) = trick 42112. marafet (chichita) = artifice 42113. marafet = whims; caprices 42114. marafet (afectare) = airs and graces 42115. marafet (afectare) = formal/prim ways 42116. marafet (zorzoane) = trappings 42117. marafet (fleacuri) = trifles 42118. marafet (mijloc) = means 42119. marama = (very thin raw silk) headkerchief 42120. maramuresean = of/from Maramures 42121. marangoz = ship carpenter 42122. marasm = depression 42123. marasm (decadere) = decay 42124. maraton = long-distance race 42125. marca = to mark; to put a mark on 42126. marca (a bifa) = to (mark with a) check 42127. marca (o lada) = to stencil 42128. marca (un loc intr-o sala) = to leave one's hat on 42129. marca (un obiect de metal pretios) = to hall-mark 42130. marca (a stigmatiza) = to brand 42131. marca (a nota) = to note 42132. marca (a nota) = to make a note of 42133. marca (a inregistra) = to register 42134. marca (a inregistra) = to record 42135. marca (d. orologiu) = to say 42136. marca (d. orologiu) = to point to; to mark 42137. marca (a arata) = to show 42138. marca (a arata) = to indicate 42139. marca (a dovedi) = to prove 42140. marca (a sublinia) = to underline 42141. marca (a cistiga) = to score 42142. marca (un punct) = to score 42143. marca = be marked 42144. marca = to score 42145. marcaj = v. marca; mark 42146. marcant = of mark/note; outstanding 42147. marcasit = marcasite 42148. marcat = marked 42149. marcat (pronuntat) = marked 42150. marcat (pronuntat) = pronounced 42151. marcat (pronuntat) = distinct 42152. marcator = marker 42153. marcator = marker 42154. marca = mark 42155. marca (semn) = sign 42156. marca (tip, model) = brand 42157. marca (fabricatie) = made 42158. marca (postala) = (postage) stamp 42159. marca = (coat of) arms 42160. marca (fisa) = mark 42161. marca = electorate; trade-mark; registered/trade mark; ferov. v. ~; new brand 42162. marchetarie = inlaid work 42163. marchiz = marquis; marquess 42164. marchiza (in Anglia) = marchioness 42165. marchiza (in Franta) = marquise 42166. marchiza = driver's cab 42167. marchizet = marquisette 42168. marcotaj = layering 42169. marcota = layer 42170. mardeala (bataie) argou = drubbing 42171. mardeala (bataie) argou = good licking 42172. mardi (a bate) argou = to drub 42173. mardi (a bate) argou = to lick soundly 42174. mare (ca durata, grad, insemnatate) = great 42175. mare (ca intindere, continut) = large 42176. mare (ca volum, abstract) = big42177. mare (inalt si lung fata de latime) = tall 42178. mare (adinc) = deep 42179. mare (amplu) = ample 42180. mare (enorm) = huge 42181. mare (enorm) = enormous 42182. mare (gras) = fat 42183. mare (gros) = thick 42184. mare (infinit) = infinite 42185. mare (infinit) = boundless 42186. mare (inalt) = high 42187. mare (incapator) = roomy 42188. mare (incapator) = spacious 42189. mare (larg) = wide 42190. mare (lat) = broad 42191. mare (masiv) = massy 42192. mare (maret) = grand 42193. mare (numeros) = rich 42194. mare (numeros) = numerous 42195. mare (vast) = vast 42196. mare (vast) = immense 42197. mare (voluminos, corpolent) = bulky 42198. mare (puternic) = powerful 42199. mare (puternic) = mighty 42200. mare (adult) = adult 42201. mare (adult) = grown-up 42202. mare (adult) = old 42203. mare (violent) = violent 42204. mare (aspru) = hard 42205. mare (aspru) = severe 42206. mare (vestit) = famous 42207. mare (vestit) = renowned 42208. mare (vestit) = illustrious 42209. mare (marcant) = outstanding 42210. mare (important) = great 42211. mare (important) = important 42212. mare (hotaritor) = decisive 42213. mare (uimitor) = stupendous 42214. mare = sea 42215. mare = main 42216. mare (ocean) = ocean 42217. mare = sea; a pretty kettle of fish!; quite a sight!; large fortune; big boy; strong/powerful/intense heat; great/big/heavy expense (s); large profits; considerable gain; the Saints' Day mucenicie = martyrdom mucezeala = moulding etc.; v. mucezi mucezi = to mould; to get/grow/go mouldy mucezi = v. lincezi muchie = edge muchie (crestet) = top muchie (crestet) = summit; to be within a hair's breadth of death etc.; to be in great danger muchier = rabbet plane muci = run at the nose mucilaginos = mucilaginous mucilagiu = mucilage; gum mucles = mum's the word; keep mum mucoasa = mucous membrane mucos = snotty mucos (mucilaginos) = mucous mucos (mucilaginos) = mucilaginous mucos = unfledged mucos = greenhorn; Johnny Raw mucos = tenderfoot mucozitate = mucosity muezin = muezzin mufa = coupling mufa (pt. fixarea capsei) = muff mufla = muffle muftiu = mufti muget = low (ing) muget (de vaca, si) = moo muget (de bou, si) = bellowing muget (al marii etc.) = roar mugi = to low mugi (d. vaca, si) = to moo mugi (d. bou, si) = to bellow mugi (d. mare etc.) = to roar mugi (d. vint etc.) = to howl mugur = bud; burgeon mugur (d. frunza si) = gemma mugur = offspring mugur (copil) = child muia = to dip; to soak muia (a uda) = to wet muia (inul, cinepa) = to ret muia (a baga in apa) = to dip muia (a baga in apa) = to douse muia (a scalda) = to bathe muia (a face mai moale) = to soften muia (a incetini) = to slow down; v. indupleca muia = to palatalize muia (a deveni ud) = to become/get wet muia (a se patrunde de un lichid) = to to get soaked muia (d. vreme) = to thaw44716. muia (a se incalzi) = to get warm/milder; v. molesi 44717. muia (a se calma) = to calm down 44718. muia (a deveni mai intelegator) = to soften down 44719. muia (a deveni mai intelegator) = to relent; to beat smb. to a mummy; to pommel smb.; to sandbag smb. 44720. muieratic (efeminat) = effeminate 44721. muieratic (efeminat) = womanly 44722. muieratic (efeminat) = v. afemeiat 44723. muiere = woman; female 44724. muiere (sotie) = wife 44725. muiere (sotie) = better half 44726. muieresc = woman's..; womanly 44727. muiereste = like a woman; in a feminine way 44728. mujdei = garlic sauce 44729. mula = to mould; to cast 44730. mula (d. o rochie etc.) = to fit tightly 44731. mula = to be moulded/cast 44732. mulaj = moulding; casting 44733. mulaj (concret) = (thing) cast 44734. mulare = moulding; casting 44735. mulatru = mulatto 44736. mulgatoare = milch.. 44737. mulgatoare = milkmaid; milking machine 44738. mulgator = milker; goat-sucker; whippoor-will 44739. mulge = to milk 44740. mulge = to drain 44741. mulge (a exploata) = to exploit 44742. mulge = to be milked etc. 44743. mulgere = milking 44744. muls = milking 44745. mulsoare = milking 44746. mult = much 44747. mult (departe) = far 44748. mult (multa vreme) = long 44749. mult = much; a great deal of; a lot of 44750. mult (multi) = (a great) many 44751. mult = a lot of 44752. mult (d. timp) = long 44753. mult = much; a great deal 44754. mult = many people; a lof of them; many books; much sand; most (of the)..; often; frequently; time and again; several times; to confine oneself to; < (a se limita la)>to content oneself with.. 44775. multumire = content (ment); contentedness 44776. multumire (satisfactie) = satisfaction 44777. multumire (placere) = pleasure 44778. multumire (bucurie) = joy 44779. multumire (rasplatire) = reward 44780. multumire (rasplatire) = recompense 44781. multumire (recunostinta) = gratitude 44782. multumire = thanks 44783. multumit (de) = contented (with) 44784. multumit (de) = satisfied (with) 44785. multumit (incintat) = pleased (with)44786. multumita = gratitude 44787. multumita (rasplata) = recompense 44788. multumita (rasplata) = reward; v. multumire 44789. multumitor = satisfactory 44790. multumitor = satisfactorily 44791. mulura = moulding 44792. muma = v. mama; one man's meat is another man's poison 44793. mumie = mummy 44794. mumie = bag of bones 44795. mumifica = to mummify; to become mummified 44796. munca = work 44797. munca (ocupatie) = job; labour 44798. munca (ocupatie) = work 44799. munca (anevoioasa) = pains 44800. munca = tortures 44801. muncabataie de cap, eforturi, etc. = trouble 44802. munca (greutate) = difficulty 44803. munca (eforturi) = efforts 44804. munca (activitate) = activity; work; forced labour; field work; abstract labour/work; hard work; concrete labour/work; mental/brain work; constructive labour; manual labour; to go mad on ..; < (teama etc.)>to be keen on..; to die for..; to die of old age; to die of a disease/of illness; to die of 44886. muribund = person at the point of death; dying man etc. 44887. muritor = mortal 44888. murmur (de protest etc.) = murmur 44889. murmur (al unui piriu) = purl (ing) 44890. murmur (al unui piriu) = babble 44891. murmur (al unui piriu) = babbling 44892. murmura = to murmur 44893. murmura (d. cineva, a sopti) = to whisper 44894. murmura (a mormai) = to mutter 44895. murmura (a mormai) = to mumble 44896. murmura (a bombani) = to grumble 44897. murmura (a bombani) = to growl 44898. murmura (d. un izvor etc.) = to purl 44899. murmura (d. un izvor etc.) = to babble 44900. murmura = v. ~ i 44901. musaca = dish of vegetables and minced; meat fried in grease, then stewed 44902. musafir = guest; visitor 44903. musai = by all means; at all events; must needs 44904. muscat = muscat (el) 44905. musca (albina) pop. (albina) pop. = bee 44906. musca = bull's eye; bluebottle; blow fly (Musca vomitoria); forest/horse fly (Hippobosca equina); fly flap/brush; vicious; lustful; to give smb. the sack/bird/boot 50059. pasa = bashaw 50060. pasnic = peaceful, peaceable 50061. pasnic (iubitor de pace) = peace-loving 50062. pasnic (linistit) = quiet 50063. pasnic = peacefully,quietly; peaceful coexistence; peaceful construction; peaceful competition/emulation; peaceful labour; peaceful settlement 50064. paste = to feed, to graze, to browse 50065. paste = to feed, to graze 50066. paste (a duce la pascut) = to drive/take to pasture 50067. paste (d. animale) = to graze, to browse, to feed upon 50068. paste (iarba) = to crop 50069. paste = to lie in wait for,to be in store; he did not know what was in store for him; to gape at the moon, to catch flies50070. paste = v. pierde vara 50071. pasti = Easter Easter day 50072. pasti (mozaic) = Passover, Pasch; holy bread distributed in the chu; once in a blue moon; on St. Tib's Eve, when two Sundays come together, when pigs fly 50073. pat = bedstead 50074. pat (la sah) = stalemate 50075. pat (cu asternut) = bed 50076. pat = doss 50077. pat (saracacios) = pallet 50078. pat (de copil) = cot,crib 50079. pat (pliant) = folding bed 50080. pat (targa) = stretcher 50081. pat = litter 50082. pat (culcus) = bed, couch 50083. pat = bed 50084. pat (strat) = bed, layer 50085. pat (de pusca) = butt (stock) 50086. pat (pt. flori) = mulch; hotbed, seed bed, forcing bed/pit; camp bed; the marriage bed; double-bedded room; bed fellow/mate; bed-ridden; too make the bed; to recover, to 50087. patalama = diploma 50088. patalama (certificat) = certificate 50089. patarama = v. pataranie; to have got the hang of smb. 50090. pata = spot 50091. pata (de cerneala) = blot, blob 50092. pata = spot, stain, blot 50093. pata (pe reputatia cuiva) = blemish 50094. pata (rusinoasa) = stigma; sun spots; spotless, stainless, immaculate; < (curat)>pure; to take out/to remove stains 50095. patefon = gramophone; automatic/electric gramophone 50096. patent (evident) = obvious, (self-)evident, manifest 50097. patent (d. lacate etc.) = patent 50098. patent = patent, licence 50099. patenta = to license 50100. patentat = licensed 50101. patentat (brevetat) = patent (ed) 50102. patenta = licence 50103. patenta (certificat) = certificate; bill of health 50104. patera = patera 50105. patern = paternal, a father's.. 50106. patern = paternally 50107. paternitate = paternity, fatherhood 50108. paternitate (a unei carti etc.) = authorship 50109. patetic = pathetic, moving, touching 50110. patetic = pathetically 50111. patetism = pathos 50112. pateu = pie; meat pie fish pie 50113. patima = passion; v. partinire 50114. patina = to skate 50115. patina (d.roti) = to skid, to slip 50116. patinaj = skating; v. patinoar; figure skating 50117. patinator = skater 50118. patina = skate 50119. patina (strat) = patina 50120. patina = slide plate; roller skates 50121. patinoar = skating rink 50122. patinor = skater 50123. patiserie = pastry,cakes 50124. patiserie (ca magazin) = pastrycook's shop, cake shop 50125. patogen = pathogenic 50126. patogenetic = pathogenetic 50127. patogenie = pathogenesis 50128. patologic = pathological 50129. patologic = pathologically 50130. patologie = pathology 50131. patos = pathos 50132. patos (entuziasm) = enthusiasm 50133. patos (afectare) = affected pathos, bombast 50134. patrafir = stole 50135. patriarh = patriarch 50136. patriarhal = patriarchal 50137. patriarhat = patriarchate 50138. patriarhie = patriarchate 50139. patrician = patrician50140. patrician (cirnat) = hot dog 50141. patrie = (one's) native land sau country; mother country, (one's) fatherland; home, homeland, motherland 50142. patrie (loc de nastere) = birthplace 50143. patrie = home; Socialist Motherland; defence of one's motherland 50144. patrimonial = patrimonial 50145. patrimoniu = patrimony, inheritance 50146. patriot = patriot 50147. patriotard = jingoistic, chauvinistic 50148. patriotard = blatant patriot, jingo (ist); chauvinist 50149. patriotic = patriotic 50150. patriotic = patriotically, like a patriot 50151. patriotism = patriotism 50152. patristica = patristics 50153. patrita = punch 50154. patron = employer 50155. patron (al unei intreprinderi) = owner, chief, head 50156. patron (al unui hotel) = proprietor 50157. patron (stapin) = master, boss, governor 50158. patron (protector) = patron, protector 50159. patron (sfint) = patron saint 50160. patrona = to patronize, to protect; to chaperon, to sponsor 50161. patronaj = patronage 50162. patronal = employers'.. 50163. patronat = employers 50164. patronimic = patronymic 50165. patru = four 50166. patrula = to patrol 50167. patrulare = patrol (ling) 50168. patrulater = quadrilateral 50169. patrulateral = quadrilateral 50170. patrula = patrol 50171. patrulea = the fourth 50172. patruped = quadrupedal 50173. patruped = quadruped 50174. patrusprezece = fourteen 50175. patrusprezecelea = the fourteenth 50176. patruzeci = forty 50177. patruzecilea = the fortieth 50178. patvagon = luggage van/car 50179. patachina = black alder, alder buckthorn; drab, strumpet 50180. pauper = poor, pauper 50181. pauperism = pauperism 50182. pauperiza = to pauperize 50183. paupertate = certificate obtained after the means test 50184. pauza = pause 50185. pauza (la scoala) = break, interval, intermission 50186. pauza = pause, rest; to pause, to make a pause/stop 50187. pava = to pave, to macadamize 50188. pavagiu = paver 50189. pavaj = paving 50190. pavaj (concret) = pavement 50191. pavana = pavan (e) 50192. pavat = paved, macadamized 50193. pavat = paving 50194. pavator = paver 50195. pavaza = shield 50196. pavea = paving block 50197. pavian = baboon (cynocephalus) 50198. pavilion = pavilion 50199. pavilion (chiosc de vara in gradina) = summer house 50200. pavilion (impodobit cu verdeata) = arbour, pergola 50201. pavilion (de vinatoare) = shooting lodge 50202. pavilion (de spital etc.) = pavilion 50203. pavilion (steag) = colours, flag 50204. pavilion = pavilion, auricle 50205. pavoaz = flags (for dressing a ship); to dress a ship over all 50206. pavoaza = to deck with flags 50207. pavoaza (a impodobi) = to decorate, to adorn 50208. pavoazare = decking etc. v. pavoaza 50209. paza = guard, watch 50210. paza (atentie) = care, attention; on the watch; in the custody of..; caution is the parent of safety 50211. pazie = fascia board 50212. paznic = watch (man),guard50213. paznic (de inchisoare) = turnkey 50214. Pacala = merry jester; wag (name of such a charact. in Rumanian tales and anecd. 50215. pacat = sin,trespass, transgression 50216. pacat (vina) = guilt 50217. pacat (greseala) = mistake, error 50218. pacat (nenorocire) = misfortune, ill-luck 50219. pacat = that is a pity; to injure smb.; it is a pity for him; deadly sin; wild oats; awfully, dreadfully; what a pity!what a thing it is!; it is a pity that..,it is to be regrett 50220. pacaleala = practical joke, hoax, lark 50221. pacaleala (farsa) = farce; to hoax smb., to play smb. a trick, to play a practical jok 50222. pacali = to hoax, to play smb. a trick; to play a practical joke upon 50223. pacali (a insela) = to take in, to diddle, to hand 50224. pacali = to be deceived, to make a mistake 50225. pacalici = practical joker, 50226. pacalici (glumet) = wag, joker; the biter bit 50227. pacalit = v. pacaleala 50228. pacani = to click, to rattle 50229. pacatos = sinful 50230. pacatos (d. ginduri etc.) = guilty, culpable 50231. pacatos (ticalos) = mean, low 50232. pacatos (rau) = wicked 50233. pacatos (nenorocit) = miserable, wretched 50234. pacatos (defectuos) = faulty, imperfect, defective 50235. pacatos = sinner 50236. pacatosenie = misery, wretchedness 50237. pacatui = to (commit a) sin 50238. pacurar (cioban) = shepherd 50239. pacura = fuel/black/crude oil 50240. pacurarita (ciobanita) = shepherdess; shepherd's wife 50241. padereanca = forest dweller 50242. paducel = harvest mite (Leptus autumnalis) 50243. paduche = parasite, sponger, hanger-on; v. plosnita 50244. paduchios = lousy 50245. padurar = woodman, forester, forest guard 50246. paduratic = wood.., forest.. 50247. paduratic (salbatic) = wild, v. pAduros 50248. padure = wood (s) 50249. padure (mai mare, mai batrina) = forest; pinewood; a forest of masts; coniferous forest/wood; leaf-bearing forest/wood; mixed forest/wood; wood.., forest.., sylvan; to carry coals to Newcastle 50250. padurean = wood.., forest..; living in a wood sau forest 50251. padurean = forest dweller, woodsman 50252. padureanca = forest dweller 50253. paduret = wild; crabs, crab/wood apples; wild pears 50254. padurice = small wood, grove, thicket 50255. paduros = wooded, woody 50256. paduroselev. = sylvan; woodland 50257. pagin = heathen, pagan 50258. pagin = heathen, pagan 50259. pagin = wicked/cruel person 50260. paginatate = heathendom 50261. paginesc = heathen (ish) pagan 50262. pagineste = heathenishly, after the manner of 50263. pagini = to paganize, to heathenize 50264. pagini = to heathenize 50265. paginime = heathendom 50266. paginism = heathenism, paganism 50267. pagubas = victim,loser; to do/cause damage to smb. to harm smb.; to give up smth 50268. pagubi = to lose 50269. pagubi = to harm, to injure to cause/do 50270. pagubitor = harmful, injurious 50271. paharel = liqueur glass 50272. pai (exprimind aprobare) = well, why 50273. pai (asculta) = I say (si) and (cum?) what! 50274. pai (exprimind ezitare) = well; (well) then; now then; why, of course! could it be otherwise?; I should think so!; serve you right! that will teach/vulg. learn you 50275. paianjen = grab; v. ~ 50276. paienjenis = cobweb, spider's web 50277. painjinel = lily spiderwort (Anthericum liliag 50278. paioasa = cereal 50279. paios = stalky 50280. pais = straw 50281. paius = hair grass (Agrostis vulgaris) 50282. palalaie = blaze glow50283. palamar = v. paracliser 50284. palamida = pelamid, short-finned tunny (Sarda 50285. palarie = hat, topper, sl. castor, tile roof 50286. palarie (de dama) = (lady's) hat, bonnet 50287. palarie (de paie) = straw hat 50288. palarie (panama) = Panama hat 50289. palarie (tare) = pot hat, bowler 50290. palarie = billycock 50291. palarie (cu boruri inguste) = narrow-brimmed hat, Hamburg hat 50292. palarie (de fetru) = felt hat 50293. palarie (de fetru moale) = squash hat 50294. palarie (de ciuperca) = cap, top 50295. palariemin. = safety cover; to put on one's hat; to cook one's hat; he cocked his hat upon his ear; to take off one's hat; to give smb. the h 50296. palarier = hatter 50297. palavragi = v. palavragi 50298. pali (a lovi) = to strike, to hit 50299. pali (a cuprinde) = to overcome 50300. pali (a arde) = to burn 50301. pali (a se lovi) (de) = to strike (against) 50302. pali (a se lovi) (de) = to hit (against) 50303. pali (a se lovi) (de) = to strike one's head (against) 50304. pali (a se vesteji) = to wither 50305. pali = to become/turn pale 50306. pali (d. surse luminoase) = to grow dim 50307. palimar (funie) = cable, thick rope 50308. palimar (parmaclic) = rail, railing (s); v. pridvor 50309. palit (vestejit) = withered 50310. palit (de soare) = scorched, burnt 50311. palit (bronzat) = sun-burnt 50312. palit (bronzat) = sun-burnt 50313. palit (decolorat) = washed-out 50314. palit (palid) = pale 50315. paliur = Christ's thorn (Paliurus aculeatus 50316. palmas = poor peasant (who owned no draught 50317. palmui = to slap smb. in the face 50318. paltinis = sycamore-maple grove 50319. paltior = currant bush (Ribes petraeum) 50320. pamatuf = feather broom,whisk,duster 50321. pamatuf (pt. barbierit) = shaving brush 50322. pamatufbis. = aspergillum, sprinkler 50323. pamint = earth 50324. pamint (uscat) = land 50325. pamint (sol) = soil 50326. pamint (teren) = ground 50327. pamintpamintul = the earth 50328. pamint (ca propietate) = land 50329. pamint (mosie) = estate 50330. pamint (regiune) = region 50331. pamint (teritoriu) = territory 50332. pamint (tara) = country 50333. pamint = earth 50334. pamint (lumea) = the world; agglomerated earth; loess; soft earth; black earth; plastic earth; hard earth; active earths; lowlands; rare earths; earthen; by hook or b 50335. pamintean = earthly, terrestrial 50336. pamintean (de bastina) = native 50337. pamintean = inhabitant/denizen of the world; human being, earthling 50338. pamintean (bastinas) = native 50339. pamintesc = earthly, terrestrial, earth; mortal remains 50340. pamintiu = sallow 50341. pamintel = v. kiselgur, v. lutisor 50342. panusa = corn husk, husk (of maize) 50343. panusa = corn husk 50344. papa (a minca) = to peck, to tuck in, to dispatch 50345. papa (a minca) = to eat 50346. papa (a irosi) (a irosi) = to play ducks and drakes with 50347. papa (a irosi) (a irosi) = to squander, to waste 50348. papa (o avere) = to run through 50349. papa (a minca) = to discuss 50350. papa (a minca) = to peck, to feed, to have a tuck in 50351. papara = v. papara 50352. papadie = hawkbit (Taraxacum officinale)50353. papalau = ground/winter cherry 50354. papaluda = whipporwill (Caprimulgus europaeus 50355. papuris = reeds 50356. papusar = puppetteer, puppet man/master 50357. papusar (cabotin) = sorry player 50358. papusa (si fig. d. o fata etc.) = doll 50359. papusa (marioneta) (marioneta) = puppet, tool 50360. papusa (de tutun) = tobacco hand 50361. papusa (de sfoara) = ball 50362. papusa (de ata) = clew 50363. papusa = chrysalis, pupa; Punch and Judy show; < (de marionete)>puppet show/theatre 50364. papusoi = v. porumbiste 50365. par (si ca fir) = hair 50366. par = nap; stiff hair; grey hair; horse hair; goat's hair; bristles; red hair, carrots; not a grain/with; hairless; to a man; adj. ambiguous; three sheets 50367. parangina = spring grass (Anthroxanthum odora 50368. paragini = to run wild, v. darapana 50369. paraginire = running wild 50370. paraginit = run wild 50371. paraginit (d. o gradina) = weed-grown, overgrown; v. darapanat; wild 50372. parasi = to leave, to quit 50373. parasi (a abandona) = to abandon 50374. parasi (a se desparti de) = to part with 50375. parasi (a renunta la) = to give up 50376. parasi (un obicei etc.) = to break off 50377. parasi (a inceta) = to cease 50378. parasi (a neglija) = to neglect 50379. parasire = leaving etc. v. parasi; abandonment 50380. parasire (singuratate) = solitude 50381. parasire (izolare) = isolation, reclusion 50382. parasire (neglijare) = neglect, dereliction, desolation; abandoned, neglected 50383. parasit = abandoned 50384. parasit (singuratic) = lonely 50385. parasit (izolat) = isolated 50386. parasit (nepopulat) = depopulated 50387. parasit (d. o gradina) = neglected, weed-grown, over-grown 50388. parcan (zagaz) = dam 50389. parcan (cadru) = frame 50390. parea = to seem, to appear, to look 50391. parea = to seem, to appear; to seem to.., to appear to.., to have an impression; < (a-si inchipui)>to imagine; I'm glad to/that..; he looked a child; it might seem strange to you, it might strike you as s 50392. parelnic = imaginary; apparent 50393. parelnic (nesigur) = uncertain 50394. parere = opinion, (point of) view 50395. parere (convingere) = conviction 50396. parere (credinta) = belief 50397. parere (idee) = idea, notion, illusion, fancy; to think well/much of smb.; satisfaction,contentment; regret; to my etc. regret; < (din pacate)>unfortunately; in the opinion of..; 50398. paresimireg. = Lent 50399. parinte = father 50400. parinte = parents 50401. parinte (stramosi) = ancestors, forefathers 50402. parinte = father 50403. parinte (intemeietor) = founder 50404. parinte = father 50405. parinte (preot) = priest 50406. parintesc = fatherly, paternal; native home, one's father's house 50407. parinteste = paternally 50408. paros = hairy, hirsute 50409. paros (flocos) = shaggy 50410. partas = participant, participator 50411. partas (complice) = accomplice 50412. partas (adept) = adept, supporter 50413. partas (la joc) = partner 50414. partini = to be partial to, to favour; to fall together by the ears 50415. partinire = favouring, partiality, bias 50416. partinire (pica) = spite, acrimony, bitterness 50417. partinitor = partial, bias (s)ed, unfair 50418. parui = to seize each other by the hair 50419. paruiala = brawl, fray, tussle, scuffle 50420. pas (grija) = care 50421. pas (necaz) = trouble,sorrow50422. pas (durere) = grief 50423. pas (suferinta) = suffering; careless 50424. pasa = to care; to care for..; < (a tine cont de)>to mind; I don't care a rap/straw/damn/button/brass farthing; what is that to you?; what do I care? 50425. pasat = coarsely ground maize sau millet 50426. pasarar = bird catcher, fowler 50427. pasarar (vinzator) = bird seller, bird man 50428. pasarar (crescator) = bird fancier 50429. pasaresc = gibberish, Double Dutch 50430. pasareste = to talk gibberish, to jabber 50431. pasaret = birds, fowls, feather 50432. pasarica = birdie; to have a bee in one's bonnet/bats in the belfry 50433. pasarime = birds 50434. pasaruica = v. pasarica 50435. pascut = grazing etc. v. paste 50436. pascuta = (common) daisy (Bellis perennis) 50437. pastaie = pod 50438. pastirnac = (common) parsnip 50439. pastor = shepherd 50440. pastoresc = shepherd's.. 50441. pastori = to graze, to shepherd 50442. pastori = to shepherd 50443. pastori = to be a shepherd 50444. pastori = to be a priest etc. 50445. pastorie = pastoral condition; life 50446. pastorie = pastoral office 50447. pastorit = grazing 50448. pastorita = shepherdess; shepherd girl 50449. pastra = to keep; to preserve 50450. pastraa tine) = to hold 50451. pastra (a respecta) = to observe 50452. pastra (in memorie) = to keep 50453. pastra (in memorie) = to retain 50454. pastra (a mentine) = to keep (up) 50455. pastra (a mentine) = to maintain 50456. pastra (a mentine) = to preserve 50457. pastra (a pazi) = to guard 50458. pastra = to be kept 50459. pastra (a raminea) = to remain 50460. pastra (d. cineva) = to be well preserved 50461. pastrare = keeping; custody; in the custody of.. 50462. pastrator = preserving 50463. pastrator (econom) = economical 50464. pastrator (econom) = thrifty 50465. pastrator = keeper; preserver 50466. pastrav = (common) trout 50467. pastruga = stor sturgeon 50468. pastura = virgin/maiden wax 50469. pasui = to grant smb. a delay 50470. pasuiala = delay; respite 50471. pasuire = delay; respite 50472. pasi = to step 50473. pasi (a merge) = to walk 50474. pasi = to advance 50475. pasi (a se dezvolta) = to develop 50476. pasi (pragul) = to cross; to step in (to)..; to enter..; to walk in (to)..; to embark upon the road/path of..; to choose/follow the road of.. 50477. pasit = stepping 50478. pasit (mers) = gait 50479. pastita = yellow wood anemone 50480. pasuna = v. paste 50481. pasunat = v. pascut 50482. pasune = pasture; grazing (field) 50483. pata = to blot 50484. pataranie = predicament; trouble; adventure 50485. patimas = passionate; impassioned 50486. patimas (inflacarat) = ardent 50487. patimas (inflacarat) = fervent 50488. patimas = passionately; ardently; fervently 50489. patimi = to endure; to bear; to undergo 50490. patimi = to suffer 50491. patimi (a fi chinuit) = to be tortured/tormented 50492. patimire = suffering (s) 50493. patimire (chin) = torture50494. patlagina = plantain; roadweed (Plantago) 50495. patlagea (rosie) (rosie) = tomato 50496. patlagea (~ vinata) = eggplant 50497. patrar = quarter; fourth 50498. patrar (al lunii) = quarter 50499. patrat = square; narrow-minded person; square metre; square root 50500. patrime = fourth 50501. patrime (sfert) = quarter 50502. patrime = crotchet 50503. patrisor = quad (rat) 50504. patrunde = to penetrate 50505. patrunde = to pervade; to fill 50506. patrunde (d. frig) = to pierce 50507. patrunde (a intelege) = to grasp 50508. patrunde (a intelege) = to understand 50509. patrunde (a intelege) = to perceive 50510. patrunde (a misca) = to move 50511. patrunde (a misca) = to touch; to penetrate/get into..; < (a strabate)>to cross..; < (a umple)>to fill..; < (a umple)>to pervade..; < (a ajunge in)>to reach..; to go/pass/penetrate through..; to be imbued with..; < (d. cineva)>to imbue one's mind with 50512. patrundere = penetration 50513. patrundere = perspicacity 50514. patrunjel = parsley; pimpernel 50515. patruns (de) = imbued (with); pervaded (by); saturated (with); permeated (by) 50516. patruns = impressed (by) 50517. patruns (de) = conscious (of) 50518. patrunzator (d. frig) = piercing 50519. patrunzator (d. priviri) = searching 50520. patrunzator (d. priviri) = piercing 50521. patrunzator (d. priviri) = keen 50522. patrunzator (d. sunete) = shrill 50523. patrunzator (d. sunete) = harsh 50524. patrunzator (d. sunete) = strident 50525. patrunzator (d. minte) = astute 50526. patrunzator (d. minte) = penetrating 50527. patrunzator (d. minte) = sharp 50528. patrunzator (d. minte) = keen 50529. patrunzator (d. cineva) = perspicacious 50530. patrunzator (d. cineva) = acute 50531. patrunzator (d. cineva) = shrewd 50532. patrunzator (d. cineva) = discerning 50533. patrunzator (miscator) = touching 50534. patrunzator (miscator) = moving; keenness of perception; insight 50535. patul (hambar) = barn 50536. patul (pt. porumb) = maize barn 50537. patul (pt. gaini) = hen coop/house 50538. patul (pat mic) = little bed 50539. patura = blanket 50540. patura (cuvertura) = counterpane 50541. patura (de cal) = horse cloth 50542. patura (strat) = layer 50543. patura (strat) = bed 50544. patura = section; various strata of society; wide sections of the population 50545. patanie = accident; incident 50546. patanie (intimplare) = happening 50547. patanie (intimplare) = occurrence 50548. patanie (necaz) = trouble 50549. patanie (necaz) = predicament 50550. patanie = adventures 50551. pati = to experience; to undergo; to be in for it; to be in a scrap; to get into hot water; what's the matter with you?; what's wrong?; what's happened?; in case anything sould happen to me; not in the least; just a bit, (just) a little 51208. pica (a cadea) = to fall (down) 51209. pica (a se scurge) = to drip 51210. pica (a sosi) = to come (unexpectedly) 51211. pica (a sosi) = to turn up 51212. pica (la examen) = to fail (in one's examination) 51213. pica (la examen) = to be plucked/ploughed 51214. pica (la examen) = to plough,to flunk,to spin 51215. pica (a murdari) = to (be)spot 51216. picasa-l pici cu ceara/luminarea = to not for the world; to be ready to drop 51217. picador = picador 51218. picaj = dive,diving,swooping; dive bombarding; to dive-bomb. 51219. picant (d. sos etc.) = piquant,pungent 51220. picant (savuros) = savoury 51221. picant = piquant,racy,snappy 51222. picant (atragator) = attractive 51223. pica = pique,ill feeling 51224. pica (la jocul de carti) = spades 51225. pica (ciuda) = spite 51226. pica (dusmanie) = enmity,acrimony; the queen of spades; to have a grudge against smb.; to bear/owe smb. a grudge,to have a down on smb. 51227. picator = pipette 51228. picatura = drop 51229. picatura = drops; drop by drop; little by little; a pill to cure an earthquake; now and then,from time to time; < (in timpul liber)>in one's spare time; to be as like as two peas 51230. picatele = spots; spotted 51231. picherdrumuri = overseer 51232. pichet (tarus) = stake,post 51233. pichet (joc de carti) = piquet 51234. pichet = pique; (strike) picket; to picket 51235. picheta = to stake/mark out 51236. pici = urchin 51237. pici (baietas) = boy,kid (dy) 51238. picior = leg 51239. picior (laba ~ului) = foot 51240. picior = pegs,pins,props,stumps,trotters 51241. picior (de masa etc.) = leg,foot 51242. picior (de compas) = branch 51243. picior (de munte etc.) = foot 51244. picior = foot,end,pillar,leg,body 51245. picior (baza) = base,foot,toe 51246. picior = foot; barefooted; to stand up; his heart sank; wooden leg; with crossed legs,cross-legged; two-footed,biped; fourfooted,quadruped; l 51928. platbanda = universal iron 51929. platca = inset 51930. platforma (in diferite sensuri) = platform; rocket launching pad; plank,programme 51931. platina = to platinize 51932. platina (parul) = to dye one's hair platinum (colour 51933. platinat = platinized 51934. platinat (d. par) = dyed platinum (colour) 51935. platina = stage 51936. platinotipie = platinotype 51937. platitudine = flatness,dullness 51938. platitudine (banalitate) = commonplace 51939. platitudine (concret) = platitude,commonplace (remark) 51940. platnic = good payer; bad/slow payer, bad pay 51941. platonic = Platonic 51942. platonic (ideal) = ideal 51943. platonic (abstract) = abstract 51944. platonism = Platonism 51945. platosa = armour, coat of mail 51946. platou (podis) = tableland, plateau 51947. platou (tava) = tray 51948. platou = plate, disk 51949. platoucinema = (sound) stage, floor 51950. plaur = floating reed islet, bent; drift wood 51951. plauzibil = plausible 51952. plavie = v. plaur 51953. plaz = socket rod 51954. placea (d. o interpretare etc.) = to go down well 51955. placea (d. un roman etc.) = to have appeal 51956. placea = to like,to care for 51957. placea (a iubi) = to love 51958. placeareciproc = to be in love with each other; to like.., to be fond of.., to care for..; to love..; to like to.., to be fond of..; to enjoy..; to prefer.., to like better.. 51959. placere = pleasure 51960. placere (gust) = liking,taste 51961. placere (incintare) = delight 51962. placere (distractie) = pleasure,amusement,enjoyment; cakes and ale, a life of pleasure; with pleasure! (I shall be) delighted!; < (bucuros)>gladly; with the greatest pleasure; unwillingly, reluctantly; excursion train; to burst out.. (cu forme In -ing.) 52727. pornire = starting etc. v. porni 52728. pornire = impulse 52729. pornire (avint) = enthusiasm 52730. pornire (partinire) (partinire) = partiality 52731. pornire (pasiune) = passion 52732. pornire (izbucnire) = outburst 52733. pornitor = v. demaror 52734. pornograf = pornographer 52735. pornografic = pornographic, scurrilous 52736. pornografie = pornography, bawdry 52737. poroinic = orchis, cuckoo flower (Orchis) 52738. poros = porous, spongy 52739. porozitate = porosity, porousness 52740. port = costume, garb 52741. port (purtare) = carrying, carriage 52742. port (rada) = haven, harbour, port 52743. port (maritim) = seaport 52744. port = conduct 52745. port (ca oras) = port (town); national costume 52746. portabil = portable 52747. portal = portal, principal door 52748. portal = portal, tunnel front 52749. portaltoi = mother/father (plant) 52750. portant = carrying, bearing; v. portanta 52751. portanta = lift 52752. portar = porter, janitor, door keeper 52753. portarfotbal etc. = goal keeper, goalie 52754. portarma = gun licence52755. portativ = portable, hand.., pocket.. 52756. portativ = staff, stave 52757. portavion = aircraft carrier 52758. portavoce = speaking trumpet 52759. portareasa = janitress, porter; porter's/janitor's wife 52760. portarel = bailiff 52761. portbagaj = luggage rack, carrier 52762. portbagaj = boot 52763. portbaioneta = bayonet frog 52764. portdrapel = colour/standard bearer 52765. portdrapel = stirrup socket/shoe 52766. portharta = map case/holder 52767. portic = portico, porch 52768. portiera (usa) = door 52769. portiera (draperie) = door curtain, portiere 52770. portita = wicket (gate) 52771. portita (la o gradina etc.) = gate 52772. portita (de la soba) = damper; loop hole 52773. portjartier = suspender belt/girdle 52774. portmoneu = (change) purse; pocket book, portofel 52775. porto = postage 52776. porto-franc = free-port 52777. portocal = orange tree, citrus 52778. portocala = orange; blood orange 52779. portocaliu = orange 52780. portofel = wallet 52781. portofoliu = ministry, portofolio; minister without portofolio 52782. portret = portrait 52783. portret (tablou) = picture 52784. portretist = portrait painter, portraitist 52785. portretistica = portrait painting 52786. portretiza = to portray 52787. portretizare = portrayal 52788. portscula = v. portunealta 52789. porttigaret (tabachera) = cigarette case 52790. porttigaret (in care se fixeaza tigara) = cigarette holder/tube 52791. portuar = port.., harbour.. 52792. portughez = Portuguese 52793. portugheza = Portuguese (Woman sau girl); the Portuguese language 52794. portulaca = portulaca (Portulaca) 52795. portunealta = tool holder 52796. portvizit = pocket book 52797. portelan = china (ware), porcelain 52798. portie = helping, portion 52799. portiune = portion 52800. portiune (parte) = part 52801. portiune (bucata) = piece, fragment 52802. porumb = v. porumbel 52803. porumb = corn, meliza (Zea mays); maize flour 52804. porumbac = greyish-white 52805. porumbar = sloe tree, blackthorn 52806. porumbar (cosar) = granary, corncrib 52807. porumbar (cotet pt. porumbei) = dovecot, pigeon house 52808. porumba = v. porumbita 52809. porumbel = v. porumbar; carrier pigeon; homing pigeon, homer; v. gugustiuc 52810. porumbiste = field of Indian corn 52811. porumbiste = corn land 52812. porumbita (female) = pigeon 52813. porumbita = dove 52814. porumbita (alintator) = my love/dove 52815. porumbita (alintator) = my chick/duck, my lovey-dovey 52816. porunca = order, injunction; by the order of..; the Ten Commandments,the Decalogue 52817. porunci = to order, to command 52818. porunci = to rule, to be the master 52819. poruncitor = imperative, authoritative 52820. poruncitor (d.ton) = imperious, peremptory, high 52821. poruncitor = imperatively etc. 52822. posac = sullen, gloomy, morose 52823. posac = sullenly etc. 52824. poseda = to own,to possess,to be possessed 52825. poseda (a avea) = to have 52826. poseda = to be conversant with; to be possessed of 52827. posedat = frenzied, possessed52828. posedat = one possessed, demoniac 52829. posesi (un)e = possession 52830. posesi (un)e (pamint) = land 52831. posesi (un)e (mosie) = estate; taking possession/over; to be in possession of.., to be possessed of.. 52832. posesiv = possessive 52833. posesor = owner, possessor 52834. posibil = possible; on the cards 52835. posibil = possibly, maybe, perhaps 52836. posibil = on the cards; as far as possible; to do one's best/utmost/all one knows; to move heaven and earth, to leave no stone unturned; to play one's hand for all it is worth 52837. posibilitate = possibility 52838. posibilitate (mijloace) (mijloace) = means 52839. posibilitate (resurse) = resource; full play 52840. posmag = pulled bread, crumbled bread 52841. posmag (dulce) = rusk 52842. posomori = to become darkened/clouded 52843. posomori (d. cer) = to cloud over 52844. posomori = to become gloomy 52845. posomorit (d. vreme, cer) = dull, cloudy 52846. posomorit (d. cineva) = gloomy, sullen, morose 52847. posomorit (dezolant) = gloomy, murky 52848. posomorit = gloomily 52849. pospai = flour dust 52850. pospai (strat subtire) = thin layer 52851. pospai = smattering 52852. post = fast (ing); post, place, appointment, berth 52853. post (slujba) = job 52854. post (situatie) = position 52855. post = post, station; outpost; Advent; key post; Lent; command post; service station; observation post; first-hand post/station; tel 52856. post-morten = post-mortem 52857. post-restant = poste restante; to be (held till) called for 52858. post-scriptum = postscript P.S. 52859. posta = to post, to set 52860. posta (a pune) = to put, to place 52861. posta = to take a position; to take one's stand 52862. postament = pedestal, base 52863. postas = v. postas 52864. postat = cut in a certain space of time 52865. postat (strat) = bed; lenght of (the) way 52866. postat (distanta) = distance 52867. postav = cloth 52868. postavarie (ca magazin) = draper's shop 52869. postbelic = post-war.. 52870. postdata = to post-date 52871. postdiluvian = post-diluvial 52872. postelnic = seneschal, court marshal 52873. postelnic (in sec.18-19) = Minister of/for Foreign Affairs 52874. posterior = posterior 52875. posterior (de dinapoi) = hinder.., hind.. 52876. posterior (temporal) = subsequent 52877. posterior (mai tirziu) = later 52878. posterioritate = posteriority 52879. posteritate = posterity, descendants, issue 52880. posteritateposteritatea = the succeeding generations 52881. posteritateposteritatea = the generatious to come 52882. postfata = afterword, postface 52883. posti = to fast 52884. postmeridian = postmeridian, p.m. 52885. postoperatoriu = postoperative 52886. postpolatal = postpalatal 52887. postpune = to place at the end of a word 52888. postpunere = postposition 52889. postpus = placed at the end of a word 52890. postulant = apolicant 52891. postulat = postulate, assumption 52892. postum = posthumpus 52893. postum = posthumously; afterfame; (literary) remains 52894. postura = position, situation 52895. postura (a corpului) = posture, attitude 52896. postverbal = backformation 52897. poseta = handbag52898. 52899. 52900. 52901. 52902. 52903. 52904. 52905. 52906. 52907. 52908. 52909. 52910. 52911. 52912. 52913. 52914. 52915. 52916. 52917. 52918. 52919. 52920. 52921. 52922. 52923. 52924. 52925. 52926. 52927. 52928. 52929. 52930. 52931. 52932. 52933. 52934. 52935. 52936. 52937. 52938. 52939. 52940. 52941. 52942. 52943. 52944. 52945. 52946. 52947. 52948. 52949. 52950. 52951. 52952. 52953. 52954. 52955. 52956. 52957. 52958. 52959. 52960. 52961. 52962. 52963. 52964. 52965. 52966. 52967. 52968. 52969. 52970. 52971.posirca = crab wine, rot-gut postal = postal, post.. postal = by post; v. postas postalion = mail coach postas = postman, letter carrier posta = post posta (cladirea, birourile) = post office posta = mail coach, post relay posta (distanta) = post mile; air mail; by post; Postmaster General pot = sweepstake (s); to sweep the board potabil = drinkable, fit to drink; drinking water potaie = cur, tike, vile dog potaie (haita) = pack potaie = vile dog, cur, scoundrel, rascal potasa = potash, potassium carbonate potasic = potassic, potassium.. potasiu = potassium potcap = kamelavkion potca (neplacere) (neplacere) = trouble, scrape potca (vrajba) = enmity; v. pocitanie; evil eye (illness) potcoava = horseshoe potcoava (la bocanci) = clout; to run a wild-goose chase potcovar = shoeing smith, farrier potcovarie = farriery potcovi = to shoe potcovi = to gull, to diddle, to take in potcovire = shoeing etc. v. potcovi poteca = path potent = potent, vigorous potentat = potentate potentat = high and mighties potenta = to intensify potential = potential potential = potentially potential = potentialities potentialitate = potentiality potentiometru = potentiometer poteras = thief catcher potera = posse poticneala = v. poticnire poticni (de) = to stumble (over) poticni (d. cai si) = to flounder poticni = to stumble poticnire = stumbling, stumble potir = cup, bowl potir = calyx potirniche = partridge (Perdix perdix) potlogar = swindler, cheat, deceiver potlogarie = cheating potlogarie (ca act) = cheat, fraud, swindle potnogitext. = treadles potoli (a usura) = to relieve potoli (a micsora) = to lessen, to abate, to diminish potoli (a modera, a indulci) = to mitigate, to moderate potoli (a linisti) = to calm, to appease, to compose potoli (a linisti) = to traquillize potoli (o rascoala) = to suppress potoli (o rascoala) = to quash, to stifle potoli (patimi) = to assuage, to damp, to slake potoli (patimi) = to subdue potoli (vintul) = to lay, to kill potoli (a face sa taca) = to hush potoli (minia) = to quiet,to calm,to stay,to still potoli (a pacifica) = to pacify potoli (o durere) = to soothe, to assuage, to quiet potoli (marea,valurile) = to still, to calm potoli (furtuna) = to lull potoli (setea) = to quench; to sweeten potoli (d. vint) = to calm, to abate, to moderate potoli (d. cineva) = to be tranquillized/composed potoli (d. cineva) = to compose one's mind potoli (d.cineva) = to make oneself easy potoli (a se micsora) = to lessen, to abate, to diminish potoli (a se calma, a se linisti) = to calm down52972. potolire = relieving etc. v. potoli 52973. potolit = relieved etc. v. potoli 52974. potolit (calm) = calm 52975. potolit (linistit) = quiet 52976. potolit (netulburat) = undisturbed 52977. potolit (d. mare) = smooth, unruffled 52978. potolit (d. mare) = calm 52979. potolit (d. lumina) = dim 52980. potolit (d. sunete) = low, stifled 52981. potolit = calmly etc. 52982. potolitor = calming, soothing, pacifying 52983. potop = flood 52984. potop (de lacrimi) (de lacrimi) = flood, flow 52985. potop (de ocari etc.) = stream, torrent 52986. potop (pustiire) (pustiire) = ravage 52987. potop (distrugere) = destruction 52988. potopadverbial = in floods/torrents 52989. potopi = to flood 52990. potopi (a acoperi cu apa) = to submerge 52991. potopi (a pustii) = to ravage,to lay waste,to destroy 52992. potopitor = overwhelming 52993. potousport = post 52994. potpuriu = pot-pourri, medley 52995. potricala = hollow punch 52996. potricali = to punch (holes into) 52997. potriva = like 52998. potriva (pereche) = match, equal; in accordance with.., according to..; equal to..; corresponding to.., commensurate with.. 52999. potriveala = v. potrivire; adequate, proper 53000. potrivi (a pune) = to put, to place, to set, to lay 53001. potrivi (a aranja) = to arrange 53002. potrivi (perna, etc.) = to adjust 53003. potrivi (a pune cum trebuie) = to set/put straight 53004. potrivi (ceasul) = to set 53005. potrivi (parul) = to smooth 53006. potrivi (a aplica) (la) = to apply (to) 53007. potrivi (a face sa se potriveasca) (la) = to suit (to), to tally (to) 53008. potrivi (a gati) = to trim up 53009. potrivi (a compara) (cu) = to compare (with/to) 53010. potrivi (a compara) (cu) = to liken (to) 53011. potrivi (a asimila) (cu) = to assimilate (with/to) 53012. potrivi (a pune de acord) (cu) = to make agree (with) 53013. potrivi (a pune de acord) (cu) = to proportion (to) 53014. potrivi (a pune de acord) (cu) = to harmonize (with) 53015. potrivi (a ajusta) (la) = to adjust/to fit (to) 53016. potrivi (a adapta) (la) = to adapt (to) 53017. potrivi (a acorda) = to tune 53018. potrivi (o mincare) = to season, to dress 53019. potrivi (a nimeri) = to hit 53020. potrivi (cu) = to agree (with) 53021. potrivi (a coincide) = to coincide (with) 53022. potrivi (a coincide) = to tally (with),to dovetail (with) 53023. potrivi (a corespunde) = to suit,to match,to correspond (to 53024. potrivi (a fi potrivit) = to be suited/suitable (for) 53025. potrivi (a fi potrivit) = to fit in 53026. potrivi (a corespunde scopului) = to suit/answer one's purpose 53027. potrivi (a fi pe masura) = to fit, to adapt oneself (to) 53028. potrivi (a fi pe masura) = to conform (to),to strike in (with); they are well matched together; to listen to..; to submit to..; these gloves are not a pair/do not be 53029. potrivire = arrangement etc. v. potrivi 53030. potrivire (acord) = agreement, accord, correspondence 53031. potrivit = fit, suited, suitable, apt 53032. potrivit (d. un moment) = adequate, right 53033. potrivit (corespunzator) = corresponding 53034. potrivit (de mijloc) = average, middling 53035. potrivit = moderately, in moderation 53036. potrivit (asa si asa) = so so.. 53037. potrivit = v. potrivire; in accordance with.., according to.. 53038. potrivnic = hostile, inimical 53039. potrivnic (opus) (cu dat.) = opposed (to), contrary (to) 53040. potrivnicie = opposition 53041. potrivnicie (piedica) = hindrance, obstacle (s) 53042. potrivnicie (ostilitate) = hostility53043. potrivnicie (greutate) = hardship 53044. potroace = giblets; giblets/gizzard soup 53045. poturiodin. = trunk breeches; peasant's tight trousers 53046. potiune = potion, draught 53047. povara = burden, load 53048. povara (greutate) = weight 53049. povara (chin) = torture; the weight of years 53050. povarna = (brandy) distiller 53051. povata (sfat) = advice, counsel 53052. povatui = to advise, to counsel 53053. povatui (a indruma) = to guide, to direct 53054. povatuire = advising; v. povata 53055. povatuitor = adviser, counsellor 53056. povatuitor (ghid) = guide 53057. poveste = tale, story 53058. poveste (cu zine, basm) = fairy tale 53059. poveste (istorie) = story 53060. poveste (nascocire) = tale, fable, invention 53061. poveste (nascocire) = cock-and-bull story; proverb, saying; as the saying is, as the story is; < (cum ar veni)>as it were; long rigmarole, Canterbury tale; by no means, not at all; that's ano 53062. povesti = to tell, to narrate, to recount; the story goes that..; what have you been told? 53063. povestire = telling etc. v. povesti; story; I the I form 53064. povestitor (story) = teller, narrator 53065. povirni = to slope,to slant 53066. povirnis = slope 53067. povirnis (abrupt) = steep 53068. povirnit = sloping 53069. povirnit (abrupt) = steep, abrupt, precipitous 53070. poza (pt. portret etc.) = to pose, to sit 53071. poza = to pose, to attitudinize 53072. poza = to photograph; to take a photograph of 53073. poza = pose, attitude, posture 53074. poza (fotografie) = picture, photograph 53075. poza (imagine) = picture; to have one's photograph taken; to striken an attitude, to assume a pose 53076. pozitiv = positive 53077. pozitiv (real) = actual,real 53078. pozitiv (util) = useful 53079. pozitiv (realist) = practical, matter-of-fact 53080. pozitiv (realist) = unsentimental 53081. pozitivgram. etc. = positive 53082. pozitiv = positively 53083. pozitiv = positive (degree); positive electricity; positive character; positive electric charge 53084. pozitivism = positivism 53085. pozitivist = positivism; positivist philosophy 53086. pozitron = positron 53087. pozitie = position 53088. pozitie (a unei localitati,case etc.) = situation, site 53089. pozitie (a unei nave) = position 53090. pozitie (a corpului etc.) = position,posture,attitude 53091. pozitie (sociala) = position, condition, status 53092. pozitie = attitude, stand, position 53093. pozitie (punct de vedere) = (point of) view, standpoint 53094. pozitie (sociala) = standing; prone position; kneeling position; standing position; advantage ground; firing position; initial position; to hold smb. in hand; < (cu o datorie)>to keep sm 53611. prescolar = pre-school.. 53612. prescolar = child under school age; pre-school education 53613. presedinta = chair woman; chairman; president 53614. presedinte = president 53615. presedinte (al unei adunari) = chairman; the Premier 53616. presedinte = &; the chairman of the council of ministers; the President of the Presidium of the Grand National Asse; the Speaker 53617. presedintial = presidential 53618. presedintie = presidency; chairmanship 53619. preta = to be adapted/suited to..; to lend itself to..; to lend/commit oneself to..; < (a fi de acord cu)>to agree to..; < (la o escrocherie)>to countenance..; < (la o escroc 53620. pretendent = pretender 53621. pretendent (la o mostenire etc.) = claimant 53622. pretendent (candidat) = applicant 53623. pretendent (candidat) = candidate 53624. pretendent (la mina cuiva) = wooer 53625. pretendent (la mina cuiva) = suitor 53626. pretentie (la) = claim (to) 53627. pretentie (la) = pretension (to) 53628. pretentie = airs; of pretensions; pretentious; unassuming; modest; lowbrow; < (d. ceva)>unpretentious; don`t pretend to..; in smb.`s sight; < (inaintea)>bef 53744. prezerva = to preserve 53745. prezervativ = preservative 53746. prezicator = soothsayer 53747. prezicator (in carti) = fortune teller 53748. prezicator (astrolog) = astrologer 53749. prezice = predicting 53750. prezice (ca act) = prediction 53751. prezice = to predict; to forecast; to prophesy 53752. prezicere = prophecy etc. v. prezice 53753. prezida = to preside at/over; to chair 53754. prezida = to be in the chair; to preside 53755. prezident = president; chairman 53756. prezidential = presidential 53757. prezidentie = v. presedintie 53758. prezidiu = presidium; the Presidium of the Grand National Assembly 53759. preziua = on the eve of..; < (cu putin inaintea..)>a little before.. 53760. prezumptiv = presumptive 53761. prezumtie (presupunere) = assumption 53762. prezumtie (presupunere) = suspicion 53763. prezumtie (indrazneala) = presumption 53764. prezumtios = presumptuous; overweening 53765. pribeag (singur) = lonely 53766. pribeag (singur) = isolated 53767. pribeag (ratacitor) = wandering 53768. pribeag (ratacitor) = vagrant 53769. pribeag (fugar) = fugitive 53770. pribeag (singur) = solitary 53771. pribegi = to wander (about); to roam (about) 53772. pribegi (prin lume) = to knock about the world 53773. pribegi (a se exila) = to leave one`s own country 53774. pribegie = wandering; exile 53775. pribegire = v. pribegie 53776. priboi = punch 53777. pricajit = v. pipernicit 53778. price = v. suparare 53779. pricepe (a intelege) = to understand 53780. pricepe = v. intelege; to understand smth.; to be skilled in smth.; to be a capital hand at smth.; to know all the ropes of smth.; I am up to a thing or two; he isn`t all there 53781. pricepere = understanding 53782. pricepere (iscusinta) = skill 53783. pricepere (iscusinta) = ability 53784. pricepere (iscusinta) = gumption 53785. priceput = capable; able 53786. priceput (indeminatic) = skilful 53787. priceput (indeminatic) = skilled 53788. priceput (destept) = clever 53789. priceput (experimentat) = experienced 53790. prichici = stove shelf; mantel piece; window sill; ledge 53791. prichindel = dwarf; whipster; hop-o`-my-thumb; Tom Thumb; dandiprat; snipper-/whipper-snapper 53792. prici = bunk; cot 53793. pricinas = v. gilcevitor; v. impricinat 53794. pricina = reason; cause; motive 53795. pricina (cearta) = quarrel 53796. pricina (chestiune) = matter 53797. pricina (chestiune) = question 53798. pricina (chestiune) = affair 53799. pricina (necaz) = trouble; under discussion; because of..; on account of..; because..; for..; to fasten a quarrel upon smb.; to oppose/resist/withstand smth 53800. pricinui = to cause; to bring about; to produce 53801. pricolici = wer (e)wolf; wolf man 53802. pricomigdala = v. picromigdala 53803. pricopsi = v. procopsi.. 53804. priculici = sprite; elf; spook53805. prididi = to overcome; to get over; to bring..; to a close/a conclusion/an end; to cope with.. 53806. pridvor = church porch; verandah; balcony; hallway 53807. prielnic = favourable; propitious; auspicious; opportunity 53808. prier = April 53809. prieten = friend; pal; chum; mate; fellow; friend of one`s childhood; intimate friend; bosom friend; chum; friendly nation/power 53810. prietenesc = friendly; amicable 53811. prieteneste = like a friend; in a friendly way/manner 53812. prietenie = friendship 53813. prietenie = amity; close/intimate friendship; for friendship`s sake 53814. prietenos = friendly; amicable 53815. prietenos = in a friendly way/manner; like a friend 53816. prigoana = persecution; oppression 53817. prigoare = v. prigor 53818. prigoni = to persecute 53819. prigoni (a asupri) = to oppress 53820. prigonitor = persecutor; oppressor 53821. prigor = bee eater (Merops opiaster) 53822. prigorie = bee eater (Merops apiaster) 53823. prihana = stain; blemish; spot; flaw; blameless; faultless; without blemish 53824. prihani = to spoil; to smear; to stain; to blemish 53825. prihani (o fata) = to s (p)oil 53826. prihani (o fata) = to undo; to violate 53827. prii = to be favourable to smb.; to suit smb.; < (d. clima etc.)>to agree with smb.; I am allergic to fish 53828. priinta (folos) = use 53829. priinta (folos) = benefit; useful 53830. prilej = occasion 53831. prilej (favorabil) = opportunity 53832. prilej (motiv) = reason; to miss the opportunity; to let the chance slip 53833. prilejui = to occasion; to cause; to bring about; to give rise to 53834. prim = first; initial; inaugural; maiden 53835. prim (timpuriu) = early; first; principal; main; fundamental 53836. prim = prime; first aid 53837. prima = to have the precedence 53838. primadona = primadonna 53839. primar = primary; elementary 53840. primar (primitiv) = primeval 53841. primar (al Londrei) (al Londrei) = Lord Mayor 53842. primar (de sat) (de sat) = (village) magistrate 53843. primar (de sat) = headman; the primary period; v. scoala elementara 53844. primat = pre-eminence; Primate 53845. primate = primates 53846. prima = premium; bonus; bounty; gratuity; premium; insurance; bonus 53847. primarie = mayoralty 53848. primarita = (village) magistrate`s wife 53849. primavara = spring 53850. primavara (in general) = in spring; last spring; spring..; vernal; next spring 53851. primavaratic = spring; vernal 53852. primavaratic = young 53853. primejdie = danger; peril; jeopardy; danger of death; deadly peril; to be in danger; to expose to danger; to endanger; to jeopardize 53854. primejdios = dangerous; perilous 53855. primejdios = dangerously; perilously 53856. primejdui = to endanger; to imperil; to jeopardize 53857. primejdui (a risca) = to risk 53858. primeneala = changing of clothes 53859. primeneala = changes of linen 53860. primeni (rufe etc.) = to change 53861. primeni = to regenerate 53862. primeni = to put on clean/fresh linen; to change one`s linen 53863. primeni (a-si schimba hainele) = to change one`s clothes 53864. primeni = to be refreshed/renewed 53865. primi = to receive; to get 53866. primi (a i se conferi) = to be awarded 53867. primi (a i se da) = to be given 53868. primi (a intimpina) = to meet 53869. primi (a admite) = to admit 53870. primi (a include) = to include 53871. primi (a accepta) = to accept 53872. primi (a fi de acord cu) = to agree to 53873. primi (a fi de acord cu) = to consent to 53874. primi = to be received etc.53875. primire = reception; receiving etc. v. primi; reception..; to get at smb.; to deliver; to remit; to hand (over); to give; to undertake; to take possession of; to enter upon; useless 54028. prisosi = to be in excess; to superabound 54029. prisosi (a fi inutil) = to be useless 54030. prisosinta = v. prisos; in abundance; to/in excess 54031. prispa = veranda (h); v. tapsan 54032. prispa (baraj) = dam 54033. pristol = altar; communion table 54034. pritoci = to rack (from the lees); to decant; to transfuse; to pour off (wine or pickles) 54035. pritoci = to thrift 54036. pritocire = decanting 54037. priva (de) = to deprive smb. (of); to do without..; to deprive oneself of.. 54038. privat = private; personal; individual 54039. privata = privy; latrine 54040. privativ = privative 54041. privatiune = deprivation; loss 54042. privatiune (lipsa) = privation 54043. privatiune (greutate) = hardship 54044. priveghea = to watch 54045. priveghea (a fi treaz) = to be awake 54046. priveghea (idem, intentionat) = to keep awake/vigil 54047. priveghea = to watch 54048. priveghea (a ingriji) = to look after 54049. priveghea (un mort) = to wake (a dead body); to watch at the bedside of..; to sit up with.. 54050. priveghere = watching 54051. priveghere (paza) = watch 54052. priveghere (paza) = death watch 54053. priveghere (paza) = wake 54054. priveghere = vigil 54055. priveghi = death watch; wake 54056. priveghi = vigil 54057. priveliste = view; sight 54058. priveliste (peisaj) = landscape 54059. priveliste (marin) = seascape 54060. privi = to look 54061. privi (fix) = to gaze 54062. privi (in gol sau fix) = to stare 54063. privi (cercetator) = to peer 54064. privi (in sus) = to look up 54065. privi = to look at 54066. privi (fix) = to gaze at/on/upon 54067. privi (cercetator) = to peer for 54068. privi (a interesa) = to concern 54069. privi (a interesa) = to interest 54070. privi (a considera) = to consider 54071. privi = to look at each other; to look after..; to follow with one`s eyes; to look at/on/upon..; to gaze at..; to peer for..; lecture lantern; < (la conferinte etc.)>m 54391. prolegomene = prolegomena 54392. prolepsa = prolepsis 54393. proletar = proletarian 54394. proletar = proletarian; proletarian internationalism; proletarian revolution; workers of the world,unite! 54395. proletariat = proletariat (e) 54396. proletarizare = proletarianization 54397. proletcultism = proletcult; proletkult 54398. proletcultist = proletcultist; proletkultist 54399. proliferare = proliferation 54400. prolific = prolific 54401. prolix = prolix; diffuse; long-winded 54402. prolix = prolixly; diffusely 54403. prolixitate = prolixity; verbosity 54404. prolog (la) = prologue (to) 54405. promenada = v.plimbare; promenade 54406. promenada (public) = walk; promenade concert/music 54407. prometeic = Promethean 54408. promiscuitate = promiscuity; promiscuousness 54409. promiscuu = promiscuous 54410. promisiune (fagaduiala) = promise 54411. promite (a fagadui) = to promise 54412. promite = to promise; to be promising 54413. promitator = promising 54414. promoroaca = v. chiciura 54415. promotor = promoter 54416. promotoriu = promontory; head (land) 54417. promotie = batch of pupils promoted 54418. promova = to promote 54419. promovare = promotion 54420. promovat = promoted 54421. promovat = promoted pupil 54422. prompt = prompt; ready; quick 54423. prompt = promptly 54424. promptitudine = promptitude; readiness 54425. promulga = to promulgate54426. pronaos = pronaos; ante-temple; narthex 54427. pronie (divine) = Providence 54428. pronominal = pronominal 54429. pronominal = pronominally 54430. pronosport = football pool/coupons 54431. pronostic = prognostication 54432. pronume = pronoun; personal pronoun; relative pronoun 54433. pronunta = to pronounce; to articulate 54434. pronunta (a rosti) = to utter 54435. pronunta (o sentinta) = to pass 54436. pronunta (o sentinta) = to deliver 54437. pronunta = to be pronounced; to declare/prounounce one's opini; to give one's verdict; to declare for..; to declare in favour of.. 54438. pronuntare = pronunciation etc.v.pronunTa 54439. pronuntare (fel de a pronunta) = pronunciation 54440. pronuntat = pronounced etc.v.pronunTa; pronounced; (well-)marked 54441. pronuntat (d. accent) = marked 54442. pronuntat (d. accent) = strong 54443. propaga = to propagate; to spread (abroad); to popularize 54444. propaga = to be propagated etc. 54445. propaga (d. boli) = to spread 54446. propaganda = propaganda 54447. propagandist = propagandist 54448. propagandistic = propagandistic; propaganda.. 54449. propagator = propagating 54450. propagator = propagator; spreader 54451. propan = propane 54452. propasi = to thrive; to prosper; to flourish 54453. propasire = prosperity; flourishing 54454. propice (cu dat.) = propitious (to); favourable (to) 54455. propilee = propylaea 54456. proportie = proportion; ratio; percentage 54457. proportie = amplitude; arithmetical ratio/proportion; geometrical ratio/proportion; in proportion to..; < (dupa)>according to..; < (dupa)>by..; on a mass proportion/scale; proportionately speaking; at break of day; < (pe) cind se ~ de ziua>at dawn/d 57372. revarsare = overflow (ing) etc. v. revArsa 57373. revarsat = overflow (ing) etc. v. revArsa; dawn; break of day; daybreak 57374. revazut = revised 57375. revedea = to see again; to meet again 57376. revedea (a revizui) = to revise 57377. revedea (a revizui) = to re-examine 57378. revedea (corecturi) = to read 57379. revedea (un proces) = to review 57380. revedea = to meet again 57381. revedere = seeing again etc. v. revedea 57382. revedere (revizie) = revision 57383. revedere (a unor persoane) = meeting again (after a separation; till next time !; good-bye !; so long !; see you soon !; I hope soon to see you again !; to say good-bye to smb.; to take (one's) leave o 57384. revela = to reveal; to disclose 57385. revela = to develop; to let out 57386. revela = to reveal oneself 57387. revela = to be revealed etc. 57388. revelator = revealing 57389. revelator = developer 57390. revelatie = revelation 57391. revelion = New-Year's Eve; midnight supper on New-Year's Eve 57392. revendica = to claim; to demand 57393. revendica (drepturi) = to insist on 57394. revendica (drepturi) = to assert 57395. revendica (cinstea) = to claim 57396. revendicare = claiming etc. v. revendica; claim; demand 57397. revendicare = revendication 57398. revendicativ = claim (ing) 57399. reveni = to come back; to return 57400. reveni (alta data) = to come again 57401. reveni (repetat) = to occur 57402. reveni (repetat) = to recur every two years etc. 57403. reveni (d. o problema etc.) = to come/crop up again 57404. reveni (d. memorie etc.) = to come back57405. reveni (a aparea din nou) = to appear again 57406. reveni (a aparea din nou) = to reappear; v. a ~ la; to cost one..; to be due to one; to devolve upon..; to be incumbent on..; to recover one's hea 57407. revenire = return 57408. revenire (de mai multe ori) = recurrence 57409. revent = rheum (Rheum officinale) 57410. rever = lapel; flap 57411. reverberatie = reverberation 57412. reverenda = lawn 57413. reverenta = reverence; respect; esteem 57414. reverenta (plecaciune) = bow 57415. reverenta (plecaciune) = curtsey; to bow; to drop a curts (e)y 57416. reverentios = ceremonious 57417. reverentios = with much ceremony 57418. reverie = reverie 57419. reverie (visare) = (day) dreaming 57420. revers = reverse (side); other side 57421. reversibil = reversible 57422. reversibil = revertible 57423. reversibilitate = reversibility 57424. reversibilitate = revertibility 57425. revinde = to resell; to sell again 57426. reviriment = sudden change (for the better) 57427. revista = periodical; magazine; review; journal 57428. revista (lunara) = monthly 57429. revista (bilunara) = fortnightly 57430. revista (saptaminala) = weekly 57431. revista = revue; press review; specialized review; to review; to survey; to run over; to review; to inspect 57432. revizie = revision; examination; control 57433. revizie = proof reading 57434. revizionism = revisionism 57435. revizionist = revisionist 57436. revizor = reviser; inspector; inspector general 57437. revizui = to revise; to re-examine; to control; to check up 57438. revizui = to be revised etc. 57439. revizuire = revision etc. v. revizui 57440. revoca = to revoke; to repeal; to cancel 57441. revoca (un ordin) = to countermand 57442. revoca (a destitui) = to dismiss 57443. revoca (ambasadori) = to recall 57444. revoca = to be revoked etc. 57445. revocare = cancellation; countermanding; dismissal; recalling 57446. revolta = to disgust; to sicken; to snock 57447. revolta = to be disgusted; to revolt 57448. revolta (a se rascula) = to revolt 57449. revolta (a se rascula) = to rebel 57450. revoltat = disgusted; shocked; indignant; rebellious 57451. revoltat = with indignation 57452. revolta = revolt; rebellion 57453. revolta = mutiny; revolt; disgust; indignation; armed revolt/rising 57454. revoltator = revolting; sickening; shocking 57455. revoltator (d. comportare) = outrageous 57456. revoltator = shockingly; outrageously 57457. revolutie (in diferite sensuri) = revolution; cultural revolution; revolution in technique; proletarian revolution; The Great October Socialist Revolution 57458. revolutiona = to revolutionize 57459. revolutionar = revolutionary 57460. revolutionar = revolutionist; revolutionary; rise of the revolutionary movement; revolutionary tide; revolutionary movement 57461. revolutionare = revolutionizing 57462. revolutionarism = revolutionism 57463. revolver = revolver 57464. revolver = gun 57465. revolver (de troleu) = line wiper support; cylinder revolver 57466. revulsie = revulsion 57467. rezectie = resection 57468. rezema = to lean; to rest 57469. rezema (de) = to lean 57470. rezema (de) = to rest (on/against); to lean on..; to rely/depend on.. 57471. rezematoare (de scaun etc.) = back 57472. rezematoare (balustrada) = (hand) rail 57473. rezerva = to reserve; to set aside; to put/lay by; to keep in store57474. rezerva (un dans) = to save 57475. rezerva (timp) = to set apart 57476. rezerva (d. viitor) = to hold in store 57477. rezerva (locuri etc.) = to book 57478. rezerva (locuri etc.) = to bespeak; to reserve oneself.. 57479. rezervat = reserved etc. v. rezerva 57480. rezervat (d. cineva) = reserved 57481. rezervat (d. cineva) = modest 57482. rezervat (prudent) = cautious 57483. rezervat (timid) = shy 57484. rezervat (rece) = stand-offish 57485. rezervat = with reservation; reservedly etc.; reserved seats; all rights reserved 57486. rezervatie = reservation 57487. rezerva = reserve (of provisions); stock; deposit 57488. rezerva (de spital) = side-room 57489. rezerva (a cuiva) (a cuiva) = reserve 57490. rezerva (a cuiva) (a cuiva) = caution 57491. rezerva (a cuiva) (a cuiva) = attitude of reserve 57492. rezerva (conditie) (conditie) = condition 57493. rezerva (conditie) (conditie) = reservation 57494. rezerva (conditie) (conditie) = stipulation 57495. rezerva = reserve forces/troops; internal reserves; labour reserves; with these reserves; spare..; without reservation; unreservedly; reserve fund; in reserve; reserve of 57496. rezervist = reservist 57497. rezervor = tank; cistern; receiver 57498. rezervor = reservoir; fountain pen 57499. rezida = to lie/consist in.. 57500. rezident = resident 57501. rezidi = to rebuild; to reconstruct 57502. rezidual = residual 57503. reziduu = residuum; residue 57504. rezilia = to cancel; to annul 57505. rezilia = to be cancelled/annulled 57506. reziliere = concellation; annulment 57507. rezista (la) = to resist (cu ac.) 57508. rezista (la) = to offer resistance (to) 57509. rezista (la durere) = to withstand (cu ac.) 57510. rezista (la un atac) = to hold out (against) 57511. rezistent = resistant 57512. rezistent (d. un material) = strong 57513. rezistent (d. un material) = stout 57514. rezistent (d. culori) = fast 57515. rezistent (durabil) = lasting 57516. rezistent (durabil) = enduring 57517. rezistent (d. cineva) = hardy 57518. rezistent (d. cineva) = of great endurance; -proof; -fast; < (d. culori) ~ la lumina>light fast 57519. rezistenta = resistance; opposition 57520. rezistenta (a unui material) = strength 57521. rezistenta (a unui material) = toughness 57522. rezistenta = resistance 57523. rezistenta (fizica) = stamina 57524. rezistenta (fizica) = endurance 57525. rezistenta (fizica) = staying power 57526. rezistenta = (electric) resistance; enemy opposition; strength of materials; compressive strength; impact resistance; resistance box; to meet with resistance/opposition; to put an end to ..; < (a pune capat ..)>to have finished with ..; < (un obicei)>to get out of ..; < (a evita)>to shun ..; < (a evita)>to avoid ..; < (a evita)>to elude ..; < (a evita)>to esc 59347. scapare = deliverance; salvation; escape; rescue etc. 59348. scapara (a lovi) = to strike 59349. scapara (a arunca) = to throw 59350. scapara (a scinteia) = to sparkle 59351. scapara (a scinteia) = to scintillate 59352. scapara (a fulgera) = to lighten; to tear/sweep along; to run for it 59353. scaparator = sparkling; scintillating 59354. scapata = to set down 59355. scapata = to decline; to be on the wane 59356. scarita = ladder; steps 59357. scarita (la sea) = stirrup 59358. scarita = stapes 59359. scarmana = to comb 59360. scarmana (a bate) = to pommel 59361. scarmana (a bate) = to whack 59362. scarmanat = carding 59363. scarmanatoare = carding machine 59364. scarmanator = carder 59365. scarmaneala (bataie) = licking 59366. scarmaneala (bataie) = drubbing 59367. scarpina = to scratch 59368. scarpina (a bate) = to lick 59369. scarpina (a bate) = to hide 59370. scarpina = to scratch oneself 59371. scarpinat = scratching etc. 59372. scazamint (pierdere) = loss 59373. scazamint (reducere) = reduction 59374. scazator = subtrahend 59375. scazut = low; reduced 59376. scazut (d. supa etc) = thick 59377. scazut (d. apa) = at a low ebb 59378. scelerat = vile; wicked; villainous 59379. scelerat = profligate; miscreant; wretch; villain; scoundrel; rascal 59380. scenarist = scenarist; scenario/script writer 59381. scenariu = radio play 59382. scena (in sens concret) = stage 59383. scena (in sens concret) = boards 59384. scena (locul unde se petrece un) = scene (of action) 59385. scena = the stage/drama 59386. scena (cearta) = scene 59387. scena (cearta) = flare-up 59388. scena (cearta) = row 59389. scena (intre soti) = curtain lecture 59390. scena (parte dintr-un act) = scene; staging; production; (stage) setting (of a play); to make a scene; to kick up a shindy/row; to stage; to produce; to appear; to come on; why?; with the object of ..; < (cu forme in -ing)>with a view to ..; < (cu forme in -ing)>with/for the purpose of ..; purposeless; with that end in view; apartheid segregatie = segregation; racial segregation; < (in africa de sud)>apartheid seif = safe seim = Seim sein = grey; gray seism = earthquake; seism seismic = seismic seismic = seismal seismograf = seismograph; seismometer seismografic = seismographic seismograma = seismogram seismolog = seismologist seismologic = seismological seismologie = seismology seismoscop = seismoscope select = select; choice selecta = to select; to pick out selecta (poetic) = to cull selecta (a alege) = to choose selectiv = selective selectivitate = selectivity selector = sorter selectie = selection; choice; natural selection selectiona = to select; to choose; to sort selectiona = to be selected sau sorted selectionabil = choos (e)able; eligible selectionare = selection; selecting; sorting selectionata = picked/selected/combined team selectionator = picker selectionator = spotter selectioner = picker selectioner = spotter selenar = selenian; selenic selenit = selenite; inhabitant of the moon selenit = selenite seleniu = selenium selenografie = selenography selfactor = self-acting machine selfinductie = self-induction semafor = semaphore semafor (stop) = traffic light semantic = semantic semantic = semantically semantica = semantics semasiologic = semasiological semasiologie = semasiology semana = to resemble; to bear resemblance; to be (very much) alike semana = to sow; to seed60171. semana (in rinduri) = to drill 60172. semana (vrajba etc) (vrajba etc) = to create hostility etc. 60173. semana (vrajba etc) (vrajba etc) = to sow the seeds of dissension 60174. semana (a raspindi) = to propagate 60175. semana (a raspindi) = to spread 60176. semana = to sow; to look like ..; to resemble ..; to bear resemblance to ..; to be like ..; < (tatal etc.)>to take after ..; it looks like rain; he that sows the win 60177. semanat = sewing etc.; v. semana 60178. semanat (ca timp) = seed time 60179. semanat (ca timp) = sowing (time) 60180. semanatoare = sower 60181. semanatoare (masina) = sower 60182. semanatoare (masina) = seeder 60183. semanatoare (masina) = sowing machine 60184. semanator = sower 60185. semanatura = sowing etc.; v. semana 60186. semanatura = crops 60187. semen = v. seaman 60188. semestrial = terminal; semester ..; half-yearly 60189. semestrial = half-yearly; it comes out half-yearly 60190. semestru = semester; term; half year 60191. semet (indraznet) = daring 60192. semet (indraznet) = brave 60193. semet (falnic) = stately 60194. semet (falnic) = lofty 60195. semet (trufas) = haughty 60196. semet (trufas) = conceited 60197. semet (trufas) = arrogant 60198. semet = daringly; bravely; haughtily 60199. semeti (a se fali) = to boast; to give oneself airs 60200. semeti (a indrazni) = to dare 60201. semetie (mindrie) = pride 60202. semetie (trufie) = haughtiness 60203. semetie (curaj) = daring 60204. semetie (curaj) = courage 60205. semiautomat = semi-automatic 60206. semicerc = semicircle 60207. semicircular = semicircular; half-round 60208. semicolonial = semi-colonial; semi-colonial country 60209. semicolonie = semi-colonial territory 60210. semiconductor = semi-conductor 60211. semiconsoana = semivowel 60212. semiconstient = semi-conscious 60213. semicristalin = semi-crystalline; hemicrystalline 60214. semidoct = smatterer 60215. semidoct = sephomore 60216. semifabricat = semi-finished .. 60217. semifabricat = half-finished/semi-finished; semi-manufactured goods; semi-products 60218. semifeudal = semi-feudal 60219. semifinala = half/semi-final (s) 60220. semifond = middle-distance race 60221. semiintuneric = semi-darkness; half-dark; shade 60222. semiluna = half-moon; crescent 60223. semiluna = the Sublime Porte 60224. seminal = seminal 60225. seminar = seminar 60226. seminar = (ecclesiastical) seminary 60227. seminarist = seminarian; seminarist 60228. semincer = seed tree 60229. semintie (trib) = tribe 60230. semintie (familie) = family 60231. semintie (neam) = nation; nationality; people 60232. semintie (gen) = kind 60233. semiobscur = dim; gloomy; murky; dusky 60234. semiobscuritat = semiobscurity; dimness; dusk 60235. semioficial = semi-official 60236. semioficial = semi-officially 60237. semiologie = sem (e)iology 60238. semipasta = half-stuff; first stuff 60239. semiprofit = half-section 60240. semiproletar = semi-proletarian 60241. semit = Semite 60242. semitic = Semitic60243. semiton = semitone 60244. semitort = rove 60245. semitransparent = semi-transparent; translucent 60246. semivocala = semivowel 60247. semizeu = demigod 60248. semn = sign; badge 60249. semn (simbol) = token 60250. semn (simbol) = symbol 60251. semn (urma) = mark; trace; track 60252. semn (semnal) = signal 60253. semn (indicatie) = sign 60254. semn (indicatie) = indication; symptom 60255. semn (emblema) = emblem 60256. semn (cicatrice) = scar 60257. semn (~ prevestitor) = omen 60258. semn (gest) = sign 60259. semn (gest) = gesture 60260. semn (tinta) (tinta) = target 60261. semn (pt tragere si) = shooting mark 60262. semn (al zodiacului) = sign (of the zodiac); algebraical sign; conventional sign; symbol; bookmarker; v. ~ul intrebarii; sign of rain; astronomical signs; proof symbols; to be grounded/based upon.. 62478. sprijinitor = supporter; backer; protector 62479. sprint = sprint 62480. sprinta = to sprint 62481. sprinten = agile; nimble 62482. sprinten (d. pas) = jaunty 62483. sprinten (d. pas) = quick 62484. sprinten (vioi) = lively 62485. sprinten (vioi) = sprightly 62486. sprinten = agilely; quick-witted; quick in the uptake; < (destept)>clever 62487. sprinteneala = agility; nimbleness 62488. sprinteneala (a pasului) = jauntiness 62489. sprinteneala (a pasului) = quickness 62490. sprinteneala (a pasului) = liveliness 62491. sprinteneala (a pasului) = sprightliness 62492. sprinter = sprinter 62493. sprintar = lively; sprightly 62494. sprintar (jucaus) = playful 62495. sprintar (cochet) = skittish 62496. sprintar (nestatornic) = fickle 62497. sprintar (usuratic) = wanton 62498. sprinceana = eyebrow 62499. sprinceana (culme) = top 62500. sprinceana (culme) = summit 62501. sprinceana (de deal) = broow 62502. sprinceana (bucata) = piece 62503. sprinceana (fisie) = strap; bushy eyebrows; very select; chosen from among the knit one's brows; to frown; to raise one's eyebrows 62504. sprincenat = with bushy eyebrws; good riddance! 62505. spulber (viscol) = blizzard 62506. spulbera (a matura) = to sweep off/away 62507. spulbera (a risipi) = to scatter 62508. spulbera (a risipi) (a risipi) = to dispel 62509. spulbera (a risipi) (a risipi) = to dissipate 62510. spulbera (a nimici) = to shtter 62511. spulbera (a nimici) = to ruin 62512. spulbera (a nimici) = to destroy 62513. spulbera (a nimici) = to scatter to the winds 62514. spulbera (un mit) = to debunk 62515. spulbera = to be swept off 62516. spulberatic = fickle 62517. spulberatic (usuratic) = light 62518. spulberatic (usuratic) = wanton 62519. spuma = foam; spume 62520. spuma (murdara) = scum 62521. spuma (de bere) = froth 62522. spuma (de bere) = head 62523. spuma (de sapun) = (soap) suds 62524. spuma (de sapun) = lather; meerschaum; whites of egg whisked into froth; foamy; to foam at the mouth; to remove scum from.. 62525. spumega = to foam 62526. spumega = to foam at the mouth 62527. spumegator = foaming 62528. spumos = foamy 62529. spumos (d. vin) = frothy 62530. spune = to say 62531. spune (cuiva a povesti) = to tell 62532. spune (a relata) = to relate 62533. spune (a recita) = to recite 62534. spune (a declara) = to say 62535. spune (a declara) = to state62536. spune (a declara) = to declare 62537. spune (a explica) = to explain 62538. spune (a numi) = to name 62539. spune (a numi) = to call 62540. spune (a denunta) = to denounce 62541. spune (a suna) = to say 62542. spune (a suna) = to run 62543. spune = to be said 62544. spune = to say; < (dupa) cum ~ proverbul>as the old saw has it; < (dupa) cum ~ proverbul>according to the proverb; if I may say so; if the phrase is admissible; I should be a liar to speak otherwise; sturdy; < (verde) ca ~ul>stalwart; < (verde) ca ~ul>strapping; < (verde) ca ~ul>F stocky 62955. stejaris = oak grove; grove of oaks 62956. stelaj = shelves 62957. stelar = stellar (y); starry; star..; starry/star light 62958. stelat = stellate (d) 62959. stela = stele 62960. stelisoara = little star 62961. stelisoara = hen-chickens (Bellis perennis) 62962. stelit = stellite 62963. stelita = amellus starwort 62964. steluta = little star 62965. steluta = asterisk 62966. steluta (scinteie) = spark 62967. steluta (pasta fainoasa) (pasta fainoasa) = star-shaped noodles 62968. steluta (fulg) = snowflake 62969. steluta = starwort (Stellaria) 62970. steluta (in supa) = eye/speck of grease 62971. stema (armorii) = arms 62972. stema (armorii) = escutcheon 62973. stema (armorii) = coat of arms 62974. stema (armorii) = armorial bearings 62975. stema (coroana) (coroana) = crown 62976. stema (diadema) = diadem 62977. sten = sthene 62978. stenahorie = v. naduf 62979. stenic = invigorating 62980. stenodactilografie = shorthand and typing 62981. stenodactilografie = sorthand typist 62982. stenograf = stenographer; shorthand writer 62983. stenografia = to write in shorthand 62984. stenografia (un discurs) = to take down smth. in shorthand 62985. stenografic = stenographic (al); in shorthand 62986. stenografic = stenographically 62987. stenografie = stenography; shorthand 62988. stenograma = shortand report/record 62989. stenotip = stenotype 62990. stenotipie = stenotypy 62991. stenoza = stenosis; mitral stenosis 62992. stentor = stentor; stentorian/stentorial/stentorious voice 62993. step = tap dancing 62994. stepa = steppe 62995. ster = stere 62996. steregoaie = white veratrum (Veratrum album) 62997. stereochimie = stereochemistry 62998. stereocromie = stereochromy 62999. stereofonic = stereophonic; binaural 63000. stereofonie = stereophony 63001. stereofotograf = stereophotography 63002. stereograf = stereograph 63003. stereografie = stereography 63004. stereograma = stereogram; stereographic view/picture 63005. stereometrie = stereometry 63006. stereometru = stereometer 63007. stereoplanigraf = stereoplanigraph 63008. stereoscop = stereoscope 63009. stereoscopic = stereoscopic (al) 63010. stereoscopie = stereoscopy 63011. stereotip = stereotype 63012. stereotip (d. o editie) = stereotyped 63013. stereotip = trite 63014. stereotip = stereotype plate 63015. stereotipa = to stereotype 63016. stereotipie = stereotypy 63017. stereotipist = stereotypist 63018. stereotomie = stereotomy 63019. steril = dead 63020. steril (d. oameni) = barren 63021. steril = fruitless 63022. steril (d. o munca) = unprofitable 63023. steril (d. o munca) = futile 63024. steril = barren gangue; useless rock; waste 63025. sterilitate = sterility; barrenness; unproductiveness; unfruitfulness 63026. steriliza = to sterilize63027. sterilizator = sterilizer 63028. sterlina = pound sterling; the sterling area 63029. stern = breast bone 63030. sternal = sternal 63031. sterp = v. steril 63032. sterp (fara viata) = lifeless 63033. sterp (fara viata) = desolate 63034. stert = (candle)wick 63035. stert (~ de mina) = miner's lamp 63036. stert (~ de mina) = davy 63037. stetometru = stethometer 63038. stetoscop = auscultator 63039. stetoscopie = stethoscopy 63040. stibina = stibine 63041. stibiu = antimony 63042. sticlar = glass blower 63043. sticlar (vinzator) = dealer in glass 63044. sticlar (geamgiu) = glazier 63045. sticla (substanta) = glass 63046. sticla (pt. ferestre) = window glass 63047. sticla (pt. oglinzi) = plate glass 63048. sticla (geam) = window pane 63049. sticla (~ de lampa) = lamp chimney 63050. sticla (ca recipient) = bottle 63051. sticla (ca recipient) = flagon 63052. sticla (pt. experiente chimice) = flask 63053. sticla (sticluta, med.) = phial 63054. sticla (pt. muraturi) = pickle bottle 63055. sticla (continutul unei sticle) = bottle (ful) 63056. sticla (ochelari) (ochelari) = glasses 63057. sticla (ochelari) (ochelari) = spectacles 63058. sticla = barnacles; smoked glass; coloured/painted/stained glass; < (pt. a observa soarele)>colour glass; < (pt. a observa soarele)>smoked glass; a bottle of wine; watch glass; quartz glass; lentic 63059. sticlarie (fabrica) = glass manufactory/house 63060. sticlarie (fabrica) = glass works 63061. sticlarie (fabricare) = manufacture of glass 63062. sticlarie (articole) = glassware 63063. sticlarie (articole) = vitrics; hollow ware 63064. sticlete (politist) (politist) = bobby 63065. sticlete (politist) (politist) = peeler 63066. sticlete (politist) = sl. copper; to be queer in one's attic; not to be quite right in the upper story; to have bats in the belfry 63067. sticlos = glassy; vitreous; hyaline 63068. sticlos = glossy; vitreous humour 63069. sticlozitate = vitrescene 63070. sticluta = small bottle; phial 63071. sticluta (fiola) = vial 63072. stigmat = brand; mark (with a ot iron) 63073. stigmat (pe corpul delicventilor) = stigma 63074. stigmat (pe corpul delicventilor) = badge 63075. stigmat = spot 63076. stigmat (urma) = mark 63077. stigmat (urma) = trace 63078. stigmat = stigma 63079. stigmatic = (ana)stigmatic 63080. stigmatism = stigmatism 63081. stigmatiza = to mark with hot iron; to badge 63082. stigmatiza = to sear 63083. stih (vers) = verse 63084. stih (vers) = line 63085. stih (verset) = verse 63086. stih = numbers 63087. stihar = alb 63088. stihie (element) = element 63089. stihie (stafie) = spectre 63090. stihie (stafie) = ghost 63091. stihie = wilderness; solitude 63092. stihuitor = poetaster 63093. stil (literar) = style (of writing) 63094. stil (mod) = manner 63095. stil (mod) = way 63096. stil (mod) = style 63097. stil (calendaristic) = style63098. stil (condei) odin = stylus 63099. stil (condei) odin = style 63100. stil (condei) odin. = point (r)el 63101. stil (condei) odin. = greffe 63102. stil (condei) odin. = graphium; artificial style; mannerism; jerk; baroque style; Byzantine stylemanner; classic style; colloquial/familiar style; Gothic/pointed style; pres 63103. stilat = stylish; (highly) polished 63104. stilat (bine crescut) = well-bred 63105. stilat (instruit) = well-schooled 63106. stilem = styleme 63107. stilet = stiletto; stilet; short pointed dagger 63108. stilet = probe 63109. stilist = stylist; accomplished writer 63110. stilistic = stylistic 63111. stilistic = stylistically 63112. stilistica = style; stylistics 63113. stiliza = to improve (stylistically); to brush up 63114. stiliza = to stylize 63115. stilizare = stylistic improvement; brushing up; stylization 63116. stilizare = stylizing 63117. stilizator = stylist 63118. stilobat = stylobate 63119. stilou = fountain pen 63120. stima = to esteem; to respect; to revere (nce); to make much of; to have a high opinion of 63121. stima (a aprecia) = to value 63122. stima = to esteem/respect each other 63123. stimabil = estimable; worthy of respect 63124. stimabil = worthy 63125. stimat = esteemed; respected 63126. stimat (in scrisori) = dear; dear Sir 63127. stima = esteem; regard; respect; yours truly; (most) respectfully; with great respect; < (in scrisori)> (I am sau I remain) most respectfully yours; < (in scrisori)>your obedient servant; estimable; worthy of respect; to stand sentry; < (ca sentinela)>to do sentry duty 63444. strana (pt. public) = pew 63445. strana (pt. cintareti) = lectern 63446. strangula = to strangle; to throttle 63447. straniu = strange; queer; odd 63448. straniu = strangely; queerly; oddly 63449. strapazan = oar lock 63450. strapontin = flap/bracket seat 63451. strapontina = flap/bracket seat 63452. stras = imitated diamond 63453. strasnic (sever) = severe 63454. strasnic (sever) = stern 63455. strasnic (sever) = rigorous 63456. strasnic (aspru) = harsh 63457. strasnic (teribil) = terrible 63458. strasnic (oribil) = horrible 63459. strasnic (excesiv) = excessive 63460. strasnic (excesiv) = extreme 63461. strasnic (violent) = violent 63462. strasnic (excelent) = excellent 63463. strasnic (excelent) = fine 63464. strasnic (excelent) = superior 63465. strasnic (excelent) = capital 63466. strasnic (excelent) = grand 63467. strasnic (excelent) = thumping 63468. strasnic (considerabil) = considerable 63469. strasnic (considerabil) = handsome 63470. strasnic (colosal) = colossal 63471. strasnic (colosal) = tremendous 63472. strasnic = egregoius 63473. strasnic (solid) = sound 63474. strasnic (solid) = solid 63475. strasnic (maret) = grand 63476. strasnic (maret) = magnificent 63477. strasnic = severely; v. ~ i. 63478. strasnic = English maidenhair; a stuuner; canine/hearty appetite; a severe/bitting/bitter cold; excellent housewife; a very inclement/severe/bleak winter; splendid performance; signal/marvellous su 63479. strat = stratification; layer; stratum 63480. strat (de vopsea) = coat (-ing) 63481. strat (social) (social) = stratum 63482. strat = section; walk of life 63483. strat (de flori) = bed; flower bed/plot/bank; layer/bed of sand; sand stratum; layer/bed/stratum of earth; protective coating; couch/coat (of paint); seal; damp course; (under-) graduate in arts; historical student; medical student; slim/slender legs; ligtly64280. subtirel = thinnish 64281. subtirime = thinness 64282. subunitate = sub-unit 64283. suburban = suburban 64284. suburbie = suburb 64285. subventie = subvention; subsidy 64286. subventiona = to subsidize; to grant financial aid to; to be subsidized by the State; to be State-laid 64287. subversiv = subversive; undermining 64288. subzista = to subsist; to continue; to exist 64289. subzistenta = subsistence; sustenance; means of subsistence; to be attached for rations to some unit other than one's 64290. suc = juice; fruit juice; gastric juice 64291. sucala = winder 64292. succeda = to succeed; to alternate; to succeed to..; to follow (after)..; to replace.. 64293. succedaneu = substitute; succedaneum 64294. succedare = succession; alternation 64295. succes = success; (good) luck; favourable result 64296. succes = hit 64297. succes~ de casa = box-office success 64298. succes~ monstru/nebun = smashing hit/success; successfully; with success; very well; to be a success; to be successful; to meet with success; to succeed; to make a success; < (d. o marfa)>to take on; to be/prove a failur 64299. succesiune = succession; sequence; series 64300. succesiune = inheritance 64301. succesiv = successive 64302. succesiv = successively 64303. succesor = successor 64304. succesoral = successional 64305. succin (c)t = succinct; concise; brief 64306. suceala (capricii) = caprices 64307. suceala (capricii) = whims 64308. suceala (capricii) = freaks 64309. suceala (lipsita de ratiune) = lack of reason 64310. suceala (lipsita de ratiune) = unreason 64311. suceala (absurditate) = absurdity 64312. suceala (absurditate) = folly 64313. suci (a rasuci) = to twist 64314. suci (fringhia) = to kink 64315. suci (mina) = to twist 64316. suci (mina) = to wrench 64317. suci (mina) = to wring 64318. suci (a disloca) = to sprain 64319. suci (a disloca) = to dislocate 64320. suci (a intoarce) = to turn 64321. suci (a face sul) = to roll 64322. suci (a minui) = to wield 64323. suci (a indoi) = to bend 64324. suci (a strimba) = to crook 64325. suci (a strimba) = to distort 64326. suci (a se rasuci) = to twist 64327. suci (a se invirti) = to turn 64328. suci (a se indoi) = to bend 64329. suci (a se strimba) = to be crooked/distorted; to turn smb's head/brain; to wring smb's neck; to sprain one's foot; to roll a gigarette; to wander from the point; to digress 64330. sucila = wronghead; wrong-headed fellow 64331. sucit = twisted; v. sucit 64332. sucit (strimb) = wry 64333. sucit (strimb) = distorted; wrong-headed/-minded 64334. sucit (absurd) = absurd 64335. sucit (ciudat) = queer 64336. sucit (ciudat) = odd 64337. sucit (ciudat) = strange 64338. sucit (capricios) = whimsical 64339. sucit (capricios) = cross-/ill-natured 64340. sucit (nefiresc) = unnatural 64341. sucit (neobisnuit) = unusual 64342. sucit (neobisnuit) = uncommon 64343. sucit = wronghead 64344. sucitoare = wry-neek (Iynx torquilla) 64345. sucitor = rolling pin; vermicelli maker 64346. sucitura (cotitura) = turn (ing) 64347. sucomba = to succumb; to die; to succumb/yield to a temptation 64348. suculent = juicy; succulent64349. suculent (hranitor) = nutritious 64350. suculent (gustos) = toothsome 64351. suculenta = succulence 64352. suculenta (gust) = taste 64353. sucursala = branch (office); branch of a bank 64354. sud = south; south-west; v. sudic; in the south; (to the) south of..; southwards of..; southwards 64355. sud-dunarean = South of the Danube 64356. sud-est = south-east 64357. sud-estic (d. o regiune) = south-eastern 64358. sud-estic (d. vint) = south-easterly 64359. sud-vest = south-west 64360. sud-vestic (d. o regiune) = south-western 64361. sud-vestic (d. vint) = south-westerly 64362. suda = to solder 64363. suda (autogen) = to weld 64364. suda (oase) = to knit 64365. suda (oase) = to join 64366. suda (oase) = to unite 64367. suda = to fuse 64368. suda = to weld; to fuse together 64369. suda (d. oase) = to knit 64370. suda = to fuse 64371. sudabil = that can be soldered; weldable 64372. sudafrican = South-African 64373. sudalma (injuratura) = oath 64374. sudamerican = South-American 64375. sudatie = sweating 64376. sudic = south.. 64377. sudic (d. o regiune, latitudine) = southern 64378. sudic (d. vint) = southerly 64379. sudoare = sweat; perspiration; by/in the sweat of one's brow; wet/dripping with sweat 64380. sudor = welder 64381. sudorific = sudorific 64382. sudoripar = sudoriferous 64383. sudui = to swear 64384. sudui = to abuse 64385. suduitura = oath 64386. sudura = soldering; v. suda; autogenous welding 64387. suedez = Swedish 64388. suedez = Swede 64389. suedeza = Swede; Swedish girl sau woman 64390. suedeza (limba) = Swedish 64391. suedeza (limba) = the Swedish language 64392. suferi (de) = to suffer (from) 64393. suferi (de) = to feel pain 64394. suferi = to suffer 64395. suferi (a trece prin) = to undergo 64396. suferi (a indura) = to endure 64397. suferi (a indura) = to bear 64398. suferi (a tolera) = to bear 64399. suferi (a tolera) = to brool 64400. suferi (a tolera) = to brook 64401. suferi (a tolera) = to abide 64402. suferi (a permite) = to allow 64403. suferi (a permite) = to permit; it pains/grieves me to see him so disappointed; to take the rap for..; it brooks no delay; it admits of no delay; I can't abide him 64404. suferind = unwell; ailing 64405. suferind = sick person invalid 64406. suferinta = suffering 64407. suferinta (durere) = pain; to be in want 64408. sufertas = dinner pan; lunch pail; a 64409. suficient = sufficient; enough; adequate 64410. suficient (d. cineva) = self-satisfed 64411. suficient (d. cineva) = conceited 64412. suficient (la nota scolara) = satisfactory 64413. suficient = sufficiently; enough; adequately 64414. suficienta = self-importance/-sufficiency 64415. sufit = soffit 64416. sufix = suffix 64417. sufixa = to suffix 64418. sufixatie = suffixion 64419. sufla (a respira) = to breathe64420. sufla (cu greu) = to pant 64421. sufla (cu greu) = to gasp 64422. sufla (d. vint) = to blow 64423. sufla (a adia) = to breathe 64424. sufla = to prompt 64425. sufla (sticla) = to blow 64426. sufla (a indeparta prin suflare) = to blow off 64427. sufla (a indeparta prin suflare) = to blow away 64428. sufla (a stinge prin suflare) = to blow out 64429. sufla (a sopti) = to whisper 64430. sufla = to prompt 64431. sufla (a fura) = to nobble 64432. sufla (a fura) = to prig; to blow..; to breathee/blow on one's fingers; to blow (up) the fire; to blow out a candle; to be dead; not to breathe a word; not to breathe/utter a word 64433. suflai = v. suflator ii 64434. suflanta = blower 64435. suflare = breathing; v. sufla 64436. suflare (respiratie) = breath 64437. suflare (fiinta) = being 64438. suflare (fiinta) = soul 64439. suflare (adiere) = breath (of wind); breathless; dead; at once; in a moment/trice; withous a moment's respite; everybody 64440. suflat = v. suflare 64441. suflator (muzicanti) (muzicanti) = winds 64442. suflator = wind instrumentalists 64443. suflator = blower; the brass; wood winds; woods; wood wind instruments 64444. sufleca (minecile) = to roll/turn up 64445. sufleca (poalele) = to tuck up 64446. sufler = prompter 64447. suflet = soul 64448. suflet (inima, simtire) = heart 64449. suflet (constiinta) = conscience 64450. suflet (inima, simtire) = feeling 64451. suflet (inima, simtire) = soul 64452. suflet (spirit) = mind 64453. suflet (al unei initiative) = (life and) soul 64454. suflet (om) = soul 64455. suflet (al unei initiative) = prime mover 64456. suflet (cap) = head 64457. suflet (al unei initiative) = moving spirit 64458. suflet (individ) = individual 64459. suflet (suflare) = breathing 64460. suflet (viata) = soul 64461. suflet (respiratie) = breath 64462. suflet (viata) = life 64463. suflet (gifiit) = panting 64464. suflet (viata) = inspiration 64465. suflet (gifiit) = gasp (ing) 64466. suflet = with indifference; without feeling; adopted child; quite out; quite beside oneself; < (cu) trup si ~>body and soul; in one's innermost soul; in one's soul of souls; from the b 64467. sufletesc = soul..; moral; spiritual 64468. sufletesc (psihic) = mental; mental disease; peace of mind; mood 64469. sufleteste = morally; spiritually; mentally 64470. sufletel = my dear/darling! 64471. sufleu = souffle 64472. suflu = breath 64473. suflu (al unei explozii) = blast; he is out/short of breath 64474. suflura = blow (hole) 64475. sufoca = to suffocate; to stifle; to smother 64476. sufoca = to choke; to stifle 64477. sufocant = suffocating; stifling 64478. sufragerie (incapere) = dining room 64479. sufragerie (mobila) = dining-room furniture 64480. sufrageta = sufragette 64481. sufragiu = suffrage; vote 64482. sufragiu (aprobare) = approval; universal franchise/suffrage; (it) has met with unanimous approval 64483. sufuta = border 64484. sugaci = suckling 64485. sugaci = suckling; baby at the breast 64486. sugativa = blotting paper; blotter64487. sugativa = boozer 64488. sugatoare = blotting paper 64489. sugatoare = bird's nest 64490. suge = to suck 64491. suge (a bea) = to bib 64492. suge (a bea) = to guzzle 64493. suge (a bea) = to booze 64494. suge = to suck; to suck in/up; to absorb; to imbibe 64495. suge = to extort 64496. suge (a slei) = to wear out 64497. suge (a slei) = to extenuate; to sucke/feed a baby 64498. sugel = dead nettle (Lamium); white dead nettle (Lamium album) 64499. sugera = to suggest 64500. sugera (a propune) = to propose 64501. sugera (a insinua) = to hint 64502. sugera (a insinua) = to insinuate 64503. sugestie = suggestion 64504. sugestie (idee) = idea 64505. sugestie (idee) = thought 64506. sugestie (propunere) = proposal 64507. sugestiona = to produce an effect of suggestio 64508. sugestiv = suggestive; impressive; effective 64509. sugestiv (plastic) = graphical 64510. sugestiv = in a suggestive way; graphically 64511. sughit = hiccough; hiccup 64512. sughit (de plins) = sob 64513. sughita = to hiccough; to hiccup 64514. sughita (a plinge cu sughituri) = to sob 64515. sughitare = hiccoughing; hiccuping 64516. sughitat = hiccoughing; hiccuping 64517. sugiuc = Turkish delight 64518. sugruma = to strangle 64519. sugruma (a sufoca) = to stifle 64520. sugruma (a sufoca) = to choke 64521. sugruma (a sufoca) = to smother 64522. sugruma = to choke 64523. suhat = common pasture 64524. sui (a urca) = to climb (up) 64525. sui (a urca) = to mount 64526. sui (a se urca) = to climb up; to mount..; to get on a tram. 64527. sui-generis = sui generis 64528. suicid = suicide 64529. suis = climbing 64530. suis (panta) = slope 64531. suit = climbing (up) 64532. suita = suite; retinue; train 64533. suita (serie) = series 64534. suita (inlantuire) = succession 64535. suita (inlantuire) = concatenation 64536. suita (la pocher) = straight 64537. suitoare = raising shaft 64538. suitor = climbing; rising 64539. sul = roll; scroll 64540. sul (de hirtii) = bundle 64541. sul (de sofa) = bolster 64542. sul = beam 64543. sul (de fum) = puff 64544. sul (de praf) = cloud 64545. sul (de masina de scris) = roller 64546. sul (de masina de scris) = platen; to roll up 64547. sula = awl; to hold/put a knife to smb's throat 64548. sulcina = v. sulfina 64549. sulf = brimstone; flowers of sulphur 64550. sulfamida = sulph (on)amide 64551. sulfat = sulphate; copper sulphate; blue vitriol; ferrous sulphate; green vitriol; sodium sulphate; zinc sulphate; white vitriol 64552. sulfata = to treat with copper sulphate 64553. sulfataza = sulphatase 64554. sulfina = melilot; plaster clover; sweet melilot (Trigonella coerulea); white melilot (Melilotus albus) 64555. sulfit = sulphite 64556. sulfura = to sulphurize 64557. sulfura = to treat with sulphide 64558. sulfurat = sulphuretted; hydrogen sulphide; sulphuretted hydrogen 64559. sulfura = sulphuret; carbon dusulphide; iron pyrites; lead sulphide; galena64560. sulfuric = sulphuric; sulphuric acid 64561. sulfuros = sulphurous; sulphurous acid; sulphur water 64562. suliman = rouge; paint; make-up 64563. sulimeneala = rouge; paint; make-up 64564. sulimeni = to (use) rouge; to paint one's face; to make up (one's face); to raddle 64565. sulimenita = raddled; painted; a (painted) Jezebel 64566. sulitas = spearman 64567. sulita = lance; spear 64568. sulita (a infanteristilor, odin) = pike 64569. sulita = javelin; javelin throwing 64570. sultan = sultan 64571. sultanat = sultanate 64572. sultana = sultana; sultaness 64573. sultanesc = sultan's 64574. suman = kind of long; coarse-stuff peasant coat 64575. sumar = summary; compendious; concisesed 64576. sumar (grabit) = summary 64577. sumar (grabit) = hasty 64578. sumar (grabit) = improvised 64579. sumar = summarily 64580. sumar = summary; resume; abstract; epitome; scantily dressed 64581. sumator = summator 64582. suma = sum of money; sum; amount 64583. suma (numar) = number; great/large number; even money; sum total; the total amounting to..; totalling.. 64584. sumbru = gloomy; dark; sombre 64585. sumedenie = great number; multitude; host; legion; a good/great deal (of); umpteeen 64586. sumerian = Sumerian 64587. sumes (d. mimeca) = rolled/turned up 64588. sumes (d. haina) = tucked up 64589. sumete = v. sufleca 64590. suna = to ring; to sound 64591. suna (a rasuna) = to resound 64592. suna (d. clopote) = to ring 64593. suna (d. clopote) = to toll 64594. suna (d. clopote) = to chime 64595. suna (d. trompete) = to sound 64596. suna (d. trompete) = to blare 64597. suna (cu paharele) = to clink 64598. suna (cu banii) = to jingle 64599. suna (d. ceas) = to strike 64600. suna (d. urechi) = to ring 64601. suna (a zice) = to say 64602. suna (a glasui) (d. documente) = to run 64603. suna (a glasui) (d. documente) = to read 64604. suna (clopotele) = to ring 64605. suna (orele) = to strike 64606. suna (pe cineva) = to ring 64607. suna (la telefon) = to ring up 64608. suna (a se zvoni) = to be rumoured/said; to blow..; to sound..; to sound hollow; to sound the horn; it sounds well; to ring false; to be ill-sounding; the bell is ringing; there is a ring at the doo 64609. sunatoare = all-saints'-wort 64610. sunatoare (de copil) = (baby's) rattle 64611. sunator = ringing; sonorous; resounding 64612. sunator = high-falutin (g); money; coins; cash; rhino 64613. sunet = sound 64614. sunet (d. clopote) = peal 64615. sunet (d. clopote) = ringing 64616. sunet (d. clopote) = chime 64617. sunet (funebru) = knell 64618. sunet (ecou) = echo 64619. sunet (fosnet) = rustle 64620. sunet (in urechi) = ringing 64621. sunet = sound; clear sound; vowel sound; never to utter a sound 64622. supa = to have supper; to sup 64623. supapa = valve; safety valve 64624. supa = soup; noodle soup; Scotch broth; chicken broth; vegetale soup; pea soup 64625. supara = to make angry; to anger 64626. supara (a irita) = to irritate 64627. supara (a irita) = to irk 64628. supara (a plictisi) = to annoy 64629. supara (a exaspera) = to exasperate64630. supara (a exaspera) = to put out 64631. supara (a tachina) = to tease 64632. supara (a necaji in gluma) = to ballyrag 64633. supara (a cicali) = to nag 64634. supara (a infuria) = to infuriate 64635. supara (a deranja) = to trouble 64636. supara (a deranja) = to disturb 64637. supara (a deranja) = to inconvenience 64638. supara (pe) = to be angry/cross (with) 64639. supara (pe) = to set up one's bristles 64640. supara (din cauza) = to be angry (at/about) 64641. supara (a se enerva) = to get irritated/annoyed 64642. supara (a se enerva) = to chafe 64643. supara (a se infuria) = to fly into a rage/passion 64644. supara (a se intrista) = to grieve 64645. supara (a se intrista) = to be sad; he shouldn't get so upset; there's nothing for him to be angry about 64646. suparare (necaz) = trouble 64647. suparare (lipsa) = want 64648. suparare (paguba) = damage 64649. suparare (rau) = harm 64650. suparare (pierdere) = loss 64651. suparare (povara) = burden 64652. suparare (mihnire) = sadness 64653. suparare (amaraciune) = bitterness 64654. suparare (suferinta) = grief 64655. suparare (suferinta) = suffering 64656. suparare (suferinta) = anger 64657. suparare (furie) = fury 64658. suparare (furie) = rage 64659. suparare (ciuda) = spite; no offence (meant); without offence 64660. suparat (pe) = angry (with) 64661. suparat (pe) = cross (with) 64662. suparat (din cauza) = angry (about/at) 64663. suparat (trist) = sad 64664. suparat (minios) = infuriated 64665. suparat (minios) = furious 64666. suparat (minios) = irritated; as cross as two sticks 64667. suparacios = touchy; susceptible; quick to take offence 64668. suparacios (iritabil) = irritable 64669. suparacios (iritabil) = short of temper 64670. suparacios (iritabil) = short-tempered 64671. suparacios (iritabil) = petulant 64672. suparacios (iritabil) = cross-grained 64673. suparator = annoying; vexatious 64674. suparator (care provoaca dezamagire) = disappointing 64675. suparator (regretabil) = unfortunate 64676. superb = superb; splendid 64677. superb (de prima calitate) = first-rate 64678. superb (maret) = stately 64679. superb (maret) = magnificent 64680. superb (maret) = grandiose 64681. superb = superbly; magnificently 64682. superficial = superficial; shallow 64683. superficial (d. rani) = skin-deep 64684. superficial = superficially 64685. superficialitate = superficiality; shallowness 64686. superfin = superfine; of extra quality 64687. superfluu = superfluous; unnecessary; redundant; pleonastic 64688. superfosfat = superphosphate 64689. superheterodina = superheterodine 64690. superior (fata de) = superior (to) 64691. superior (d. clase, etaje, membre) = upper 64692. superior (d. scoli, matematica) = higher 64693. superior (de calitate superioara) = of superior/the highest quality 64694. superior = superior; one's better; chief 64695. superior = head of a convent/monastery; the higher animals; upper course of a river; higher court; the upper Danube; high official; higher functionary; supe 64696. superioritate = superiority 64697. superlativ = superlative; in the superlative 64698. supersonic = supersonic 64699. superstitie = superstition 64700. superstitios = superstitious64701. supeu = supper 64702. supiera = soup tureen 64703. supin = supine; in the supine 64704. supleant = substitute; deputy; candidate/alternate member of the C.C. 64705. supletiv = suppletive 64706. suplete = suppleness; flexibility; litheness 64707. supliciu = torture 64708. supliciu = agony 64709. supliment = supplement; addition; extra/additional payment 64710. supliment (ca mincare) = extra (dish) 64711. supliment = extra/additional ticket 64712. supliment (de carte, de revista) = supplement 64713. suplimentar = supplementary; additional; additional credit; overtime work; supplementary angles 64714. suplini (pe cineva) = to take the place of 64715. suplini (pe cineva) = to deputize/supply for 64716. suplini (a inlocui) = to replace 64717. suplini (ceva) = to supply 64718. suplini (ceva) = to make up 64719. suplinire = substitution; taking the place of smb.; v. suplini 64720. suplinitor = deputy professor sau teacher; substitute teacher 64721. suplu = supple; flexible 64722. suplu (d. trup) = lithe 64723. suplu (d. trup) = lissom (e) 64724. suplu (d. trup) = limber 64725. suplu (d. trup) = nimble 64726. suplu = tractable; malleable 64727. suport = support; prop; plinth 64728. suporta = to support 64729. suporta (tavanul etc.) = to sustain 64730. suporta (tavanul etc.) = to bear 64731. suporta = to abide 64732. suporta (caldura) = to endure 64733. suporta (caldura) = to suffer 64734. suporta (caldura) = to bear 64735. suportabil = bearable; tolerable; supportable; fairly good 64736. suportabil = fairly/tolerably well 64737. supozitor = suppository 64738. supozitie = supposition; conjecture 64739. supozitional = suppositional 64740. supraabundent = superabundant 64741. supraabundenta = superabundance 64742. supraabundenta = glut 64743. supraaglomera = to overcrowd 64744. supraalimenta = to supercharge 64745. supraaprecia = to overrate; to overestimate; to overvalue 64746. supraapreciere = overrating 64747. supraarbitru = referee (deciding a tie between umpires) 64748. suprabugetar = extraordinary; not included in the budget 64749. supracoperta = jacket 64750. supradimensionat = outsized 64751. supraestima = v. supraaprecia 64752. supraetajare = penthouse 64753. supraevalua = v. supraaprecia 64754. suprafata = surface; area; sowing/sown area; land under crop; area under grain crops; area sown to maize; dwelling space; floorspace; plane surface; < 64755. suprafiresc = supernatural 64756. suprafortareata = superfortress 64757. supraimprimare = superimposition 64758. supraincalzi = to overtheat 64759. supraincalzi (aburul) = to superheat 64760. supraincalzitor = (steam) superheater 64761. supraincarca (un vehicul, un cal) = to overload 64762. supraincarca (un vehicul, un cal) = to overburden 64763. supraincarca (un acumulator) = to overcharge 64764. supraincarca (muncitori) = to overwork 64765. supralicita = to overbid; to outbid 64766. supralicitator = overbidder 64767. supralicitatie = overbid 64768. supramodulatie = overmodulation 64769. supramunca = surplus labour 64770. supranatural = supernatural; preternatural 64771. supranatural = the supernatural64772. 64773. 64774. 64775. 64776. 64777. 64778. 64779. 64780. 64781. 64782. 64783. 64784. 64785. 64786. 64787. 64788. 64789. 64790. 64791. 64792. 64793. 64794. 64795. 64796. 64797. 64798. 64799. 64800. 64801. 64802. 64803. 64804. 64805. 64806. 64807. 64808. 64809. 64810. 64811. 64812. 64813. 64814. 64815. 64816. 64817. 64818. 64819. 64820. 64821. 64822. 64823. 64824. 64825. 64826. 64827. 64828. 64829. 64830. 64831. 64832. 64833. 64834. 64835. 64836. 64837. 64838. 64839. 64840. 64841. 64842. 64843. 64844. 64845.supranormativ = redundant; excess supranume = appellation supranume (porecla) = nickname supranumerar = supernumerary supranumi = to call; to name supranumi (a porecli) = to nickname supraoferta = overbid supraom = superman supraomenesc = superhuman; preterhuman suprapamintesc = preternatural; supernatural suprapopula = to over-populate suprapopula (a supraaglmera) = to overcrowd suprapopulat = over-populated suprapresiune = over-pressure suprapret = black-market price; to sell at a profit supraproductie = overproduction; overproduction crisis supraprofit = superprofit suprapune = to superpose suprapune = to overlap suprapune = to be superposed suprapune = to overlap suprapunere = superposition suprarealism = surrealism suprarealist = surrealist suprarenal = surrenal; adrenal gland suprasarcina = overload suprasatura = to supersaturate suprasensibil = supersensible suprastatal = superstate.. suprastructura = superstructure.. suprastructura = superstructure; basis and superstructure suprataxa = to surtax; to supertax suprataxa = extra tax; surtax; supertax supratensiune = over-pressure supratensiune = overvoltage supratimp = overtime suprauman = superhuman supraveghea = to supervise; to oversee; to superintend supraveghea (pe cineva) = to watch supraveghea (copiii) = to look after supraveghea (copiii) = to keep an eye on supraveghea = to keep a watch upon oneself supraveghere = supervision; v. supraveghea supraveghetor = superintendent; overseer; supervisor supravietui (cu dat.) = to survive (cu ac.) supravietui (cu dat.) = to outlive (cu ac.) supravietuire = survival; outliving supravietuitor = surviving supravietuitor = survivor supravoltaj = boots (ing) suprem = supreme suprem (d. eforturi) = crowning suprem (d. grad) = highest; the hour of death; sovereignty suprematie = supremacy suprima (un cuvint) = to leave/cut out suprima (o revolta) = to suppress suprima (o revolta) = to smother suprima (o revolta) = to quell suprima (o lege) = to abolish suprima (o lege) = to cancel suprima (o lege) = to repeal suprima (un tren) = to cancel suprima (un tren) = to discontinue suprima (abuzuri) = to put down suprima (abuzuri) = to abolish suprima (abuzuri) = to eradicate suprima (abuzuri) = to do away with suprima (abuzuri) = to eliminate suprima = to be left out supt = wasted; emaciated supt (cu obraji supti) = hollow-cheeked supt (d. obraji) = sunken, hollow supt = v. sub supt = sucking; v. suge; to be fond of the bottle64846. supune = to subdue 64847. supune (a invinge) = to defeat; to subjugate 64848. supune (a cistiga) = to win 64849. supune (a sili) = to oblige 64850. supune (a sili) = to force 64851. supune (unei influente) = to subject (to) 64852. supune (unei amenzi) = to fine 64853. supune (unui examen) = to examine 64854. supune (unui examen) = to subject to an examination 64855. supune (a prezenta) = to present 64856. supune (a prezenta) = to table 64857. supune (cu dat.) = to submit (to) 64858. supune (cu dat.) = to resign oneself (to) 64859. supune (a asculta) = to obey (cu ac.) 64860. supune = to be presented; to submit to; to comply with; < (a trece prin)>to undergo (cu ac.); to put to (the) torture; to put to the test; to inflict a penality/punishment upon 64861. supunere = submission; obedience 64862. supunere (respect) = respect 64863. supura = to ooze 64864. supurant = suppurating 64865. supuratie = running; suppuration 64866. supus = submissive; obedient 64867. supus (d. copii) = dutiful 64868. supus (d. copii) = biddable 64869. supus = submissively; dutifully 64870. supus = subject; subject/amenable to..; under the influence of..; liable to.. 64871. supusenie = citizenship 64872. sur (cenusiu) = grey 64873. sur (cenusiu) = gray 64874. sur (carunt) = hoary 64875. surata (sora) (sora) = sister 64876. surata (prietena) = friend 64877. surata (draga) = dear 64878. surcea = chip; sliver; like father like son; a chip of the old block 64879. surd = deaf 64880. surd (ascuns) (ascuns) = hidden 64881. surd (ascuns) (ascuns) = secret 64882. surd = voiceless 64883. surd (d. zgomot) (dogit) = hollow 64884. surd (nelamurit) (nelamurit) = vague 64885. surd (innabusit) = muffled 64886. surd (nelamurit) (nelamurit) = obscure 64887. surd (innabusit) = dull 64888. surd (la) (la) = deaf (to) 64889. surd (indepartat) = distant 64890. surd (d. strigat) = low 64891. surd (d. strigat) = smothered 64892. surd = dully; with a dull sound 64893. surd = deaf person; deaf in one ear; to turn a deaf ear to smb.'s entreaties 64894. surda = uselessly; in vain; to no end 64895. surda = deaf woman sau girl 64896. surdina = so (u)rdine; in a low tone/in an undertone voice; on the quiet 64897. surditate = deafness 64898. surditate = voicelessness 64899. surdomut = deaf-and-dumb 64900. surdomut = deaf-mute 64901. surescita = to excite; to over-excite 64902. surescitabil = easily excited 64903. surescitabilitate = (over-)excitability 64904. surescitant = strongly exciting 64905. surescitare = excitement 64906. surescitare = overstimulation 64907. surescitatie = excitement 64908. surescitatie = overstimulation 64909. surfila = to overcast 64910. surghiun = exile; banishment 64911. surghiuni = to exile; to banish 64912. surghiunire = exile; banishment; banishing 64913. surghiunit = exile 64914. surguci = garden/rocket larkspur; plume; tuft 64915. surioara = little sister; siss (y); sis 64916. suriu = greyish64917. suride (cuiva) = to smile (at smb.); to appeal to smb.; to prove attractive to smb.; to please smb.; I was (rather) taken with the idea; fortune smiled on him 64918. suris = smile 64919. suris (afectat) = smirk 64920. suris (afectat) = simper 64921. suris (mare) = grin 64922. suris (dispretuitor) = sneer 64923. suris (dispretuitor) = scornful smile 64924. surizator = smiling 64925. surizator (vesel) = joyful 64926. surizator (prietenos) = friendly 64927. surla = fife 64928. surla (trompeta) = trumpet; with much ado/puffing 64929. surmena = to overwork; to work too hard 64930. surmena = to overwork oneself; to work too hard; to over-exert oneself; to work oneself to death 64931. surmenaj = overworking; over-exertion 64932. surmenare = overworking; oover-exertion 64933. surogat = substitute; succedaneum 64934. surogat (imitatie) = counterfeit 64935. surogat (imitatie) = imitation 64936. surpa = to crumble; to make fall 64937. surpa = to annihilate; to ruin 64938. surpa (a submina) = to undermine 64939. surpa (a submina) = to sap 64940. surpa = to fall (in); to crumble; to cave in; to slide 64941. surpa (a se imbolnavi de hernie) = to be ruptured 64942. surpare = crumbling; v. surpa; earth fall; landslide 64943. surpat = crumbled; caved/fallen in; tumbledown 64944. surpat (bolnav de hernie) = hernial 64945. surpatura = crumbling; v. surpa; landslide; ruin (s) 64946. surpatura (hernie) (hernie) = rupture 64947. surpatura (hernie) = hernia 64948. surplomba = overhang; beetle; bulge 64949. surplus = surplus; excess; overplus 64950. surprinde = to surprise; to catch unawares 64951. surprinde (d. noapte) = to overtake 64952. surprinde (a prinde) = to catch 64953. surprinde (o conversatie) = to overhear 64954. surprinde (o scrisoare, o privire) = to intercept 64955. surprinde (a descoperi) = to detect 64956. surprinde (a gasi) = to find 64957. surprinde (a sesiza) = to grasp 64958. surprinde (a mira) = to astonish 64959. surprinde (a mira) = to surprise 64960. surprinde = to find/catch oneself; I don't wonder at it; I am not surprised/astonished; I should not be surprised if.. 64961. surprindere = surprise; astonishment; surprised (ly); by surprise; much to my surprise; to my utter astonishment 64962. surprinzator = surprising; astonishing 64963. surprinzator = wonderfully; astonishingly; surprisingly..; exceedingly.. 64964. surpriza = surprise; astonishment 64965. surpriza (cadou) = surprise 64966. surpriza (cadou) = (unexpected) present 64967. sursa = source; current source; light source; on good authority 64968. surtuc = coat; jacket 64969. surtucar = intellectual 64970. surugiu = postillion 64971. surugiu (vizitiu) = coachman 64972. surveni = to supervene; to happen; to crop up 64973. surzeala = deafness 64974. surzenie = deafness 64975. surzi = to become/grow deaf 64976. surzi = to deafen 64977. surzire = deafening 64978. surzire (surzenie) = deafness 64979. sus = high (up); up 64980. sus (deasupra) = above 64981. sus (in virf) = on top 64982. sus = up!; upside down; in a mess; head over heels; upstream; keep up your courage!; hands up!; loudly; the third line from 64983. sus-citat = above-quoted 64984. sus-mentionat = above-mentioned 64985. sus-numit = above-named; above-mentioned64986. sus-pus = highly-placed 64987. susai = sow/swine thistle (Sonchus) 64988. susan = teel (Sesamum orientale) 64989. susceptibil = susceptible; liable to..; capable of.. 64990. susceptibilitate = susceptibility; sensitiveness; irritability 64991. suscita = to cause 64992. suscita (a stirni) = to arouse 64993. suseta = baby's dummy 64994. suspect = suspicious; doubtful 64995. suspect = suspiciously 64996. suspect = suspect 64997. suspecta (de) = to suspect (of) 64998. suspenda = to hang up; to suspend 64999. suspenda (a amina) (a amina) = to defer 65000. suspenda = to suspend 65001. suspenda (a opri) = to stop 65002. suspenda (plati) = to suspend 65003. suspenda (plati) = to stop 65004. suspenda (un functionar) = to suspend 65005. suspenda = to be hung up 65006. suspense = suspense; thrilling; based on suspense 65007. suspensie = suspension; suspension periods/points; points of suspension; the question is not (yet) settled/is outstanding 65008. suspensiv = suspensive 65009. suspensor = suspensory (ligament) 65010. suspensor = jock (strap) 65011. suspiciune = suspicion 65012. suspin = sigh 65013. suspina = to sigh 65014. suspina (a plinge cu suspine) = to sob (one's heart out) 65015. suspinare = sighing 65016. suspinare (suspin) = sigh 65017. suspinatul = number one; same here 65018. sustentatie = sustentation 65019. sustentatie = lift 65020. sustrage = to purloin; to take away 65021. sustrage (a fura) = to steal 65022. sustrage = to avoid/elude smth.; to avoid..; to elude..; to shirk.. 65023. sustragere = purloining; v. sustrage 65024. sustragere (furt) = theft 65025. sustinator = sustaining; upholding 65026. sustinator = upholder; sustainer; supporter; backer 65027. sustinator (al unei teze) = maintainer 65028. sustinator (al familiei) = breadwinner 65029. sustine = to support 65030. sustine (candidatura, parere) = to back (up) 65031. sustine (candidatura, parere) = to second 65032. sustine (candidatura, parere) = to endorse 65033. sustine (moraliceste) = to encourage 65034. sustine (moraliceste) = to countenance 65035. sustine (o rezolutie) = to second 65036. sustine (a apara) = to defend 65037. sustine (o teza) = to maintain 65038. sustine (o conversatie) = to keep up 65039. sustine (o conversatie) = to keep the ball rolling 65040. sustine (a mentine) = to maintain 65041. sustine (tehn.) = to bear 65042. sustine (tehn.) = to support 65043. sustine (a afirma) = to affirm 65044. sustine (a afirma) = to maintain 65045. sustine (a afirma) = to assert 65046. sustine (intr-o discutie) = to contend 65047. sustine (a pretinde) = to allege 65048. sustine = to be supported; to support/maintain oneself; to state the case for..; to uphoold a cause; to give lip service to smth. 65049. sustinere = supporting; v. sustine 65050. sustinere (sprijin) = support 65051. sustinut = sustained 65052. sustinut (d. eforturi) = constant 65053. sustinut (d. eforturi) = unceasing 65054. sustinut (d. eforturi) = permanent 65055. sustinut (d. interes) = unfailing 65056. sustinut (d. interes) = unflagging 65057. sustinut (d. atentie) = unremitting65058. sustinut = constantly; unceasingly; unfailingly 65059. susur = murmur; purl; babble; ripple 65060. susur (fosnet) = rustle 65061. susura = to murmur; to purl; to babble; to ripple 65062. susura (a fosni) = to rustle 65063. sutana = soutane 65064. sutar = hundred-lei note 65065. sutas = centurion 65066. sutasa = to braid 65067. suta = hundred; a hundred per cent; one hundred and seven; per cent 65068. sutalea = the hundredth 65069. sutien = bust bodice/supporter; bra (ssiere) 65070. sutura = join 65071. suveica = shuttle 65072. suvenir = keepsake; souvenir 65073. suveran = sovereign 65074. suveranitate = sovereignty 65075. suzeran = suzerain 65076. suzeranitate = suzerainty 65077. svastica = swastika; fylfot 65078. svastica (hitlerista, si) = haken-kreuz 65079. sveter = sweater 65080. sving = swing 65081. sa = saddle; to ride smb.; to unsaddle.. 65082. sablon (model) = stencil 65083. sablon = commonplace 65084. sablon = indiscriminate; humdrum; pat; trite expression; cut and dried; in a hackneyed/commonplace fashion; unimaginatively; mechanically 65085. sacal = golden wolf (Canis aureus) 65086. saga = v. gluma 65087. sagrin = shagreen 65088. sah = shah 65089. sah = chess 65090. sah = check (!); checkmate (!); in check; game of chess; to check the king; to play chess; to hold smb. in check; to keep smb. at bay 65091. sahar-mahar = v. a umbla cu smecherii 65092. sahist = chess player 65093. saiba (rondela) (rondela) = washer 65094. saiba (roata) = sheave 65095. saisprezece = sixteen 65096. saisprezecelea = the sixteenth 65097. saizecelea = the sixtieth 65098. saizeci = sixty; three score 65099. sal = shawl 65100. sal (fular) = comforter 65101. saland = scow 65102. salau = zander (Lucioperca sandra) 65103. sale = small of the back 65104. saltar = switch 65105. salupa (cu motor) = motorboat 65106. salvari = shalwars; shulwaurs; sharovaries 65107. sambelan = chamberlain 65108. samota = chamotte; fire clay 65109. sampanie = champagne; fiz (z) 65110. sampaniza = to aerate; to give sparkle to; to prepare champagne from 65111. sampaniza = to be aerated etc. v. ~ 65112. sampon = shampoo 65113. sampona = to shampoo 65114. san = last; boot/shoe tree 65115. sancru = chancre; chancroid 65116. sandrama (baraca) = booth; ramshackle/tumbledown building 65117. sanjant = shotsilk 65118. sansa = chance 65119. sansa (noroc) = luck; the last chance/cast; to have/get a good hand; to be ahead 65120. sansoneta = (music-hall) song; chansonnette 65121. santagist = blackmailer 65122. santaj = blackmail 65123. santaja = to blackmail 65124. santeza = chanteuse 65125. santier = building/construction site; stope; working place; building site; shipyard; yard; on the building site; in hand, on the stocks 65126. sant = ditch 65127. sant (de cetate) odin. = fosse65128. sant (de cetate) odin. = moat 65129. sant = trench 65130. sant (renura) = groove; (anti-)tank ditch 65131. sapca = (peaked) cap 65132. sapirograf = mimeograph; transfer (r)otype 65133. sapirografia = to mimeograph; to transfer; transfer paper 65134. sapte = seven; finger fern (Comarum palustre); to drink heavily; to be making M`s and T`s; to have been boozing too much 65135. saptelea = the seventh 65136. saptesprezece = seventeen 65137. saptesprezecelea = the seventeenth 65138. saptezeci = seventy 65139. saptezecilea = the seventieth 65140. sarada = charade 65141. sarampoi = stake 65142. sareta = gig 65143. sarg = dun; light bay 65144. sariaj = drifting (of alluvial deposits) 65145. sarja = to exaggerate 65146. sarjateatru = to overdo/guy a part 65147. sarja = to charge 65148. sarja (caricatura) = caricature 65149. sarlatan = quack; charlatan 65150. sarlatan (impostor) = impostor 65151. sarlatan (impostor) = humbug; quack 65152. sarlatanie = quackery; charlatanry; flam; imposture 65153. sarlota = charlotte 65154. sarpanta = framework 65155. sarpe = serpent; v. crotal; v. cobra; venomous/poisonous snake/serpent; to warm a serpent; to take a snake to one`s bosom; to nourish a viper in 65156. sart = slap!; due; proper; adequate; duly; properly; adequately; according to custom 65157. sase = six 65158. sase = nix!; jiggers! 65159. saselea = the sixth 65160. sasesprezece = v. saisprezece 65161. sasiu = frame 65162. saten (d. par) = (chestnut-)brown 65163. saten (d. oameni) = brown-haired 65164. satra (cort) = (Gipsy) tent 65165. satra (tabara) = Gipsy camp 65166. satra (baraca) = booth 65167. sagalnic = playful; jocular 65168. sagalnic (comic) = funny 65169. sagalnic = playfully etc. 65170. satrar = wandering/nomadic Gipsy 65171. schioapa = short span; a span broad; a span long etc.; little tiny/wee.. 65172. schiop = lame; limping; halt 65173. schiop (d. versuri) = halting 65174. schiop = lame man sau boy; he is lame of/in his left leg 65175. schiopa = to become lame; v. schiopata 65176. schiopata = to limp; to halt; to dot and go one; to be lame; to walk lamely 65177. schiopata (d. versuri) (d. versuri) = to be halting 65178. schiopata (d. versuri) = to halt; there is a hitch somewhere; there is a but in it 65179. scoala = school 65180. scoala (cladire) = school (house) 65181. scoala (invatatura) = schooling 65182. scoala (invatatura) = training 65183. scoala (invatatura) = tuition 65184. scoala (elevii) = school 65185. scoala (elevii) = scholars 65186. scoala (filozofica etc.) = school; the romantic school; the school of life/adversity; commercial school; denominational school; reform school; reformatory; remand home; to obey..; < (a asculta de)>to listen to..; < (a avea parte de)>to enjoy..; who knows?; to strive for..; < (a nazui la..)>to aspire to..; not a living creature/soul was to be seen in the street; < (nici) ~ de om nu se vedea pe strada>there wasn't the shadow of a ghost in the street 69628. tipirig = v. pipirig; v. amoniac 69629. tipla = gold-beater' (s) skin 69630. tipla (basica de bou) = ox bladder; cellophane paper; celluloid 69631. tist = hush!; sh!; mum!; (w)hist! 69632. titera = cithern 69633. titei = crude/rock oil 69634. tiui (d. vint) = to whiz 69635. tiui (d. vint) = to whistle 69636. tiui (d. proiectile) = to whiz 69637. tiui (d. proiectile) = to ping 69638. tiui (d. urechi) = to tingle; my ears tingle; I have a singing/buzzing in my ears 69639. tiuit = whiz (zing); tingle etc v. Tiui 69640. tiuitor = whizzing etc. v. Tiui 69641. tiuitura = whiz etc. v. Tiui 69642. tivlitoare = decoy/bird whistle; bird call 69643. tifna (la gaini) = pip 69644. tifna (ifose) = airs 69645. tifna (dispozitie) = mood 69646. tifna (dispozitie) = frame of mind; to get one's monkey up; to fly off the handle 69647. tifnos = haughty; arrogant 69648. tifnos (irascibil) = peppery 69649. tifnos (irascibil) = tesy 69650. tifnos (irascibil) = hot-/quick-tempered 69651. tifnos (irascibil) = petulant 69652. tifnos (irascibil) = peevish 69653. timburuc = v. tumburus 69654. tinc = chit; tot; brat; dandiprat; v. catelul pamintului 69655. tintar = mosquito (Phlebotomus pappatasi); v. anofel; to make a mountain (out) of a mole hill 69656. tir = (small) dried herring; (as) thin as a lath; (as) lean as a rake 69657. tira = a (little) bit; not the least bit; wait a mo'/sec; that's a bit too strong/thick 69658. tircovnic = verger; sexton 69659. tirii (a picura) = to drip 69660. tirii (a picura) = to trickle 69661. tirii (a picura) = to fall (down) 69662. tirii (a ploua marunt) = to drizzle 69663. tirii (d. pasari, greieri) = to chirp 69664. tirii (d. sonerie) = to ring 69665. tirii = to let trickle; to let fall in drops; to instil (l) 69666. tiriit = dripping etc v. tirii; chirp 69667. tiriita = little by little; gradually; < (din cind in cind)>now and then; < (cite putin)>bit by bit; < (cite un strop)>drop by drop 69668. tiriitura = v. tiriit 69669. tisni = to gush (out); to spout; to bubble forth; to well/spring forth 69670. tisni (a se elibera) = to break loose 69671. tisni (a sari dintr-un loc) = to spring out 69672. tisni (a se ivi brusc) = (suddenly) to spring up 69673. tisni (a se ivi brusc) = to pop up; blood gushed from his wound 69674. tisnitura = gush; spring; leap; jet of water 69675. tist = hist!; hush!; sh!; silence! 69676. tita = breast 69677. tita (uger) = teat 69678. tita (uger) = udder 69679. tita (uger) = dug; v. ciubotica cucului; foxglove (Digitalis); suckling babe; infant at the breast; nipple; papilla; to suckle a baby; to give the breast to a baby/c 69680. titii (de frica) = to quiver/tremble with fear 69681. titii (d. greier) = to chirp 69682. titii (de bucurie) = to frisk (about) 69683. titiit = quivering etc. v. TITIi69684. titina = (door) hinge; to get smb.'s monkey/dander/Irish up; to drive smb. mad; to get upon smb.'s nerves; to unhinge a door; 69685. toala (haina) (haina) = article of clothing/dress 69686. toala = toggery 69687. toala (covor) = carpet 69688. toapa (d. un barbat) = cad 69689. toapa (d. un barbat) = rough 69690. toapa (d. un barbat) = clodhopper 69691. toapa (d. un barbat) = chaw-bacon 69692. toapa (d. un barbat) = yokel 69693. toapa (d. o femeie) = dowdy 69694. toapa (d. o femeie) = frump 69695. toapa (d. o femeie) = slut 69696. toc = smack! 69697. tocai = to smack; to give smb. a smacking kiss; to bill; to peck 69698. toi = v. scortar 69699. toi = long-necked/bottle-shaped glass 69700. tol = inch 69701. top = hop!; jump!; go! 69702. topai (a dansa) = to hop 69703. topai (a dansa) = to toe and heel it 69704. topai (a dansa) = to dance 69705. topai (a salta) = to hop 69706. topai (a salta) = to skip 69707. topai (a salta) = to jump 69708. topaiala = hopping etc. v. TopAi 69709. topait = hopping etc. v. TopAi 69710. topirlan = v. toapa 69711. tucal = chamber pot; pot 69712. tucara (fasole ~) = French bean, scarlet runner 69713. tucsui = to booze; to guzzle 69714. tugui (pisc conic) = conical (mountain) peak 69715. tugui (virf) = top 69716. tugui (virf) = peak 69717. tugui (con) = cone 69718. tuguia = to taper 69719. tuguia (buzele) = to purse (up) 69720. tuguia = to taper 69721. tuguia (d. buze) = to purse (up) 69722. tuguiat = tapering; conic; like a sugar loaf 69723. tuhaus (inchisoare) (inchisoare) = quod 69724. tuhaus (inchisoare) (inchisoare) = limbo 69725. tuhaus (inchisoare) (inchisoare) = cooler 69726. tuhaus (inchisoare) = sneezer; to pick oakum; to be put in qoud/jug 69727. tuicar = (plum-brandy) distiller 69728. tuica = plum brandy 69729. tumburus = salience; protuberance 69730. turcan (d. oi) = tzurcana, ..with long wool 69731. turcan (d. lina) = long-stapled 69732. turcana = tzurcana sheep; (tzurcana) lambskin cap/bonnet 69733. turca = tipcat; tip cheese; v. turcana 69734. turcanesc = v. turcan 69735. turloi = tibia 69736. turloi (picior) = pin 69737. turloi (picior) = hook 69738. turloi (picior) = peg 69739. turloi (picior) = leg 69740. turloi (canal) = gully 69741. turloi (canal) = sewer 69742. turtur (e) = icicle 69743. tutuia = to v. cocoTa 69744. tutuian = Transylvanian shepherd 69745. U= 69746. ubicuitate = ubiquity; omnipresence 69747. ucaz = ukase; decree of the Czar 69748. ucaz = ukase 69749. ucenic (la un mester) = apprentice 69750. ucenic (novice) = novice 69751. ucenic (novice) = beginner 69752. ucenic (novice) = tyro 69753. ucenic (elev) (elev) = pupil 69754. ucenic (elev) (elev) = scholar 69755. ucenic (apostol) (apostol) = apostle69756. ucenic (discipol) = disciple; to be apprenticed (to a trade); to be bound apprentice (to a trade); to be indentured/articled 69757. ucenicie (la un mester) = term of apprenticeship 69758. ucenicie (la un mester) = prenticehood 69759. ucenicie (la un mester) = (term of) articles 69760. ucenicie (la un mester) = time 69761. ucenicie (instruire) = instruction 69762. ucenicie (noviciat) = novitiate 69763. ucenicie (noviciat) = probationership; to serve one's apprenticeship (to smth.); to be apprenticed; to be bound apprentice; I am not articled yet; to bind apprentice (to); to examine; there he goes!; to resort to..; < (a incerca)>to try..; < (a incerca)>to attempt..; < (a avea de gind sa)>to intend..; to 70027. umblat (calatorit) = having travelled much 70028. umblat (frecventat) = (much) frequented70029. umblat = walking etc. v. umbla; (much) frequented thoroughfare; well-worn road; beaten path; a grat traveller; a widely travelled man 70030. umblator (pe jos) = walking 70031. umblator (ratacitor) = wandering 70032. umblator (mobil) = mobile; bridge of boats; floating/pontoon bridge 70033. umblatura = v. umblet; v.umblet 70034. umblet (plimbare) = walk 70035. umblet (plimbare) = stroll 70036. umblet (mod de a umbla al oamenilor) = gait 70037. umblet (pas) = step 70038. umblet (pas) = pace 70039. umblet (al calului) = carriage 70040. umblet (al calului) = bearing 70041. umblet (alergatura) = much running (about) 70042. umblet (miscare) = movement 70043. umblet (miscare) = motion 70044. umblet (miscare) = action 70045. umblet (miscare) = play of a machine; walking etc. v. umbla 70046. umbrar = arbour; bower 70047. umbrar (construit) = summer house 70048. umbrar (acoperis de frunze) = leafy roof 70049. umbrar (acoperis de frunze) = canopy of leaves 70050. umbratic = shady; umbrageous 70051. umbra (placuta sau racoritoare) = shade 70052. umbra (a cuiva) = shadow 70053. umbra (intuneric) = dark (ness) 70054. umbra (intuneric) = gloom 70055. umbra (noapte) = night 70056. umbra (inchisoare) (inchisoare) = jail 70057. umbra (inchisoare) (inchisoare) = gaol 70058. umbra (inchisoare) (inchisoare) = quod 70059. umbra (urma, nuanta) = shade 70060. umbra (fantoma) = shadow; to cast a shadow upon a thing; to loaf about; to be good for nothing; to eclipse; to put in the shade; to put in the shade; not at all!; < (da') de ~!>not in the least!; < (da') de ~!>nothing of the kind!; < (da') de ~!>catch me!; < (da') de ~!>not by a long chalk!; < (da') de ~!>not half; < (da') de ~!>it is not the case; whence; barren land; dead tree; parched soil; arid zone; land forces; by water/sea and by l 70738. uscacios = rather dry; v. uscativ 70739. uscaciune = dryness 70740. uscaciune (ariditate) = aridity 70741. uscaciune (ariditate) = aridness 70742. uscaciune (seceta) = drought 70743. uscator = drier; drying device/apparatus 70744. uscatorie = drying room 70745. uscaturi = dry wood; v. vreascuri; v. mezeluri; v. minciuna 70746. uscatele = v. vreascuri 70747. uscativ = lean (and lanky) 70748. uscior = v. usor 70749. ustensile = utensils; tools; implements 70750. ustura (a arde) = to burn 70751. ustura (a minca) = to itch; to smart 70752. ustura = to bite; my eyes smart 70753. usturator (d. durere) = smarting 70754. usturator (d. durere) = burning 70755. usturator (d.durere) = burning 70756. usturator (d. caldura) = scorching 70757. usturator = itchy 70758. usturator (sarcastic) = sarcastic 70759. usturator (amar) (amar) = bitter 70760. usturator (arzator) = burning 70761. usturatura = v. usturime 70762. usturatura (arsura) = burning 70763. usturime (durere usturatoare) = smarting (pain) 70764. usturoi = garlic (Allium satvum) 70765. usturoita = Jack-by-the-hedge (Alliaria 70766. usuc (in lina oilor) = wool oil 70767. usa = door 70768. usa (deschizatura) = doorway 70769. usa = gate; swing door; double door; house door; house door; sliding door; room door; folding door; doubleway door; panel door; blind door; to clank, to clink, to rattle; < (d pahare)>to jingle 72908. zanganit = clanking etc. v. zangani; clash (ing) of arms; clanking of chains; jingling of glasses 72909. zanganitor = clanging etc. v. zangani 72910. zanoaga (vale intre munti) = high valley 72911. zanoaga (poiana) = (forest) glade 72912. zapada = snow 72913. zapada = masses of snow; (Little) Snow-white; snow-white; (as) white as (the driven) snow; snowball; snowy; like snow; niveous; fall of snow; snowfall; f 72914. zapaceala (agitatie) = flurry 72915. zapaceala (incurcatura) = entanglement 72916. zapaceala (dezordine) = confusion 72917. zapaceala (dezordine) = disorder 72918. zapaceala (a mintii) = bewilderment 72919. zapaceala (a mintii) = perplexity 72920. zapaceala (a mintii) = distraction 72921. zapaci = to become flustered; to lose one's head; to lose one's presence of mind; to be all adrift; to be at a loss 72922. zapaci = to flurry; to perplex; to confuse; to puzzle; to disconcert; to bewilder 72923. zapacit = thoughtless; scatter-brained; hare-brained; flighty 72924. zapacit (iresponsabil) = reckless; rash; irresponsible 72925. zapacit (nebun) = crazy 72926. zapacit (ametit) = dizzy 72927. zapacit (ametit) = giddy 72928. zapacit (ametit) = headless72929. zapacit (ametit) = muddled 72930. zapacit = scatter-brains; muddle-headed/giddy fellow; are you out of your senses? 72931. zaplan = v. vlajgan 72932. zapor (puhoi) = torrent 72933. zapor (suvoi) = stream 72934. zapor (suvoi) = flow 72935. zapor (revarsare) = flood 72936. zapor (dezghet) = thaw 72937. zapus (e)ala = oppressive/intense/burning heat 72938. zapusi (d soare) = to burn (hot) 72939. zapusitor = stifling; burning 72940. zari (a apare) = to appear 72941. zari (a apare) = to make one's appearance 72942. zari (a apare) = to come to light 72943. zari (a apare) = to crop up 72944. zari (a deveni clar) = to become clear/evident 72945. zari (a deveni clar) = to become manifest 72946. zari (a deveni vizibil) = to become visible 72947. zari (a deveni vizibil) = to loom 72948. zari = to heave in sight; to make one's appearance 72949. zari (a vedea) = to view 72950. zari (a vedea) = to perceive 72951. zari (mai ales de la prima privire) = to espy 72952. zari (mai ales de la prima privire) = to discover 72953. zari (mai ales de la prima privire) = to catch sight of 72954. zari (mai ales de la prima privire) = to get a glimpse of 72955. zarimai ales mar = to descry 72956. zarimai ales mar = to sight 72957. zari (a observa) = to perceive 72958. zari (a observa) = to notice 72959. zari (a observa) = to observe 72960. zari (a-si da seama de) = to become aware of 72961. zari (a-si da seama de) = to realize 72962. zaticneala = disturbance; trouble; inconvenience; upset; intrusion 72963. zaticni = disturb; to disturb; to derange; to upset; to interrupt; to prevent; to check; to arrest 72964. zau (cu adevarat) = really 72965. zau (cu adevarat) = actually 72966. zau (cu adevarat) = truly 72967. zau (cu adevarat) = in fact 72968. zau (serios) = are you serious/in earnest? 72969. zau (serios?) = are you serious/in earnest? 72970. zau (serios?) = really? 72971. zau (serios?) = indeed? 72972. zau (serios?) = is that a fact? 72973. zau (serios?) = are you sure? 72974. zau (serios?) = is it true? 72975. zau (serios?) = do you actually mean it? 72976. zau (pe cuvint) = upon my word! 72977. zau (pe cuvint) = honour bright! 72978. zau (pe legea mea) = by/upon my faith! 72979. zau (pe legea mea) = by Heaven! 72980. zau (pe legea mea) = by Jove! 72981. zau (te conjur) = I beg/entreat you 72982. zau (ce zici!?) (ce zici!?) = really? 72983. zau (pe legea mea) = on my soul!; < (cu siguranta ca nu)>of course not!; what are you talking about?; indeed no!; no, certainly not!; I really/actually don't know whether.. 72984. zavod = butcher's dog; mastiff 72985. zavoi = riverside coppice 72986. zavor = bolt; (safely) locked up; to put up the bolt; to shoot the bolts; to bolt/bar the door; to unbolt 72987. zavori = to shut oneself up 72988. zavori = to (bar and) bolt up 72989. zavori = to close 72990. zavori (a ascunde) = to hide 72991. zavori (a ascunde) = to conceal; to shut oneself up; to shut oneself in a room 72992. zbanghiu = v. sasiu 72993. zbate = to struggle; (with one's hand and feet); to kick and strike about one; to toss/fling about 72994. zbate (cu picioarele) = to kick about 72995. zbate = to struggle 72996. zbate (a se zbuciuma) = to worry 72997. zbate (a se zbuciuma) = to fret (oneself) 72998. zbate (a se zvircoli) = to throw oneself about 72999. zbengui = to gambol; to frolic; to cut capers/ditoes; v. hirjoni 73000. zbenguiala = gambolling; frolicking73001. zbici = to dry 73002. zbici = to dry 73003. zbicit = dried 73004. zbiera = to bellow 73005. zbiera (d vaci) = to low, to moo 73006. zbiera (d magari) = to bray 73007. zbiera (d cineva) (la) = to bawl (at), to roar, to yell 73008. zbiera (d cineva) = to sing out 73009. zbierat = bellow (ing), moo (ing), bray (ing); baw (ing), roar (ing), yell (ing) 73010. zbilt = noose 73011. zbir = brute; tyrant 73012. zbir (asupritor) = oppressor, sbirro 73013. zbici = to form wrinkles 73014. zbirci = to wrinkle; to fail in, to miss 73015. zbirci = to pucker; to crumple; to get wrinkles; to grow wrinkled; to turn up one's nose; to turn up one's nose; you've failed 73016. zbirciog = morel 73017. zbircit = wrinkled etc. v. zbirci 73018. zbircitura = wrinkle 73019. zbirli (d par) = to bristle up 73020. zbirli (d par) = to stand on end 73021. zbirli (d pene, apa) = to ruffle 73022. zbirli (parul) = to tousle 73023. zbirli (apa) = to ripple 73024. zbirli (penele = apa)to ruffle 73025. zbirli = to get dishevelled 73026. zbirli (d par) = to get dishevelled 73027. zbirli = to fire/flare up, to fly out 73028. zbirlit = tousled; dishevelled 73029. zbirn = whirr!; whirr! 73030. zbirnii = to buzz; to hum; to whirr 73031. zbirniit = buzz (ing); whirr (ing); whirr (ing) 73032. zbirniitor = buzzing; humming 73033. zbirn = whirr! 73034. zbor = flight 73035. zbor (al pasarilor) = vol (it)ation; flying 73036. zbor (al soimului) = career 73037. zbor (avint) = soaring, flight 73038. zbor (planat) = gliding 73039. zbor (in inaltul cerului) = soar (ing) 73040. zbor (fuga) = run, race 73041. zbor (in inaltul cerului) = tower (ing); acrobatic flight; space flight; training flight; test/trial flight; night flight; non-stop flight; blind flying; to shout (at); < (a striga) (la)>to bellow (at); < (a striga) (la)>to raise one's voice (at); to fly at.., to be down upon..; to ruffle one's..; to bristle/ruffle one's.. 73043. zborsit (d oameni) = furious 73044. zborsit (d oameni) = in high dudgeon; v. zbirlit 73045. zborsit = furiously 73046. zbucium = agitation; nervousness, fret 73047. zbucium (neliniste) = anxiety, uneasiness 73048. zbucium (zbatere) = struggle 73049. zbucium (zbatere) = struggle, struggling 73050. zbuciuma = to be agitated/nervous; to fret; to be anxious/uneasy; to struggle 73051. zbuciumat = agitated; nervous; anxious; uneasy; struggling; tumultuous 73052. zbughi = hop! jump! go! flip! flop!; to scamper/scour away/off, to scuttle away 73053. zbura = to fly; to be on the wing; to wing it 73054. zbura (cu avionul) = to go by air 73055. zbura (a-si) lua zborul = to take one's flight 73056. zbura (in aer) = to sail 73057. zbura (planat) = to soar, to tower 73058. zbura (f repede) = to dart through the air 73059. zbura (a se misca repede) = to move rapidly 73060. zbura (a se misca repede) = to pass swiftly 73061. zbura (a se misca repede) = to sweep, to dash, to shoot 73062. zbura (ca o sageata) = to dart, to flit 73063. zbura (a se pierde) = to be lost/gone 73064. zbura (a trece repede) = to fly (away) 73065. zbura (a pleca) = to fly, to flee 73066. zbura (a reteza) = to cut off; to be blown up; to explode; to run to help smb.; to hasten to smb.'s aid; he knocked him under the table; to fly round/about, to 73067. zburat = flown away; curd, curdled milk 73068. zburataci (d zburatoare) = to take wing73069. 73070. 73071. 73072. 73073. 73074. 73075. 73076. 73077. 73078. 73079. 73080. 73081. 73082. 73083. 73084. 73085. 73086. 73087. 73088. 73089. 73090. 73091. 73092. 73093. 73094. 73095. 73096. 73097. 73098. 73099. 73100. 73101. 73102. 73103. 73104. 73105. 73106. 73107. 73108. 73109. 73110. 73111. 73112. 73113. 73114. 73115. 73116. 73117. 73118. 73119. 73120. 73121. 73122. 73123. 73124. 73125. 73126. 73127. 73128. 73129. 73130. 73131. 73132. 73133. 73134. 73135. 73136. 73137. 73138. 73139. 73140. 73141. 73142.zburataci (d zburatoare) = to take one's flight zburataci (d copii) = to grow up zburataci = to cast/fling smth. at zburatoare = (flying) bird zburatoare = french willow, fireweed zburator = flying zburator (inaripat) = winged zburator = fore-top gallant sail zburatura = splinter; chunk (of wood, stone etc.); stone's throw; chop (of wood); at a stone's throw zburda = to sport; to romp; to gambol; to frolic; to frisk (about) zburdalnic = sportive; frolicsome; frisky zburdalnic (jucaus) = playful zburda = sporting; gambolling; frolic; frisking zburda (joaca) = play zburdalnicie = sporting; sportiveness; playfulness zburdalnicie = v. nebunie zburdatura = skip; jump zdranc = crash! smash! zdravan (voinic) = sturdy zdravan (voinic) = vigorous zdravan (voinic) = sinewy zdravan (sanatos) = healthy zdravan (intreg) = whole zdravan (la minte) = sane zdravan (strasnic) = mighty zdravan (strasnic) = terrible zdravan = mightily; awfully; terribly; are you crazy? are you out of your senses?; to drink heavily zdrangani = to rattle zdrangani (la = din)to thrum; to jingle; to rattle the sabre zdranganit = rattling etc. v. zdrangani zdreanta = rag, tatter zdreanta = backboneless/spineless creature; < (imbracat) in zdrente>in rags (and tatters), ragged zdreli = to scratch/graze oneself zdreli = to scratch; to gall zdrelitura = scratch, gall zdrentaros = ragged; in rags/tatters zdrentaros = ragged fellow; ragamuffin zdrentui = to be frayed/torn; to be worn out zdrentuit = frayed; torn; worn out; in tatters; v. zdrentaros zdrobi = to be crushed etc. v. ~ vb tr zdrobi = to crush zdrobi (ceva moale, si) = to squash zdrobi (a sfarima) = to break (to pieces) zdrobi = to crush zdrobi (a invinge) = to defeat zdrobi (a invinge) = to overwhelm zdrobi (a distruge) = to destroy zdrobit = crushed zdrobit (sleit) = tired/worn/fagged out zdrobit (sleit) = done/knocked up zdrobit (sleit) = exhausted zdrobit (de durere) = overwhelmed with grief zdrobitor (d o infringere etc.) = crushing zdrobitor (d majoritate) = overwhelming zdrumica = v. dumica; v. zdrobi zdruncin = shaking; jolting zdruncin = comotion zdruncin (soc) = shock zdruncina = to jolt zdruncina = to be shaken etc. zdruncina = to shake zdruncina (a submina) = to undermine zdruncina (a slabi) = to weaken zdruncinator (d trasuri) = jolty zdruncinatura = jolt zdup = bump! smash! flop! bang! thud!; thump! zdup = rogue house; limbo quod; jug zdupai = to tread heavily; to trample zeama (bulion) = meat zeama (de fructe) = juice zeama (supa) = soup zeama (bulion) = gravy/broth zeama (singe) = blood zeama (sos) = gravy73143. zeama (de carne de vita) = beef tea 73144. zeama (sos) = sauce 73145. zeama (de carne de vita) = bovoil 73146. zeama (seva) = sap 73147. zeama (a carnii) = juice of meat 73148. zeama~ de lamiie = lemon juice; meat, gravy/broth; beef tea, bovoil; < (a carnii)>juice of meat; lemon juice; tomato juice; grape juice; cabbage pickle; skilly; paragraph, item; newspape 73320. ziarist = journalist; newspaperman; pressman; newsman; writer for the press/newspapers 73321. ziarist (reporter) = reporter 73322. ziarist (corespondent) = correspondent 73323. ziaristica = journalism 73324. zibelina = sable 73325. zibelina (blana de ~) = sable fur 73326. zibelina (ca haina) = sable cloak/cape 73327. zibeta = civet cat 73328. zicala = proverb (ial saying); saying; (old) adage; saw; household word; maxim; < (dupa) cum e zicala>as the old adage has it, as the saying is/goes 73329. zicatoare = v. zicala 73330. zice = to say; to tell 73331. zice (a declara) = to declare 73332. zice (a afirma) = to affirm 73333. zice (a recita) = to recite 73334. zice (a citi) = to read 73335. zice (a socoti) = to think 73336. zice (a socoti) = to say 73337. zice (a socoty) = to say 73338. zice (a cinta) = to sing 73339. zice (dintr-un instrument) = to play 73340. zice = to say 73341. zice (din vioara) = to play (on) the violin; to be called/named; in a manner (of speaking); so to speak; so to speak; that's only his way of speaking, he does not mean it; now that's a wise word! right you ar 73342. zid = barrier, wall 73343. zid = barrier, wall; wall; brick wall; dead wall; stone wall; the Great Wall; to wall in 73344. zidar = (brick) mason; builder 73345. zidar (tencuitor) = plasterer 73346. zidarie (ca meserie) = masonry; bricklayer's trade; builder's/building trade 73347. zidarie (ca lucru) = brick laying; brick (layer's) work; brick-and-mortar (work) 73348. zidarie (ca masa de material) = masonry (work) 73349. zidarie (ca masa de material) = brickwork73350. zidarit = v. zidarie 73351. zidi (a cladi) = to build (up) 73352. zidi (a cladi) = to construct 73353. zidi (a ridica) = to erect 73354. zidi (a ridica) = to raise (up) 73355. zidi (a imprejmui cu zid) = to wall in 73356. zidi (a crea) (a crea) = to create 73357. zidi (a inchide) = to inmure 73358. zidire = building etc. v. zidi 73359. zidire (concret) = building, construction 73360. zidit = built etc. v. zidi 73361. zidit = v. zidire; well built 73362. ziditor (constructor) = builder, constructor 73363. ziditor (fondator) = founder 73364. ziditor (creator) = creator, maker 73365. zigomatic = zygomatic 73366. zigoma = cheek/yoke bone, zygoma 73367. zigzag = crinkum-crankum; zigzag (line); (in) zigzag; to steer a zigzag course, to tack about; the road runs zigzag 73368. zil (i)er = day-labourer; day worker 73369. zilnic = daily; everyday 73370. zimaza = zymase 73371. zimbru = aurochs 73372. zimina = zymin 73373. zimologie = zymology 73374. zimt (de ferastrau) = tooth, dent 73375. zimt (de roata) = cog (of a wheel) 73376. zimt (ai unei monezi) = milled edge; milled 73377. zimta = v. zimtui 73378. zimtar = punch (eon) 73379. zimtat = toothed 73380. zimtat (d monezi) = milled 73381. zimtat = dentate (d), serrate (d) 73382. zimtat (ca ferastraul) = dentate-serrate 73383. zimtat (cu creneluri) = crenel (l)ated, embattled 73384. zimtat (crestat) = notched, indented, jagged 73385. zimtat (d roti) = cogged 73386. zimtat = denticulate (d) 73387. zimtui = to jag; to notch 73388. zinc = zinc; hard zinc; zinc-covered; zinc plate; zincograph, zincotype 73389. zinca = to zincify; to zinc 73390. zincat = zinc (k)ed; zincified; zinc-coated 73391. zincofotografie = zincophotography 73392. zincograf = zincographer 73393. zincografia = to zincograph 73394. zincografic = zincographic (al) 73395. zincografie = zincography 73396. zincogravura = zinc engraving 73397. zincui = to zinc; to zincify 73398. zirconiu (m) = zirconium 73399. zis (numit) = named, called 73400. zis (poreclit) = nick-named; so-called.., would-be.. 73401. zisa (vorba) = word 73402. zisa (vorbe) = words 73403. zisa (zicala) = saying 73404. ziua = v. zi 73405. ziulica = all day long 73406. zizanie = ray grass 73407. zimbaret = smiling 73408. zimbet = smile 73409. zimbet (afectat) = smirk, simper 73410. zimbet (dispretuitor) = sneer 73411. zimbet (larg) = grin 73412. zimbi = to smile; to give a wry/forced smile 73413. zimbitor = smiling 73414. zimbitor = with a smile 73415. zimbre = flaps; his mouth watered 73416. zina = fairy 73417. zina = fay 73418. zina (zeita) = goddess 73419. zina = fairy 73420. zing = clank! 73421. zirna = black nightshade 73422. zizanie = discord73423. zizanie (cearta) = quarell; to cast a bone between..; to set people by the ears; to breed discord/dissension; to sow the seeds of discord/dissension/strife 73424. zizii = v. bizii; v.bizii 73425. zlatar = v. aurar 73426. zloata = v. sloata 73427. zlot (polonez) = zloty 73428. zmeesc = dragon's.., dragon.. 73429. zmeoaica (in basme) = dragon's mother 73430. zmeoaica (in basme) = dragon's wife 73431. zmeoaica (in basme) = dragon's sister; fiery mare 73432. zmeu (balaur) = dragon 73433. zmeu (d cineva) (d cineva) = thunderbolt 73434. zmeu (cal aprig) = fiery horse 73435. zmeu = kite; to fly a kite 73436. zmeur = raspberry 73437. zmeur = hindberry 73438. zmeura = raspberry 73439. zmeura = raspberries 73440. zmeuris = raspberry bushes 73441. zmeuriste = raspberry bushes 73442. zoaie (apa cu sapun) = soap suds, soapy water 73443. zoaie (laturi) = dish water 73444. zoaie (laturi) = slops, hog wash 73445. zoana = chaff, huff 73446. zob (ovaz) (ovaz) = oats 73447. zob (aschii) = chips; to crush; to break up 73448. zobi (a farimita) = to crumb 73449. zobi (a zdrobi) = to crush 73450. zodiac = zodiac; the signs of the zodiac 73451. zodiacal = zodiacal 73452. zodie (semn) = sign of the zodiac 73453. zodie (constelatie) = zodiacal constellation 73454. zodie = fate, star; the Ram; the Twins; under the sign of..; he is a lucky dog, everything turns up trumps with him 73455. zodier = astrologer 73456. zoios (murdar) = dirty, greasy 73457. zonal = zone.. 73458. zonare = division into zones 73459. zona (regiune) = area, region 73460. zona = zone; the dollar area/zone; lb. sterling area; evacuation zone; atom-free zone; war zone; frigid zone; neutral zone; temperate zone;